Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Another fascist fuck who can't let others be.

I don't mind it going to the states, dipshit. LOL

Well, I'd certainly rather be a wolf than a sheep, so that's all good.

Government should have no jurisdiction over our innards, regardless of what you think is in there.
Overturning Roe v Wade returns it to the states. You seem confused again.
I just correlated some information. Every one of the Republican states that has strong abortion laws also has the death penalty. Now that is an ironic, nothing is. That's why I say the so-called pro-life movement is a joke, and not a good one. Total hypocrites. Back in April Texas charged a woman for murder and we're ready to try her because she did an abortion on herself. There was such a public outcry they dropped the case. They were idiotic enough to put the death penalty on the case.
and probably will do until people have become emotionally triggered to believe that is the only right thing to do and they deserve it. If they manage to get abortion legalised I have heard it suggested that then they will go for banning contraception and I suspect that will happen too.. It does seem to have a strong dollop of misogny.
But when is government getting to intrusive. I cannot think of any situation worse than not having control over your own reproductive choices if you're a woman. No matter how you look at it taking that right away from a woman makes them a second class citizen and that's not just not right that's her choice and her choice alone. No matter what the courts or States say.

What a coincidence. I think government has abdicated its responsibilities entirely when it doesn't protect children from being killed. No matter how you look at it, there is no "right" to do that, and no sob story about "women are second-class citizens if they're subject to nature and biology" that isn't, at its base, sexist. You're basically saying that the full citizenship depends on being just like a man. Womanhood at its most natural IS "second class citizenship", and inherently inferior.

There is no "choice" about killing babies, any more than there is about killing anyone else. Cover it in all the euphemisms to deflect from the central argument all you like; all it does is point out how much you know you're in the wrong.
There never was such an animal as a " unborn child " so get over yourself. The pro-life agenda has played you to the hilt and you swallowed it hook, line and sinker. In 99% of abortions you would be unable to discern that it was a human fetus at all. The late term abortions are generally by married women and they're done in order to save the life of the mother or to prevent the birth of a child with multiple systemic problems and low viability. The alternative is to let the mother proceed with the pregnancy and have a child that would probably end up needing 50 operations to look halfway normal and never leaf a normal life. I wouldn't want that for myself I can't see how anybody would want that for their child, it's sick. Play turn abortions only amount for .05% it isn't sound financial responsibility or moral responsibility for that matter
Get the facts and you'll probably change your mind about having the government control a woman's reproductive Rights. That should be left to her doctor and her, if there is a husband and significant other they can be included. There's no need for abortion laws at all, they have no place in modern society.
Now an unborn baby is an animal. Was Medical waste. Make uo your mind.
Not "egregious". Just "commons sense" restrictions. You know, like what the Moon Bats say about restrictions on the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Right, the Texas laws at 6 weeks when most women don't even know they're pregnant yet. Not allowing for rape or incest victims. I'm waiting for the one to say that they can't even save the life of the mother and the fetus has priority over the mother that's going to take the cake that's when all these laws need to go down.
Hypocrisy of the far right in is beyond belief. They scream about having to wear a mask during a public health crisis yet they want to force women to have children they don't want. Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience. Being forced to Bear a child, living with that everyday for 9 months the concert reminder of things that weren't supposed to be, has to be absolute torture. I couldn't imagine living that over and over again especially if I was raped by the victim of incest. That's an insane demand to put on anyone.

Illiteracy of the far left is beyond belief. As much as you dipshits like to fling around accusations of "hypocrisy" like a monkey house flinging feces, you'd think one of you would give some consideration to what the word means. One more time, it does NOT mean "disagreeing with what I've declared is correct, and refusing to practice beliefs I don't share the way I have decreed they should be." Didn't before, doesn't now, won't in the future.

The difference between the mask issue and the abortion issue is, and remains, in the central point that is the one thing you will dodge and duck and ignore until the life leaves your dishonest body: unborn babies are living human organisms. What you do or don't think about the inconvenience level of a worthless mask on MY face, it remains MY face. It is 100% and in no way YOUR face to have any say about. Abortions, on the other hand, involve a second human being by definition.
What a coincidence. I think government has abdicated its responsibilities entirely when it doesn't protect children from being killed. No matter how you look at it, there is no "right" to do that, and no sob story about "women are second-class citizens if they're subject to nature and biology" that isn't, at its base, sexist. You're basically saying that the full citizenship depends on being just like a man. Womanhood at its most natural IS "second class citizenship", and inherently inferior.

There is no "choice" about killing babies, any more than there is about killing anyone else. Cover it in all the euphemisms to deflect from the central argument all you like; all it does is point out how much you know you're in the wrong.
We have laws that protect children no children are being murdered in the womb because there are no children in the womb. There's a fetus with the potential of becoming a human being if it gets through all the challenges facing it. A woman carrying a fetus that she does not want would make a terrible mother. I finished being carried without Love is already out of disadvantage and from there it only gets worse.
This is another foundational belief of the statist: that rights are at the mercy of voters. They aren't. That's the whole point of Constitutionally protected rights in the first place.
As you ignore the 10th Amendment and Enumerated powers. All the while claiming to be a libertarian.

