Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Just never has it been a right to force full term gestation on potential momma for human fetuses in the early stages of itā€™s development in the human life cycle per Saint Ding in post dvng.23.10.13 #503
until RvW gave fetuses a right at a reasonable stage considered viable outside the womb if necessary.

Stupid human Republican women beings came along like Republican Phyllis Schlafly *now deceased and struck that settled law right for fetuses down after fifty years which has politically pissed off every single woman in America who believe women are as a minimum equal to men or far superior to the white idiot males who want obedience and submission to white male JudeoChristian God designed dominion over earthly existence.

Iā€™d like to see you drop your obsession with labeling 2/3 of the US Population ā€œmurderersā€ and nourish your mind with a dose of Catholic rational American style theism:

So far from despairing at the injustices and cruelties of human existence, both men recognized the goodness of life and sought to create ways to better understand their fellow men, to provide the intellectual architecture for a just and decent society, and to pass this on to future generations. They would have rejected, albeit not without reasoned argument, the nihilism and relativism that pervade our culture. If it turned on these issues, their conversation would surely have been a lively one.​
J. Augustine Di Noia, O.P. is the Archbishop Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.​

Saint Thomas Aquinas wouid be part of the baby killer cult if he were to live in Ameruca today

nf.23.19.14 #11,420
Pregnancy is a biological function..not a crime. It
Just never has it been a right to force full term gestation on potential momma for human fetuses in the early stages of itā€™s development in the human life cycle per Saint Ding in post dvng.23.10.13 #503
until RvW gave fetuses a right at a reasonable stage considered viable outside the womb if necessary.

Stupid human Republican women beings came along like Republican Phyllis Schlafly *now deceased and struck that settled law right for fetuses down after fifty years which has politically pissed off every single woman in America who believe women are as a minimum equal to men or far superior to the white idiot males who want obedience and submission to white male JudeoChristian God designed dominion over earthly existence.

Iā€™d like to see you drop your obsession with labeling 2/3 of the US Population ā€œmurderersā€ and nourish your mind with a dose of Catholic rational American style theism:

So far from despairing at the injustices and cruelties of human existence, both men recognized the goodness of life and sought to create ways to better understand their fellow men, to provide the intellectual architecture for a just and decent society, and to pass this on to future generations. They would have rejected, albeit not without reasoned argument, the nihilism and relativism that pervade our culture. If it turned on these issues, their conversation would surely have been a lively one.​
J. Augustine Di Noia, O.P. is the Archbishop Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.​

Saint Thomas Aquinas wouid be part of the baby killer cult if he were to live in Ameruca today

nf.23.19.14 #11,420
Wrong. Pregnancy is a right. It is also a biological function and "consent" is not part of the picture.

I vote with 90% of all black voters most of whom are professed Christians. Does that mean that black Democrats are going to go to hell because thatā€™s what happens to anybody who didnā€™t vote for Trump.

Your only response to nf.23.10.08 #11,308 bbbbuttt where I wrote ā€œmillions of blacks who vote Democrat are very much Christians and deeply devoted to Jesus / They just are not sejf-righteous GOD GOOBERS about itā€ is that you believe in your supernatural superstitions that I will be going to hell.

You are shallow.
You are actually crazy in case you didn't know it... šŸ˜‚
" Orthogonal Perpendicular Expected Value Normative *

* What The Fuck Is A Right *

Nope lefts are for all humans .
Did you know that most animals are left handed?
Human rights are specific to all humans from the moment of our creation.
" Doldrums Of Populism Contending For Fundamental Negative Liberties Of Self Ownership "

* Weighting Fore Favorable Political Concurrence *

Individual rights starts at birth - an act of independence. - prior to birth all rights belong to the mother. - oinxluding the right to terminate her own child - USSC made it clear - The right of the fetus to be granted full term gestation is not in the Constitution and the mother violated no personā€™s rights if she terminates her pregnancy as her choice.
A us citizen has two forms of citizenship , one is federal and an other is state of legal residence , and the issue remains for both of them that a legitimate state interest does not exist prior to live birth .

Beginning in a respective district court , any and every us citizen has legal standing to proceed with a claim that its equal protection is being violated whenever states proscribe abortion based on protecting the wright to life of a fetus which has not completed a live birth to receive it .

