Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You're not exactly the brightest light on the Christmas tree, are you? How many times do you have to be derisively mocked and dismissed for this, "Look at all the leftwing sites that told me so! I MUST be right!" tack before it sinks into your brain that you are the best evidence in the world AGAINST anything you believe?
That is all you have? Really?
Yeah, I get that. But whatever the source, people can say what they want but actually passing such a law to ban contraceptives is a whole 'nother thing. I would hope the citizens in any state would send a clear message not to do that.

Clearly, you don't get that, because you're still arguing from the assumption that what Coyote posted had any validity. It's never a good idea to hear a leftist say something and automatically leap to defending against it. One should always consider first whether or not it's a steaming load of fresh bullshit.

Let's consider the sources together:

First of all, I wouldn't believe The Guardian if they told me water was wet. I've heard more unbiased honesty from a teenager trying to explain why he missed curfew and there's a new dent in the car fender.

Second of all, when you read their story and weed through all the speculation and scaremongering narrative, here's what it actually says:

"[Mississippi Governor] Reeves’ host on CNN, Jake Tapper, then referred to neighbouring Louisiana, where Republicans have advanced a bill to make abortion a crime of murder.

Tapper said: “They’re talking about not only criminally charging girls and women who get abortions as committing homicide, but they’re also talking about defining the moment of conception as fertilisation, which would theoretically … mean if you use an IUD [intrauterine device], you are committing murder.

“… I’m not making this up. These are the conversations going on in legislatures in your area. So, just to be clear, you have no intention of seeking to ban IUDs or Plan B [morning-after pills]?”

Reeves said: “That is not what we’re focused on at this time."

That's it. Jake Tapper pulled this entire line of crap about outlawing contraception out of his ass and babbled what he "knew" about it from another state entirely, then demanded to know if Reeves was going to do something he'd never even mentioned in passing, and which had fuck and all to do with the actual topic Reeves was there for, and got told, "Yeah, we're busy with real stuff right now." The Guardian then blew it up into a whole story about, "Aaaah, he didn't swear an oath in blood that he wouldn't, so that means he wants to!" And Coyote ran away with her marching orders. The End.

Jezebel. If I wouldn't believe The Guardian if they told me water was wet, I would immediately assume it was as dry as talcum powder if Jezebel told me it was wet. If they were printed on paper, I wouldn't use them to line my cat box, for fear that the addition of cat piss might complete their evil spell and open a portal to Hell.

Here's what "proof" they offered of a widespread conspiracy to outlaw contraception:

"[Republican state Rep. Brent Crane, Assistant Majority Leader for Idaho’s House of Representatives], who boasted that he’s passed or worked on 17 anti-abortion bills in the state legislature, told Idaho Reports that he “probably would” hear legislation banning the morning-after pill, and possibly IUDs as well. “I’m not certain where I would be on that issue,” he said of the latter method—as if the idea of birth control remaining legal in America, while you’re also criminalizing abortion, is a really difficult question."

No yellow, biased "journalism" there, right? In that whole article, that is literally the only quote from him: that he probably would hear legislation on the two most controversial forms of contraception on the market, and that he's not certain where he would be on it. Well, duh! Hearing proposed legislation is part of his job, and how the Hell WOULD he know where he'd be on it, before he's heard it? Nevertheless, that warrants a long article of Jezebel insisting Idaho's getting ready to outlaw ALL contraception, and giving clear marching orders to the likes of Coyote on how hysterical they should be about it.

The Arizona Mirror started in 2018. They claim to be a 501(c)3 non-profit, but their funding is less than transparent while their leftist bias is all too clear.

Here's the proof Coyote assumed they had when she ran screaming with her hair on fire over their headline:

"Blake Masters, a Tucson-based venture capitalist, boasts on his website that he will only vote to confirm federal judges “who understand that Roe and Griswold and Casey were wrongly decided, and that there is no constitutional right to abortion.” Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, decided in 1973 and 1992, respectively, both upheld a constitutional right to abortion access.

But the ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 protected a married couple’s right to buy and use contraceptives without government restrictions."
So obviously, he MUST want contraception outlawed. It couldn't possibly be he thought it was wrongly decided, just because that's what he said. It HAS to be that he REALLY wants no contraception!

Are you getting the idea now? Always start by assuming anything a leftist says is a lie, then work from there.
Again with the baby crap what is wrong with you people.

What part of the many times I've said, "You don't define reality, or other people's positions, just by declaring that THIS is the only thing acceptable" did you not understand? Too many words for you?

