Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Once again, consideration and implementation are two different things.

Consider the likelihood of the success of any bill passed by these Republicans being signed by Biden.

Now weigh that with your misplaced fear and anxiety. If you had any clue as to the mechanics of our legislative system, you wouldn't be screaming "THEY'RE GOING TO BAN ABORTIONS FOREVER!!!!11!!1!1"
Biden won’t be in office forever. Try again.

To put it into perspective: remember next time you scream "THEY'RE GOING TO BAN GUNS FOREVER!!!!”
Condoms don't kill life, they prevent life from taking place. Therefore that is irrelevant to the "pro-life" premise.
The pro life premise is fake anyway since it is only pro some life (though a handful of folks here are truly pro life).
Because abortion and contraceptive care are their goals. They are abortion and contraceptive providers (and baby part sellers). Furthermore, there are women, who, when faced with an unexpected pregnancy, choose to keep the child instead of aborting them. That's what crisis pregnancy centers are for. It must be foreign to you that there exist millions of women out there who favor life over death when it comes to pregnancy.
Have you ever been in one?

I have.

They provide contraception, STD screening and treatment, counseling pre-natal care, adoption service referrals, and abortion.

I suspect, if you rely on rightwing sources for all your info, this might be foreign for you.
You would respect a woman's right to make personal, private decisions for herself in consultation with her loved ones and spiritual and medical advisors if you were not an authoritarian, believing that such personal freedoms should be arrogated by an impersonal State apparatus.
That has zero to do with whether Roe was a good decision from a legal perspective which it isn’t. The reasons why are laid out in the draft decision to overturn it. Even RGB thought it was on shaky legal ground.
Pregnancy lasts 9 months, the vast majority of my abortions occur before the 7th week of pregnancy but with each examination, the first trimester examination and blood tests between the 10th and 12th week of pregnancy can and do reveal more information that might lead to the need for an abortion. Usually by the second trimester examination between the 15th and 20th week most abnormalities are found. But like any pregnancy there can be complications during the whole pregnancy to which abortion is the best answer. So you see it's Case by case and that's why it's best left between a doctor and the woman. I don't think passing any abortions restrictions assists the process. This is a case where less interference is the best policy.
Either it’s a life and all abortion is murder or it isn’t in which case there’s no reason to care when someone has an abortion and there is no reason to have any restrictions on it.
Answering a question with a question.

Because a smart question is sometimes better than a stupid answer.
Will the Republican pro(some)life base be satisfied with legal abortion anywhere in the country? Be serious. They will not.

Asking a question without letting me answer it, okay. Without having ever been a Republican or pro-life, you can only go based on what you are told.

Spare me your presumptuousness.
The “leave it up to the states” is nothing more than a stepping stone in the process and not the end goal.

Curiously, do you really think the leaders of the Republican party will let 'no exceptions' abortion bans pass? That is a sure-fire way to make every woman, left or right, vote against you. Why would you ever think they would consider something so politically disastrous?

You must think we're all extremists. I mean if you let the fringe rightists on this board advise that opinion, the yeah, they are.
It will be interesting to see what happens with the proposal to allow people to sue anyone who helps a woman obtain an abortion in another state.

If the act happens in another state, you can only sue that person based on the laws of that state. If so, and a blue state, then the case will be dismissed. Jurisdiction.

What is infuriating is your assumption (naive or calculated) that this will stop at the state level.

It will. Trust me on that. It doesn't matter what I think.

We are already seeing laws and proposed laws with no exceptions for rape or incest.
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And about Idaho's trigger ban...

And Mississippi's trigger ban:

The pro life premise is fake anyway since it is only pro some life (though a handful of folks here are truly pro life).

Spare me your sanctimony, Coyote. You are the furthest from being able to lecture anyone about their viewpoints.
Have you ever been in one?

I have.

They provide contraception, STD screening and treatment, counseling pre-natal care, adoption service referrals, and abortion.

