Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Apples and oranges.
The right to bear arms is specifically laid out in the Constitution. There is no “right to kill unborn child” in the Constituiom.
Not really. Gun violence is now the number one killer of children and teens.

Except for that pesky Constitution thingy that you so conveniently ignore in your rush to dismiss anything you don't like.

It continues to amaze me that some people will hysterically defend the "Constitutional right" of something that appears nowhere in the Constitution, but then turn around and demand that something that ACTUALLY APPEARS IN THE CONSTITUTION be done away with.

The Constitution also states:

IX. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
IX. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

You know what you just did? Construed the enumeration of that selfsame constitution in an attempt to deny or disparage the rights held by other people.

And while we're on the topic of abortion, the constitution does not enumerate such a right. The Roe court gave a right to people that the constitution did not enumerate. Therefore, Roe was unconstitutionally decided.
I find the irony between celebrating Mother's Day and the hysteria over overturning Roe vs. Wade mind boggling.

CNN starts every "newscast" with a warm Happy Mother's Day to all Moms, then they dig into their lead story driving home their narrative that 66% of Americans believe that women have the right to terminate pregnancies.

Men and women have the right and responsibility to use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies. You don't have to kill the child.

Happy Mother's Day!
What part of CHOICE don't you get?
Yes, criminals are the number one killer of children and teens. The guns do nothing when they're sitting on the table, as the killers plot their next murder.
It is all about rights. And just because they aren’t enumerated doesn’t mean you can take them away.

Coyote so prove me wrong.

And no, the 14th Amendment doesn't apply, nor does Title IX.
Where in your flawed interpretation of the Constitution does it say you can create rights it doesn't specify?

If I told you the 10th Amendment was the remedy for that, would you still be protesting?

The constitution did not give the federal government the power to regulate abortion, as I said last Monday in this thread. What powers aren't granted to government fall to the states.

Why is it acceptable for a state to pass laws allowing the right to abortion but not for one to restrict them?

Why can't states do what they like on the issue? Fear perhaps?
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I just heard, "Why can't these damned broads shut up and do as I want? Do they think they're people, or something?"

See an audiologist and a're hearing things.

I'm laughing at you, Dickless. And you're still not going to wave your "Gotcha!" line at anyone else until you either deal with the answer you thought you wouldn't get, or admit that you're a lying, cowardly weasel.

Look, I get it: you do not like what you see in the mirror I held up, and you are now yapping like a teacup poodle to distract from that fact.

Insult me all you want. I'm used to that from impotent losers who resent strong women.

I showed that to my wife. She laughed so hard she scared the cat off my lap.
I agree. Meant as a joke, when one develops cancer should we also go to the bureaucrats or go to our doctor. Abortion laws have no place in our society. Women should not be second class citizens, that doesn't happen in first class ( free ) Nations.

That's just from the first couple of pages of my Google search.

You really can't get it through your head that medicine and healthcare are not some wide-open Wild West, free of all government involvement and regulation, can you? No matter how many times you're told that your tired line about "women and their doctors, not the government" is ignorant (not to mention hypocritical, since YOUR side spent 50+ years with the federal government mandating things the way you wanted them).
Not really. Gun violence is now the number one killer of children and teens.

The Constitution also states:

IX. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

You are correct. However, it ALSO states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Since abortion, as previously mentioned, does not appear anywhere in the Constitution, it cannot be a matter for the federal government, and therefore the power to balance the rights of all concerned belongs with the States, and with their people.

Guns, however, ARE mentioned very specifically in the Constitution, and it states that the right to keep and bear them "shall not be infringed".

You don't get to pick and choose what parts of the Constitution suit you at the moment. It's not a la carte.
It is all about rights. And just because they aren’t enumerated doesn’t mean you can take them away.

Actually, it means we can deny that they're "rights" at all, if you have no proof that they are other than, "I want them to be."

More to the point, the States and their people get to debate and vote and decide for themselves, instead of having your personal viewpoint forced on them while they're told it's "too important" for them to have a say. Why? Just because you've decided so.

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