Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Not gonna mince words... You're kind of garbage, pal. This is either trolling, stupidity, or stupid trolling, or trolling stupidity.

SCOTUS is respecting the Constitution. The Constitution doesn't let SCOTUS have any say on abortion whatsoever, because they are part of the federal government, and there is no mention of this topic in the text.

The federal government can AND SHOULD ban abortion on all federal territory, and ideally the socialist trash infesting our government would be thrown out and that would happen, and still, SCOTUS would have no say in it, because the Constitution lets Congress set the criminal code on federal territory. Not in the states though.

I'm sorry you don't like the Constitution or following the rule of law, but I'm not actually sorry.

So, how do you think we'll answer this dumb question? As already established SCOTUS isn't sanctioning anything - they have no lawful authority to say otherwise.

Are we happy the barbaric trash comprising the majority of voters in Calfornia and New York are our countrymen? No.

Can we make them behave like civilized people? Sure, but it's going to require a Constitutional Amendment over their objection, and maybe then the national guard or the military. Whatever it takes. Or a national divorce, so they can just fuck off.
You first


So you believe it's not immoral to end their lives because they aren't human beings? And you believe it's not immoral to not consider their right to life because they aren't human beings?

Is that correct?

A human being with potential. Not a potential human being.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
Bull fucking shit. If it's inside someone else's body it's none of your goddamned fucking business. Mind your own house. Stay out of mine.
No matter the location of your kid, you don't get to abuse or neglect them or hurt them on purpose, like killing them.

Lots of pieces of shit hurt their kids in their house.

It's all of our business, and your attitude is fucked in the head.
No matter the location of your kid, you don't get to abuse or neglect them or hurt them on purpose, like killing them.
Fuck you. Stay out of my crotch.
Lots of pieces of shit hurt their kids in their house.

It's all of our business, and your attitude is fucked in the head.
Busybody statists who want to get one everyone else's business. MYOB.
Fuck you. Stay out of my crotch.
No, I don't want to fuck you, and I want nothing to do with your crotch.

Just don't kill anyone else like a monstrous piece of shit, and we're good.

If you ARE or BECOME a monstrous piece of shit, then we need to put you in a cell where you can't hurt anyone else and so your victim has justice.
Some scumbag is violently attacking a pregnant woman and you see it.
You're supposed to "mind your own business" and ignore it?
I can't express how much contempt I have for a coward like that, "minding his own business."

As to what's inside a woman's body, it's a person, a biological, real person. Scott Peterson is in prison for murdering his unborn son, Connor. So are lots of other evil murderers of unborn children.
So you believe it's not immoral to end their lives because they aren't human beings? And you believe it's not immoral to not consider their right to life because they aren't human beings?

Is that correct?
It’s like beating my head against a BRICK WALL

It’s like beating my head against a BRICK WALL

Your failure to understand the definition of the word "begin" and apply it correctly means that your head is a thick as said brick wall.

You're utterly incoherent while saying others need psychological assistance - mind that plank in your eye.
It’s like beating my head against a BRICK WALL

So you believe it's not immoral to end their lives because they aren't human beings? And you believe it's not immoral to not consider their right to life because they aren't human beings?

Is that correct?
Post reported
Buddy, if your "GET HELP" "brick wall" shtick didn't get you in trouble, reminding you that your shit still stinks won't get me in trouble.

Seriously, like, you jumped in here with that and namecalling and apparently not knowing what the word "begins" even means.

What else do you want, serious discussion? If so, be serious and say something that has any substance to reply to, at all. If not, well then the presumption of bad faith we already all have is accurate.

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