Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Neighborhood Theistic Dictators Issue Religious Fatwas With Fat Wads "

* No State Interest In Protecting A Wright To Life That Does Not Exist *

So state traitors to us 9th amendment who support sedition against us constitution .

According to such idiocy , a state can dictate any whimsical law it wants as long as there is tyranny by majority to dictate it .

Wow , way to throw the foundations of the constitution and of this republic into a shit hole .
Tell it to the Supreme Court :lol:
American Taliban cannot answer questions like you did not answer this one

Have you ever beagle9 met a person that goes through life connected to his or her morher through a tube for supply of oxygenated blood from the mother’s lungs, and nourishment from the mother’s stomach and removal of waste through the mothers’s intestines?
You need help if you think that whatever it is that you are attempting here has any rationality to it... Don't talk about your nemesis the Taliban boy. You are the one's that gave them a country against the Afghanis will. So Trump was trying to exit yes, but he at least had a strategy in doing so in as far as the conditionals went. Break a condition, pay the price, commit to violence, pay a price, break your promises, pay a price.

Biden left there with the intent of SPITEFULNESS against Trump, and basically got people killed in doing so.

I know, I know, a bit off topic but you caused it with your attack and label's.
Are you citing the science of biology or some branch of cultural science? Because the discovery of DNA in mammals has not determined when life begins in unborn humans. IT JUST DOES NOT? Trying to use DNA science for the purposes of assigning human rights to unborn humans equal to the rights of humans who are already born is fraudulently abusing science and human knowledge.

All sexually reproducing organisms are members of the kingdom animalia. Human biology puts humans in the same category.​
When two sexually compatible cells fuse together- in a process called fertilization- an embryo forms. This embryo will then develop into a new organism that is genetically similar to its parents.​
Assigning "human rights" to "unborn HUMANS", uhhhh is of course done because as you just admitted they are HUMAN..... That's how we roll, otherwise we protect and stand up for other humans whether they are born or unborn HUMANS.
Now wait a minute here, like someone else pointed out to you, and said then why do you do it ???
I am trying to encourage you and others like you to not feed the trolls, as is done entirely too much.
You need help
Yes. It will help if you would answer the question:

Have you ever beagle9 met a person that goes through life connected to his or her morher through a tube for supply of oxygenated blood from the mother’s lungs, and nourishment from the mother’s stomach and removal of waste through the mothers’s intestines?

Please help me. Answer the question.
Yes. It will help if you would answer the question:

Have you ever beagle9 met a person that goes through life connected to his or her morher through a tube for supply of oxygenated blood from the mother’s lungs, and nourishment from the mother’s stomach and removal of waste through the mothers’s intestines?

Please help me. Answer the question.
I already answered the question before, so if you are wanting me to give you an answer that you might like, then you are dealing with the wrong poster because nothing you say is correct or likeable, and I'm not going to conform... Sorry ..

This is another question that American Taliban cannot honestly answer:,

Have you ever eagle1462010 met “person” that goes through life connected to his or her morher through a tube for supply of oxygenated blood from the mother’s lungs, and nourishment from the mother’s stomach and removal of waste through the mothers’s intestines?

View attachment 676260

Play this game with others. If you dont abort him or her they become ablife seperate from the mother.

So who made you fuck and not use a rubber? Be more responsible. Showing that pic over and over again doesnt make murdering the unborn justufied.

beagle9220730-#4,064 “Assigning "human rights" to "unborn HUMANS", uhhhh is of course done because as you just admitted they are HUMAN..... That's how we roll, otherwise we protect and stand up for other humans whether they are born or unborn HUMANS. “

NFBW: Who are the “we” in your “That's how we roll” beagle9 . . . Could it be Christians who also stand up for Jesus and God?

beagle9220529-#2,389 “American use to stand for something, and that included standing up for God, and believing in Christ for the majority

NFBW: Well beagle9 why do I have to roll with your religious beliefs? I am not a Christian. I have absolutely no desire or need to be a Christian. I am not obligated to protect under-developed unborn humans because as a living breathing actual human being I am duty bound to respect the right of the woman first. End of story. If you as a Christian believe terminated pregnancy is murder don’t terminate a pregnancy in your life. END2207310152
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eagle1462010220730-#4,069 “If you dont abort him or her they become ablife seperate from the mother.”

NFBW: Yes, if a woman does not abort him or her they become at birth a life separate from the mother. The pregnant woman who terminates her own pregnancy according to eagle1462010 is terminating a part of her own body that has not become a life yet. So white American Christian Taliban should stay out of a woman’s reproductive decisions. END2207310220

beagle9220730-#4,064 “Assigning "human rights" to "unborn HUMANS", uhhhh is of course done because as you just admitted they are HUMAN..... That's how we roll, otherwise we protect and stand up for other humans whether they are born or unborn HUMANS. “

NFBW: Who are the “we” in your “That's how we roll” beagle9 . . . Could it be Christians who also stand up for Jesus and God?

beagle9220529-#2,389 “American use to stand for something, and that included standing up for God, and believing in Christ for the majority

