Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

So when the egg cell “thing” disappears because it’s been fertilized, so whatever it becomes does not have a brain, does it? if a lay person refers to the glop of cells that become part of the uterus as a fertilized egg what is the difference, a zygote, a blastocyst , an embryo does not have a brain. Yet you want me to believe that a brainless thing is a human being and a person. . You are being absurd.,
It is a human being, as it will develope into nothing other than a human being during the developmental stages. If you kill the process, therefore killing the human, then you have killed the human being in process.
For your education / idiot:

What Is a Zygote?​

A zygote, also known as a fertilized ovum or fertilized egg, is the union of a sperm cell and an egg cell. The zygote begins as a single cell but divides rapidly in the days following fertilization. The zygote’s single cell contains all of the 46 necessary chromosomes, getting 23 from the sperm and 23 from the egg.

The zygote phase is brief, lasting only about four days. Around the fifth day, the mass of cells becomes known as a blastocyst. The embryo develops from the blastocyst.

How Zygotes Form​

In order for reproduction to take place, a single sperm cell must penetrate the outer surface of an egg in a process known as fertilization. During a healthy reproductive cycle, a single egg cell is released from the follicle into the fallopian tube at ovulation.

If sperm are present, thousands will attempt to penetrate this single egg cell. Once a single sperm has broken through the outer surface, a zygote is formed. Chemical changes in the surface of the egg prevent other sperm from entering.1

When a Zygote Becomes an Embryo​

Zygotes divide through a process known as mitosis, in which each cell doubles (one cell becomes two, two becomes four, and so on). This two-week stage is known as the germinal period of development and covers the time of fertilization (also called conception) to the implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus.

The sperm cell contains paternal genetic information while the egg cell contains maternal genetic information. Because each cell contains half of the genetic material, each cell is known as a haploid cell. When these two haploid cells join, they form a single diploid cell that contains all necessary chromosomes.

The zygote then travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. As it travels, its cells rapidly divide and it becomes a blastocyst. Once in the uterus, the blastocyst must implant in the lining in order to obtain the nourishment it needs to grow and survive.

The embryonic period of development lasts from two weeks after conception through the eighth week, during which time the organism is known as an embryo.1 At the ninth week post-conception, the fetal period begins. From this point until birth, the organism is known as a fetus.

A Note About Conception​

Conception occurs when an egg is fertilized, but pregnancy does not actually begin until a blastocyst implants into the uterus. It’s not usually possible to know whether fertilization has occurred at this early stage, considered week 3 of pregnancy. Symptoms and pregnancy hormone levels are usually not notable until week 4 or 5.

Zygotes in Twinning​

Identical twins are monozygotic. With monozygotic twins, one egg is fertilized and one zygote is formed, but at the blastocyst phase, it splits to form two embryos. Monozygotic twins share the same genetic material.

Fraternal twins, on the other hand, are dizygotic, which means that two eggs are fertilized resulting in two zygotes. Those two zygotes go on to develop into two embryos. Unlike monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins do not share identical genes.

Potential Challenges​

Not all zygotes make it to the next stage of prenatal development. Researchers estimate that 30% to 70% of all naturally occurring conceptions fail either before or at the time of implantation. Researchers suspect these losses are connected to abnormalities. In cases of recurrent miscarriage, a parental chromosomal anomaly is often to blame.3
You dumbass Libtards don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

By the time a woman finds out she is pregnant the child is long pass the zygote stage of development.
Flash220905-#5,102 “By the time a woman finds out she is pregnant the child is long pass the zygote stage of development.
When a woman finds out she is pregnant who does not want to be pregnant it is
because the active and living cell dividing process that began with the fertilization of her egg by at least one sperm cell from her partner and that fertilized egg has implanted itself into the lining of her uterus.

When you refer to that brainless heartless biological process as a child you have left the realm of biological science. I wonder Flash why picky assed CarsomyrPlusSix does not call you out for your ignorance from expert biologist’s point of view..Perhaps he appreciates your reverence for the Confederate Flag and the traitors to the Constitution who flew it. END2209060611
beagle9220906-#5,101 “It is a human being, as it will develop into nothing other than a human being during the developmental stages. If you kill the process, therefore killing the human, then you have killed the human being in process.”
NFBW: Does the “earliest development process” have it’s own exceptional human brain ( beagle9 CarsomyrPlusSix or Flash the Confederate holy warrior ) that is managing the functionality and success rate of the process? Do you agree that the process begins as one fertilized egg that has the capacity to grow itself by DNA structured cell division that is programmed and organized by a new DNA code when and if certain biological conditions are provided . Those conditions include a viable human being with a uterus and a brain able to provide nourishment, oxygenated blood and removal of waste. END2209060652
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Homo sapiens in the blastocyst stage of life are not “eggs.”

