Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,455 Are you trying to communicate something?

Yes. I am doing my best to communicate with all Christians who believe they have a right or justification to force all American women of all religious beliefs or non-belief to full term gestation against their will.

Here is the latest pearl on the string of our argument that is being documented for future reference.

kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,427 (shot or perp & victim argvment) to nf.23.10.14 #11,426 “No, elective abortion isn't a biological function any more than being shot is a biological function.”​
In the (perp & victim argvment see kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,427) There must be at least two individual living functional brains involved. Abortion whether elective or natural involves only ONE {brain} and only one stream of human consciousness. Abortion has no victim or public consciousness of loss because end of {fetal} life natural or by choice is a private matter as in nobody else’s fucking business.​

I’ve asked but you won’t respond in a communicative way whether you agree that a 24 week pregnancy involves more than one brain and one human consciousness.

I must assume you agree that my point is factual.

nf.23.10.14 #11,460 to kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,455

kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,455 Are you trying to communicate something?

Yes. I am doing my best to communicate with all Christians who believe they have a right or justification to force all American women of all religious beliefs or non-belief to full term gestation against their will.

Here is the latest pearl on the string of our argument that is being documented for future reference.

kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,427 (shot or perp & victim argvment) to nf.23.10.14 #11,426 “No, elective abortion isn't a biological function any more than being shot is a biological function.”​
In the (perp & victim argvment see kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,427) There must be at least two individual living functional brains involved. Abortion whether elective or natural involves only ONE {brain} and only one stream of human consciousness. Abortion has no victim or public consciousness of loss because end of {fetal} life natural or by choice is a private matter as in nobody else’s fucking business.​

I’ve asked but you won’t respond in a communicative way whether you agree that a 24 week pregnancy involves more than one brain and one human consciousness.

I must assume you agree that my point is factual.

nf.23.10.14 #11,460 to kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,455
I just skip over his posts dont even try to read that drival.
There are only two sides to human rights. You either endorse them for all humanity.. or you don't endorse them at all.

Sorry there is no "I believe in human rights except for ppl who were created in a particular circumstance...those don't count".
So do you believe ALL victims of crimes should be relieved of their human rights? Or just the dumb ones/poor ones/small ones?
Again, what part of no baby existing yet after a rape or incest don't you understand ? You are an extremist plain and simple. That's what we don't need on these issues, because you can't discern between victim's of a crime and a willing participant that uses abortion for birth control.
Again, what part of no baby existing yet after a rape or incest don't you understand ? You are an extremist plain and simple. That's what we don't need on these issues, because you can't discern between victim's of a crime and a willing participant that uses abortion for birth control.
Extremists kill dependent humans and coerce women into abortion clinics via intimidation tactics, shaming, and lies.

Human rights advocates tell women the truth and protect their children from the ghouls trying to kill them.
rtrdgysgt.22.06.02 #46

17 out of 100,000 mothers are killed when they give birth.
They gave birth by choice, so what's your point ? You using stats in ways that don't apply, but you trying to apply them to your narrative is ridiculous and stupid. No one believes in such tactics used.
Extremists kill dependent humans and coerce women into abortion clinics via intimidation tactics, shaming, and lies.

Human rights advocates tell women the truth and protect their children from the ghouls trying to kill them.
Ok, but again you aren't addressing the victim's of crimes, and what rights do they have.
Ok, but again you aren't addressing the victim's of crimes, and what rights do they have.
They have the right to have their pregnancy and child supported. They have the right to be spared pressure from ghouls who crowd in to tell them pregnancy (in the case of victims only!) is their PUNISHMENT, that they should be ashamed and disgusted by their body's natural response to sex, and that if they don't kill their child their life will be ruined.
Why is it your business when there is no harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?
Part of embracing human rights is the acknowledgement that we are also responsible for protecting the rights of those too weak to protect themselves.
Particularly when it comes to protecting women and children from traffickers and negative eugenecists and their brainwashed ghouls.
They have the right to have their pregnancy and child supported. They have the right to be spared pressure from ghouls who crowd in to tell them pregnancy (in the case of victims only!) is their PUNISHMENT, that they should be ashamed and disgusted by their body's natural response to sex, and that if they don't kill their child their life will be ruined.
Problem for you, is that NO ONE is telling the victims that they should be a shamed (and what the hell do you mean by their body's natural response to sex), is this suggesting that they should just go with it if being raped and getting pregnant because of ?? No one is telling them that a pregnancy is their punishment, and that they should do away with it because it was born of a rapist or a family member. Simply stated that in such a situation it should be their choice as to what to do in the situation.

Recreational abortion should be outlawed, otherwise meaning using abortion for birth control, and worse using it at late stages in the process.
Problem for you, is that NO ONE is telling the victims that they should be a shamed (and what the hell do you mean by their body's natural response to sex), is this suggesting that they should just go with it if being raped and getting pregnant because of ?? No one is telling them that a pregnancy is their punishment, and that they should do away with it because it was born of a rapist or a family member. Simply stated that in such a situation it should be their choice as to what to do in the situation.

Recreational abortion should be outlawed, otherwise meaning using abortion for birth control, and worse using it at late stages in the process.

Your self delusion is noted.
Germans and slave owners went through the same gyrations to convince themselves that human rights violations were a necessary evil and in fact a KINDNESS.

So Monkey admits he doesn't support human rights and that he rejects the notion of protection for the vulnerable.
Negative eugenics ghouls know what they are, make no mistake.
" Because Ding Dongs Perceive It So "

* Wacky Wonky Goofy Thoughts *

Recreational abortion should be outlawed, otherwise meaning using abortion for birth control, and worse using it at late stages in the process.
Oh wow ! Look all ! Recreational abortion is occurring ! So pay attention for recreational abortion theme parks coming near you !

Such sensibilities , the lack thereof , are very close in absurdity with those claiming that with cause abortions are not valid and that all abortions in the second or third trimesters are actually acquired or coerced by followers from the church of satan seeking to have rituals of sacrifice performed .
" Apex Predator Damned Dirty Apes Plead For Sanctuary Based On Self Validation "

* Fabricated Petty Propaganda Posts *

View attachment 842992

So Monkey admits he doesn't support human rights and that he rejects the notion of protection for the vulnerable.
Negative eugenics ghouls know what they are, make no mistake.
Monk-Eye considers your assertion to be fake news , that negative eugenics ghouls exist , as if in genraral that women having abortions are goaded into the decision .

Monk-Eye considers your assertion to be fake news , that the term " rights " is imbued with any valid reference , and that the term " human " means something other than homo sapiens with sapience , hence sentience , when referring to those too week to protect themselves .
" Apex Predator Damned Dirty Apes Plead For Sanctuary Based On Self Validation "

* Fabricated Petty Propaganda Posts *

Monk-Eye considers your assertion to be fake news , that negative eugenics ghouls exist , as if in genraral that women having abortions are goaded into the decision .

Monk-Eye considers your assertion to be fake news , that the term " rights " is imbued with any valid reference , and that the term " human " means something other than homo sapiens with sapience , hence sentience , when referring to those too week to protect themselves .
Why does Monkey refer to himself in the third person?
Have I been insensitive to pronoun preferences? Are you a they?

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