Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Jul 16, 2022 NFBW: #2,290 {sa} I agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human until ensoulment, as late as first breath. {sb) . . . . a nonphysical god created human beings and human consciousness? . . . . {sc} humans are special to the particular GOD
{sd} Therefore it is consciousness of self that separates humans from non-human mammals. {se} When you believe in God, the self (human consciousness of self) is what the creator designed to be the essence of human beings by using a nonphysical substance universally known as a soul or spirit. {sf} {some} Christians . . . . believe the soul is checked in at conception and it comes with original sin. {sg} Jewish belief differs in that ensoulment can occur as late first breath {sh} the Jewish newborn soul is pure. {si} WORDS that come directly from the Talmud : “My God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure.

Feb 24, 2023 #7,407 {sj} How do you scientifically verify for us secular folks that a soul enters the human egg cell simultaneously with a sperm cell?

Jul 16, 2022 NFBW: #3,693 {sk} “The mother has a natural right to accept or reject the continued growth ¥ding¥ inside her body as Jewish people believe “ensoulment’ takes place at first breath of the newborn child

FEB 15, 2023 NFBW #7,315 {sl} So let me ask everybody if we can go back in time to Jesus’ days, what was the consensus regarding when the soul enters a human physical body during pregnancy? Does anybody know?

Apr 19, 2023 NFBW: Here are some of my words regarding the “soul” Let me know what it is ¥ beagle9 ¥ that bothers you.
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Jan 30, 2023 ¥ jwoodie ¥ #1 How is it possible for Christians to believe that each individual has a soul and yet condone its destruction?

00035 Jan 31, 2023 ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #35 { to: -34 jw } “No moral people of any religion could ever condone the killing of innocent human beings.

Apr 19, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥: #8,357 “why do you oppose a vote to settle it?”

Apr 19, 2023 NFBW to 8357: Because I believe political pressure by Gen X Y Z, millennials and baby boomers are moral people who recognize the moral difference between a viable human being and a sixteen week progressed ZEF allowing the choice in an unwanted pregnancy to remain legal and moral nationwide for every woman who wants it.

There is no moral failure as suggested by jwoodie 0,001 and Cplus 0,035 . They are aborting the meaning of “life” and “human being” .

Jan 19, 2023 ¥ Road Runner ¥ #14 “The unborn doesn't get an option to live and the people who support that idea are fucking disgusting vile creatures.”

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to: 0,014} {a} “Do you have the reproductive organs, neurological system and option to give life to an unborn?”

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to: 0,014} {b} “Do you accept the reality that giving life to an unborn can be harmful to your health and possibly can cause death?”
If you think your views would prevail, why do you oppose a vote to settle it?
Because that's just what they do... They can't stand on the issue's, and they know it. The Demo's are possibly the most corrupted party on the planet. Malcolm X talked about them in the 1960s. Unfortunately nothing ever changes.
Jan 19, 2023 ¥ Road Runner ¥ #14 “The unborn doesn't get an option to live and the people who support that idea are fucking disgusting vile creatures.”

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to: 0,014} {a} “Do you have the reproductive organs, neurological system and option to give life to an unborn?”

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to: 0,014} {b} “Do you accept the reality that giving life to an unborn can be harmful to your health and possibly can cause death?”
Are you this vile of a creature, that your argument is this - Giving birth is or could be harmful to one's health, so she should be scared to death, and she should get herself on down to that planned distraction factory quickly, otherwise so she can get her hair done and legs spread quickly enough by Friday night (and with confidence), to just do it all again once she's free and clear from the last inconvenience to her lifestyle and body ?? Then we have medical doctor's actually stupid enough to play into the game for money and research values.
Jul 16, 2022 NFBW: #2,290 {sa} I agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human until ensoulment, as late as first breath. {sb) . . . . a nonphysical god created human beings and human consciousness? . . . . {sc} humans are special to the particular GOD
{sd} Therefore it is consciousness of self that separates humans from non-human mammals. {se} When you believe in God, the self (human consciousness of self) is what the creator designed to be the essence of human beings by using a nonphysical substance universally known as a soul or spirit. {sf} {some} Christians . . . . believe the soul is checked in at conception and it comes with original sin. {sg} Jewish belief differs in that ensoulment can occur as late first breath {sh} the Jewish newborn soul is pure. {si} WORDS that come directly from the Talmud : “My God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure.

