Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Most people who attempt suicide without guns do not succeed.


You must have never heard of bridges. Or highrise buildings. Or knives.

And I, having tried twice, know exactly where to cut on my body to ensure a quick death.

There are plenty of ways to successfully kill yourself.
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Then, when asked what you would actually do in the interest of preserving and protecting life you go off like a banshee about how we want to kill babies.

Actually, she mentioned it earlier in this thread. Yet you were too lazy to go back in this thread and check her positions before making assumptions.


Personally, my ideal plans involve taking the tons of money the government shovels into Planned Parenthood and other butcher shops like them, and funneling it instead to organizations like crisis pregnancy centers and others that are set up to help women who choose to let their children live. And I hope someday pro-lifers won't have to expend so much energy just keeping children alive, and can focus that energy into things like reforming the foster care system, or cleaning up the adoption system so couples don't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars and years of their lives to give homes to children who need them.
She has already made herself clear on that specific subject.
Actually, she mentioned it earlier in this thread. Yet you were too lazy to go back in this thread and check her positions before making assumptions.


She has already made herself clear on that specific subject.
Are you fucking shitting me! Crisis pregnancy centers? Where they shame and humiliate women seeking an abortion? This is pure bullshit! Where is the plan to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and to support women and families with services that will help them keep and raise a child?

And shutting down Planned Parenthood? The agency that provides birth control and cancer screening? How stupid can you people be??!!

Total fucking inane horseshit!

C: Cecilie1200
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Dismantling Roe versus Wade is already a step too far.
I disagree about that, IMHO the 1973 RvW decision was not based in the Constitution and never should have happened in the 1st place. We can argue all day long about the morality of it, but the SC is supposed to rule based on existing law and prior rulings, of which there were none relative to abortion rights. It was judicial activism that ought to be overturned.

I don't think 9 unelected people ought to make up civil rights out of thin air and that is precisely what they did. By overturning that ruling the Court will throw the issue open to the legislators at both the national and state levels, where it should be.

You must never heard of bridges. Or highrise buildings. Or knives.

And I, having tried twice, know exactly where to cut on my body to ensure a quick death.

There are plenty of ways to successfully kill yourself.
Why are you attempted to kill yourself
What on Earth could have made you so unhappy. I can't imagine even considering the concept. But you were unsuccessful, unsuccessful attempts usually means it's a desperate cry for help doesn't it. I don't know it just baffles me. I've had times in my life where I felt totally isolated, totally unloved, totally demoralized and that thought could come to mind but it was only a glancing thought that I wouldn't allow myself to accept. I guess you just have to not accept that as an alternative I'm not trying to go off subject but in one post could you give me your thoughts on it.


You must never heard of bridges. Or highrise buildings. Or knives.

And I, having tried twice, know exactly where to cut on my body to ensure a quick death.

There are plenty of ways to successfully kill yourself.
Why are you attempted to kill yourself
What on Earth could have made you so unhappy. I can't imagine even considering the concept. But you were unsuccessful, unsuccessful attempts usually means it's a desperate cry for help doesn't it. I don't know it just baffles me. I've had times in my life where I felt totally isolated, totally unloved, totally demoralized and that thought could come to mind but it was only a glancing thought that I wouldn't allow myself to accept. I guess you just have to not accept that as an alternative I'm not trying to go off subject but in one post could you give me your thoughts on it.
Thank you.
I disagree about that, IMHO the 1973 RvW decision was not based in the Constitution and never should have happened in the 1st place. We can argue all day long about the morality of it, but the SC is supposed to rule based on existing law and prior rulings, of which there were none relative to abortion rights. It was judicial activism that ought to be overturned.

I don't think 9 unelected people ought to make up civil rights out of thin air and that is precisely what they did. By overturning that ruling the Court will throw the issue open to the legislators at both the national and state levels, where it should be.
But you want even less supposedly righteous people deciding the issue in every state, further complicating abortion in the United States.
I disagree about that, IMHO the 1973 RvW decision was not based in the Constitution and never should have happened in the 1st place. We can argue all day long about the morality of it, but the SC is supposed to rule based on existing law and prior rulings, of which there were none relative to abortion rights. It was judicial activism that ought to be overturned.

I don't think 9 unelected people ought to make up civil rights out of thin air and that is precisely what they did. By overturning that ruling the Court will throw the issue open to the legislators at both the national and state levels, where it should be.
You might be correct. I believe the supreme Court should have said. Abortion is a personal matter between a doctor and the woman involved. It is a medical matter for doctors to decide not politicians. No laws can be enacted in a free Nation that interfere with this process. In conclusion, all abortion laws in the United States are here within are dissolved.
And shutting down Planned Parenthood? The agency that provides birth control and cancer screening? How stupid can you people be??!!

Because abortion and contraceptive care are their goals. They are abortion and contraceptive providers (and baby part sellers). Furthermore, there are women, who, when faced with an unexpected pregnancy, choose to keep the child instead of aborting them. That's what crisis pregnancy centers are for. It must be foreign to you that there exist millions of women out there who favor life over death when it comes to pregnancy.
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In the meantime, far-left liberal policies are ensuring children die outside as well as inside the womb:

Holy shit! That is quite an inane rant! Did you head just spin completely around which projective vomiting pea soup.

Now I am going to dumb it down for YOU. Your version of "pro life" is to continue to bleat about being pro life. Then, when asked what you would actually do in the interest of preserving and protecting life you go off like a banshee about how we want to kill babies.

I presented concrete plans and policies to reduce unwanted pregnancies and to support and encourage women and families to keep the children and not abort. You have nothing. I am more pro life than you. In fact, you are not pro life at all

I just heard, "I'm too busy 'knowing' what I was told to allow myself to hear anything else."

You presented a leftist wishlist of government spending and then declared that it was THE only way possible to care about women and children, and if I wasn't in favor of it, that meant that I didn't really care, because for some unknown and possibly alcohol-induced reason, you think YOU are some sort of moral arbiter qualified to judge others and respected enough for others to give a shit.

I repeat, and please let me know if I'm still being too complicated for your rudimentary brain stem: I don't want to kill babies; you're outraged by not killing them. You "care more" than absolutely no one on Earth.
In the meantime, far-left liberal policies are ensuring children die outside as well as inside the womb:

View attachment 642920

I'm quite sure they have yet another overpriced government program they'd love to trot out for that in order to "compassionately" shove the problem off onto bureaucrats so they can congratulate themselves while simultaneously forgetting those pesky peasants.
I'm sorry you're so easily bored by opposing points of view. An " unborn " bird is actually called an egg. I don't know of anyone who calls it unborn bird. That would be totally ridiculous and " Un " realistic for any intelligent person to do. I don't think I need to point out that one most abortions are done the fetus is in no way recognizable as a human child, but with you arrogant people I guess I have to.

I'm sorry you think you're going to lie to me the way you lie to yourself.

No, actually, I'm not sorry. I'm rather glad to see being called on your self-serving bullshit is tying you into a pretzel.

You must have never heard of bridges. Or highrise buildings. Or knives.

And I, having tried twice, know exactly where to cut on my body to ensure a quick death.

There are plenty of ways to successfully kill yourself.
Thank you for sharing. I hope you are in a better shape now!

I never harmed myself -- except overeating and being mostly immobile.

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