Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

It certainly was an “important” note in government overreach and tyranny,

NFBW: Roe v Wade was bipartisan government fundamental law underreach that became fifty years of settled law guaranteeing freedom of choice regarding reproductive rights for millions of woman. The ruling suppressed the abject historic tyranny of the white-centric, male-centric Protestant Catholic merger of rightwing ultra -conservative Christian religionists who are wealthy and powerful and single-mindedly opposed to the founding freedom of and from religion principle of separation of church and state..

The Catholic packed Supreme Court by Trump, the Federalist Society and other dark political money overreached big time with Dobbs in the worst political season and the entire white right political Christian Trumpism & Ginny Thimas wing of conservatism is dazed and confused and off course that is hopefully on the verge of crashing on the rock of political reality.

thus we get posts like this:

Get fucked.

NFBW: Roe v Wade was bipartisan government fundamental law underreach
It was tyrannical assumption of federal power by a group of corrupt men in robes who abandoned their duty to uphold the Constitution.

freedom of choice
Lie, abortion has nothing to with freedom of choice.

You scum just want needless violence and death.

regarding reproductive rights
Please put these fictional "rights" in quotation marks, as they have never existed.
Trump You scum just want needless violence and death.

NFBW: Are you good with and supportive of needless violence and death up to fifteen weeks after gestation as proposed by South Carolina ‘s Trump minnie-me, US Senator.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has introduced a bill to create a federal ban on abortions at 15 weeks in an attempt to force Republicans to adopt a partywide consensus on the issue.​

Lie, abortion has nothing to with freedom of choice.
NFBW: abortion is an optional medical procedure that is available to every woman who regards her private health decisions including early terminating an unwanted pregnancy to be a matter of privacy and bodily autonomy in accordance with her right to life, liberty and freedom from harm which no state shall abridge.

Please put these fictional "rights" in quotation marks, as they have never existed.
NFBW: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

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NFBW: abortion is an optional medical procedure

Stop lying, retard. Contract killing is not “medicine,” it is just maliciously inflicting the harm of death on a third party for money.
private health decisions
Completely irrelevant non sequitur, retard.

bodily autonomy
Not a right. Not a relevant or recognized concept in the United States.

in accordance with her right to life, liberty and freedom from harm which no state shall abridge.
You do not and cannot have the right to kill other human beings in cold blood, filth.

The right to life is not enumerated as a constitutional right. It should be, despite being obvious, as it would shut down your hateful and stupid mewling once and for all.

“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Well then, self-immolating retard, the unborn are being killed without due process, so I guess your “interpretation” from illiteracy insists that abortion be banned.

I agree with you - the thing you said accidentally which defeats yourself utterly anyway - in spirit, little buddy, but the 5th doesn’t make abortion illegal already, just like how it didn’t make slavery illegal.

We need a another new amendment. We can use the 13th as a template, nice and simple.
Contract killing is not “medicine,” it is just maliciously inflicting the harm of death on a third party for money.

NFBW: Please put your fictional "third party” in quotation marks, as no such person exists or is mentioned as a protected citizen that can be harmed or put to death within the US Constitution. Perhaps ding knows where it’s written. END2209150804
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CarsomyrPlusSix-#5,126 “Contract killing is not “medicine,” it is just maliciously inflicting the harm of death on a third party for money.”

Ray_from_Cleveland220905-#764 “Are you going to deny that your party is the party of baby killers?”

Ray_from_Cleveland220907-#797 “The Dobbs ruling simply stated there was no constitutional protection for abortions, and I totally agree with that.”

NFBW: Weird thing CarsomyrPlusSix is that Ray From Cleveland is pro-choice except for late term just prior to actual birth?

NFBW220908-#844 The states are falsely granted by SCOTUS the authority to assign constitutional personhood rights, by means of banning a medical procedure, to preserve a non-existent right to a one cell fertilizated egg that begins to divide cells and grow inside a fallopian tube inside a woman’s body without their being any reference to such reproductive rights for a fertilized egg mentioned in the Constitution.

A woman has a natural right to privacy with no government intrusion and or interference in her sexual and reproductive behavior in the privacy of her home.,

Yet you argue that reproductive privacy rights for a woman do not exist if it’s not written in the Constitution, and then you turn right around and tell me that states have the authority to ban the medical procedure of abortion to protect the individual personhood right to life of a one-celled fertilized egg the split fucking second that a sperm cell breaks to through the outer wall of an egg cell in a Fallopian tube and the biological reproductive process called pregnancy begins.

There is nothing in the Constitution @Ray From Cleveland regarding protection of civil and human right to the continued growth and development of a human egg cell that becomes fertilized.

P Why do you make one argument against the 30 trillion cell woman because her right to termibate a pregnancy is not directly written in the Constitution, and then you make a second argument in favor of one fertilized egg cell being considered a human being and an individual person that is to be protected from a woman who does not plan to continue her unwanted pregnancy and seeks to legally and safely terminate it?

The second argument is not written in the Constitution either, but you agree with SCOTUS that the state government can grant personhood rights to a fertilized one cell egg and deny a woman her privacy right and natural right to control the health well being and pursuit of happiness within her own body.

Why Ray, is a one cell fertilized egg allowed to become basically a fully viable born human being 28 to 40 weeks before they actually are developed sufficiently to actually be one? END2209080746

NFBW: The above response applies to you as well CarsomyrPlusSix since both you and Ray From Cleveland make the same error granting personhood to a one-celled fertilized egg that is not covered in the US Constitution and never will be.

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I see you’re still so insipidly retarded as to continue to call human beings “eggs.”

