Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

"Aha! You are not practicing your beliefs, which I disdain, the way I have decided that you should!"

Did you actually think that pro-lifers were deeply concerned about how a pro-abort thinks pro-life should be done?
Most people have the common sense to realize they're not doing things correctly if they're constantly criticized. This is a debate site if you don't want to hear the other side's point of view you shouldn't be on here.
Can you demonstrate evidence of any such widespread hatred of contraception among anyone, other than your, "You hate women if you disagree with me!" hysteria?
I'm not the one who's fanatical about stopping other people I don't know and don't care about from having safe and effective abortions. You are. And you've already said that women are naturally second class citizens. You you need to re-examine how you think about women and what their rights should be.
Right, the Texas laws at 6 weeks when most women don't even know they're pregnant yet. Not allowing for rape or incest victims. I'm waiting for the one to say that they can't even save the life of the mother and the fetus has priority over the mother that's going to take the cake that's when all these laws need to go down.

Yet another, "I don't like what you believe, so I've decided you MUST also believe this other thing, because it gives me a scary thrill to panic about it."

To quote my favorite television show, "My days of not taking you seriously are definitely coming to a middle."
I'm not the one who's fanatical about stopping other people I don't know and don't care about from having safe and effective abortions. You are. And you've already said that women are naturally second class citizens. You you need to re-examine how you think about women and what their rights should be.
This is supposed to be a free country. And the rights keep complaining about government overreach. Well this is way over the top.
Yet another, "I don't like what you believe, so I've decided you MUST also believe this other thing, because it gives me a scary thrill to panic about it."

To quote my favorite television show, "My days of not taking you seriously are definitely coming to a middle."
I'm trying to tell you this is ridiculous to go through this again we've already been down this road and the right decision was made. Or at least as right as they could get it. Nobody seems to have the balls to tell all these nosy bodies is none of their business and get them out of when is the vaginas that they don't know. Republicans are really good about that.
We have laws that protect children no children are being murdered in the womb because there are no children in the womb. There's a fetus with the potential of becoming a human being if it gets through all the challenges facing it. A woman carrying a fetus that she does not want would make a terrible mother. I finished being carried without Love is already out of disadvantage and from there it only gets worse.

I'm still yawning at your blank, unsubstantiated declarations that unborn babies are not children because you say so. At some point, I really hope you start holding your breath while waiting for your assertions to matter.
Right, the Texas laws at 6 weeks when most women don't even know they're pregnant yet. Not allowing for rape or incest victims. I'm waiting for the one to say that they can't even save the life of the mother and the fetus has priority over the mother that's going to take the cake that's when all these laws need to go down.
Just like saying not allowing standard 30 rd magazines for an AR-15 or a hand grip is "common sense" gun regulations, huh?
As you ignore the 10th Amendment and Enumerated powers. All the while claiming to be a libertarian.
LOL - the statist lectures on libertarian values. Do go on, it's hilarious.

I don't give a shit whether you're trying to violate individual rights federally, or at the state level, I'm going to call you on it. Government should have no jurisdiction over the contents of my, or anyone else's, body. Period.
It's a real education into the machinations of evil to see how the left uses words and phrases to make themselves sound morally superior and sensitive. Take the words prolife and prochoice. There is no question about what pro-LIFE means.

But pro-choice.. doesn't mean a choice of either life or death for the unborn. Oh means death irrevocably for the unborn. Perhaps the choice they mean is the time frame....the WHEN of the deed...either while it is in the womb or fresh out.
LOL - the statist lectures on libertarian values. Do go on, it's hilarious.

I don't give a shit whether you're trying to violate individual rights federally, or at the state level, I'm going to call you on it. Government should have no jurisdiction over the contents of my, or anyone else's, body. Period.
So you threw out States Rights along with medical waste and believe a baby can be aborted at birth, fully developed, and healthy?

That baby is not a life Until YOU SAY SO.

You are NO libertarian. You are the Far Left pretending to be Libertarian. That is clear to me now.
LOL - the statist lectures on libertarian values. Do go on, it's hilarious.

I don't give a shit whether you're trying to violate individual rights federally, or at the state level, I'm going to call you on it. Government should have no jurisdiction over the contents of my, or anyone else's, body. Period.

That's why MILLIONS of us didn't take your stupid Jab
With the freaking unborn baby again what is wrong with you. And yes human beings are all animals I'm surprised you don't know that it's a basic science course in high school. You either didn't finish high School or you slept through the class.
More drivel making excuses for allowing babies to be murdered saying they are not human yet.

Moonbat BS
I'm trying to tell you this is ridiculous to go through this again we've already been down this road and the right decision was made. Or at least as right as they could get it. Nobody seems to have the balls to tell all these nosy bodies is none of their business and get them out of when is the vaginas that they don't know. Republicans are really good about that.

And I'm trying to tell YOU that asserting something doesn't make it reality, and it CERTAINLY doesn't impress me in the slightest.
Wake up already. There is no baby.

This just in: reality still not determined by your assertions.

At some point, an intelligent person would realize, "That's not true, so THERE" is not a functional response and makes you look like an idiot and a poltroon.
You can call it whatever you want but it's not a baby or a child, never was and most likely won't become for a woman seeking an abortion. I just looked up and of the second semester abortions 90% of the pregnancies with down syndrome will be aborted. It doesn't show up until this check that's why it isn't done earlier. Education helps a lot. Scientific advances are great it lets people know ahead of time if there's any multiple problems with any birth so they can terminate it rather than take those risks.

Still doggedly proving you're no kind of intelligent, thinking person.
Can you demonstrate evidence of any such widespread hatred of contraception among anyone, other than your, "You hate women if you disagree with me!" hysteria?
Listen I am not American and so do not have much experience of what you are all about. I am just going by how things tend to go. When the far right want to get others to buy their point of view they usually throw it out, see the reaction and if it seems too against, go quiet for a while, then bring it up again later. I see you in the US far right motivated by evangelical Christianity and I know their ideal would be to make the US a Theocracy of their religion. I don't see the concern about abortions being anything about concern for the fetus. Christians were accepting of abortions. ..and then fundamental Christians decided that although prior to this they did not vote, they were going to and they were going to encourage all the others to. They were going to use abortion which some Christians were not so ok about to draw people in and give them their first thing to work for. They did a lot of work getting hold of Seminaries and teaching people this new kind of Christianity and gained a lot of power which they have now being in your Government and in your legal system. Abortion is first but this head set is about an extreme right Christianity so yes, I it may not happen but I see it as a very strong possibility that contraception will be banned and we will probably see the death sentence for women who have abortions. How far you take this is up to you but that is where you are headed,
Can you demonstrate evidence of any such widespread hatred of contraception among anyone, other than your, "You hate women if you disagree with me!" hysteria?


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