Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW: No. You are embarrassingly confused Blaster .

Roe vs Wade was a guarantee that became settled law for fifty years, that there is a lnatural and implicit right to privacy under the 14th Amendment when a women experiences an unwanted pregnancy she can choose to terminate her pregnancy by a legal and safe medical procedure known as abortion.

Roe v Wade forbid Federal and State and local government from intervening in a woman’s private decisions she can make with regard to pregnancy. END2209160401
Abortion was never a constitutional right.
NFBW;,I am not wrong to point out that a fetus cannot survive without extreme physical impairment prior to 24 weeks of development within the womb without nutrients and oxygenated blood from it’s mother.
Irrelevant to the point at hand. You are claiming they are not alive, you stupid fuck. And now you’re going to lie and say you didn’t say that, because you’re a useless waste of time and a troll, but your words have plain meaning and you’re claiming they do not have a life that they are just part of their mother, presumably over your fucking retarded surfactant fetish.

And your stupid ass not only fisked like hell, you spread it out over countless replies, spamming me with your useless nonsense.

Nothing else you said was coherent or salient so that’s fine, nothing else needs quoting or reply.
You are claiming they are not alive,
NFBW: YOU CarsomyrPlusSix ARE A LIAR - I affirm again and again that prior to potential viability, the fertilized egg and all subsequent growth is biologically alive.

A new life's biological beginning must make it to the wall of the uterus and be implanted to receive nourishment and oxygen from the mother. it is alive with a new individual DNA when it makes the journey from the Fallopian tube where it was fertilized, to the wall of the uterus where it must become implanted to continue to live and grow. It is dependent upon the mother’s organism to make that journey. THE NEW LIFE cannot get to the uterus on its own.

I believe that as a society that our moral obligations to the new life begins at 24 weeks when the new life is physically able to surive if separated from its mother..That is when a new life becomes legally one of us - viable living human beings.

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Irrelevant to the point at hand.
NFBW220816-#5,156 - “I am not wrong to point out that a fetus cannot survive without extreme physical impairment prior to 24 weeks of development within the womb without nutrients and oxygenated blood from it’s mother.”​

NFBW: Your dishonesty is also exposed whenever you use the same trick that posters like ding and Correll use when they and you realize I am right . you cry “irrelevant to the point” - The similarities are uncanny. END2209161014
You make no sense as you run away. How do get clarification on what you just posted. I See no disconnect other than you may have misread the post you were responding to.

I oppose abortion in my personal life and that is why I had a vasectomy after my second kid.,
Why do you oppose abortion? This will be most telling and please tell the truth. I understand it was after your second child so why, what changed for you exactly?

Here’s a tip for you as well, your effort to goad people into responding to you by comments such as “as you run away” is immature (think grade school level) but you’re certainly not the only poster on this board who does it. I only call people out when it’s been directed at me, unless I see some type of ignorance that just can’t be left alone, as the actions and inactions of bystanders always matter. Feel
free to call me out any time I try to goad other posters into responding to my posts, in which btw comes off as a weakness and reduces your worth in the discussion. Thanks;)
Abortion was never a constitutional right.
A woman’s right to vote was not an original Constitutional right. They had to fight to get it.,

The 14th Amendment covers a right to privacy for a woman getting a medical procedure when there is no harm to any other person involved. Roe v Wade provided settled law potecting women from governments abridgment from government intrusion into their reproductive privacy. Ii should not have been so recklessly undone to please a white conservative extremist religious minority as the Trump SCOTUS has done. END220916-1043
NFBW: That is not what ClaireH was saying.

What forces you to lie so easily?

The growing life is NOT the mother is true.

“the growing life is NOT the woman's life” per ClaireH

“the growing life is NOT the woman's life“ is nonsense because the growing life can have no life scientifically prior to 24 weeks of pregnancy unless it has the woman’s life supporting it.

FACT: the young human being’s life is and is part of, and wholly dependent upon it’s mother’s life until it can be alive on its own when separated fully from it’s mother.,it is scientifically referred to as viability.

Excuse me I would like to speak for myself Mr. -hold on what is your name again I’m on my phone I need to scroll -oh,not fooled by W lol are you fooled by X, how about Z?

That was exactly what I was saying the mother’s life is separate from the baby’s life. Please try to keep up and don’t ever speak for me again.
responding to you by comments such as “as you run away”
You dump your point, tell me you are right and Ibam wrong and sum it all up that you are gonna run away..

I don’t want you to run away before an honest discussion can run its course -
Yes, the young human being - who is the offspring of the mother - is not the mother.