* Substitution Dichotomy Parallels *

The legal and political motivation of direction for scotus in dobbs was to establish precedence in favor where , when articles of us federal constitution do not explicitly enumerate that us states are prohibited from proscribing some rite of behavior , then states are not prohibited from legislating and litigating public policy to proscribe some rite of behavior ,

The legal and political motivation of direction for scotus in roevwade was to establish precedence in favor where , when articles of us federal constitution do not explicitly enumerate that us states are prohibited from proscribing some rite of behavior , then states can be prohibited from legislating and litigating public policy to proscribe some rite of behavior ,
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Pregnant-humanā€™s rights protected by a ā€œpotatoā€ as individual liberty warrants and American voters will to have it NFBW.23.10.14


kshrgrl.23.10.13 #11,415 ā€œHuman rights aren't based on brainsā€​
nf.23.10.13 #11,416 ā€œBeing a conscious human being is based on having oneā€™s own brain.ā€​
Kshrgrl.23.10.13 #11,417 ā€œhuman rights are for humans regardless of age.ā€​
nf.23.10.13 #11,418 ā€œIndividual rights start at birth - an act of independence.ā€ THE FIRST act OF INDEPENDENCE​
Kshrgrl.23.10.13. #11,419 ā€œNope rights are for all humansā€​
nf.23.19.14 #11,420 ā€œJust never has it been a right to force full term gestation on potential momma for human fetuses in the early stages of itā€™s development in the human life cycle per Saint Ding in post dvng.23.10.13 #503 ā€œ​
kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,421 ā€œPregnancy is a biological function..not a crime.ā€​

AbortIon, like pregnancy, is a biological function not a crime agains an individual or the state. It causes no harm.

nf.23.10.14 #11,424
Pregnant-humanā€™s rights protected by a ā€œpotatoā€ as individual liberty warrants and American voters will to have it NFBW.23.10.14

kshrgrl.23.10.13 #11,415 ā€œHuman rights aren't based on brainsā€​
nf.23.10.13 #11,416 ā€œBeing a conscious human being is based on having oneā€™s own brain.ā€​
Kshrgrl.23.10.13 #11,417 ā€œhuman rights are for humans regardless of age.ā€​
nf.23.10.13 #11,418 ā€œIndividual rights start at birth - an act of independence.ā€ THE FIRST act OF INDEPENDENCE​
Kshrgrl.23.10.13. #11,419 ā€œNope rights are for all humansā€​
nf.23.19.14 #11,420 ā€œJust never has it been a right to force full term gestation on potential momma for human fetuses in the early stages of itā€™s development in the human life cycle per Saint Ding in post dvng.23.10.13 #503 ā€œ​
kshrgrl.23.10.14 #11,421 ā€œPregnancy is a biological function..not a crime.ā€​

AbortIon, like pregnancy, is a biological function not a crime agains an individual or the state. It causes no harm.

nf.23.10.14 #11,424
No, elective abortion isn't a biological function any more than being shot is biological function.
No, human rights are not assigned according to brain function.. no matter what nonsense the negative eugenics propagandists spout.

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" Invoked As Egoism Through Myopia From Infinitesimal Identity Elements "

* Impossible To Prove Hue Mammon Are Assured Eternal Sophisticated Physical State For Introspection *

Did you know that most animals are left handed?
Human rights are specific to all humans from the moment of our creation.
The hue mammon are under an illusion of a subject altruism , which purports that its introspection should exist in perpetuity , forever .

By empirical evidence from nature , not every instance of introspection is required to satisfy a subjective altruism , and procreation through a sophisticated physical state is the means by which hue mammon is able to perpetuate its introspection and satisfy a subjective altruism .

By empirical evidence from nature , assurances for a subjective altruism are not true , as the sophisticated physical states necessary for introspection in creatures of creation has been known to succumb to eternal damnation by final judgment of extinction .

* Universal Gardener Terrariums *

A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort for violations of the legal pretexts .

When it comes to intelligent design theories of " creation in full form " , a deity building a garden east of eden sounds like an extraterrestrial reference , so which way is west , and would your providence from those gawds entitle them to dictate your rites of behavior ?
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" Invoked As Egoism Through Myopia From Infinitesimal Identity Elements "

* Impossible To Prove Hue Mammon Are Assured Eternal Sophisticated Physical State For Introspection *

The hue mammon are under an illusion of a subject altruism , which purports that its introspection should exist in perpetuity , forever .

By empirical evidence from nature , not every instance of introspection is required to satisfy a subjective altruism , and procreation with sophisticated physical state is the means by which hue mammon is able to perpetuate its introspection and satisfy a subjective altruism .

By empirical evidence from nature , assurances for a subjective altruism are not true , as the sophisticated physical states necessary for introspection in creatures of creation has been known to succumb by final judgment of extinction to eternal damnation .

* Universal Gardener Terrariums *

A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort for violations of the legal pretexts .

When it comes to intelligent design theories of " creation in full form " , a deity building a garden east of eden sounds like an extraterrestrial reference , so which way is west , and would your providence from those gawds entitled them to dictate your rite of behavior ?
Please, your anti human rights rhetoric is stale and ridiculous.


