Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Taking a woman's personal control away from her and assigning it to the State is an impersonal tyranny that denies her the right to make reproductive decisions for herself in consultation with loved ones and spiritual and medical advisers who know her and whom she trusts.

Statists taking a woman's freedom away is antithetical to the progress of reproductive liberty throughout advanced, democratic nations.

Reverting to the state womb control of Egypt, Iran, Honduras, and El Salvador is not progress.
You're only angry that they are giving this decision to the States where it belongs based on the Constitution because of the outcome. You would be ok with this decision if Roe v Wade had outlawed abortion for the last 50 years. We wouldnt hear a peep out of you about stare decisis or authoritarians other than to call the SCOTUS Court of 1973 that of course.
I'm still yawning at your blank, unsubstantiated declarations that unborn babies are not children because you say so. At some point, I really hope you start holding your breath while waiting for your assertions to matter.
I'm sorry you're so easily bored by opposing points of view. An " unborn " bird is actually called an egg. I don't know of anyone who calls it unborn bird. That would be totally ridiculous and " Un " realistic for any intelligent person to do. I don't think I need to point out that one most abortions are done the fetus is in no way recognizable as a human child, but with you arrogant people I guess I have to.
Yeah, I get that. But whatever the source, people can say what they want but actually passing such a law to ban contraceptives is a whole 'nother thing. I would hope the citizens in any state would send a clear message not to do that.
That would be complete and utter Insanity.
I'm sorry you're so easily bored by opposing points of view. An " unborn " bird is actually called an egg. I don't know of anyone who calls it unborn bird. That would be totally ridiculous and " Un " realistic for any intelligent person to do. I don't think I need to point out that one most abortions are done the fetus is in no way recognizable as a human child, but with you arrogant people I guess I have to.
What is an egg? Can a chicken egg develop into a finch? If I steal a robin's egg and put it in a egret's nest will it hatch an egret? Of course not. It's just a stage in a bird's development. A zygote, fetus, baby, toddler, child, adolescent, young adult, adult, senior citizen/elderly adult etc, are all human they are just different stages of human life. You people act like a fetus might turn into a zebra while it's in it's human mother and we don't know what it will be until it takes the magical trip through the birth canal. What's sad is birds know their eggs are life, and they defend them with more vigor than many humans defend their unborn....
I think banning contraceptives is a step too far, and any state that does that risks losing their grip on that state's gov't. If some individuals want to spout off about it, fine. They're entitled to speak their mind, but they also have to deal with the consequences just as some from the Left will. Hard to believe the people in any state would support that, and politicians who ignore the will of the most people tend to get voted out of office.

Much as I dislike the democratic party, if my state reps are for banning contraceptives then they ain't going to get my vote.
Dismantling Roe versus Wade is already a step too far. Any attack on birth control and /or emergency drugs like the morning after pill for rape victims would be met with immediately legal action I would definitely win. Our state is trying to stop personal mail order all such type drugs and they failed already. I'm sure other states like Texas and Mississippi are going to try garbage like that.
Yeah, I get that. But whatever the source, people can say what they want but actually passing such a law to ban contraceptives is a whole 'nother thing. I would hope the citizens in any state would send a clear message not to do that.
Messing with personal mail is a federal offense.
Dismantling Roe versus Wade is already a step too far. Any attack on birth control and /or emergency drugs like the morning after pill for rape victims would be met with immediately legal action I would definitely win. Our state is trying to stop personal mail order all such type drugs and they failed already. I'm sure other states like Texas and Mississippi are going to try garbage like that.

Messing with personal mail is a federal offense.
Show me the banning of rubbers in Mississippi??

You have lost your stinking mind. Morning after? Mississippi law moved to 15 weeks on their law for abortikn.
What a weird thing to say.

How many unborn babies would you say there are? Do they get to vote? Exactly what are their rights?
Yawn. What do you consider a umborn baby??? Its 9 months. Water broke. You change your mind and abort. This happens in many states already. Do you agree with this or NOT?
He's citing state's rights as his excuse for violating individual rights.
States rights have to do with what's in the States purview vs the Federal Government's. It' has nothing to do with individual rights. In this instance because the Constitution does not speak to abortion it like most other things is the purview of the individual states to govern or in other words states rights. It has zero to do with whether that state makes abortion or anything else for that matter legal or otherwise.
Yawn. What do you consider a umborn baby???
You go first - you're the one who keeps throwing the term around. It's nonsensical from my point of view. That's why I asked you how many there are - to pin you down to SOME kind of definition. Vague appeals to emotion don't make for productive debate.

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