This is obvious scientific fact, you delusional fuckwit.
This poster is an obvious troll so I’m pretty much done because he has resorted to begging other posters to respond to him- a sure sign the discussion is over. NFBW needs to get a hat and be at least honest beggar lol

Sorry to all honest and decent beggars who frequent this board. Leftists with blurred vision: I am not joking about homeless people in any shape or form so don’t try to change the meaning of my words or joke. It is only meant as a personal slam against that other poster and that is all lol
Why do you oppose abortion?
I do not support abortion in my personal life because as a secular humanist I believe viable humans have an obligation to make the precious experience of human existence among all viable humans as perfect as possible. When a man and women partake of the pleasure of sex without concern that the woman can get pregnant falls short of seeking human perfection or enlightened existence as a common goal.

I am not responsible for what other people do when they fall short in the pursuit of enlightenment as long as they do not violate the life and property and liberty of other viable human beings going about the business of life. END2209161055
A woman’s right to vote was not an original Constitutional right. They had to fight to get it.,

The 14th Amendment covers a right to privacy for a woman getting a medical procedure when there is no harm to any other person involved. Roe v Wade provided settled law potecting women from governments abridgment from government intrusion into their reproductive privacy. Ii should not have been so recklessly undone to please a white conservative extremist religious minority as the Trump SCOTUS has done. END220916-1043
A religious minority? Do you believe there is an atheist majority?
. It is only meant as a personal slam
Your lack of respect for honest discourse based on facts is duly noted.

Thank you for summing up your posting purpose and style as personally slamming posters when you cannot find fault with their facts.
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A religious minority? Do you believe there is an atheist majority?
Nope. Anti abortion Christians who celebrate the striking down of Roe v Wade and voted for Trump to pack the Supreme Court with Catholics are a minority among religious Americans. Noting to do with atheists.
I do not support abortion in my personal life because as a secular humanist I believe viable humans have an obligation to make the precious experience of human existence among all viable humans as perfect as possible. When a man and women partake of the pleasure of sex without concern that the woman can get pregnant falls short of seeking human perfection or enlightened existence as a common goal.

I am not responsible for what other people do when they fall short in the pursuit of enlightenment as long as they do not violate the life and property and liberty of other viable human beings going about the business of life. END2209161055
We obviously have of our definitional differences of perfection and with pursuing enlightenment. Let’s go with your term human perfection, even better. Perfection is attained through growth and life supporting entities. This encompasses all of life. There is no middle ground by the way you either support life or you do not you either support growth and understanding or you do not.

Your idea of perfection supports death by choice. There is no perfection in the act of dying and there is definitely no perfection going on in the world of killing a developing life form, particularly human life. You will never convince any reader to support your views with your ending a human life on purpose analogy. That is what you’re trying to do I assume, to change minds or to have other posters come in and support your argument? Where are your supporters? Your island is your of your own making.

You never answer the question why are you now against abortion-you have either changed your argument as in doing a 180° turn or you are intentionally deceptive.
Your lack of respect for honest discourse based on facts is duly noted.

Thank you for summing up your posting purpose and style as personally slamming posters when you cannot find fault with their facts.
I am honest about my actions and words. I am absolutely straight up and wear my intentions on my sleeve. If you are offended by my statement for you to stop with the “as you run away” BS and that you appear to beg posters to keep responding to you, please correct me where I’m wrong in my assessment. I used your words specifically, no ad-libbing like you did when you told another poster about what I had said which was totally the opposite of what I had said.
Nope. Anti abortion Christians who celebrate the striking down of Roe v Wade and voted for Trump to pack the Supreme Court with Catholics are a minority among religious Americans. Noting to do with atheists.
Why are you being disrespectful to Catholics? You do know that there are other religions that are pro-life.
And yet you claim they are “the mother’s life.”
NFBW: I have made it consistently and perfectly clear that a fertilized human egg is alive from the first instant of conception through whatever stage of development a potential new life is in, however it is wholly dependent upon its mother’s life to continue to develop towards that splendid moment when the new living being’s life will be fully capable of sustaining its own life when it is separated biologically from its mother Hopefully in a new relationship with his or her mother outside of her womb. END2209161221
And yet you claim they are “the mother’s life.”

Which is stupid and contradictory. Fuck yourself, I’m done with your trolling time-wasting.

Contradictory to what? It would help if you attempted to read my post instead of looking at phrases out of context and detached from their meaning and rolling it into some vulgar adversarial mindless excuse for your laziness.

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