Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

you have already been corrected.


May 02, 2022 ¥ @Back Again ¥ #1 “Is this a lock? I don’t know.” •••• “But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.”

Nov 05, 2022 ¥ Pellinore #15 “ The federal government is not only allowed but expected to pass federal laws defending Constitutional rights against anyone, including State legislatures, trying to abridge them. Congress has been doing this since day one, even protecting unenumerated rights (under the 9th Am.) such as the rights to vote or to privacy. There is no legal reason why they couldn't do the same for bodily autonomy, for example, and prohibit State laws from nullifying it.

Aug 05, 2022 ¥ @Back Again ¥ #33 I firmly believe that no Divine Creator of all would ever create a hell at all. The concept is ludicrous on its face.

Aug 05, 2022 ¥ FA_Q2 ¥ #36 to: -3 “ For some reason I had thought you were a Christian? •••• If you are, then how do you square that with the bible? If not, I stand corrected.

Aug 05, 2022 ¥ @Back Again ¥ #37 to: -1 “I was raised in one of the Christian religions. My own religious belief is shallow indeed. I do believe in God. I don’t believe that God believes in religion. I certainly don’t believe in eternal damnation for mistakes made during maybe in 100 years of life. It’s far too irrational a thought to ascribe to.

NFBW: The following ‘persons’ having met a live birth requirement by taking a FIRST breath on the human life continuum from conception until absolute brain death, “liked/thumbed-up/went Gaga over BackAgain’s May 02, 2022 OP that started this thread (see above). The likers are as follows;

Texaspso Jones
Man of Ethics
Alan Stallion

NFBW; They all thus should be identified as players on Team TRUMP/jesus

Mar 24, 2023 NFBW #7,909 “ It {Constitution} does not say that a woman does not have a right to terminate a pre-born life before it has developed its own brain and is capable of survival outside the womb.

BackAgain230324-#7,910 to: -1 “The Constitution doesn’t tell any person what rights they don’t have. It tells government what it may do and what it may not do”

NFBW: Yes, and no government is permitted to abuse or abridge the unenumerated right of bodily autonomy (see Nov 05, 2022 Pellinore #15 ) above. And the scientific facts back the woman in an unwanted pregnancy because the fetus while in the earliest stages of developing into a potentially viable human being does not have a body of it’s own, The fetus has no unenumerated right to bodily autonomy until capable of sustaining a body on its own.

If anyone on Team TRUMP/Jesus has a challenge to my point, let’s see it,

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Nov 21, 2022 NFBW #5,714 Science describes the physiological flip of the switch {when the unborn life transitions to born life

Reference 221121^heart •••• Formation of the human heart involves complex biological signals, interactions, specification of myocardial progenitor cells, and heart tube looping. To facilitate survival in the hypoxemic intrauterine environment, the fetus possesses structural, physiological, and functional cardiovascular adaptations that are fundamentally different from the neonate.

At birth, upon separation from the placental circulation, the neonatal cardiovascular system takes over responsibility of vital processes for survival.

The Transitional Heart: From Early Embryonic and Fetal Development to Neonatal Life - PubMed 221121^heart

The transition from the fetal to neonatal circulation is considered to be a period of intricate physiological, anatomical, and biochemical changes in the cardiovascular system. With a successful cardiopulmonary transition to the extrauterine environment, the fetal shunts are functionally modified or eliminated, enabling independent life.

Apr 17, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,335 to: -1 It doesn't matter if the unborn human is "conscious" or not. he/she has movement and can feel pain, so he/she is alive from the moment of conception. We cannot rely on biased "scientists" on this, we have to rely on common sense and our belief system.

NFBW: Is it human consciousness that gives human life its value. Is it breathing air through our own lungs oxygenating our own blood that enables independent life in our newborn’s beating heart?

Am I obligated to accept your belief system ¥ Redfish ¥ that picks ‘heartbeat sounds (six weeks) when the brain is not formed because you say so?

Or can I rely on my own belief system according to my conscience.

I have bolded the only line in your post that has any value. Everyone should do exactly that and that is why we need to vote on the legality of abortion and let the majority "opinion" prevail.

so one last time, why do you fear a vote of the people to resolve this?
so one last time, why do you fear a vote of the people to resolve this?