Curious, why does PP brand itself as an abortion provider? Because that is their primary service. It regularly participates in political activism regarding abortion.

I don't need to be in one to educate myself about their functions. I only need to see how they behave on the political stage.
Biden won’t be in office forever. Try again.

To put it into perspective: remember next time you scream "THEY'RE GOING TO BAN GUNS FOREVER!!!!”

Your comeback is weak. Your countenance is weak. You are gullible and easily led. This fear you are spreading about abortion is absolutely unwarranted.

Your lack of legal knowledge precludes you from understanding that abortion will still be legal regardless of which way SCOTUS rules.

But please do try again.

And for the record, do you care about women having their rights or the Democrats having power? I am easily convinced you see others of your own sex as tools, not compatriots.
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Either it’s a life and all abortion is murder or it isn’t in which case there’s no reason to care when someone has an abortion and there is no reason to have any restrictions on it.
Or, regardless of how we classify what's in there, regardless of whether or not we consider abortion to be murder - we recognize that the kind of government required to enforce such a law would be a cure worse than the sickness.

It can be hard to accept, but not every social ill can be solved with a law. And in such cases, trying to force the issue with intrusive legislation only makes things worse.
Because a smart question is sometimes better than a stupid answer.

If that had been a s art question, rather than a dodge, you would have a point.

Asking a question without letting me answer it, okay. Without having ever been a Republican or pro-life, you can only go based on what you are told.

Spare me your presumptuousness.
Oh for God’s sakes. Get off your high horse.

Curiously, do you really think the leaders of the Republican party will let 'no exceptions' abortion bans pass? That is a sure-fireway to make every woman, left or right, vote against you. Why would you ever think they would consider something so politically disastrous?
Do you mean no exceptions as in for the mother’s life? No, I would hope not. But if you mean no exceptions for rape, they are.

You must think we're all extremists. I mean if you let the fringe rightists on this board advise that opinion, the yeah, they are.
It’s hard to evaluate given it is extremely difficult to have a rational discussion on abortion here.

If the act happens in another state, you can only sue that person based on the laws of that state. If so, and a blue state, then the case will be dismissed. Jurisdiction.
I am really not so sure given these law that rely on lawsuits for enforcement are largely uncharted waters.

It will. Trust me on that. It doesn't matter what I think.

Given that we are talking very fundamental and passionately held rights here, I have my doubts.

Do you mean no exceptions as in for the mother’s life? No, I would hope not. But if you mean no exceptions for rape, they are.

While it is rare, some women who are raped choose to give birth to the child. Smartly, since the circumstances of the child's conception were something the child had no power over. Why kill the child? The cells dividing in the womb know nothing of how they came into being.
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Your comeback is weak. Your countenance is weak. You are gullible and easily led. This fear you are spreading about abortion is absolutely unwarranted.

Your lack of legal knowledge precludes you from understanding that abortion will still be legal regardless of which way SCOTUS rules.

My lack of knowledge? Maybe you are overestimating your own. You are no more able to read the future than I. You sound presumptuous and arrogant with that statement.

You would not be in the least affected if elective abortion became illegal, so of course you can say we shouldn’t be afraid. If it was an issue you felt passionately about, like gun rights, I seriously doubt you would this unconcerned.

But please do try again.

And for the record, do you care about women having their rights or the Democrats having power? I am easily convinced you see others of your own sex as tools, not compatriots.

For the record: F U

This is not and never has been a political issue, it is an issue of MY most fundamental right, control and ownership of MY body, and that right belongs to no one else. And certainly not some like you who blows off pregnancy as a minor “inconvenience” who can’t begin to fathom what it is like to find out you pregnant when you don’t want to be or can’t afford to be and who then boils it down to an “oh, it’s just about political parties having power” Kind of statement.

Good bye.
My lack of knowledge? Maybe you are overestimating your own. You are no more able to read the future than I. You sound presumptuous and arrogant with that statement.

I read and edify myself on the law. I don't make these statements warrantlessly.

And I know for a fact you lack that knowledge.

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