Face it, fool. We're going to go right ahead believing what we believe and stating it, and you can either get your panties in a twist over our refusal to comply with your dictates, or you can sack up and deal with our actual position for the first time in your life.

Or you can run away. Up to you.
You're not exactly the brightest light on the Christmas tree, are you? How many times do you have to be derisively mocked and dismissed for this, "Look at all the leftwing sites that told me so! I MUST be right!" tack before it sinks into your brain that you are the best evidence in the world AGAINST anything you believe?
That is all you have? Really? Not that I expected much from you, but I am always optimistic that your deranged bleating might eventually come to reflect a coherent thought process.

I wonder why the Mississippi governor refuses to rule out banning our most effective contraceptives.

Or why Idaho said it would consider banning IUD’s and Plan B, then reversed and “clarified” when the GOP told Republicans to follow the new “kindly” Republican narrative and save those bans for later.

Keep bleating.
No one calls an egg an " unborn bird. " They don't understand how ridiculous they sound. Even their savior, trump had the word fetus banned from use by the department of health and human services. Thinking that would change things. No it just gave us a window into what fascists want for this world. Absolute Control over the people.

Actually, Mensa Boy, that's EXACTLY what everyone calls them, every time they call them "eggs". This is because that's what the word "egg" means.

Seriously, learn the English language, would you?

And don't even talk to us about the "horrors" of wanting absolute control over people when you're pissing your frillies over the idea that you're losing that exact thing.
We're not talking about people that actually exist, we're trying to tell you and every other so-called pro lifer that the term unborn baby is ridiculous and it is.

"We don't want to believe it, so you have to stop believing it, too! It's silly of you to think things we told you not to!"
Clearly, you don't get that, because you're still arguing from the assumption that what Coyote posted had any validity. It's never a good idea to hear a leftist say something and automatically leap to defending against it. One should always consider first whether or not it's a steaming load of fresh bullshit.

Let's consider the sources together:

First of all, I wouldn't believe The Guardian if they told me water was wet. I've heard more unbiased honesty from a teenager trying to explain why he missed curfew and there's a new dent in the car fender.

Second of all, when you read their story and weed through all the speculation and scaremongering narrative, here's what it actually says:

"[Mississippi Governor] Reeves’ host on CNN, Jake Tapper, then referred to neighbouring Louisiana, where Republicans have advanced a bill to make abortion a crime of murder.

Tapper said: “They’re talking about not only criminally charging girls and women who get abortions as committing homicide, but they’re also talking about defining the moment of conception as fertilisation, which would theoretically … mean if you use an IUD [intrauterine device], you are committing murder.

“… I’m not making this up. These are the conversations going on in legislatures in your area. So, just to be clear, you have no intention of seeking to ban IUDs or Plan B [morning-after pills]?”

Reeves said: “That is not what we’re focused on at this time."

That's it. Jake Tapper pulled this entire line of crap about outlawing contraception out of his ass and babbled what he "knew" about it from another state entirely, then demanded to know if Reeves was going to do something he'd never even mentioned in passing, and which had fuck and all to do with the actual topic Reeves was there for, and got told, "Yeah, we're busy with real stuff right now." The Guardian then blew it up into a whole story about, "Aaaah, he didn't swear an oath in blood that he wouldn't, so that means he wants to!" And Coyote ran away with her marching orders. The End.

Jezebel. If I wouldn't believe The Guardian if they told me water was wet, I would immediately assume it was as dry as talcum powder if Jezebel told me it was wet. If they were printed on paper, I wouldn't use them to line my cat box, for fear that the addition of cat piss might complete their evil spell and open a portal to Hell.

Here's what "proof" they offered of a widespread conspiracy to outlaw contraception:

"[Republican state Rep. Brent Crane, Assistant Majority Leader for Idaho’s House of Representatives], who boasted that he’s passed or worked on 17 anti-abortion bills in the state legislature, told Idaho Reports that he “probably would” hear legislation banning the morning-after pill, and possibly IUDs as well. “I’m not certain where I would be on that issue,” he said of the latter method—as if the idea of birth control remaining legal in America, while you’re also criminalizing abortion, is a really difficult question."

No yellow, biased "journalism" there, right? In that whole article, that is literally the only quote from him: that he probably would hear legislation on the two most controversial forms of contraception on the market, and that he's not certain where he would be on it. Well, duh! Hearing proposed legislation is part of his job, and how the Hell WOULD he know where he'd be on it, before he's heard it? Nevertheless, that warrants a long article of Jezebel insisting Idaho's getting ready to outlaw ALL contraception, and giving clear marching orders to the likes of Coyote on how hysterical they should be about it.

