Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I have never met a group of people in my life so consumed by fear of losing something they are in no danger of losing. So willing to permeate that fear among the unsuspecting and refuse to educate them about ways to mitigate or resolve it. Knowledge is the antidote to fear. Ignorance is the catalyst.
I can't lose anything, I am not a woman. I take it back, I would lose respect for this country. It failed to live up to its obligation to half its citizens.
Gee, ya know…would have been nice if we had actually DISCUSSED that instead of YOU presuming to know what I think, you might be surprised.

I would take that statement seriously if you, along with other liberals in this thread, weren't doing that to Cecilie. Someone whose gender makes her equally as qualified to speak on this matter as you.
I know what you think, you are a moderator here, and you regularly post your opinions. The resolution due to the volume of those opinions being enough to make a presumption of your positions on a majority of political issues.
I never said I was a legal expert. I just know more about it than you do. There's a distinct difference. I don't need to spend thousands of dollars on a legal degree to learn about the law. Given that the internet is the compendium of human knowledge, I use that instead.
Oh. You know more about it than I do. According to you of course. Ya..why get a law degree :rolleyes:

I mean….if the internet see so it must be true.

If you knew so much more than me you would have realized that these new laws depending on private citizen lawsuits for enforcement are uncharted territory and no one knows how they are going to play out when challenged in the courts or in other states which are themselves setting up a bunch of laws to protect their own citizens from potential lawsuits. It’s a mess.
When you claim to care about unborn children, but refuse support the systems needed to help mothers and children stay out poverty, stay employed or finish an education then those children are nothing more than political tools to you and their usefulness ends after birth.

It is because I don't support something you support that I don't care about unborn children. Got it.

Had my mother not misplaced her contraceptives, I wouldn't be here. I know the value of life because I almost never had one to begin with. That alone makes me imminently qualified to speak on the sanctity of life.
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I mean….if the internet see so it must be true.

You were using the internet too, snarky miss.
If you knew so much more than me you would have realized that these new laws depending on private citizen lawsuits for enforcement are uncharted territory and no one knows how they are going to play out when challenged in the courts or in other states which are themselves setting up a bunch of laws to protect their own citizens from potential lawsuits. It’s a mess.

Einstein once said, "if you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough."

I do know much more than you, I've been on this thread for eight days arguing my point unceasingly. I wouldn't do that if I lacked confidence in my position or lacked knowledge on the subject.
Oh. You know more about it than I do. According to you of course. Ya..why get a law degree

Because knowledge is free. One doesn't need to pre-qualify for any profession to acquire it.

Your appeal to authority is noted (granted, so am I, but this is established authority, not authority ginned up out of thin air).
You can't lose something you never had, Stan.
I already said that, but can you say women will have as much control over their reproductive Rights as they do now if Roe versus Wade go to the wayside. You know they won't. Overzealous state legislatures will try to outdo each other with outlandish abortion regulations. Non-medical entities making medical decisions, just great!
In truth, this issue brings out the worst in us. I wish it didn't. But I view life as precious, some people don't. I don't understand why.
Everyone should cherish life, but not into the dichotomy are trying to covet everyone else's lives. That can't end well.
I would take that statement seriously if you, along with other liberals in this thread, weren't doing that to Cecilie. Someone whose gender makes her equally as qualified to speak on this matter as you.
I know what you think, you are a moderator here, and you regularly post your opinions. The resolution due to the volume of those opinions being enough to make a presumption of your positions on a majority of political issues.
It may shock you, but I am just as qualified to speak my opinion as any conservative woman and my being a moderator here has nothing to do with it. You have no issues with liberals being attacked or broadly stereotyping their positions.

No. You do not know what, or at least it is not evident in your statements in this thread. You just THINK you because I am a “baby killing leftist” who is pro-choice, therefore there is no need for further discussion of viewpoints. Prove me wrong.
It may shock you, but I am just as qualified to speak my opinion as any conservative woman and my being a moderator here has nothing to do with it. You have no issues with liberals being attacked or broadly stereotyping their positions.

No. You do not know what, or at least it is not evident in your statements in this thread. You just THINK you because I am a “baby killing leftist” who is pro-choice, therefore there is no need for further discussion of viewpoints. Prove me wrong.
Now you're both getting too emotionally involved in the issue. Good luck to both of you, you're going to need it.
Because knowledge is free. One doesn't need to pre-qualify for any profession to acquire it.

Your appeal to authority is noted (granted, so am I, but this is established authority, not authority ginned up out of thin air).
Uhh…what? The internet YOU use is “established authority” but the internet I use is “ginned up out of thin air”? Good grief.
In truth, this issue brings out the worst in us. I wish it didn't. But I view life as precious, some people don't. I don't understand why.
I vehemently oppose abortion but I do not consider life to be precious. Just tossing that out there for consideration.
You have no issues with liberals being attacked or broadly stereotyping their positions.

Tell that to the protesters picketing SCOTUS justice's houses.

Or to Samuel Alito specifically, who had to be moved to an undisclosed location because of the utter reliance of the abortion lobby on fear and intimidation tactics.

Oh and don't act like you've never stereotyped conservatives or their positions either.

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