Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

So you threw out States Rights along with medical waste and believe a baby can be aborted at birth, fully developed, and healthy?

That baby is not a life Until YOU SAY SO.

You are NO libertarian. You are the Far Left pretending to be Libertarian. That is clear to me now.
I'm not, in the least, interested in your misconceptions about libertarianism. Just keep your government out of my body and we'll get along fine.
As long as you're talking about the ignorance surrounding masks during a pandemic. For 2 years straight whenever I went out in public I wore a mask. In an average year I get two to three colds. For 2 years I didn't have it even a single cold. About a month ago I decided it was safe to go without the mask. Two weeks later I had Covid. I'm going to continue wearing my mask until this stuff is gone and that may take several years the way people are abusing the public safeguards. Plenty of vectors out there to catch it if they aren't taking precautions. Why so many adults are acting like children in this matter is beyond me.

"As long as you're talking about what I want, the way I want, you can talk."

Fuck off, dictator-wannabe.
You don't remember why roe versus Wade began in the first place, because the states got ridiculous with their abortion restrictions. The court called them " egregious ". I think that totally describes the Texas and Mississippi laws, now other states will be emboldened to do the same darn garbage. Roe versus Wade will just have to come back or the supreme Court is finally going to say abortions are none of your business abortions are a medical procedure and no legal restrictions can apply to it it's up to the doctor and the woman involved in the situation. No other medical conditions have ever had so many restrictions. It's absolutely ridiculous that we're back at ground zero again where it all began and where it's going to happen again.

Wow, it's almost like other people don't agree with your worldview of, "I didn't like it, so that made it wrong and required forcing everyone to do things my preferred way." How shocking.
With the freaking unborn baby again what is wrong with you. And yes human beings are all animals I'm surprised you don't know that it's a basic science course in high school. You either didn't finish high School or you slept through the class.

"Why do you keep persisting in believing something I have declared you're not allowed to? Why can't you just accept my premise?"

Insanity can be defined as doing the same thing over and over, unable to understand why you don't get a different result. Stupidity can also be described that way.
I just correlated some information. Every one of the Republican states that has strong abortion laws also has the death penalty. Now that is an ironic, nothing is. That's why I say the so-called pro-life movement is a joke, and not a good one. Total hypocrites. Back in April Texas charged a woman for murder and we're ready to try her because she did an abortion on herself. There was such a public outcry they dropped the case. They were idiotic enough to put the death penalty on the case.
What’s ironic is that the liberal states are all for killing innocent unborn children, and then fight to the death (literally) to keep mass murderers alive.
Bullshit! See post 2512 How many of those items do you support?

That whooshing noise was the entire point flying over your dunce cap as you obsessed over your inane belief that you can dictate how other people practice beliefs you don't share according to the way you think they should.

Let me see if I can dumb this down to your level: I don't have to check off your fucking "Do you support the things I like?" list. I don't have to justify myself to the likes of you. Your moral authority on this subject is bullshit, and your checklist of leftist "compassion" via government spending is bullshit.

I don't want to kill babies; you're outraged by not killing them. Anything you want to congratulate yourself on past that point is meaningless noise . . . kinda like everything else that spews from your blowhole.

Get over your belief that you are setting the standards for anyone else to defend by.
I keep telling you to think. That definition was made up it's artificial it's fake. There's no unborn child in the womb there is a fetus in different stages of a development. If a fetus is allowed to reach maturity and a woman gives birth then you have a child it's not a child until it's born. That's reality those are the facts.

No, you keep telling me WHAT to think, and flattering yourself that you're just "telling me to think". Anytime you're saying, "You're not thinking, because look how much you refuse to agree with me", you're wrong.

You should be aware that the instant you start re-asserting your opinion as fact, I stop reading and laugh at you. You are convincing no one of anything by this, "THIS is reality. It IS, it IS!" repetitions except that you are a dogmatic, ignorant ideologue.
Listen I am not American and so do not have much experience of what you are all about. I am just going by how things tend to go. When the far right want to get others to buy their point of view they usually throw it out, see the reaction and if it seems too against, go quiet for a while, then bring it up again later. I see you in the US far right motivated by evangelical Christianity and I know their ideal would be to make the US a Theocracy of their religion. I don't see the concern about abortions being anything about concern for the fetus. Christians were accepting of abortions. ..and then fundamental Christians decided that although prior to this they did not vote, they were going to and they were going to encourage all the others to. They were going to use abortion which some Christians were not so ok about to draw people in and give them their first thing to work for. They did a lot of work getting hold of Seminaries and teaching people this new kind of Christianity and gained a lot of power which they have now being in your Government and in your legal system. Abortion is first but this head set is about an extreme right Christianity so yes, I it may not happen but I see it as a very strong possibility that contraception will be banned and we will probably see the death sentence for women who have abortions. How far you take this is up to you but that is where you are headed,

I stopped reading at "I am not American", because no one gives a fart in a wind tunnel what you have to say about a country you aren't part of. Shut the fuck up, mind your own business, and go try to turn your country into something interesting so you don't have to try to butt into other people's nations to feel important.

