Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


You must have never heard of bridges. Or highrise buildings. Or knives.

And I, having tried twice, know exactly where to cut on my body to ensure a quick death.

There are plenty of ways to successfully kill yourself.

Second most successful method, according to the CDC, is drowning. Third would be suffocation and hanging.
I can't speak for Templar, but I view that less as a foreboding threat, and more of a wearying nuisance. Kinda like catching a cold every winter.

"Oh noes! If I say something Coyote doesn't like, she's going to show up in every thread and spew nonsense at me!" So, what you were going to do anyway. Meh.

I'm a gun owner. That should tell her what I think of her argumentum ad nauseam about gun rights.
Are you fucking shitting me! Crisis pregnancy centers? Where they shame and humiliate women seeking an abortion? This is pure bullshit! Where is the plan to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and to support women and families with services that will help them keep and raise a child?

And shutting down Planned Parenthood? The agency that provides birth control and cancer screening? How stupid can you people be??!!

Total fucking inane horseshit!

C: Cecilie1200

Wow, I didn't realize your handlers had put out a talking point on, "What you should 'know' to scream about crisis pregnancy centers without ever setting foot into one". Good to know.

Planned Parenthood doesn't do cancer screenings, moron. They provide referrals, which could be gotten easier by just Googling it. And birth control? Who the hell told you birth control was so hard to come by that we had to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars into Planned Parenthood to provide it? You can get that shit at any free clinic in town.

Thanks for proving you don't know shit about the lives of the women you pretend to "care" about.
According to whom?

Between 2007 and 2014, there were 3,657,886 suicide attempts, with 309,377 deaths resulting from those attempts.

Drug poisoning accounted for 59.4% of suicide attempts but only 13.5% of deaths, while firearms and hanging accounted for 8.8% of attempts , but 75.3% of deaths. Firearms were the most lethal method with 89.6% of attempts with firearms resulting in death, followed by drowning at 56.4% and hanging at 52.7%.
Lol Demons in your head told you.

You are out there.
Are you really that stupid? Rhetorical question.

Wow, I didn't realize your handlers had put out a talking point on, "What you should 'know' to scream about crisis pregnancy centers without ever setting foot into one". Good to know.

Planned Parenthood doesn't do cancer screenings, moron. They provide referrals, which could be gotten easier by just Googling it. And birth control? Who the hell told you birth control was so hard to come by that we had to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars into Planned Parenthood to provide it? You can get that shit at any free clinic in town.

Thanks for proving you don't know shit about the lives of the women you pretend to "care" about.
Still screaming about baby killing with nothing to offer as far as prevention of unwanted pregnancies or support to families who might decide to keep a child if help were available ? So noted.
Are you really that stupid? Rhetorical question.

Fear Porn for DNC Riot season.

Which laws in blue states will be overturned?
You might be correct. I believe the supreme Court should have said. Abortion is a personal matter between a doctor and the woman involved. It is a medical matter for doctors to decide not politicians. No laws can be enacted in a free Nation that interfere with this process. In conclusion, all abortion laws in the United States are here within are dissolved.

You might as well stop trying to pretend you didn't hear this, because I'm not going to stop saying this: there's no such thing as "medical matter with no government". Not in ANY area of practice. Your fantasy that medicine is free-range and unregulated is even more stupid than most of your crap.
Because abortion and contraceptive care are their goals. They are abortion and contraceptive providers (and baby part sellers). Furthermore, there are women, who, when faced with an unexpected pregnancy, choose to keep the child instead of aborting them. That's what crisis pregnancy centers are for. It must be foreign to you that there exist millions of women out there who favor life over death when it comes to pregnancy.

He's obviously never set foot in a crisis pregnancy center OR a Planned Parenthood clinic.
Most people who attempt suicide without guns do not succeed.
Let's revisit this.

All suicide attempts that result in death are successful. Guns, drugs, drowning, hanging, falling.

Someone desperately wishing to die will seek out the most lethal method available to them. If not a gun, a bedsheet; if not a bedsheet, a knife... and etc.
Are you really that stupid? Rhetorical question.

Once again, consideration and implementation are two different things.

Consider the likelihood of the success of any bill passed by these Republicans being signed by Biden.

Now weigh that with your misplaced fear and anxiety. If you had any clue as to the mechanics of our legislative system, you wouldn't be screaming "THEY'RE GOING TO BAN ABORTIONS FOREVER!!!!11!!1!1"
Why wouldn't they?

Answering a question with a question.

Will the Republican pro(some)life base be satisfied with legal abortion anywhere in the country? Be serious. They will not. They have said so in their own words. The “leave it up to the states” is nothing more than a stepping stone in the process and not the end goal.

It presents a conundrum for the Republicans who claimed to have made it about states rights but are now facing a push for a federal ban. And there are senators who have unequivocally said they would support a federal ban.

Actually, they only have jurisdiction over abortions that occur within their borders.
It will be interesting to see what happens with the proposal to allow people to sue anyone who helps a woman obtain an abortion in another state.

Quit spreading fear, Coyote. It's infuriating.
What is infuriating is your assumption (naive or calculated) that this will stop at the state level. We are already seeing laws and proposed laws with no exceptions for rape or incest. That is by definition a forced pregnancy.

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