Dec 8, 2016 ¥ Redfish ¥ #293 … “if there was a national referendum to ban abortion it would pass”

Jan 5, 2021 ¥ Redfish ¥ #156 to: +8165 “Biden did not win.” •••• “Once the fraudulent votes are removed Trump will have won by a landslide.”

APR 15, 2023 NFBW #8,321 {a} to: -8165 “How should we empower one person to the Presidency of the United States of America, in your opinion? Should we go by the subjective measure of white mostly crowd size at rallies of a sore loser and his or her’s sore loser noisy and obnoxious base?
Should we count actual votes based upon the science of numbers and apply it to the decades of Constitutional Laws and the Electoral System devised by our founding fathers.?

APR 15, 2023 NFBW #8,321 {b} to: -8165 “As diverse human beings making up a society confronted with deciding when to value unborn human life vs the autonomously innate human rights of its female parent do we?:
(1) defer to the majority of whichever emotionally riled up and best funded opinionated group-thinkers that dominate {within} a state on a state by state basis? Ending with nothing settled, realistically. Some states value life at the moment of conception. Some in the middle at viability. Some at the end with first breath, Let the voters decide.​
(2) let a consensus of scientists and biologists define when the unborn develop the physical and neurological capability of being conscious of self. Deduct ten days from that consensus and recommend the state has an interest only in recommending that women make their decision let’s say prior to 20 weeks to keep or terminate. •••• Most pregnancies are currently terminated well before then right now” •••• “To me (1) is as absurd as ignoring the vote count and going by size of mostly white American {presidential political} rallies.”​

Apr 16, 2023 NFBW #8,322 {to: -2231} & {-8029} Citing Kansas Michigan and Wisconsin as models: if there was a national referendum to legalize abortion prior to fetal brain function or through 24 weeks gestation, it would pass 60:40. •••• And those three state referendums came before the anti-science, lying white male, Christian, flat-earth activist, Taliban-style, Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, earned national negative notoriety as the face representing Trump/GOP anti/freedom Republicanism in the present and modern GenXYZ Millennial era.
Baldwin says Texas judge was part of ‘extreme Republican’ effort to ban abortion Jared Gans Sat, April 15, 2023​
“What we have in Texas [is] a judge who was not guided by science, but is part of [an] extreme Republican concerted effort to ban abortion nationwide,” she said.​
“Baldwin was referring to U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk,​
Apr 16, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,326 “Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences. At the risk of being repettititive, why not put it to a vote either on a national level or state by state? What is the objection to letting the voters decide whether abortion will be legal or not? Is it the fear that your side might not win.

I do not understand the reluctance to settle the abortion question by majority vote. Is it a fear that your side is not in the majority? question is for those on both sides.
in reference to April 16 2023 #8,327

April 16 2023 ¥ Monk-Eye ¥ #8,330
“The constitution is not silent about non enumerated wrights , except that it is dismissed by traitors to us republic •••• States are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it , and us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause follows , that is limited to safety and security between individuals . •••• ZEF does not have constitutional protections and neither are the collective of arrogant ass clowns authorized by 10th amendment of us constitution , based on non enumeration , to dictate populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .


NFBW: We Americans of all races creeds and beliefs must never allow a religious dominated state force the above upon women - I do fear Team TRUMP/Jesus is trying to head us in that direction by the ballot box - a tyranny of the white Christian majority.

NFBW: you have a plethora of answers ¥ Redfish¥ that you continue to avoid. please do sone reading with intellectual curiosity before getting back to Team biden/JESUS. Thank You

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Dec 8, 2016 ¥ Redfish ¥ #293 … “if there was a national referendum to ban abortion it would pass”

Jan 5, 2021 ¥ Redfish ¥ #156 to: +8165 “Biden did not win.” •••• “Once the fraudulent votes are removed Trump will have won by a landslide.”

APR 15, 2023 NFBW #8,321 {a} to: -8165 “How should we empower one person to the Presidency of the United States of America, in your opinion? Should we go by the subjective measure of white mostly crowd size at rallies of a sore loser and his or her’s sore loser noisy and obnoxious base?
Should we count actual votes based upon the science of numbers and apply it to the decades of Constitutional Laws and the Electoral System devised by our founding fathers.?

