Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Is a human being a human being from fertilization - the answer can only be yes.

Are we as human beings one contiguous organism from fertilization until death? Again, yes.

These aren’t even things up for discussion or debate. Knowing basic scientific fact like this is just basic literacy - a precursor to even having a discussion. Not knowing them is embarrassing.

Actively denying them is insane.
^ Speak of the devil… behold an example of insane mealy-mouthed self-contradictory hogwash.

To summarize Egg above: “Killing isn’t killing. Human beings aren’t human beings. Herpaderp.”

Replete with typos too.

Edit: Egg deleted it.
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Sounds like you want to revisit your unconditional statement and add some conditions.
No. that is not true.
If you want to argue that human life is a viable human being beginning at conception, and able to survive without the use of another persons body then please make the case. Can you make the case or will you run away? That is the question
You cannot make the case or address the question. word games is all you have.
Are we as human beings one contiguous organism from fertilization until death? Again, yes.
Is there a point that your one contiguous organism from fertilization, until dead transitions, from being not viable to viable sufficient to live outside the womb.

A human being in the womb develops from
Not-viable inadequacy to live outside the womb to viable adequacy to live outside the womb at a certain point on the human life continuum. I have said that when a woman aborts the human being prior to viability she kills it. My position on abortion is that ending a not viable fetus is not at all similar to a killer who kills a human being that has passed the successful birth milestone. The main point being that a woman getting an abortion is doing so in private. It is none of your extremist anti-freedom business to restrict her from doing it safely.

It’s none of your business and none of the State government’s business.

Why do you and ding think that it is.

All I keep hearing from you two is that at the moment of conception a human being is created, and there is no difference in viability from the moment of conception until death. That is absurd. It is nuts, I tell you.

No. that is not true.

You cannot make the case or address the question. word games is all you have.
I already explained it. It has no bearing on anything. It doesn’t change abortion ending a human life. We already settled that. What bearing does it have on abortion?

If you are asking does viability lessen the consequence of ending a human life I don’t believe it does.

Is that all you wanted to know about my beliefs?
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^ all of Egg’s endless prattle above hinges on Egg holding an arbitrary standard and saying “it’s totally different, you guys, killing an innocent human being and killing an innocent human being, it’s different, trust me, because it’s different, because it is.”

To which, the obvious rhetorical reply is that the result is the same, a human being is killed, someone attacked them

Also most murderers of born humans try to keep their murder “private.” They don’t want to be known as murdering murderers. Go figure.
" Animated Dolls For The Dumbfounded "

* False Equivalent Facsimile Of Reality In Natural Events *

Yeah , yeah , yeah , always the disingenuous proposition for a poster child perfect viable progeny late term abortion as a justification to outlaw abortion from conception through all stages of development .

An inchoate autonomic animal without a capacity for cognitive objection , without a capacity for mind , without a capacity for sentience , whereby empathy for suffering may be a valid basis of representation by proxy , is omitted by the disingenuous anthropocentric lunar tick traitors to us republic credo of e pluribus unum for independence as individualism .

Such traitors seek populism of democracy as tyranny by majority to implement its authoritarian dictates to disparage the equal protection of negative liberties among individuals entitled by live birth to receive them .

The lunar tick traitors to us republic offer static diversion to acknowledge that abortions performed prior to an onset of sentience , those possibly understood as occurring " without cause " , have nothing to do with those occurring " with cause " when sentience and suffering as an ethical consideration would be relevant .
Can you imagine a so called medical professional taking a sharp instrument, and stabbing that brain in a process to murder the unborn child we are viewing above ? How much of a henious crime is that ? Ohhhh that's right, they need that child's body for stem cells, and other valuable resale items that project veritas exposed on them. My bad.
ding221209-#6,246 “What bearing does it have on abortion?”

NFBW: The significance of viable vs unviable is on all of us who are not involved and are absolutely not harmed in any way, in the taking of a human life in private by a woman who is choosing not to give birth to the baby in her womb prior to viability.

You apparently have trapped an absurdity in your head that makes you think you know that any person who understands the difference between the killing of a post-birth human being and the killing of a pre-viable human being by the person that is sharing her body with it has a guiiry conscience.

ding220724-#3,861 “You have a guilty conscience”

NFBW: By your reckoning the state of California has 7,254,939 voters with guilty consciences and 3,540,634 mostly white evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics who are good with god and know no shame about anything / Jesus loves them this this they know for the Bible tells them so that a human being is created at conception.


