Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Why do republicans play the abortion games and right before elections that they should be winning a bunch of seats. This is a stupid political move----you wanna make a bunch of women remember why they hate republicans right before an election---going after abortion is the way to do it.

Roe v Wade is a terrible decision. Judicially speaking. And it always has been. It has FINALLY been challenged and been found empty as it should have been all along. Now the decisions go back to the states.

Women have always voted stupidly as a block and this might be no exception. But I also expect the Democrats to way, way overplay their political hand on this. They will go too far and it will be repugnant to most people. Most people who even say they're pro-choice don't really love abortion. Once these mentally ill Leftists let their freak flags fly we'll see what's what. This is far from over.
These religious psychos must be purged from SCOTUS.

And so the overplaying of their hand begins.

And this does not even begin to touch the LARPing we're gonna see. These freaks have been inculcated that abortion is their High Sacrament. Wait til you see the passion plays they put on in front of the SC this week. Prepare your souls normal folks. A portal from Hell is about to open.
Roe v Wade is a terrible decision. Judicially speaking. And it always has been. It has FINALLY been challenged and been found empty as it should have been all along. Now the decisions go back to the states.

Women have always voted stupidly as a block and this might be no exception. But I also expect the Democrats to way, way overplay their political hand on this. They will go too far and it will be repugnant to most people. Most people who even say they're pro-choice don't really love abortion. Once these mentally ill Leftists let their freak flags fly we'll see what's what. This is far from over.
Logic does not sway those types. Nearly all of them have...

A: Had an abortion.


B: Been pressured by some stinky scumbag sporting a wifebeater shirt into getting an abortion.

Logical arguments will never change their minds regarding this issue. That's why we need to implement the death penalty for murdering babies.
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You're right. There's plenty of right wing Gomers like yourself who don't give a shit about abortion.

And they won't go out & vote if there's a good game on or Married With Children reruns are running on cable.are

Come November, you'll be crying in your beer.
Massive projection here. Seek professional help. Uneducated sheep like you won’t move the needle. You morons were going to vote Dem anyway.
Logic does not sway those types. Nearly all of them have...

A: Had an abortion.


B: Been pressured by some stinky scumbag sporting a wifebeater shirt into getting an abortion.

Logical arguments will never change their minds regarding this issue. That's why we need to implement the death penalty for murdering babies.
The Nazis used to love killing Jewish babies

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

A leftist, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren supporter, democrat party voter tried to murder the entire Repbulican baseball team over obamacare.......whoever released this draft isn't stupid......they know what the brown shirts of the democrat party are capable of. The democrat party used their blm/antifa brownshirts to burn, loot, and murder in black neighborhoods to attack Trump's election chances.........whoever released this draft knows that the conservative justices are now targets for murder..........

The left is insane, and will do absolutely anything for power.
For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.
I will mark this thread because if the GOP win in November just remember how you proclaimed they wouldn’t and how all women would not stand for this…

This isn’t the 1970’s and it is about time to start using birth control!
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Amen! That's why I think SCOTUS may have intentionally leaked their draft opinion as a trial balloon. I firmly believe this is good news for Democrats.
Translation : Please let this be the one subject that will Save Biden, Pelosi and Schumer because they truly suck at running the Government!

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