Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Think only Dems get abortions, stroker?
You were told to keep your fag fantasies to yourself. All women don’t walk in lockstep with what assholes like you demand they think. And that makes people like you, who demand total obedience to party orthodoxy, get all upset.
This is an outrageous breach of trust. The first time such a leak ever preceded a SCOTUS decision.

Whoever did it needs to be disbarred; likely some scummy leftoid clerk.

But did the Justice that clerk works for nod their head in approval of the leak? Then that Justice would need to resign or face impeachment. (Breyer? As he is retiring?) (Roberts? Because he is compromised?).

This too.

Funny a newbie to the bench and suddenly this happens.
I'm not sure but I don't think I've seen this happen before.
I can't but help to think this surely is no coincidence.
I think that we will obvioulsy get some idea'r by weeks
end.This is Not going away.
Like what the left managed with the deplorable Afghan
Um, ...........
There's Nostra, the one in the Red Hat. LOOLLOLLLOOOLOOLLLL

You were told to keep your fag fantasies to yourself. All women don’t walk in lockstep with what assholes like you demand they think. And that makes people like you, who demand total obedience to party orthodoxy, get all upset.

Evangelical right wing Christians get 100,000 abortions every year. Just as many right wing women get abortions as left wing women.

In 2014, the majority of abortion patients (60%) were in their 20s, and the second-largest age-group was in their 30s (25%).

• The proportion of abortion patients who were adolescents declined 32% between 2008 and 2014.

• No racial or ethnic group made up the majority of abortion patients: Thirty-nine percent were white, 28% were black, 25% were Hispanic, 6% were Asian or Pacific Islander, and 3% were of some other race or ethnicity.

• Fifty-nine percent of abortion patients in 2014 had had at least one previous birth.

• In 2014, three-fourths of abortion patients were low income—49% living at less than the federal poverty level, and 26% living at 100–199% of the poverty level.

• The vast majority of abortion patients (94%) identified as straight or heterosexual. Four percent identified as bisexual; fewer than 1% as lesbian, gay or homosexual; and 1% as something other than straight, gay or bisexual.

• Many abortion patients reported a religious affiliation—24% were Catholic, 17% were mainline Protestant, 13% were evangelical Protestant and 8% identified with some other religion. Thirty-eight percent of patients had no religious affiliation.

• Abortion patients were less likely to have no health insurance coverage in 2014 than in 2008 (28% vs. 34%), likely because of the Affordable Care Act. Thirty-five percent of patients had Medicaid coverage, 31% had private insurance and 3% each had either insurance through or a different type of insurance.

• The majority of patients (53%) paid for their abortion out of pocket; Medicaid was the second-most-common method of payment, used by 24% of patients.
Funny a newbie to the bench and suddenly this happens.
I'm not sure but I don't think I've seen this happen before.
They'll blame it on some clerk to protect their Fifedom.

Nothing will happen because they think they're "Gods". In reality they're nothing but a bunch of Primma Donnas.
Oh, those are facts?
How about this fucking fact: 50% of the Senate does not do anything.
You are blaming the good guys for not being "more good".
Explain to me how a "good guy" didn't vote for HRC or voted for Trump over HRC. The floor is yours.
Instead of blaming the party that is responsible.
"When the signals are down and the lights are all flashing and the whistle is screaming in vain, and you lay on the tracks ignoring the can't blame the wreck on the train."

I blame the people who gave the GOP the opportunity to do it. The Democrats in WI, MI, and PA. That was the election in 2016. The GOP's war on women has been going for over a generation. Everyone--even a political neophyte--knew that with the Presidency and an aging roster of judges...they would put people on there who would overtrun Roe.

Blaming the GOP for doing this is like blaming the train.
Breyer is hearing this case.
I doubt he leaked this draft. If newly appointed but not seated justices get drafts of pending opinions, Kiddie Porn Ketanji would be a prime suspect leaker. Finding this person will be the investigation of the century.
Reports leaked by lefty clerk.No other info.

No draft decision in the modern history of the court has been disclosed publicly while a case was still pending. The unprecedented revelation is bound to intensify the debate over what was already the most controversial case on the docket this term.
Here's the thing A$$hat. If you believe that abortion is wrong, you don't have to get an abortion. That's what CHOICE means.

It's a really simple concept whereby you act in accordance with your personal beliefs, religion and morality. If you believe abortion is a sin, then don't commit the sin. But you don't get to tell me, or anyone else what we can do based on YOUR beliefs.

I live in a country where abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. There are no abortion laws at all. Furthermore, the government pays for your abortion, so it's free. Free abortions for any woman who wants one. And we have half the number of abortions in Canada, than American have, on a per capita basis.

You're not preventing abortions by banning them. You're harming women, and you're harming their children.

You fucking idiot. I’m a male. Despite what you retards believe, men can’t get pregnant. So abortion isn’t a concern for me. Harming children by preventing sadistic psychos like you from murdering them. Congratulations. You are a total asshole. Since you support a dictator who freezes the bank accounts of people who disagree with him, you have ZERO credibility. Overturning Roe doesn’t ban abortion. It leaves it up to the states. But you just have to keep lying. So fuck off.
You were told to keep your fag fantasies to yourself. All women don’t walk in lockstep with what assholes like you demand they think. And that makes people like you, who demand total obedience to party orthodoxy, get all upset.
Still jizzing away, stroker? Have your fun till November when the Trump Party gets their asses handed back to them over this.
Wow. Surprising they are actually doing.
Never heard of Supreme Court Decision leaked before.
Welcome back to the days of backroom abortions and the ever expanding underground economy
Looks like if a woman or little girl doesn't think fast on her back, she better think fast on her feet, or she's just fkd.


Look! It's the zombie of Senator Ted Kennedy from the Bork hearings back from the dead!
Wow. Surprising they are actually doing.
Never heard of Supreme Court Decision leaked before.
Welcome back to the days of backroom abortions and the ever expanding underground economy
Looks like if a woman or little girl doesn't think fast on her back, she better think fast on her feet, or she's just fkd.


Obnoxious use of a False dichotomy.In the 50's and
60's Society was well served by not relying on the absurd
notion of today's impregnated culture.That Abortion ON DEMAND is a Good thing.I cite Mother Teresa.
She never proselytized about Faith.Trying to convert
flocks into her Catholic Faith.But the Last confirmed Saint
in the world { Mother Teresa } seldom missed an opportunity
to lecture { rail } about the evils of Abortion.
All one needs or cares to know as far as context.
Concerning Abortion and Abortions.
It's a crime because there are laws protecting the integrity of the High Court. Not every law is in the Constitution. Every clerk takes an oath of confidentiality. This is indeed a very big deal.
Prison time, disbarment, the end of any career in law. Wonder if this leaker will think it was worth it when he/she is asking if you want fries with that?

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