NFBW It is not a “baby” or “child” yet you do not object to usage of those terms during this discussion..

It is a development process” that does not have it’s own exceptional human brain that is managing the functionality and success rate of the process? So whether it’s called a fertilized egg cell, a zygote, a blastocyst or an embryo or a fetus there is a relatively long period of weeks when it does not have its own brain or separate individual detectable brain waves

Do you agree CarsomyrPlusSix that the pregnancy process begins as one fertilized egg that has the capacity to grow itself by DNA structured cell division that is programmed and organized by a new DNA code when and if certain biological conditions are provided . Those conditions include a viable human being with a uterus and a brain able to provide nourishment, oxygenated blood and removal of waste. END2209060714
Homo sapiens in the blastocyst stage of life are not “eggs.”

NFBW: Bullshit! You are a liar. A MAGA pro-Trump judge, anti-woman LIAR.

The blastocyst is the final stage of a fertilized egg cell splitting process that “hatches” in the uterus.

The blastocyst stage of a fertilized egg is especially important for in vitro fertilization (IVF).​
A blastocyst is a ball of cells that forms early in a pregnancy, about five to six days after a sperm fertilizes an egg. It implants in your uterine wall, eventually becoming the embryo and then the fetus.​
The blastocyst stage is an extremely important part of embryonic and fetal development. If the blastocyst doesn’t implant in the person's endometrium, pregnancy will not occur.​
For implantation to occur, hormones trigger a process called hatching. The blastocyst sheds its clear outer membrane. Hatching occurs one to three days after a blastocyst enters their uterus.
NFBW: definition of hatch; to bring forth from the egg. The embryo is brought forth fro the blastocyst cluster of cells girmed as an egg, END2209060941
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the blastocyst stage of life are not “eggs.”

bullshit - You are no highly educated biologist - You are a typical deplorable MAGALIAR.

Shafei RA, Syrkasheva AG, Romanov AY, Makarova NP, Dolgushina NV, Semenova ML. [Blastocyst Hatching in Humans]. Ontogenez. 2017 Jan-Feb;48(1):8-20. Russian. PMID: 30272915.​
Abstract The human oocyte is surrounded by the zona pellucida—an elastic, transparent extracellular matrix consisting of specific glycoproteins. The zona pellucida is preserved after fertilization and surrounds the developing human embryo for a few days. The embryo needs to get out of the zona pellucida before implantation to establish cell contacts between the trophectoderm and endometrial epithelium. The release of the embryo from the zona pellucida is carried out at the stage of the blastocyst and called zona hatching.
During zona hatching the blastocyst breaks the zona pellucida and performs active movements to escape through a gap formed in the zona. While microscopic description of zone hatching is well known, biochemical and cytological basis of zone hatching remains poorly understood. The break of the zona pellucida occurs under the influence of two forces: mechanical pressure of the growing blastocyst on the zone and chemical dissolution of the zone material with secreted lytic enzymes. There is only one paper (Sathananthan et al., 2003), which describes the specialized cells in the trophectoderm that locally dissolve the zona pellucida, promoting the emergence of the hole for blastocyst release. Taking into account the singleness of the paper and the absence of further development of this subject by the authors in the following decade, the existence of specialized cells for zone hatching should be assumed with great care. Lytic enzymes, secreted by cells of the trophectoderm for dissolving the zona pellucida, are different. Depending on the species of the mammal, different classes of proteases participate in the zone hatching process: serine proteases, cysteine proteases, metalloproteinases. Proteases, secreted by human trophectoderm, are not described. The mechanisms of the active movement during blastocyst hatching are investigated to a lesser degree. Only the involvement of the cytoskeleton of trophectoderm cells in the mechanism of blastocyst compression was shown, and the participation of desmosomes in the coordinated change in the form of trophectoderm cells during compression is suggested. This review summarizes literature data on the possible mechanisms of zone hatching in the development of human embryos, obtained in experiments in vitro, as well as in animal models. [Blastocyst Hatching in Humans] - PubMed
What does a hatching blastocyst look like?


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NFBW: Bullshit! You are a liar. A MAGA pro-Trump judge, anti-woman LIAR.
Fuck yourself with a rusty pole, retarded filth.

The blastocyst is the final stage of a fertilized egg cell splitting process that “hatches” in the uterus.
Objectively false! Pure bad faith. You are a disgusting moronic troll.

You know nothing about Biology and your layman attempts are doomed to failure from both a lack of effort and being wildly mentally deficient.

Rusty pole.

Now what else... oh Jesus Haploid Christ.... really? REALLY?!


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Didn’t say it was you deplorable MAGA liar fake biologist. All fertilized eggs hatch at some point when whatever type of protective layer where the being inside has to get out. It is not a hardened shell like a chicken egg in humans. It is a temporary soft clear outer membrane that protects the human fertilized egg until implantation into the wall of the uterus.