Feb 24, 2023 #7,407 {sj} How do you scientifically verify for us secular folks that a soul enters the human egg cell simultaneously with a sperm cell?

Jul 16, 2022 NFBW: #3,693 {sk} “The mother has a natural right to accept or reject the continued growth ¥ding¥ inside her body as Jewish people believe “ensoulment’ takes place at first breath of the newborn child

FEB 15, 2023 NFBW #7,315 {sl} So let me ask everybody if we can go back in time to Jesus’ days, what was the consensus regarding when the soul enters a human physical body during pregnancy? Does anybody know?

Apr 19, 2023 NFBW: Here are some of my words regarding the “soul” Let me know what it is ¥ beagle9 ¥ that bothers you.
You mock, then you attempt to understand... You are completely over your head here, but you just keep going and going like that Energizer bunny. 😂
Apr 20, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥: #8,364 Pffft, if we went back, we'd be here for a recap of this entire thread. Nobody has time for that. Keep moving forward.

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to 8,364} You had time to formulate your allegation that I denied my own words apparently and originally without recapping the entire thread. You had to base your thought process on actual evidence of my wrongdoing here on something I put to writing but now you can’t recall or retrieve one or two posts by me set in contradiction to each other. How can you forget things so quickly? Please take notes moving forward.
Apr 20, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥: #8,364 Pffft, if we went back, we'd be here for a recap of this entire thread. Nobody has time for that. Keep moving forward.

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to 8,364} You had time to formulate your allegation that I denied my own words apparently and originally without recapping the entire thread. You had to base your thought process on actual evidence of my wrongdoing here on something I put to writing but now you can’t recall or retrieve one or two posts by me set in contradiction to each other. How can you forget things so quickly? Please take notes moving forward.
One thing everyone has learned of those on the left it seems, and that is that they excell in alledgedly putting word's in people's mouth's, and then they alledgedly create false narratives from such tactics... They alledgedly ignore the truth whenever caught red handed doing such things. You won't answer questions either or you aren't being honest in debating (coming up with all sorts of scattered thoughts that just pile up into a heep), so why should anyone seriously debate with you ? Maybe it's tactic's used to control a debate, therefore controlling the narrative being projected in the debate while limiting opposition within the debate ?? .. hmmmm.
Apr 20, 2023 NFBW #8,363 {to: 0,014} {a} “Do you have the reproductive organs, neurological system and option to give life to an unborn?”

Apr 20, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,366 {to -05 NF} : Are you this vile of a creature, that your argument is this - Giving birth is or could be harmful to one's health,

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to: 8,366 & 8,363} :
I understand from your writing that you beagle9 do not have the reproductive organs, neurological system and option to give life by incubation to an unborn?.

That makes it a reality that no harm or possible death will ever come to your physical being when a state government that you support, mandates forced incubation and full term birth on women in unwanted pregnancies.

Can you cite any harm that comes to yourself personally beagle9 as a result of your political activism to ban woman from getting an abortion as a matter of choice?
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Apr 20, 2023 NFBW #8,363 {to: 0,014} {a} “Do you have the reproductive organs, neurological system and option to give life to an unborn?”

Apr 20, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,366 {to -05 NF} : Are you this vile of a creature, that your argument is this - Giving birth is or could be harmful to one's health,

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to: 8,366 & 8,363} :
I understand from your writing that you beagle9 do not have the reproductive organs, neurological system and option to give life by incubation to an unborn?.

That makes it a reality that no harm or possible death will ever come to your physical being when a state government that you support, mandates forced incubation and full term birth on women in unwanted pregnancies.