APR 15, 2023 NFBW #8,321 {b} to: -8165 “As diverse human beings making up a society confronted with deciding when to value unborn human life vs the autonomously innate human rights of its female parent do we?:
(1) defer to the majority of whichever emotionally riled up and best funded opinionated group-thinkers that dominate {within} a state on a state by state basis? Ending with nothing settled, realistically. Some states value life at the moment of conception. Some in the middle at viability. Some at the end with first breath, Let the voters decide.​
(2) let a consensus of scientists and biologists define when the unborn develop the physical and neurological capability of being conscious of self. Deduct ten days from that consensus and recommend the state has an interest only in recommending that women make their decision let’s say prior to 20 weeks to keep or terminate. •••• Most pregnancies are currently terminated well before then right now” •••• “To me (1) is as absurd as ignoring the vote count and going by size of mostly white American {presidential political} rallies.”​

Apr 16, 2023 NFBW #8,322 {to: -2231} & {-8029} Citing Kansas Michigan and Wisconsin as models: if there was a national referendum to legalize abortion prior to fetal brain function or through 24 weeks gestation, it would pass 60:40. •••• And those three state referendums came before the anti-science, lying white male, Christian, flat-earth activist, Taliban-style, Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, earned national negative notoriety as the face representing Trump/GOP anti/freedom Republicanism in the present and modern GenXYZ Millennial era.
Baldwin says Texas judge was part of ‘extreme Republican’ effort to ban abortion Jared Gans Sat, April 15, 2023​
“What we have in Texas [is] a judge who was not guided by science, but is part of [an] extreme Republican concerted effort to ban abortion nationwide,” she said.​
“Baldwin was referring to U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk,​
Apr 16, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,326 “Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences. At the risk of being repettititive, why not put it to a vote either on a national level or state by state? What is the objection to letting the voters decide whether abortion will be legal or not? Is it the fear that your side might not win.

in reference to April 16 2023 #8,327

April 16 2023 ¥ Monk-Eye ¥ #8,330
“The constitution is not silent about non enumerated wrights , except that it is dismissed by traitors to us republic •••• States are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it , and us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause follows , that is limited to safety and security between individuals . •••• ZEF does not have constitutional protections and neither are the collective of arrogant ass clowns authorized by 10th amendment of us constitution , based on non enumeration , to dictate populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .


NFBW: We Americans of all races creeds and beliefs must never allow a religious dominated state force the above upon women - I do fear Team TRUMP/Jesus is trying to head us in that direction by the ballot box - a tyranny of the white Christian majority.

NFBW: you have a plethora of answers ¥ Redfish¥ that you continue to avoid. please do sone reading with intellectual curiosity before getting back to Team biden/JESUS. Thank You

here's what you cannot seem to grasp, I don't care what "science" says about when personhood happens. I don't give a shit about those opinions

I believe that a person exists at the instant of conception, your failed rationalizations notwithstanding.

So lets let the people vote.
I believe that a person exists at the instant of conception,

So let’s let the people vote.
Reference April 18, 2023 #8,344 above:
April 18, 2023 NFBW #8,345 to: -1
Then do not be involved in a relationship that ends in abortion. No one forces you to abort your pregnancies.

Why does a Jewish woman who believes that the sanctity of life begins at first breath need to comply with your demand that women be forced to give birth by the government under a tyranny of the white Christian majority if you could get enough white Christians to vote according to Team TRUMP/jesus
Dec 8, 2016 ¥ Redfish ¥ #293 … “if there was a national referendum to ban abortion it would pass”

Apr 18, 2034 NFBW: Seven years ago, it would not have passed, but it might’ve been closer than today. There is no way that a national referendum in the present reality passes in order to give every conceived ZEF the “sanctity of life” by way of personhood for those yet to be born. It just never is going to happen..

Therefore, if a national referendum legalized abortion across the nation up to a point of viability, let’s say at 24 weeks with near functional brain development in the fetus, does that mean you change your point of view and your religious beliefs to one where the sanctity of life begins at viability

Referenced above 230418^ensoulment

You are correct ¥ beagle9 ¥. Thank you for validating a major component of my argument once again by tying Team Trump/Jesus to enforcing religious dogma onto a free and independent nation of people in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Care to debate my statements made, otherwise instead of using generalizations to deflect because you can't answer the post with any depth or calculation ??? You can't because you won't t actually address the soul of a human being, and when it actually becomes a part of the process, otherwise this be it at conception or maybe later.