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" Alienable Means Capable Of Being Alienated "

* Simply Lazy Parroting Dogma *

Please, your anti human rights rhetoric is stale and ridiculous.
" Please, your anti human rites of behavior rhetoric is stale and ridiculous. " is a more correct and valid a statement than would be including the slang term right ( sic ) in its phraseology .
" Alienable Means Capable Of Being Alienated "

* Simply Lazy Parroting Dogma *

" Please, your anti human rites of behavior rhetoric is stale and ridiculous. " is a more correct and valid a statement than would be including the slang term right ( sic ) in that phraseology .
No it isn't lol.


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I will never need to be a Herschal Walker because after my second daughter was born I got snipped. I donā€™t love or hate something that is none of my business. So you are a liar
No you are a liar or you wouldn't be in here fighting for abortion rights like you are, otherwise if it was truly none of your business.
So what should rule America? Atheists? Jews? Muslims? Pedophile Satanic cult?
He won't go anywhere near to answering that truthfully, because he just slings it without any good solutions to be put forth. He is a leftist pure and simple.
Human rights are for all humans, sorry. We know that human life begins at conception.
All pro death acolytes are anti human rights negative eugenics ghouls. It's the same old story. You don't even get fresh rhetoric.
Exactly, because what has been allowed to become a ghoulish trend in America, otherwise in the convincing and grooming young folks into thinking that spontaneous sex that results in pregnancy is something that can be done away with easily, and all the way up to the 9th month if the woman were to choose such a thing if she got pregnant during a spontaneous act is something normal.

I guess throughout the nine months, she sees it as a time period to figure out as to whether or not her relationship is going to work it's way into a family situation, and during that period if the test fails, then down to the clinic she runs.

All that has to be done, is to instill within our youth a value that life is extremely prescious once again, and to instill within them the values of waiting until marriage via a good courting process, and to stop with all the wild animalistic culture that has become the sad trends of today
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" Emphasis On Independence As Individualism With Equal Protection Among Individuals "

* Hew Man Flash Paper Tiger Incident *

Please, your anti human rights rhetoric is stale and ridiculous.
An etymology of the term human relates a meaning by " hue " and " man " , that might include " in semblance with a man " as an interpretation , which could semantically but not literally include females .

An etymology of the term female relates a meaning by " fe " or fealty and " male ", that might include " in fealty to males " as an interpretation that would also add to it woman , as " woe " of " man " .

* Normative Ethics From A Universal Scale Of Exploitation *

Yearn hue mammon rites of behavior are suggested specifically for the category of homo sapiens , which necessitates a sophisticated physical state that is capable of sapience .

On a universal scale of exploitation , hue mammon does not include an exception from exploitation for the inchoate .

On a universal scale of exploitation , hue mammon selective includes exception from exploitation for the nascent , where empathy for suffering necessarily requires a physical capacity for sentience .

* Opinionated Fan Clubs Losing Ground By Comparison *

The term " human " is used selectively and sparingly by this moniker , while the term individual is applied to contexts of public policy for us federal citizenship and us state citizenship .

Whether by us federal , or by us state , each is comprised of citizens , in whose interests each lay .

The instantiation of constitutional protections for a citizen , whether in either federal jurisdiction , or in state jurisdiction , is stipulated by live birth from us 14th amendment .

The dumbfounded dobbs decision by scotus is sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments and dumbfounded sedition of dobbs is supported by traitors to principles of e pluribus unum for us republic which expects independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .
Exactly, because what has been allowed to become a ghoulish trend in America, otherwise in the convincing and grooming young folks into thinking that spontaneous sex that results in pregnancy is something that can be done away with easily, and all the way up to the 9th month if the woman were to choose such a thing if she got pregnant during a spontaneous act.

I guess throughout the nine months, she sees it as a time period to figure out as to whether or not her relationship is going to work it's way into a family situation, and during that period if the test fails, then down to the clinic she runs.

All that has to be done, is to instill within our youth a value that life is extremely prescious once again, and to instill within them the values of waiting until marriage via a good courting process, and to stop with all the wild animalistic culture that has become the sad trends of today
We have to stop telling girls that pregnancy is a punishment specific to the poor, young or abused. We have a very to stop telling victims that their pregnancy, if it happens as a result of abuse, is "disgusting" as if their body's natural response to the at of sex is a crime. We have to stop telling girls that sex is a meaningless act that can be engaged in without any consequences. We have to stop telling young, abused, poor women that producing a child will ruin their lives, th as t their children will be abused, that it's their duty to kill their offspring.
" Quality Of Infinitude Yielding Magnanimous Volumes Of Anxiety And Paranoia "

* Hung Up On Rites Of Behavior Emulating Being And Becoming Through Some Transition *

Exactly, because what has been allowed to become a ghoulish trend in America, otherwise in the convincing and grooming young folks into thinking that spontaneous sex that results in pregnancy is something that can be done away with easily, and all the way up to the 9th month if the woman were to choose such a thing if she got pregnant during a spontaneous act.
There goes the abortion anti-choice trope again lying that women are seeking " without cause abortion " , when women are only seeking " with cause abortion " , the abortion anti-choice trope refers to the lie with an " abortion on demand " tag .