NFBW: Well beagle9 why do I have to roll with your religious beliefs? I am not a Christian. I have absolutely no desire or need to be a Christian. I am not obligated to protect under-developed unborn humans because as a living breathing actual human being I am duty bound to respect the right of the woman first. End of story. If you as a Christian believe terminated pregnancy is murder don’t terminate a pregnancy in your life. END2207310152
Yeah and you just conveniently look the other way when your world starts pumping out the tragic stats on people getting diseases, cancer, viruses that have no cures, suicide rates, murder rates, ruined live's, joblessness, depression, hopelessness, mental problem's, soulessness, and so many other things that have already been linked back to the promotion of living a "free for all" type of self unregulated highly sinful lifestyle's that are warned about in a book that is thousands of years old, yet here you are constantly making a fool of yourself by bashing Christian's who have the evidence to back us up. You have the evidence also, but you hide it or conveniently lie about it in order to spread your ideologies or leftism as if it is somehow filled with truth's when they are nothing but deceptions or falsehoods that lay far from the truth. So when does the horror's and misery's finally get to you in your conscious finally ???
NFBW2207310820 By far #4,072 is the greatest white American Christian screed I have ever seen - - I wonder if Mr Science ding agrees

beagle9220730-#4,072 “Yeah and you just conveniently look the other way when your world starts pumping out the tragic stats on people getting diseases, cancer, viruses that have no cures, suicide rates, murder rates, ruined live's, joblessness, depression, hopelessness, mental problem's, soulessness, and so many other things that have already been linked back to the promotion of living a "free for all" type of self unregulated highly sinful lifestyle's that are warned about in a book that is thousands of years old, yet here you are constantly making a fool of yourself by bashing Christian's who have the evidence to back us up. You have the evidence also, but you hide it or conveniently lie about it in order to spread your ideologies or leftism as if it is somehow filled with truth's when they are nothing but deceptions or falsehoods that lay far from the truth. So when does the horror's and misery's finally get to you in your conscious finally ??? “

NFBW: On Reproductive Rights, I am Jewish. So beagle9 please do tell, are those who practice one of the oldest living world religions being practiced in our time on earth, contributing to the horror’s and misery’s of which you speak in post220730-#4,072 ??????

NFBW2207201010-#3,693 Genesis 2:7​
Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

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" Step Aside And Give The Legislative Public Question And Answer Stage To Someone With Actual Competence "

* Punk Ass Cowardice Answer For Sanctimonious Traitors To The Republic *

Tell it to the Supreme Court :lol:
Yeah , that is a major problem ; isn't it ?

The courts , legislators and fee press are out of touch to the point of being absolutely unaware of its vapid stupidity and traitorous support of scotus sedition .

In the eight hours of congressional and senate hearings on post Roe V Wade , not once was the actual constitutional basis provided , while incompetent legal scholars could not answer simple questions directly to dispatch the anti-choice nonsense ; it was disgraceful .

" When does life begin ? " was asked and the correct answer is " A state is not concerned with when life begins , rather a state is concerned with whether a wright to life exists and consequently , since birth is required to become a citizen , birth is required for equal protection - that includes a wright to life . " .

One congressman challenged whether a fetus was a person , while another challenged about the constitutional entitlements of a fetus once it had been born .

From long standing debates and my asserting that " per son " meant male and countable census - including anti-choice contention that " per son " was not defined ( at the time ) - it is even mentioned as such in roe v wade , the legislature define " per son " in title 1 section 8 as any born at any point of development as an affirmation of a birth requirement for state interests .

The per son answer should have been direct to include that any born is entitled to equal protection , but the only response from the half wits is that they trust women to make the best choice about their health care ; really , what the fuck ?

The letter of law from us 14th and title 1 section 8 was blatantly ignored and purposely usurped by the scotus to traitorously implement its sedition .

The scotus , the legal community , the political community and the fee press place themselves beyond the reach of any except to their inner circle of confidants and platform donors .
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" Step Aside And Give The Legislative Public Question And Answer Stage To Someone With Actual Competence "

* Punk Ass Cowardice Answer For Sanctimonious Traitors To The Republic *

Yeah , that is a major problem ; isn't it ?

The courts , legislators and fee press are out of touch to the point of being absolutely unaware of its vapid stupidity and traitorous support of scotus sedition .

In the eight hours of congressional and senate hearings on post Roe V Wade , not once was the actual constitutional basis provided , while incompetent legal scholars could not answer simple questions directly to dispatch the anti-choice nonsense ; it was disgraceful .

" When does life begin ? " was asked and the correct answer is " A state is not concerned with when life begins , rather a state is concerned with whether a wright to life exists and consequently , since birth is required to become a citizen , birth is required for equal protection - that includes a wright to life . " .

One congressman challenged whether a fetus was a person , while another challenged about the constitutional entitlements of a fetus once it had been born .

From long standing debates and my asserting that " per son " meant male and countable census - including anti-choice contention that " per son " was not defined ( at the time ) - it is even mentioned as such in roe v wade , the legislature define " per son " in title 1 section 8 as any born at any point of development as an affirmation of a birth requirement for state interests .

The per son answer should have been direct to include that any born is entitled to equal protection , but the only response from the half wits is that they trust women to make the best choice about their health care ; really , what the fuck ?

The letter of law from us 14th and title 1 section 8 was blatantly ignored and purposely usurped by the scotus to traitorously implement its sedition .

The scotus , the legal community , the political community and the fee press place themselves beyond the reach of any except to their inner circle of confidants and platform donors .
Tell it to the Supreme Court :lol:
" Establishment Clause Equal Protection Of Negative Liberty Clause And Birth Requirement For Equal Protection Clause Violated *

* All Eat Toe scotus Is Proven To Be Seditious Traitorous Imbeciles *
Tell it to the Supreme Court :lol:
It will not be pretty for them when i do .
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