Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

But they have the right to not be murdered right?

So when does one get the right to not have your life snuffed out? How many weeks after conception?
Pregnancy lasts 9 months, the vast majority of my abortions occur before the 7th week of pregnancy but with each examination, the first trimester examination and blood tests between the 10th and 12th week of pregnancy can and do reveal more information that might lead to the need for an abortion. Usually by the second trimester examination between the 15th and 20th week most abnormalities are found. But like any pregnancy there can be complications during the whole pregnancy to which abortion is the best answer. So you see it's Case by case and that's why it's best left between a doctor and the woman. I don't think passing any abortions restrictions assists the process. This is a case where less interference is the best policy.
Yes. After they are born.

In my view, conception doesn't enter into it. They start accruing rights when they are born, not when they are 'conceived'.
The idea of life begins at conception is a physical fact. But these people are saying that the conception is a sacred event and that is their religious right. Fortunately our government is secular, reality based and not subject to the whims of religious beliefs. At least that is the case in every other issue except for abortion. Go figure.
The idea of life begins at conception is a physical fact. But these people are saying that the conception is a sacred event and that is their religious right. Fortunately our government is secular, reality based and not subject to the whims of religious beliefs. At least that is the case in every other issue except for abortion. Go figure.
Also, further proof of this is your very own birthday. It is the most defining fact that you exist. The government wouldn't know who you are without it.
Because pro-lifers pursued these policies, deliberately and openly, as a legal wedge, so you could make this dumb argument with a straight face.
That’s no defense. This was in liberal California, and the jury convicted. So you can’t have it both ways. If a man is convicted for killing his unborn son, then killing unborn babies is a crime punishable by prison (or death, depending in the state).
I'm glad you find it funny, glad you unlike trump, can't accept the truth and not be destroyed by it.
Let me make my point clear. It is a life in my view. It is a viable life by Roe v Wade itself. Calling it not a life near birth when healthy is Murder of a baby in my view.

No amount of words will change my mind tjete. None.

Now reality. Overturning Roe v Wade Does Not stop abortion. You just might have to travel to be a barbarian and do late term abortion.
That’s no defense. This was in liberal California, and the jury convicted. So you can’t have it both ways. If a man is convicted for killing his unborn son, then killing unborn babies is a crime punishable by prison (or death, depending in the state).
Further examples of Rights and obligations of citizens / people, would be when courts decide whether a juvenile is tried in juvenile court or as an adult. The ability to make these decisions is greatly involved. So ability to reason ( and that's a real scary thought because a lot of people posting on here don't seem to have any common sense and can't reason things out they are driven by their emotions and that's not helpful for anybody even them. ) Plays a strong part in how we view others.
Yeah, and I'd explain it to you, but I suspect it would take a lot of effort, and I'm not in the mood.
Aka. Your view is shoved down our throats. Nope. We shall see the ruling and in our Red states we will make adjustments to the right of life to a baby.
Let me make my point clear. It is a life in my view. It is a viable life by Roe v Wade itself. Calling it not a life near birth when healthy is Murder of a baby in my view.

No amount of words will change my mind tjete. None.

Now reality. Overturning Roe v Wade Does Not stop abortion. You just might have to travel to be a barbarian and do late term abortion.
I would say that you are the barbarian that you keep calling me. The so-called minor imposition you say this post is on people has already created a horrible situation in Texas for one woman named Lizelle Herrera, thank GOD she didn't die. The first of many more to come because of the egregious new law Texans foolishly put on the books.
I would say that you are the barbarian that you keep calling me. The so-called minor imposition you say this post is on people has already created a horrible situation in Texas for one woman named Lizelle Herrera, thank GOD she didn't die. The first of many more to come because of the egregious new law Texans foolishly put on the books.
Aborting at birth is barbarism. It is not medical waste. Any who think its ok are fucked in the head.
Aka. Your view is shoved down our throats. Nope. We shall see the ruling and in our Red states we will make adjustments to the right of life to a baby.
This is a discussion board. Sorry your inconvenienced by hearing sound opposing opinions. That's all any of us have here, is opinions. We don't dictate foolish laws, we don't create the situations that adversely affect us. We are all victims, waiting, like Jesus, for the truth to set us all free.
This is a discussion board. Sorry your inconvenienced by hearing sound opposing opinions. That's all any of us have here, is opinions. We don't dictate foolish laws, we don't create the situations that adversely affect us. We are all victims, waiting, like Jesus, for the truth to set us all free.
And Ive made my opinion Very Clear here. You disagree....oh well
Aborting at birth is barbarism. It is not medical waste. Any who think its ok are fucked in the head.
You keep saying medical waste, one of the plus sides of abortion is all the advancements that have been made in various conditions because of the valuable remains of the fetus. As with all other medical conditions, women are given a consent form to sign that allows these remains to be used to further advance education and science. I've never heard of anyone refusing to do that.
Sadly, suicidal people don't magically decide they want to live just because they don't have a gun. Stop rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and address the gaping hole in the side of the ship.
Most people who attempt suicide without guns do not succeed.
Is it? Life is a continuous stream. A sperm is alive. So is a cell. When they join up, they're alive, after the cells start to divide, still alive. The question isn't when life begins, but when a person with legal rights begins.
Agreed. I was talking in terms they were referencing as the possible creation of a new individual. That is physically correct. I also believe in the natural GOD and I've been given very good insight because of that. The sacredness, the spiritual entity that resides in each and every one of us is not able to enter the body of a human being on this planet until he / she takes their first breath at birth. It is haphazardly mentioned in the Bible. They had to get something right.
Is it? Life is a continuous stream. A sperm is alive. So is a cell. When they join up, they're alive, after the cells start to divide, still alive. The question isn't when life begins, but when a person with legal rights begins.
As I said before, a person's legal rights begin with their birth date. That kind of makes it official. Our government cannot support the pro-life movement or the women's right to choose movement. Although since women have birth dates that should give them preference. As would be indicated by the exception clause in most of the abortion cases, in order to save the life of the mother. Once again that's under attack, the state of Michigan tried to dictate which cases would and would not apply ( overruling doctors in some cases ) in such cases. Some other crazy state, tried to say only if it was an emergency. Well not all these life-threatening situations are emergencies, they just keep getting worse and worse as the pregnancy goes on, until it finally becomes an emergency. Sometimes by that time a fetus is very far along. So another example of how the state interferes and makes the situation worse. I realize I'm starting to ramble on, I just wanted to get everything out in the open for the opposing side to try to attack. I have a life I can't stay on here all day. Everyone, try to have a good day I plan on it goodbye.
You're only angry that they are giving this decision to the States where it belongs based on the Constitution because of the outcome. You would be ok with this decision if Roe v Wade had outlawed abortion for the last 50 years. We wouldnt hear a peep out of you about stare decisis or authoritarians other than to call the SCOTUS Court of 1973 that of course.
You would respect a woman's right to make personal, private decisions for herself in consultation with her loved ones and spiritual and medical advisors if you were not an authoritarian, believing that such personal freedoms should be arrogated by an impersonal State apparatus.
That is bullshit. Maybe some stupid internet poll will say 70% but that is not a real representation.

Except for a few really dumbass Moon Bats I hear about in the news or on the internet I don't even know anybody in real life that supports abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.

This bullshit by the Libtards about "my body my choice" went out the window with the filthy ass insistance to wear mask and get vaccinated for Covid. They no more believe that than the Man in the Moon.
Read that 70% is women.

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