The blastocyst sheds its clear outer membrane. Hatching occurs one to three days after a blastocyst enters their uterus.
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We are not chickens, you pathetically stupid fuck.
NFBW: EXACTLY, We are not chickens, but we spend several days in an egg until hatched. We have to. Just like the chicken the human fertilized egg contains essential chemicals for the oocyte/developing embryo to survive before being attached to its mother and becoming part of the breathing eating drinking thinking peeing pooping anatomical system that is made up of thirty trillion cells and has at least about 12 years experience and conscious of the universe we all live in.

The human oocyte is surrounded by the zona pellucida—an elastic, transparent extracellular matrix consisting of specific glycoproteins. The zona pellucida is preserved after fertilization and surrounds the developing human embryo for a few days. The embryo needs to get out of the zona pellucida before implantation to establish cell contacts between the trophectoderm and endometrial epithelium. The release of the embryo from the zona pellucida is carried out at the stage of the blastocyst and called zona hatching.
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Exists before conception, during pregnancy, and after birth.

Abortion is a woman who willingly had unprotected sex acknowledging they 1) acted irresponsibly in the first place, and 2) would shirk the responsibility if forced to follow through with their pregnancy.

The simplest thing you can ask a man and a woman to do is to weigh the consequences of their actions.

Condoms, contraceptives. Everything is there to help prevent a pregnancy from ever happening.
Any Port In A Storm was my mantra as a horny young man. The majority of 'love-sick' stiff dicks with raging hormones most likely share the same blind drive. You can ask a man and / or woman to " weigh the consequences of their actions" but in most cases it will fall on deaf ears - instinct rules. The female drive differs and the burden of contraception generally lies there
You dumbass Libtards don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

By the time a woman finds out she is pregnant the child is long pass the zygote stage of development.
They parrot the same ruse en masse - "follow the science" but they also en masse lack scientific objectivity

Scientific objectivity is a attribute which should NEVER be, influenced by value judgments, political bias , personal interests and so on. Without objectivity scientific data is useless at worst suspect at least - I've yet to see a libtard scientist, researcher or wanna be endorse ANY theory or data that does not support their warped libtard bias
" Sanctimonious Authoritarian Cry Babies "

* Blast Zone *

It is a human being, as it will develope into nothing other than a human being during the developmental stages. If you kill the process, therefore killing the human, then you have killed the human being in process.
Don't get down range mo fo .
ding220914-#932 “Somebody is having a hissy fit because Roe v Wade got overturned.”

NFBW: ding is the science guy when it comes to when human life begins.

ding210222-#4 “Modern science was born in the Catholic Church” the . . . . The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life”

Ding220813-#4,765 “The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.” Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D.

NFBW: Poor thing ding has no response to my fundamental agreement with Dr Shettles there.

Entirely independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view on the value of earliest stages of human life there are universally accepted scientific methods that indicates that human embryos from the one-cell sperm and egg fusion stage forward are indeed alive and developing individuals of the human species and that science should not be in dispute.

NFBW: Not sure what ding considers to be a hissy fit but I wouid rather hear his answer to the following questions.

Back to Lindsay Graham. Scientific minds tell us biological life begins in one cell at conception. The Senator places no value on that new individual cell until it develops for fifteen weeks. Therefore the Lindsay Graham Abortion Law (LGAL) grants a window of opportunity for a pregnant woman to terminate a pregnancy as a matter of her personal choice.

Either a one cell fertilized human egg has the same value at the instant of conception and all the way to fifteen weeks or it doesn’t..

(1) Why the 15 week ban if the value of human life is not present at conception?

(2) - why not 24 weeks when a fetus might be consistently viable outside the womb as has been precedent for fifty years?

(3) Why can Republicans like Graham defy science and be pro-life, but Democrats and most pro-choice Americans are to be called Baby Killers for ignoring the same “conception” science but using “viability” science and placing value on fetus life at 24 to 28 weeks?

NFBW: Pretty much sums up the disarray and speechlessness the GOP has thankfully fallen into since Dobbs. The CATHOLIC dominated SCOTUS could not overturn the importance and legitimacy of ROE v WADE nationwide plus political buffoons like Lindsay Graham wanting to nationalize white Christian opposition to abortion at 15 weeks by allowing babies to be “murdered” just for a shorter official period of time than the fifty years of precedent based on actual viability allows. END2209142159
It is a human being, as it will develope into nothing other than a human being during the developmental stages.
Here is my opinion on the matter:

Entirely independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view on the value of earliest stages of human life there are universally accepted scientific methods that indicates that human embryos from the one-cell sperm and egg fusion stage forward are indeed alive and developing individuals of the human species and that science should not be in dispute.

Why do you disagree with that?

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