Ending Roe doesnt end abortion. It is Semantics for gaslighting the leftist brain dead zombies
Illiteracy of the far left is beyond belief. As much as you dipshits like to fling around accusations of "hypocrisy" like a monkey house flinging feces, you'd think one of you would give some consideration to what the word means. One more time, it does NOT mean "disagreeing with what I've declared is correct, and refusing to practice beliefs I don't share the way I have decreed they should be." Didn't before, doesn't now, won't in the future.

The difference between the mask issue and the abortion issue is, and remains, in the central point that is the one thing you will dodge and duck and ignore until the life leaves your dishonest body: unborn babies are living human organisms. What you do or don't think about the inconvenience level of a worthless mask on MY face, it remains MY face. It is 100% and in no way YOUR face to have any say about. Abortions, on the other hand, involve a second human being by definition.
As long as you're talking about the ignorance surrounding masks during a pandemic. For 2 years straight whenever I went out in public I wore a mask. In an average year I get two to three colds. For 2 years I didn't have it even a single cold. About a month ago I decided it was safe to go without the mask. Two weeks later I had Covid. I'm going to continue wearing my mask until this stuff is gone and that may take several years the way people are abusing the public safeguards. Plenty of vectors out there to catch it if they aren't taking precautions. Why so many adults are acting like children in this matter is beyond me.
Overturning Roe v Wade returns it to the states. You seem confused again.
You don't remember why roe versus Wade began in the first place, because the states got ridiculous with their abortion restrictions. The court called them " egregious ". I think that totally describes the Texas and Mississippi laws, now other states will be emboldened to do the same darn garbage. Roe versus Wade will just have to come back or the supreme Court is finally going to say abortions are none of your business abortions are a medical procedure and no legal restrictions can apply to it it's up to the doctor and the woman involved in the situation. No other medical conditions have ever had so many restrictions. It's absolutely ridiculous that we're back at ground zero again where it all began and where it's going to happen again.
Now an unborn baby is an animal. Was Medical waste. Make uo your mind.
With the freaking unborn baby again what is wrong with you. And yes human beings are all animals I'm surprised you don't know that it's a basic science course in high school. You either didn't finish high School or you slept through the class.
What a coincidence. I think government has abdicated its responsibilities entirely when it doesn't protect children from being killed. No matter how you look at it, there is no "right" to do that, and no sob story about "women are second-class citizens if they're subject to nature and biology" that isn't, at its base, sexist. You're basically saying that the full citizenship depends on being just like a man. Womanhood at its most natural IS "second class citizenship", and inherently inferior.

There is no "choice" about killing babies, any more than there is about killing anyone else. Cover it in all the euphemisms to deflect from the central argument all you like; all it does is point out how much you know you're in the wrong.
There's nothing right about calling women second class citizens naturally. I think we've evolved a little since caveman days.
There's nothing right about calling women second class citizens naturally. I think we've evolved a little since caveman days.
The truth comes out it's all about control with you people. Sick, sick, sick !
Once again there is no unborn child
This is just to psych you up emotionally
It was a very carefully plant agenda by the far right and a very sick one at that.

"I keep telling you to think THIS is reality, now stop making arguments I have declared you can't!"

You can see the alacrity with which we are rushing to accept your one-sided imposition of debate parameters.
I just correlated some information. Every one of the Republican states that has strong abortion laws also has the death penalty. Now that is an ironic, nothing is. That's why I say the so-called pro-life movement is a joke, and not a good one. Total hypocrites. Back in April Texas charged a woman for murder and we're ready to try her because she did an abortion on herself. There was such a public outcry they dropped the case. They were idiotic enough to put the death penalty on the case.

"Aha! You are not practicing your beliefs, which I disdain, the way I have decided that you should!"

Did you actually think that pro-lifers were deeply concerned about how a pro-abort thinks pro-life should be done?
"I keep telling you to think THIS is reality, now stop making arguments I have declared you can't!"

You can see the alacrity with which we are rushing to accept your one-sided imposition of debate parameters.
I keep telling you to think. That definition was made up it's artificial it's fake. There's no unborn child in the womb there is a fetus in different stages of a development. If a fetus is allowed to reach maturity and a woman gives birth then you have a child it's not a child until it's born. That's reality those are the facts.
and probably will do until people have become emotionally triggered to believe that is the only right thing to do and they deserve it. If they manage to get abortion legalised I have heard it suggested that then they will go for banning contraception and I suspect that will happen too.. It does seem to have a strong dollop of misogny.

Can you demonstrate evidence of any such widespread hatred of contraception among anyone, other than your, "You hate women if you disagree with me!" hysteria?

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