You can't answer it, but you think you can or you want too, but you can't.
Reference April 18, 2023 #8,344 above:
April 18, 2023 NFBW #8,345 to: -1
Then do not be involved in a relationship that ends in abortion. No one forces you to abort your pregnancies.

Why does a Jewish woman who believes that the sanctity of life begins at first breath need to comply with your demand that women be forced to give birth by the government under a tyranny of the white Christian majority if you could get enough white Christians to vote according to Team TRUMP/jesus
You are so full of it that it's hilarious to watch ..... ROTFLMBO 🤣
April 18, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,344 “I believe that a person exists at the instant of conception, •••• So let’s let the people vote.”

April 18, 2023 NFBW #8,345 a to: -1 “Then do not be involved in a relationship that ends in abortion. No one forces you to abort your pregnancies.”

April 18, 2023 NFBW #8,345 b “Why does a Jewish woman who believes that the sanctity of life begins at first breath need to comply with your demand that women be forced to give birth by the government?

NFBW: Do you realize that your unscientific right to believe that the ‘sanctity of life begins at conception’ is not harmed when others do not believe it. We are Americans. We do not have to believe any metaphysical things a genuine or potential religious majority believes.

We have been betrayed by the Team Trump/Jesus Supreme Court when they decided to let states interfere in the private healthcare of women by permitting states to pass laws based on the metaphysical realm of when sanctity of life begins in a womb? It’s absurd if you think about it with a rational mind.

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Care to debate my statements made
I will go back and review it since you have a complaint that I said you were right,

I apologize for saying you are right but I will take another look at what you said in case I incorrectly concluded that you are right about something,
April 18, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,344 “I believe that a person exists at the instant of conception, •••• So let’s let the people vote.”

April 18, 2023 NFBW #8,345 a to: -1 “Then do not be involved in a relationship that ends in abortion. No one forces you to abort your pregnancies.”

April 18, 2023 NFBW #8,345 b “Why does a Jewish woman who believes that the sanctity of life begins at first breath need to comply with your demand that women be forced to give birth by the government?

NFBW: Do you realize that your unscientific right to believe that the ‘sanctity of life begins at conception’ is not harmed when others do not believe it. We are Americans. We do not have to believe any metaphysical things a genuine or potential religious majority believes.

We have been betrayed by the Team Trump/Jesus Supreme Court when they decided to let states interfere in the private healthcare of women by permitting states to pass laws based on the metaphysical realm of when sanctity of life begins in a womb? It’s absurd if you think about it with a rational mind.

Ok, so when did the supreme court get involved, and why were they involved back in the day ? It's because anything the left wants, it needs the power of government to push it for them, so undoubtedly the court's back then had a weak point in time where it was conned or pressured to be involved in you all's leftist bull shite.

Well they bailed because they finally understood that what you people want isn't right.
April 18, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,344 “I believe that a person exists at the instant of conception, •••• So let’s let the people vote.”

April 18, 2023 NFBW #8,345 a to: -1 “Then do not be involved in a relationship that ends in abortion. No one forces you to abort your pregnancies.”

April 18, 2023 NFBW #8,345 b “Why does a Jewish woman who believes that the sanctity of life begins at first breath need to comply with your demand that women be forced to give birth by the government?

NFBW: Do you realize that your unscientific right to believe that the ‘sanctity of life begins at conception’ is not harmed when others do not believe it. We are Americans. We do not have to believe any metaphysical things a genuine or potential religious majority believes.

We have been betrayed by the Team Trump/Jesus Supreme Court when they decided to let states interfere in the private healthcare of women by permitting states to pass laws based on the metaphysical realm of when sanctity of life begins in a womb? It’s absurd if you think about it with a rational mind.