So here’s a question: are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of conception? If yes, how?

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ding221209-#6,246 “What bearing does it have on abortion?”

NFBW: The significance of viable vs unviable is on all of us who are not involved and are absolutely not harmed in any way, in the taking of a human life in private by a woman who is choosing not to give birth to the baby in her womb prior to viability.

You apparently have trapped an absurdity in your head that makes you think you know that any person who understands the difference between the killing of a post-birth human being and the killing of a pre-viable human being by the person that is sharing her body with it has a guiiry conscience.

ding220724-#3,861 “You have a guilty conscience”

NFBW: By your reckoning the state of California has 7,254,939 voters with guilty consciences and 3,540,634 mostly white evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics who are good with god and know no shame about anything / Jesus loves them this this they know for the Bible tells them so that a human being is created at conception.

View attachment 737098And

So here’s a question: are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of of conception? If yes, how?


Just ask the question. I don’t need your origin story.
Just ask the question. I don’t need your origin story.
NFBW: I Answered this question:

ding221209-#6,246 “What bearing does it have on abortion?”

NFBW: Then I asked you this question:

So here’s a question: are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of of conception? If yes, how?

As usual you whine about format and dodge the question. Nothing new.

I Answered this question:

ding221209-#6,246 “What bearing does it have on abortion?”

Then I asked you this question:

So here’s a question: are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of of conception? If yes, how?

As usual you whine about format and dodge the question. Nothing new.

Your format sucks. You are OCD.

This is a rights discussion. My feelings don’t matter.

Ask better questions because my patience is wearing thin.
NFBW: I Answered this question:

ding221209-#6,246 “What bearing does it have on abortion?”

NFBW: Then I asked you this question:

So here’s a question: are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of of conception? If yes, how?

As usual you whine about format and dodge the question. Nothing new.

Let me try to short circuit this.

What is my position on abortion with respect to the rights of the mother and child?
How are you involved or harmed in any way by someone killing some random 47 year old you’ve never met?

You’re not. That’s not the point, and everyone fucking knows it. It’s a bullshit premise for a question.
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ding221209-#6,253 “This is a rights discussion. My feelings don’t matter.”

NFBW: I did not ask ding about your feelings I asked if you are involved with every woman in America who has an abortion and what is the harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?

This was asked:

NFBW221209-#6,252 “are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of conception? If yes, how?

Cplus6221210-#6,255 “How are you involved or harmed in any way by someone killing some random 47 year old you’ve never met?”

NFBW: I am not directly as a law abiding citizen, but indirectly, I or a loved one having passed the lifespan continuum of birth, could be next if the government allows someone to remain free after killing another person, other than in self-defense or to defend public safety.

However, to the point, when a woman aborts a child she is no threat to me and my loved ones indirectly when she remains free and unpunished as it should be.

That is why the following question was asked :

NFBW221209-#6,252 “are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of conception? If yes, how?

NFBW: These women are not targeting random 47 year olds are they?

CPlus6221209-#6,242 Is a human being a human being from fertilization - the answer can only be yes.

NFBW221209-#6,245 “Is there a point that your one contiguous organism from fertilization, until dead transitions, from being not viable to viable sufficient to live outside the womb” ?????

ZNFBW: 3000 posts later and every time a viability question is asked of ding CarsomyrPlusSix beagle9 . . . Crickets!!!!

Viability is irrelevant. By no metric or standard can you make it relevant.

I give zero fucks about it. Chirp, chirp, bitch.

Also, your answer is incoherent as usual and you draw no meaningful distinction between the rando 47 yo and the abortion victim.
Which, of course you can't - there is no meaningful or relevant difference. Neither should be murdered in violation of their human rights.

I particularly liked the part where Egg here says "it's okay to kill someone else as long as you stick to the same victim group that doesn't include me."
So if someone was only murdering black chicks, I should say, "eh, not my problem." Good ol' Egg. Retarded and vile in equal measure.
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CPlus6221209-#6,242 Is a human being a human being from fertilization - the answer can only be yes.

NFBW221209-#6,245 “Is there a point that your one contiguous organism from fertilization, until dead transitions, from being not viable to viable sufficient to live outside the womb” ?????

ZNFBW: 3000 posts later and every time a viability question is asked of ding CarsomyrPlusSix beagle9 . . . Crickets!!!!

The human being becomes viable once the development process starts, otherwise why does it take human intervention to stop the process ?? Why can't the mother just wish her baby gone or stomp her feet and clap her hands to dis-impregnate herself ??

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