The Arizona Mirror started in 2018. They claim to be a 501(c)3 non-profit, but their funding is less than transparent while their leftist bias is all too clear.

Here's the proof Coyote assumed they had when she ran screaming with her hair on fire over their headline:

"Blake Masters, a Tucson-based venture capitalist, boasts on his website that he will only vote to confirm federal judges “who understand that Roe and Griswold and Casey were wrongly decided, and that there is no constitutional right to abortion.” Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, decided in 1973 and 1992, respectively, both upheld a constitutional right to abortion access.

But the ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 protected a married couple’s right to buy and use contraceptives without government restrictions."
So obviously, he MUST want contraception outlawed. It couldn't possibly be he thought it was wrongly decided, just because that's what he said. It HAS to be that he REALLY wants no contraception!

Are you getting the idea now? Always start by assuming anything a leftist says is a lie, then work from there.
Mississippi and and Idaho put contraception on the table. They could have said, no, it is off the table but they didn’t did they?

Yellow journalism? Try what you rightists did with Northam.
Clearly, you don't get that, because you're still arguing from the assumption that what Coyote posted had any validity. It's never a good idea to hear a leftist say something and automatically leap to defending against it. One should always consider first whether or not it's a steaming load of fresh bullshit.

Let's consider the sources together:

First of all, I wouldn't believe The Guardian if they told me water was wet. I've heard more unbiased honesty from a teenager trying to explain why he missed curfew and there's a new dent in the car fender.

Second of all, when you read their story and weed through all the speculation and scaremongering narrative, here's what it actually says:

"[Mississippi Governor] Reeves’ host on CNN, Jake Tapper, then referred to neighbouring Louisiana, where Republicans have advanced a bill to make abortion a crime of murder.

Tapper said: “They’re talking about not only criminally charging girls and women who get abortions as committing homicide, but they’re also talking about defining the moment of conception as fertilisation, which would theoretically … mean if you use an IUD [intrauterine device], you are committing murder.

“… I’m not making this up. These are the conversations going on in legislatures in your area. So, just to be clear, you have no intention of seeking to ban IUDs or Plan B [morning-after pills]?”

Reeves said: “That is not what we’re focused on at this time."

That's it. Jake Tapper pulled this entire line of crap about outlawing contraception out of his ass and babbled what he "knew" about it from another state entirely, then demanded to know if Reeves was going to do something he'd never even mentioned in passing, and which had fuck and all to do with the actual topic Reeves was there for, and got told, "Yeah, we're busy with real stuff right now." The Guardian then blew it up into a whole story about, "Aaaah, he didn't swear an oath in blood that he wouldn't, so that means he wants to!" And Coyote ran away with her marching orders. The End.

Jezebel. If I wouldn't believe The Guardian if they told me water was wet, I would immediately assume it was as dry as talcum powder if Jezebel told me it was wet. If they were printed on paper, I wouldn't use them to line my cat box, for fear that the addition of cat piss might complete their evil spell and open a portal to Hell.

Here's what "proof" they offered of a widespread conspiracy to outlaw contraception:

"[Republican state Rep. Brent Crane, Assistant Majority Leader for Idaho’s House of Representatives], who boasted that he’s passed or worked on 17 anti-abortion bills in the state legislature, told Idaho Reports that he “probably would” hear legislation banning the morning-after pill, and possibly IUDs as well. “I’m not certain where I would be on that issue,” he said of the latter method—as if the idea of birth control remaining legal in America, while you’re also criminalizing abortion, is a really difficult question."

No yellow, biased "journalism" there, right? In that whole article, that is literally the only quote from him: that he probably would hear legislation on the two most controversial forms of contraception on the market, and that he's not certain where he would be on it. Well, duh! Hearing proposed legislation is part of his job, and how the Hell WOULD he know where he'd be on it, before he's heard it? Nevertheless, that warrants a long article of Jezebel insisting Idaho's getting ready to outlaw ALL contraception, and giving clear marching orders to the likes of Coyote on how hysterical they should be about it.

The Arizona Mirror started in 2018. They claim to be a 501(c)3 non-profit, but their funding is less than transparent while their leftist bias is all too clear.

Here's the proof Coyote assumed they had when she ran screaming with her hair on fire over their headline:

"Blake Masters, a Tucson-based venture capitalist, boasts on his website that he will only vote to confirm federal judges “who understand that Roe and Griswold and Casey were wrongly decided, and that there is no constitutional right to abortion.” Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, decided in 1973 and 1992, respectively, both upheld a constitutional right to abortion access.

