Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Let's revisit this.

All suicide attempts that result in death are successful. Guns, drugs, drowning, hanging, falling.

Someone desperately wishing to die will seek out the most lethal method available to them. If not a gun, a bedsheet; if not a bedsheet, a knife... and etc.
Most suicide victim/perpetrators are ambivalent about killing themselves.
This is not and never has been a political issue, it is an issue of MY most fundamental right, control and ownership of MY body, and that right belongs to no one else.

What you seem to miss is that the dismissal of Roe is not causal to losing your abortion rights. Why can't you understand that?

For the record: F U
Oh boy, such a cutting retort. I'll survive.
Please. Please. Please.

Enough with the conspiracies. I know you to be way smarter than what you're demonstrating here.
Now you are just being arrogant and condescending. Legal experts have been stating that these laws relying on lawsuits for enforcement are questionable, even The SCOTUS expressed some reservations on the enforcement mechanism and the way it side stepped challenges in the courts. Please.
And certainly not some like you who blows off pregnancy as a minor “inconvenience” who can’t begin to fathom what it is like to find out you pregnant when you don’t want to be or can’t afford to be and who then boils it down to an “oh, it’s just about political parties having powe

No, I don't blow off pregnancy as a minor inconvenience, I take issue with people like you seeing unborn life as a major inconvenience. I take issue with anyone using children as a political tool, for gun control/gun rights or abortion.

All for the sake of 'rights' that you are in no danger of losing.

If you ever let pregnancy get to the second trimester before choosing to abort the child, you should have never been allowed to procreate in the first place. You and your OB-GYN both know what that is in your womb, and it isn't a damned inconvenience. It was a choice you made in the bedroom, both you and your partner.
Have you ever been in one?


Fuck off.
They manipulate the women and never give them any alternatives. On the other hand planned alternative lays everything out gives both sides. So my question is which group is more moral and honest.
No, I don't blow off pregnancy as a minor inconvenience, I take issue with people like you seeing unborn life as a major inconvenience.

All for the sake of your rights and 'bodily autonomy.'

If you ever let pregnancy get to the second trimester before choosing to abort the child, you should have never been allowed to procreate in the first place. You and your OB-GYN both know what that is in your womb, and it isn't a damned inconvenience.
As I've already stated the second trimester abortions are mostly married women who find out from the second trimester blood works in chemistries that are done that the child is in dire straits and not probably very viable. You really want to prevent these married women from doing the right thing for them and their families. I don't think so you're talking out of your ass.
As I've already stated the second trimester abortions are mostly married women who find out from the second trimester blood works in chemistries that are done that the child is in dire straits and not probably very viable.

Moving the goalposts. We're talking about healthy women of sound mind and conscience and the healthy babies forming in their wombs due to a choice THEY made.
No, I don't blow off pregnancy as a minor inconvenience, I take issue with people like you seeing unborn life as a major inconvenience. I take issue with anyone using children as a political tool, for gun control/gun rights or abortion.

All for the sake of 'rights' that you are in no danger of losing.

If you ever let pregnancy get to the second trimester before choosing to abort the child, you should have never been allowed to procreate in the first place. You and your OB-GYN both know what that is in your womb, and it isn't a damned inconvenience. It was a choice you made in the bedroom, both you and your partner.

For any woman who chooses to have sex that results in pregnancy to treat the prospect of life so lightly in order to justify their want of convenience makes me sick to my stomach.
Oh stuff it. You are so full of yourself. At least I am not claiming to be some sort of self-appointed legal expert. :rolleyes:

I never said I was a legal expert. I just know more about it than you do. There's a distinct difference. I don't need to spend thousands of dollars on a legal degree to learn about the law. Given that the internet is the compendium of human knowledge, I use that instead.
I'm pretty sure the women going there were pretty aware of the alternative when they walked into the office.

Killing the child.
Getting all the information available without adversarial attitudes promises the best outcome in any situation, but it is unbelievably important in this situation.
Getting all the information available without adversarial attitudes promises the best outcome in any situation, but it is unbelievably important in this situation.

Perhaps it was *because* of the adversarial nature of this issue that these women chose to preserve the life of their child. Perhaps they assimilated all the pertinent information and determined for themselves that the pro-life choice was superior.
Perhaps it was *because* of the adversarial nature of this issue that these women chose to preserve the life of their child. Perhaps they assimilated all the pertinent information and determined for themselves that the pro-life choice was superior.
And that would be great as far as I'm concerned as long as the people who presented the information were objective. You, for example, right off the bat you would be disqualified because you can't be objective about the subject, your statement baby killers says it all.
No, I don't blow off pregnancy as a minor inconvenience, I take issue with people like you seeing unborn life as a major inconvenience. I take issue with anyone using children as a political tool, for gun control/gun rights or abortion.
You blow it off as an inconvenience. When you are lowering pregnancy and childbirth to a matter of inconvenience and convenience, you diminishing the enormity of it.

When you claim to care about unborn children, but refuse support the systems needed to help mothers and children stay out poverty, stay employed or finish an education then those children are nothing more than political tools to you and their usefulness ends after birth.

All for the sake of 'rights' that you are in no danger of losing.

Don’t presume to speak for my rights.

If you ever let pregnancy get to the second trimester before choosing to abort the child, you should have never been allowed to procreate in the first place. You and your OB-GYN both know what that is in your womb, and it isn't a damned inconvenience. It was a choice you made in the bedroom, both you and your partner.
Gee, ya know…would have been nice if we had actually DISCUSSED that instead of YOU presuming to know what I think, you might be surprised.
I have never met a group of people in my life so consumed by fear of losing something they are in no danger of losing. So willing to permeate that fear among the unsuspecting and refusing to educate them about ways to mitigate or resolve it. Knowledge is the antidote to fear. Ignorance is the catalyst.

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