Ohhhh you're just worried that the states will or have become empowered again, and they have or will bail on a lot of the nonsense the Fed's (under wrong headed leadership), had since got them into. Stay tuned.
Jul 17, 2022 ¥ ding ¥ #2,313 “A genetically distinct new human being - one who has never existed before and will never exist again - coming into existence at conception is based upon empirical scientific evidence. True.”

APR 19, 2023 NFBW; question to beagle9 . ¥ding¥ states in 2,313 that it is based upon empirical scientific evidence.that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence at conception. I believe that science, do you.

I do not believe however that there is empirical scientific evidence that pinpoints the moment during pregnancy when a soul united with the mortal body while being carried in the womb.

Do you agree with me thus far.

{c} NFBW: #2,290 “You must believe ¥ding¥ that a nonphysical god created human beings and human consciousness?

Humans are special to the particular GOD you believe in. Is that your belief ¥ding¥?

Therefore it is consciousness of self {gift from God} that separates humans from non-human mammals. When you believe in God, the self (human consciousness of self) is what the creator designed to be the essence of human beings by using a nonphysical substance universally known as a soul or spirit.

Christians like you ¥ding¥ believe the soul is checked in at conception and it comes with original sin. Jewish belief differs in that ensoulment can occur as late as first breath and the Jewish newborn soul is pure.

WORDS that come directly from the Talmud : “My God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure.”

You can't because you won't t actually address the soul of a human being, and when it actually becomes a part of the process, otherwise this be it at conception or maybe later.

NFBW: I am the person, having officially met a live birth requirement for sanctity of life? that brought our soul and the topic of ensoulment into this thread. I do not understand the reason for your complaint.

Could you clarify what the problem is with my post 2,290 that had been inserted above for the convenience to all complainers.

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Jul 17, 2022 ¥ ding ¥ #2,313 “A genetically distinct new human being - one who has never existed before and will never exist again - coming into existence at conception is based upon empirical scientific evidence. True.”

APR 19, 2023 NFBW; question to beagle9 . ¥ding¥ states in 2,313 that it is based upon empirical scientific evidence.that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence at conception. I believe that science, do you.

I do not believe however that there is empirical scientific evidence that pinpoints the moment during pregnancy when a soul united with the mortal body while being carried in the womb.

Do you agree with me thus far.

You deny your own words, no one can debate that
Reference April 18, 2023 #8,344 above:
April 18, 2023 NFBW #8,345 to: -1
Then do not be involved in a relationship that ends in abortion. No one forces you to abort your pregnancies.

Why does a Jewish woman who believes that the sanctity of life begins at first breath need to comply with your demand that women be forced to give birth by the government under a tyranny of the white Christian majority if you could get enough white Christians to vote according to Team TRUMP/jesus
If you think your views would prevail, why do you oppose a vote to settle it?
{NFBW: #8,354 to #8,347 a} I am the person, having officially met a live birth requirement for the sanctity of life that brought our soul and the topic of ensoulment into this thread. I do not understand the reason for your complaint.

¥bgl9¥: #8,355 “You deny your own words, no one can debate that”

Apr 19, 2023 NFBW: I must accept that I stand by all my words if you cannot explain what I am denying.

08357 Apr 19, 2023 ¥Rdfsh¥: #8,357 “If you think your views would prevail, why do you oppose a vote to settle it?”

NFBW: A vote will not settle the deprivation of the unenumerated and natural right of autonomy of a woman’s body by granting the sanctity of life to an unborn “person” before the unborn “person” has developed its own neurologically established body capable of sustaining individual life apart from its biologically related mother. The mother’s right to life on her terms must supercede any individual and separate right to life of her own unborn,

If Team Trump/Jesus loses to Team biden/JESUS on a referendum to grant sanctity of life to a pre-viability fetus or ZEF from the moment of conception, do you accept that the sanctity of life begins at the Roe v Wade ruling on viability at 28 weeks and accept abortion on demand remain legal up to then?

If you think your views would prevail, why do you oppose a vote to settle it?

Jul 17, 2022 ¥@ding¥ #2,299 “Sanctity of life is a human issue. It will be up to each state to decide for themselves when those rights confer.”

Apr 19, 2023 NFBW: Pregnant humans cannot have the sanctity of their lives subject to governmental harm by being forced into the labor of giving birth against their will because of the will of religious political operatives who have gathered a majority in a given state government.

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