Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

This. Will the leftists on this thread kindly tell us what blue state abortion laws will be scrapped if Roe is overturned?

They won't. Purely because the laws won't. By remanding this issue to the states, the blue states can keep their abortion laws on the books, other blue states can pass them, and red states can pass laws banning abortion.

What's there not to love from this?
See post 2799. You people have a piss poor understanding of the impact of this ruling and do not give a shit about the women who will be affected by it
I will remember that next time you start screaming about gun grabbing.

Curious, what is the relevance?

Consideration and implementation are two different things.

Just because I consider killing someone doesn't mean I will. Just because I consider stealing from a store doesn't mean I will. It means I used my better judgment.

Consideration does not causate to support of the action being considered.
None. But so what? How many women in red states will no longer have access to abortion? THAT is the question
None of your damn business if you dont live here. Your blue states allow barbaric late term abortions and will continue this barbarism if Roe is overturned.

People from our state can still be barbarians and go to your state. They just cant do it hete. Wah
You keep repeating that moronic assertion that I am "outraged by not wanting to kill babies" How fucking stupid! Apparently you care about government spending more than you care about the lives of children, unborn and born. You are a pathetic hypocrite and your pro life stance is pure bullshit. While I am pro choice, I am also far more pro life than you are. Once again, I promote programs that can reduce unwanted pregnancies and provide assistance to families that will encourage them to carry a child to term rather than abort.

Yes I do judge you for your callousness and stupidity. You have nothing to offer but you insults anti government rhetoric while I have specific and workable ideas for reducing abortion. Your simplistic stand that we should just ban abortion will not end abortion. It will just drive it underground and result in the death of women and more late term abortions. How fucking stupid can you be.?

You keep pretending I can't read your fucking posts. I can only assume it's because you're illiterate and think everyone else suffers the same problem.

"Apparently you care more about . . ." I sincerely doubt anything is apparent to you without a flashing neon sign and someone to read it for you. What I care about is that government spending is neither an efficient way of getting things done, nor does it take the place of genuine charity and compassion to vote for someone else to handle it.

"Yes I do judge you . . ." Once again, you missed the point. I don't care what you judge, because I wouldn't allow you to give me your approval if it was on a solid gold platter. I'd be mortally offended if I had anything in common with filth like you.
See post 2799. You people have a piss poor understanding of the impact of this ruling and do not give a shit about the women who will be affected by it

I did. And my position remains unchanged. The choices women and their states make on abortion remain unchanged by the invalidation of Roe.
This. Will the leftists on this thread kindly tell us what blue state abortion laws will be scrapped if Roe is overturned?

They won't. Purely because the laws won't. By remanding this issue to the states, the blue states can keep their abortion laws on the books, other blue states can pass them, and red states can pass laws banning abortion.

What's there not to love from this?

1. Why do you think they plan on stopping at the state level?

2. And we already know that red states will not respect state borders in going after women who cross state lines to obtain a legal abortion.
1. Why do you think they plan on stopping at the state level?

2. And we already know that red states will not respect state borders in going after women who cross state lines to obtain a legal abortion.
Lol Demons in your head told you.

You are out there.
The idea of life begins at conception is a physical fact. But these people are saying that the conception is a sacred event and that is their religious right. Fortunately our government is secular, reality based and not subject to the whims of religious beliefs. At least that is the case in every other issue except for abortion. Go figure.

"These people are saying that"? Who? Which people? Please cite the specific post where anyone said that. I know that's the argument you WISH we'd make so you can argue against it, but - as I keep telling you - you can't create reality simply by asserting it's so.
Also, further proof of this is your very own birthday. It is the most defining fact that you exist. The government wouldn't know who you are without it.

Are we back to that again? I don't recall you ever explaining what science textbook gave you "has a birthday" as a criterion of life.
Curious, what is the relevance?

Consideration and implementation are two different things.

Just because I consider killing someone doesn't mean I will. Just because I consider stealing from a store doesn't mean I will. It means I used my better judgment.

Consideration does not causate to support of the action being considered.
Again, next time you you start screaming about infringing on rights and slippery slopes just because someone talks about gun regulation, I will remember this.
This is a discussion board. Sorry your inconvenienced by hearing sound opposing opinions. That's all any of us have here, is opinions. We don't dictate foolish laws, we don't create the situations that adversely affect us. We are all victims, waiting, like Jesus, for the truth to set us all free.

How would he know if he's inconvenienced by sound opposing opinions? There haven't been any. We've heard a lot of assertions about, "This is fact. Period. Because I say so." Sound opposing opinions? Nary a one.
1. Why do you think they plan on stopping at the state level?

Why wouldn't they?

2. And we already know that red states will not respect state borders in going after women who cross state lines to obtain a legal abortion.

Actually, they only have jurisdiction over abortions that occur within their borders.

Quit spreading fear, Coyote. It's infuriating.
In the process you have repeatedly insulted women again and again. What's being created is not just an insignificant barrier to abortion, it's declaring war on it. And as usual in a world's largely ruled by men women are the victims.

That's pretty funny, coming from Mr. "If women aren't more like men, they're inferior".
Again, next time you you start screaming about infringing on rights and slippery slopes just because someone talks about gun regulation, I will remember this.

I can't speak for Templar, but I view that less as a foreboding threat, and more of a wearying nuisance. Kinda like catching a cold every winter.

"Oh noes! If I say something Coyote doesn't like, she's going to show up in every thread and spew nonsense at me!" So, what you were going to do anyway. Meh.
Again, next time you you start screaming about infringing on rights and slippery slopes just because someone talks about gun regulation, I will remember this.

Yeah, but I won't be, because I know for a fact it won't happen. Gun rights are constitutionally guaranteed. Abortion isn't.

What isn't guaranteed by the constitution is left for the states to decide.

What really changes if Roe is overturned? You can't tell me. You refuse to tell me. You deflect to other points. You spread needless fear. You feel the need to cause hysteria instead of educating others about the *real* ramifications of Roe being struck down.

Gun rights, as you view them, are a deflection.

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