You are henceforth dismissed and forgotten, dipshit.

You're not exactly the brightest light on the Christmas tree, are you? How many times do you have to be derisively mocked and dismissed for this, "Look at all the leftwing sites that told me so! I MUST be right!" tack before it sinks into your brain that you are the best evidence in the world AGAINST anything you believe?
Most people have the common sense to realize they're not doing things correctly if they're constantly criticized. This is a debate site if you don't want to hear the other side's point of view you shouldn't be on here.

I agree, so why are you having so much difficulty with it?

I already know the other side's point of view. Do you really imagine anyone can live in the United States of America their whole lives and NOT hear the exact same talking points you keep asserting from every other mindless, parroting leftist drone imagining him or herself to be brilliant because they say the correct lines?

There's a difference between "not wanting to hear the other side" - which is a laughably ironic accusation, coming from someone who spends his whole life desperately avoiding ever hearing what his opponents think - and pointing out that simply declaring something over and over and demanding that it be accepted makes you sound like an asshole.
I'm not the one who's fanatical about stopping other people I don't know and don't care about from having safe and effective abortions. You are. And you've already said that women are naturally second class citizens. You you need to re-examine how you think about women and what their rights should be.

No, you are the one who's fanatical about ASSuming that I don't care about people simply because I don't know them. And I have not said women are naturally second-class citizens. You really need to work on your reading comprehension. Clearly, long-term leftism is rotting your brain. I said YOU are saying that. Go back and have someone explain the nice words to you, moron.
I'm trying to tell you this is ridiculous to go through this again we've already been down this road and the right decision was made. Or at least as right as they could get it. Nobody seems to have the balls to tell all these nosy bodies is none of their business and get them out of when is the vaginas that they don't know. Republicans are really good about that.

You can "try to tell me" that I should just let you talk unanswered until your face turns blue. Any time you have a problem with it, you have the solution of just going away and not talking. What you don't have is the option of talking unopposed.

I think banning contraceptives is a step too far, and any state that does that risks losing their grip on that state's gov't. If some individuals want to spout off about it, fine. They're entitled to speak their mind, but they also have to deal with the consequences just as some from the Left will. Hard to believe the people in any state would support that, and politicians who ignore the will of the most people tend to get voted out of office.

Much as I dislike the democratic party, if my state reps are for banning contraceptives then they ain't going to get my vote.
I think banning contraceptives is a step too far, and any state that does that risks losing their grip on that state's gov't. If some individuals want to spout off about it, fine. They're entitled to speak their mind, but they also have to deal with the consequences just as some from the Left will. Hard to believe the people in any state would support that, and politicians who ignore the will of the most people tend to get voted out of office.

Much as I dislike the democratic party, if my state reps are for banning contraceptives then they ain't going to get my vote.

Consider the sources.
I think banning contraceptives is a step too far, and any state that does that risks losing their grip on that state's gov't. If some individuals want to spout off about it, fine. They're entitled to speak their mind, but they also have to deal with the consequences just as some from the Left will. Hard to believe the people in any state would support that, and politicians who ignore the will of the most people tend to get voted out of office.

Much as I dislike the democratic party, if my state reps are for banning contraceptives then they ain't going to get my vote.
Precisely. Anyone that goes to that extreme will be voted out - and they know it. It’s just talk.
That whooshing noise was the entire point flying over your dunce cap as you obsessed over your inane belief that you can dictate how other people practice beliefs you don't share according to the way you think they should.

Let me see if I can dumb this down to your level: I don't have to check off your fucking "Do you support the things I like?" list. I don't have to justify myself to the likes of you. Your moral authority on this subject is bullshit, and your checklist of leftist "compassion" via government spending is bullshit.

I don't want to kill babies; you're outraged by not killing them. Anything you want to congratulate yourself on past that point is meaningless noise . . . kinda like everything else that spews from your blowhole.

Get over your belief that you are setting the standards for anyone else to defend by.
Holy shit! That is quite an inane rant! Did you head just spin completely around which projective vomiting pea soup.

Now I am going to dumb it down for YOU. Your version of "pro life" is to continue to bleat about being pro life. Then, when asked what you would actually do in the interest of preserving and protecting life you go off like a banshee about how we want to kill babies.

I presented concrete plans and policies to reduce unwanted pregnancies and to support and encourage women and families to keep the children and not abort. You have nothing. I am more pro life than you. In fact, you are not pro life at all

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