Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

What a weird thing to say.

How many unborn babies would you say there are? Do they get to vote? Exactly what are their rights?
A few days ago one of the posters on this site posted an obvious fake photo of what was probably a one month old child set in the background of a woman's vagina complete with an attached umbilical cord. It was one of those photos that the pro-life agenda is creating to get an emotional response out of their followers. It was a very sad attempt to do so. There are some states gullible enough to attempt to give certain rights to fetuses. Once that is done, they think that gives them more legal authority in the matters of abortions. It does not, it's just another ridiculous ploy / tactic of these desperate people to control all women's lives.
You go first - you're the one who keeps throwing the term around. It's nonsensical from my point of view. That's why I asked you how many there are - to pin you down to SOME kind of definition. Vague appeals to emotion don't make for productive debate.
Baloney. I asked you a specific question. You afraid? 9 months. Healthy baby being born. And they change their mind and abort.

Simple question
What a weird thing to say.

How many unborn babies would you say there are? Do they get to vote? Exactly what are their rights?
Can 13 y/o's vote? Is it your contention that until you are 18 and can legally vote you have no rights and I can kill you?
States rights have to do with what's in the States purview vs the Federal Government's. It' has nothing to do with individual rights.
Exactly - that's what I meant by saying they don't trump individual rights. ie states don't have the power to violate individual rights any more than the feds do.
In this instance because the Constitution does not speak to abortion ...
This is a common misconception, but it's not how the Constitution is supposed to work. Read the Ninth Amendment. There's a reason it's listed before the Tenth.
You go first - you're the one who keeps throwing the term around. It's nonsensical from my point of view. That's why I asked you how many there are - to pin you down to SOME kind of definition. Vague appeals to emotion don't make for productive debate.
No one calls an egg an " unborn bird. " They don't understand how ridiculous they sound. Even their savior, trump had the word fetus banned from use by the department of health and human services. Thinking that would change things. No it just gave us a window into what fascists want for this world. Absolute Control over the people.
No one calls an egg an " unborn bird. " They don't understand how ridiculous they sound. Even their savior, trump had the word fetus banned from use by the department of health and human services. Thinking that would change things. No it just gave us a window into what fascists want for this world. Absolute Control over the people.
Can 13 y/o's vote? Is it your contention that until you are 18 and can legally vote you have no rights and I can kill you?
We're not talking about people that actually exist, we're trying to tell you and every other so-called pro lifer that the term unborn baby is ridiculous and it is.
If unborn babies have no right to life, why then can you be charged with two murders if you kill a pregnant woman?

Scott Petersen was charged AND CONVICTED with murdering his wife and their unborn son. So basically, liberals are saying it’s OK to murder an unborn child if the mother is doing it, but not OK if someone else is doing it.

Murder is murder. You don’t adjust the charge depending on who the murderer is.

Baloney. I asked you a specific question.
And I answered you, dipshit. 'Unborn baby' is a nonsense phrase. Or, more to the point, it's a deliberately vague, yet emotionally provocative, phrase designed to avoid real debate.

If you disagree, provide your definition. Or ostrich up and stay vague.
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If unborn babies have no right to life, why then can you be charged with two murders if you kill a pregnant woman?
Because pro-lifers pursued these policies, deliberately and openly, as a legal wedge, so you could make this dumb argument with a straight face.
Can 13 y/o's vote? Is it your contention that until you are 18 and can legally vote you have no rights and I can kill you?
Not at all. The general approach we have taken is to assume that newborns have very few rights, and accrue them over time as they become more and more responsible for themselves. The process starts at birth, and ends at legal adulthood.
Exactly - that's what I meant by saying they don't trump individual rights. ie states don't have the power to violate individual rights any more than the feds do.

This is a common misconception, but it's not how the Constitution is supposed to work. Read the Ninth Amendment. There's a reason it's listed before the Tenth.
Have you read the 10th amendment? Or did you stop once your argument broke down?


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Have you read the 10th amendment? Or did you stop once your argument broke down?


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Yes, have you read the ninth??? Do you understand the difference between powers and rights?
Not at all. The general approach we have taken is to assume that newborns have very few rights, and accrue them over time as they become more and more responsible for themselves. The process starts at birth, and ends at legal adulthood.
But they have the right to not be murdered right?

So when does one get the right to not have your life snuffed out? How many weeks after conception?
If unborn babies have no right to life, why then can you be charged with two murders if you kill a pregnant woman?

Scott Petersen was charged AND CONVICTED with murdering his wife and their unborn son. So basically, liberals are saying it’s OK to murder an unborn child if the mother is doing it, but not OK if someone else is doing it.

Murder is murder. You don’t adjust the charge depending on who the murderer is.

You mentioned a rare specific case. I will mention one too. Just last month in Texas in April. Lizelle Herrera was charged with murder after she did self abortion ( I can't even imagine how alone, afraid and tortured that poor woman felt. ) And they were even considering the death penalty in this case to make an example of her because of the " egregious " new abortion ban in the state of Texas. There was such a public outcry, all charges were dropped against her. This is what happens when there is no justice to begin with. This woman could have had a supervised, clean safe abortion had the Texas law never been put into place. We're going to see more and more of these type cases and worse, wait till the death start mounting up. And I'm talking about real deaths of people that actually exist.

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