Can you cite any harm that comes to yourself personally beagle9 as a result of your political activism to ban woman from getting an abortion as a matter of choice?
Matters not what I think about that, but it should matter to a woman or a man concerning a miriad of issue's upon how they conducts themselves in a rule based civilized SOCIETY.

Breaking the rules of ethic's, standard's and codes in which society had set forth in order to control lawlessness, robberies, murders, suicides, death by other means, and last but not the least "crimes" that are committed by those who can't seem to cope or chooses to do such things has been around forever. You and other's trying to change a lot of things won't do so very easily, so just know that and keep an open mind in your debates. You can't always be right !!!
Jul 17, 2022 ¥@ding¥ #2,299 “Sanctity of life is a human issue. It will be up to each state to decide for themselves when those rights confer.”

Apr 19, 2023 NFBW: Pregnant humans cannot have the sanctity of their lives subject to governmental harm by being forced into the labor of giving birth against their will because of the will of religious political operatives who have gathered a majority in a given state government.
regarding your second paragraph. the time for that was before having unprotected sex, not after.
never right about anything

Cars+6 does not have the reproductive organs, neurological system and option to give life to an unborn human organism that must be part of a person who does have the reproductive organs, neurological system and option to give life to an unborn human organism. Cars+6 therefore personally will never suffer the consequences, bodily harm and risk of death from the extremist government imposition of forced reproductive slavery on women because they have the reproductive organs, neurological system and are deprived of an option to not give life to a human organism that must be part of a person to survive . Cars+6 as an atheist does not have political clout nor standing to force giving birth on women, who do no harm to any person, so he joins the white Christian nationalist tyranny of the majority in selected states to impose white Christian will on all persons in America who have met a live birth requirement. Cars+6 is an atheist fascist coward who forces harm on women by the government when they can do zero harm to him or anyone else when they get an abortion in privacy prior to a fetus at 22 weeks developing a neurological system and necessary organs to sustain individual and independent life on its own - reasonably being able to achieve a stage of life no longer being a part of its mother.

No truer words have ever been spoken to CarsomyrPlusSix and these words have caused him to run and be as vile and emotionally disturbed as only Cars+6 can be.
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Jul 17, 2022 ¥@ding¥ #2,299 “Sanctity of life is a human issue. It will be up to each state to decide for themselves when those rights confer.”

Apr 19, 2023 NFBW #8,360 {ref dng 2,299 “Pregnant humans cannot have the sanctity of their lives subject to governmental harm by being forced into the labor of giving birth against their will because of the will of religious political operatives who have gathered a majority in a given state government.”

Apr 20, 2023 ¥ rdfsh ¥ {to -14 NF} : #8,374 regarding your second paragraph. the time for that was before having unprotected sex, not after.

Apr 30, 2023 NFBW {to: 8,374 rdfsh} Private matters of unprotected sex and resultant unwanted pregnancy do not give you just cause to single out the woman involved in order to deprive her of the sanctity of her life by subjecting her to be harmed by the govern why being innocent of committing ant crime.

No government is forcing you to terminate your wanted pregnancy. You owe all pregnant women the same respect and protection of her unenumerated right to terminate her pregnancy prior to a reasonable set guidelines around fetal viability.
Jan 30, 2023 ¥ jwoodie ¥ #1 “How is it possible for Christians to believe that each individual has a soul and yet condone its destruction?” . . . . “Is a soul's existence really dependent on a Certificate of Live Birth? •••• Please enlighten me.

Jan 23, 2023 ¥ Lisa558 ¥ #22 “What makes you think Judaism allows abortion?”

