Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW2207290545 the fetal heart

Are you San Souci aware of the scientific fact that a fetus is not at all like you and me for many reasons.

Number One I believe is that a fetal heart is pumping blood from the “living person” that biologically created it in the first place. The fetal heart pump’s someone else’s blood throughout it’s fetal circulatory system and that actual living human being’s blood is what keeps the fetal organism alive.

No human being is “alive” in the legal sense like you and me San Souci when it has someone else’s blood being used to keep it alive. When a woman terminates a pregnancy she therefore is not and in no sense murdering a human being who is alive like you and me;?

Fetal Heart​

The fetus does not use its own lungs until birth, so its circulatory system is different from that of a newborn baby​

The baby growing inside of the mother’s uterus (the womb) is called a fetus. The growing fetus is fully dependent on a special organ called the placenta for nourishment. One side of the placenta is attached to the uterus, and the other side is attached to a liquid-filled sac that holds the fetus. A special cord called the umbilical cord links the placenta to the fetus. The mother’s blood flows through a thin layer of cells in the wall of the uterus, giving the fetus food and oxygen while removing any wastes like carbon dioxide. There is actually no direct contact between the circulatory systems of the mother and fetus.​
The fetus does not use its own lungs until birth, so its circulatory system is different from that of a newborn baby. Before birth, the fetal heart does not have to pump blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen. In other words, the fetal heart does not need a separate pulmonary artery and aorta. In the fetal heart, these two blood vessels are connected by a blood vessel called the ductus arteriosus. After birth, the ductus closes and a separate left pulmonary artery and aorta form.​
The fetal heart also has an opening between the upper chambers (the right and left atria) called the foramen ovale. It lets blood flow directly from the right atrium to the left atrium during fetal development, but closes after birth. So the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale are part of the fetal circulatory system before birth but disappear soon after birth.​
In most babies, these blood-flow routes naturally close up shortly after birth, when the baby’s lungs and cardiovascular system take over. Because the fetal heart has a circulatory system different from the one the baby uses after birth, it may be days or weeks before some congenital heart defects are found.​


END 2207290545
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Have you ever beagle9 met a person that goes through life connected to his or her morher through a tube for supply of oxygenated blood from the mother’s lungs, and nourishment from the mother’s stomach and removal of waste through the mothers’s intestines?

View attachment 676216
What's your point, it's still a developing/growing living (human being), regardless of how it's sustaining it's life through the cycle's of development.
What's your point,
American Taliban cannot answer questions like you did not answer this one

Have you ever beagle9 met a person that goes through life connected to his or her morher through a tube for supply of oxygenated blood from the mother’s lungs, and nourishment from the mother’s stomach and removal of waste through the mothers’s intestines?

beagle9220729-#4,042 What's your point, it's still a developing/growing living (human being), regardless of how it's sustaining it's life through the cycle's of development.

NFBW’s question: Is a developing/growing living human being alive like you are . . . . . . . . . . ( ClaireH BackAgain
ding beagle9 BS Filter Meister San Souci eagle1462010 or any other American Taliban who wants to chime in ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the same legal status as you are when at such time developing/growing living human being must have another human being doing it’s thinking, breathing, sleeping, eating, drinking, pissing and shitting in the environment for it to be alive? END2207030832
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" Sanctimonious Anthoropocentrism Clap Trap *

* Traitors To Us Constitution Support Sedition By SCOTUS *

Capital punishment involves a life , however a state is only concerned with whether a wright to life exists and any sentenced to death has had their wright to life removed .

By induction and , logically , of course , deduction , a state interest begins with a citizen and as birth is required to become a citizen , birth is required for equal protection that includes a wright to life .
That will be up to each state to decide.
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So drop the text book crap. Those books have nothing to do with Roe v Wade being overturned by a white evangelical Catholic biased Supreme Court who want white Christian majority rule to be allowed in states to force delivery on all women. And that is what you want but can’t defend.
Correct. SCOTUS ruled abortion isn't a constitutionally protected right based upon the Constitution. The science on when life begins will inform legislators in writing laws.

ding220719-#3,666 “DNA is evidence of a new person”

NFBW: For the period between conception and live birth, DNA is evidence that the physical substance that is attached to a woman’s uterus during pregnancy has a new unique DNA. It does not provide scientific evidence that the developing cells and tissue is a person. There is no doubt however that when a fetus is developed to a point of breathing on its own it’s heart begins pumping blood to and from its own lungs, a ‘person’ is born and joins the human race. END2207292200

This is not a seperate individual human being in any sense.

View attachment 676208
Embryology textbooks disagree. Which is why you don't have any scientific citations to back up your claim. I do.

ding 220730-4,046 “That will be up to each state to decide.”