But the ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 protected a married couple’s right to buy and use contraceptives without government restrictions."
So obviously, he MUST want contraception outlawed. It couldn't possibly be he thought it was wrongly decided, just because that's what he said. It HAS to be that he REALLY wants no contraception!

Are you getting the idea now? Always start by assuming anything a leftist says is a lie, then work from there.
That is all you have? Really? Not that I expected much from you, but I am always optimistic that your deranged bleating might eventually come to reflect a coherent thought process.

I wonder why the Mississippi governor refuses to rule out banning our most effective contraceptives.

Or why Idaho said it would consider banning IUD’s and Plan B, then reversed and “clarified” when the GOP told Republicans to follow the new “kindly” Republican narrative and save those bans for later.

Keep bleating.

Oh, I'm sorry, what brilliance did you think you'd vomited forth that deserved more than, "Your sources are leftist blog garbage, like they always are"?

I wonder if you think things are true just because they're on the Internet, or if you think they're true because they're what you want to hear? Or is it both?

At no point in time will I be treating your favorite tinfoil hat conspiracy sites like real news just because you do.
I just heard, "I'm too busy 'knowing' what I was told to allow myself to hear anything else."

You presented a leftist wishlist of government spending and then declared that it was THE only way possible to care about women and children, and if I wasn't in favor of it, that meant that I didn't really care, because for some unknown and possibly alcohol-induced reason, you think YOU are some sort of moral arbiter qualified to judge others and respected enough for others to give a shit.

I repeat, and please let me know if I'm still being too complicated for your rudimentary brain stem: I don't want to kill babies; you're outraged by not killing them. You "care more" than absolutely no one on Earth.
You keep repeating that moronic assertion that I am "outraged by not wanting to kill babies" How fucking stupid! Apparently you care about government spending more than you care about the lives of children, unborn and born. You are a pathetic hypocrite and your pro life stance is pure bullshit. While I am pro choice, I am also far more pro life than you are. Once again, I promote programs that can reduce unwanted pregnancies and provide assistance to families that will encourage them to carry a child to term rather than abort.

Yes I do judge you for your callousness and stupidity. You have nothing to offer but you insults anti government rhetoric while I have specific and workable ideas for reducing abortion. Your simplistic stand that we should just ban abortion will not end abortion. It will just drive it underground and result in the death of women and more late term abortions. How fucking stupid can you be.?
Mississippi and and Idaho put contraception on the table. They could have said, no, it is off the table but they didn’t Did they?

Yellow journalism? Try what you rightists did with Northam.

There is a big difference between considering something and outright supporting it.

Did any of the states you mention carry through with it?

Northam is a deflection.
Mississippi and and Idaho put contraception on the table. They could have said, no, it is off the table but they didn’t did they?

Yellow journalism? Try what you rightists did with Northam.

Mississippi and Idaho did nothing of the sort. Your masters told you to "know" that they did, and you ran away in a panic like the obedient dog you are.

Go back and get your Snausage.
Mississippi and and Idaho put contraception on the table. They could have said, no, it is off the table but they didn’t did they?

Yellow journalism? Try what you rightists did with Northam.
What the hell do you know about Mississippi. Lmao Not only are they gonna ban abortion but they are gonna force you to get pregnant.

My god the DNC needs to get its act together on marching orders.

BTW. Blue state laws that will be overturned if Roe id ocverturned? Thanks
You keep repeating that moronic assertion that I am "outraged by not wanting to kill babies" How fucking stupid! Apparently you care about government spending more than you care about the lives of children, unborn and born. You are a pathetic hypocrite and your pro life stance is pure bullshit. While I am pro choice, I am also far more pro life than you are. Once again, I promote programs that can reduce unwanted pregnancies and provide assistance to families that will encourage them to carry a child to term rather than abort.

Yes I do judge you for your callousness and stupidity. You have nothing to offer but you insults anti government rhetoric while I have specific and workable ideas for reducing abortion. Your simplistic stand that we should just ban abortion will not end abortion. It will just drive it underground and result in the death of women and more late term abortions. How fucking stupid can you be.?
Same dang question to you. What blue state laws get overturned if Roe gets overturned?
Same dang question to you. What blue state laws get overturned if Roe gets overturned?

This. Will the leftists on this thread kindly tell us what blue state abortion laws will be scrapped if Roe is overturned?

They won't. Purely because the laws won't. By remanding this issue to the states, the blue states can keep their abortion laws on the books, other blue states can pass them, and red states can pass laws banning abortion.

What's there not to love from this?
There is a big difference between considering something and outright supporting it.

Did any of the states you mention carry through with it?

Northam is a deflection.
I will remember that next time you start screaming about gun grabbing.

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