Jan 23, 2023 ¥ Lesh ¥ #36 { to: -14 L558 } “Jewish law does not consider the fetus to be a being with a soul until it is born. It does not have personhood. Furthermore, before 40 days, some poskim, or deciders of Jewish law, have a low bar for allowing an abortion. •••• The Talmud, in Yevamos 69b, cites the view of Rav Hisda that “until forty days from conception the fetus is merely water. It is not yet considered a living being.” •••• If there is a threat to a woman’s life, the safety of the mother takes precedence over continuing the pregnancy at any stage. Many sources illustrate this graphically and rather unambiguously, and all modern poskim, or religious decisors, agree on this. In fact, in certain circumstances, a fetus that endangers the life of the mother is legally considered a “murderer” in active pursuit. •••• For example, in a case of maternal danger, we find in Sanhedrin 72b (further clarified with Rashi’s commentary) that “a midwife may insert her hand into the womb and kill the fetus … [the reason is] for as long as the fetus has not emerged into the world, it is not a nefesh [a being with a soul]; one is therefore allowed to kill it and save the mother …”

APR 19, 2024 NFBW #119 {to: -118 jw} “When does the God of your belief create a new soul and merge it with the unborn? Please enlighten members”

APR 20, 2023 ¥ Hector12 ¥ #120 “Neither the Bible nor the Constitution mention abortion, so they do not prohibit it.”

APR 20, 2023 NFBW: Hector is correct in post 0,120. It is important to add that the Talmud does address abortion noting that Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish. Lesh in post 0,036 answers Lisa558 providing very important information to the subject of this thread.

This is information we need to understand when discussing freedom of conscience guaranteed by the Constitution which appears to be under attack by the religious right in the name of MAGA in the name of demands that a fetus without life sustaining neurological development have the same sanctity of life as it’s mother,
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Most supporters of legal abortion – including about two-thirds of those who say abortion should always be legal, with no exceptions – are under the age of 50. By comparison, Americans who say abortion should be mostly or entirely illegal are older, with 54% ages 50 or older.​
A large majority of people who say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases are Christian, including 57% who are Protestant, 23% who are Catholic and 3% who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormons. And on a scale designed to measure religious commitment based on attendance at religious services, prayer frequency and the importance of religion in one’s life, the vast majority in this group have either “high” (36%) or “medium” (56%) religious commitment; just 8% are “low” on the scale. And looking only at those who say abortion should be illegal in all cases with no exceptions, a clear majority (57%) are highly religious by this measure.​
Meanwhile, nearly half of Americans who say abortion should be legal in all cases (47%) are lowon the religious commitment scale, while just 4% are highly religious. About half of people at this end of the spectrum (52%) are religiously unaffiliated, including 14% who identify as atheist and 12% who are agnostic. Still, nearly four-in-ten in this group identify as Christian.​
Apr 20, 2023 NFBW FYI:
Team TRUMP/jesus is an old team. Not much hope to stay on the field of play in Texas Ohio and Florida Those who don’t quit the team because of abortion will be dying off over the next twenty years.

Americans who say abortion should be mostly or entirely illegal are older, with 54% ages 50 or older. PEW​
00035 Jan 31, 2023 ¥ @CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #35 { to: -34 jw } “No moral people of any religion could ever condone the killing of innocent human beings.

Jan 23, 2023 ¥ @Lesh ¥ #36 { to: -14 L558 } “Jewish law does not consider the fetus to be a being with a soul until it is born. It does not have personhood. Furthermore, before 40 days, some poskim, or deciders of Jewish law, have a low bar for allowing an abortion. •••• The Talmud, in Yevamos 69b, cites the view of Rav Hisda that “until forty days from conception the fetus is merely water. It is not yet considered a living being.” •••• If there is a threat to a woman’s life, the safety of the mother takes precedence over continuing the pregnancy at any stage.

According to atheist CarsomyrPlusSix ‘s crude irrational maligned ideas about civil morality regarding abortion the Jewish Religion itself is immoral.
Jan 5, 2023 ¥ notmyfault2020 ¥ #1 “I can see God being ticked off at egregious sinners like the ones who promote abortion...

Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “

APR 20, 2023 NFBW { to: 0,001 NMF: If Genesis 2:7 is the Word of God who ‘breathed life’ into the original first person on earth, I have no idea if God is ticked off at Adam and Eve’s progeny after 6000 years who promote abortion whatever the hell that means.

But I can see the God that Christians worship being for choice to a woman having an abortion who believes the sanctity of life begins at first breath.

Do you agree beagle9 with my last sentence after reading

{ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “


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