NFBW: Why do you think the states ding should have the authority to deny equal protection rights to women placing women below that of men and an unborn fetus? END2207301040

ding 220730-4,046 “That will be up to each state to decide.”

NFBW: Why do you think the states ding should have the authority to deny equal protection rights to women placing women below that of men and an unborn fetus? END2207301040

Banning abortion doesn’t do any such thing.

So no worries.

ding 220730-4,046 “That will be up to each state to decide.”

NFBW: Why do you think the states ding should have the authority to deny equal protection rights to women placing women below that of men and an unborn fetus? END2207301040
Read the Constitution.
Banning abortion doesn’t do any such thing.

So no worries.
Thanks for pointing out the improper wording on his part. It's a full time job with this one. He can't have an honest discussion about this. He's holding on too tight.
The science on when life begins
Are you citing the science of biology or some branch of cultural science? Because the discovery of DNA in mammals has not determined when life begins in unborn humans. IT JUST DOES NOT? Trying to use DNA science for the purposes of assigning human rights to unborn humans equal to the rights of humans who are already born is fraudulently abusing science and human knowledge.

All sexually reproducing organisms are members of the kingdom animalia. Human biology puts humans in the same category.​
When two sexually compatible cells fuse together- in a process called fertilization- an embryo forms. This embryo will then develop into a new organism that is genetically similar to its parents.​
Are you citing the science of biology or some branch of cultural science? Because the discovery of DNA in mammals has not determined when life begins in unborn humans. IT JUST DOES NOT? Trying to use DNA science for the purposes of assigning human rights to unborn humans equal to the rights of humans who are already born is fraudulently abusing science and human knowledge.

All sexually reproducing organisms are members of the kingdom animalia. Human biology puts humans in the same category.​
When two sexually compatible cells fuse together- in a process called fertilization- an embryo forms. This embryo will then develop into a new organism that is genetically similar to its parents.​
I've been citing what embryology textbooks teach for 20 pages.
When two sexually compatible cells fuse together- in a process called fertilization- an embryo forms. This embryo will then develop into a new organism that is genetically similar to its parents.
Yes. By new organism they mean a living being. By genetically similar they mean genetically distinct. Similar but distinct.
Yes. By new organism they mean a living being
I do not need a scientist or textbooks to tell me that the fetal growth attached to a woman’s uterus is some kind of living organism, being, fetus or whatever you want to call it Whatever it is it’s underdeveloped until it is born to the point that uses an actual human beings’ blood to continue being alive. It’s a living zombie of sorts.

Science has not determined that it is a sufficiently developed human being from when it is a fertilized embryo attached to a woman’s uterus to the moment when the fetal heart starts pumping it’s own oxygenated blood that society morally is obligated to considerate it alive.

Meaning it’s none of your business if the woman decides to terminate the pregnancy while it is an undeveloped human being, Get your nose out of every woman’s uterus you sick bastard.
" Neighborhood Theistic Dictators Issue Religious Fatwas With Fat Wads "

* No State Interest In Protecting A Wright To Life That Does Not Exist *

That will be up to each state to decide.
So state traitors to us 9th amendment who support sedition against us constitution .

According to such idiocy , a state can dictate any whimsical law it wants as long as there is tyranny by majority to dictate it .

Wow , way to throw the foundations of the constitution and of this republic into a shit hole .
Things that Democrats hate very much:

1. Unborn babies
2. The Constitution
3. Liberty
4. Facts
5. Common sense
6. Manly men
7. Beautiful, sexy women
8. Black Trump supporters
9. The $50,000 reward offered by the Arizona GOP
10. Guns for self-defense in the hands of responsible Americans
What's your point, it's still a developing/growing living (human being), regardless of how it's sustaining it's life through the cycle's of development.
He has no point to make. He never has a point to make.
You waste everyone's time replying to Leftists. Ignore them please..
I do not need a scientist or textbooks to tell me that the fetal growth attached to a woman’s uterus is some kind of living organism, being, fetus or whatever you want to call it Whatever it is it’s underdeveloped until it is born to the point that uses an actual human beings’ blood to continue being alive. It’s a living zombie of sorts.

Science has not determined that it is a sufficiently developed human being from when it is a fertilized embryo attached to a woman’s uterus to the moment when the fetal heart starts pumping it’s own oxygenated blood that society morally is obligated to considerate it alive.

Meaning it’s none of your business if the woman decides to terminate the pregnancy while it is an undeveloped human being, Get your nose out of every woman’s uterus you sick bastard.
It's not the job of science to determine if society morally is obligated to considerate it alive. It's only the job of science to inform society when it is scientifically alive and genetically distinct. Society's job (typically done through legislation) is to determine if and/or when that life may be terminated.

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