Just make your figurative self-immolation literal at this point. You would be more useful and more intelligent as ashes.
I’m sorry you are this hateful and stupid, bigoted Nazi-adjacent filth, but your hate has no basis in reality and I will not indulge your delusions.
Please put your fictional "third party” in quotation marks, as no such person exists or is mentioned as a protected citizen that can be harmed or put to death within the US Constitution.
NFBW: I’m sorry you can’t put your fictional "third party” in quotation marks if it causes you to spew right wing hate and then run like a chicken with its head cut off - Say high to ding as you run away together dazed and confused. Perhaps ClaireH is not so fearful - We shall see END2209150854
I have never called a human being an egg. You are a liar. Pathetic sick desperate liar
Do note that “more useful” is not useful. Neither you nor your worse-than-waste remains have utility in any form and should not be allowed poison the Earth or hurt humanity after you are gone.

Your radical absolute stupid might somehow infect others and should be contained in something like a Kryptonian phantom zone until such time as such a dangerous evil could be destroyed outright.

Meanwhile you and anyone else can note that lying about your own quoted and quotable words is just pathetic dishonest trolling. I assume this is part of your trolling schtick, to blatantly lie about what you literally just said, bad faith, it’s called gaslighting.

It doesn’t work on those who are wise to your bullshit though.
I see you’re still so insipidly retarded as to continue to call human beings “eggs.”

NFBW: A one celled egg that is fused with a sperm cell is not a human being

Here is what I wrote that promoted your “running away” desperate lie.

The above response applies to you as well CarsomyrPlusSix since both you and Ray From Cleveland make the same error granting personhood to a one-celled fertilized egg that is not covered in the US Constitution and never will be.​
NFBW: There is a critical stage in every pregnancy when the one cell human egg is fused with a human sperm and has not split or begun the process of cell division,

You and ding and Ray From Cleveland and ClaireH are assigning Constitutional personhood to that one cell fertilized egg the instant it happens - are you all not?

NFBW: A one celled egg that is fused with a sperm cell is not a human being
If the fusion has occurred, there is no egg cell and there is no sperm cell, yes, that human being in the zygote stage of life is a human being, you drooling imbecile. He or she isn’t some other species when his or her parents are likewise human beings.

This has been explained well beyond ad nauseum.

But you can go ahead and think of yourself as an “egg,” retard.

What you think doesn’t align with reality on anything else and couldn’t matter less anyway.
NFBW: A one celled egg that is fused with a sperm cell is not a human being

Here is what I wrote that promoted your “running away” desperate lie.

The above response applies to you as well CarsomyrPlusSix since both you and Ray From Cleveland make the same error granting personhood to a one-celled fertilized egg that is not covered in the US Constitution and never will be.​
NFBW: There is a critical stage in every pregnancy when the one cell human egg is fused with a human sperm and has not split or begun the process of cell division,

You and ding and Ray From Cleveland and ClaireH are assigning Constitutional personhood to that one cell fertilized egg the instant it happens - are you all not?

Why is a murder suspect charged with two crimes, two separate charges, when he or she murders a pregnant woman? Let’s start there for any attempt at an honest discussion.

Do not try to mislead readers with your posturing that lacks reality. I am not here to waste anyone’s time, how about your motive?

When the time comes that technology proves that a murder victim was indeed pregnant during her first trimester, there will continue to be 2 separate criminal charges.

By that time however, abortion will not even be a discussion other than a thing of the past. Currently, there is no need for an abortion within the US as a birth control measure. The uninformed will eventually become informed regarding solutions such as Plan B (not to be confused with the “abortion pill-2 different things with Plan B used as directed prior to fertilizeration-available without a prescription and no parental permission is required and available at all chain drug stores within the US).

The abortion issue will be outdated with public release of new preventative measures. It still pays off, unfortunately, for politicians to play in to arguing the issue to obtain votes.

Voters in general need to read more to keep abreast of new technology and other helpful information and it’s a shame more do not. As most readers know it’s so easy to to obtain scientific research info… all current studies available in a daily email/inbox format. All it takes is signing up- most orgs at no charge or with a limit of 5 to 6 articles monthly. More voters will eventually rely on their own research of primary documents and not use some middleman spewing half truths/half propaganda. Time will tell of course.
Why is a murder suspect charged with two crimes, two separate charges, when he or she murders a pregnant woman?
NFBW: that’s simple. I do not advocate freedom of choice for a non-pregnant individual to terminate another person’s pregnancy because it cannot be that individual’s decision to put an end to a potential human bring’s life. Freedom of choice apologies ONLY to a pregnant person.

And when a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy she chooses a licensed doctor to safely perform it. When an individual attacks and kills her unborn it is not an elective medical procedure - it is murder of a human being if the woman dies and it is murder of an unborn potential human being when a person causes a pregnant woman to miscarry or cause a premature birth that end in death. END2209151528
The abortion issue will be outdated with public release of new preventative measures.
Go for it. I have stated that I oppose abortion and after my second kid - I got snipped because as a man I thought I should take responsibility and not put the burden in my wife. But for all the woman out there unrelated to me in any way - what they do with their health and their bodies is not my business nor is it the business of any church or state.

But I will love to see the day when woman won’t need to ever have to decide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy ever again . . , but it’s not here yet. Until such time get your nose and state officials creepy laws out of every fertile woman’s uterus. It’s none of your business.
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But I will live to see the day when woman won’t need to ever have to decide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy . . , but it’s not here yet. Until such time get your nose and state officials out of every fertile woman’s uterus
Birth control pills are effective and affordable.

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