* Oh My A Very High Pile Of Hubris *
I guess throughout the nine months, she sees it as a time period to figure out as to whether or not her relationship is going to work it's way into a family situation, and during that period if the test fails, then down to the clinic she runs.
The roe v wade decision concluded that states interest could begin post natural viability and that states could proscribe abortion in the third trimester with exceptions to save the life of the mother , which means that roe v wade allowed states to proscribe " without cause " abortion , but the traitors to principles of us republic did not seek to apply it .

In lieu of live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , given an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth , roe v wade ruled that state interests in protecting a " potential ( wright ) to life " could begin post natural viability .

The abortion anti-choice remains guided with willful ignorance .

* Proclaiming The Clause Of Santa *
All that has to be done, is to instill within our youth a value that life is extremely prescious once again, and to instill within them the values of waiting until marriage via a good courting process, and to stop with all the wild animalistic culture that has become the sad trends of today
Does it help to lie about the meaning of an after life as anything other than passing on ones genetic identity , one haploid at a a time , so than another , both figuratively and literally as themselves , through a sophisticated physical state , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded as life ?

Stop confusing the success criteria of nature with the means by which to satisfy its subjective altruism .
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We have to stop telling girls that pregnancy is a punishment specific to the poor, young or abused. We have a very to stop telling victims that their pregnancy, if it happens as a result of abuse, is "disgusting" as if their body's natural response to the at of sex is a crime. We have to stop telling girls that sex is a meaningless act that can be engaged in without any consequences. We have to stop telling young, abused, poor women that producing a child will ruin their lives, th as t their children will be abused, that it's their duty to kill their offspring.
Agree, but if it is a result of abuse as in rape or incest that results in a pregnancy, then we need to teach our young people that if such a thing happens, then it is imperative that they seek a solution to that situation immediately. The other part to that, is to not telecast it or broadcast it beyond the family in order to keep the identity and name of the victim safe. If a rapist knows that he will be exposed immediately after his heinous act, then he may try to hurt the victim in order to intimidate or worse if the justice system can't move quick enough in the situation.

If the victim decides to move on after the ending of a pregnancy, and to expose the perp at a later date for security purposes, then the system should work in such ways in order to protect the victim's of criminal acts such as these, and this by working with the victim in such ways.
Agree, but if it is a result of abuse as in rape or incest that results in a pregnancy, then we need to teach our young people that if such a thing happens, then it is imperative that they seek a solution to that situation immediately. The other part to that, is to not telecast it or broadcast it beyond the family in order to keep the identity and name of the victim safe. If a rapist knows that he will be exposed immediately after his heinous act, then he may try to hurt the victim in order to intimidate or worse if the justice system can't move quick enough in the situation.

If the victim decides to move on after the ending of a pregnancy, and to expose the perp at a later date for security purposes, then the system should work in such ways in order to protect the victim's of criminal acts such as these, and this by working with the victim in such ways.
Why do you think the children of victims have less value than, say, your children?
BTW, abortion doesn't cure rape. That lie that you tell and the pressure brought against victims telling them they "must" kill their offspring is a form of coercion and victim shaming.
" Quality Of Infinitude Yielding Magnanimous Volumes Of Anxiety And Paranoia "

* Hung Up On Rites Of Behavior Emulating Being And Becoming Through Some Transition *

There goes the abortion anti-choice trope again lying that women are seeking " without cause abortion " , when women are only seeking " with cause abortion " , the abortion anti-choice trope refers to the lie with an " abortion on demand " tag .

* Oh My A Very High Pile Of Hubris *

The roe v wade decision concluded that states interest could begin post natural viability and that states could proscribe abortion in the third trimester with exceptions to save the life of the mother , which means that roe v wade allowed states to proscribe " without cause " abortion , but the traitors to principles of us republic did not seek to apply it .

In lieu of live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , given an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth , roe v wade ruled that state interests in protecting a " potential ( wright ) to life " could begin post natural viability .

The abortion anti-choice remains guided with willful ignorance .

* Proclaiming The Clause Of Santa *

Does it help to lie about the meaning of an after life as anything other than passing on ones genetic identity , one haploid at a a time , so than another , both figuratively and literally as themselves , through a sophisticated physical state , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded as life ?
All this you write is pure bull shite, because what we are talking about is what Democrat's/leftist/liberals were heading towards in rhetoric until the people fired back, and the judges washed their hands of. The people have got to keep the heat on in order for the situation not to devolve any further into something worse than what it was becoming.

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