Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW221212-#6,333 Experiencing pain is harm. Limitation of oneā€™s freedom of movement is harm. Causing one to vomit is harm. Causing economic hardship is harm.

Cplus6221212-#6,339 Self-inflicted.

NFBW: I love it when CarsomyrPlusSix an avowed atheist speaks with authority like a nun teaching her class at a Catholic high school.

CarsomyrPlusSix Being the dumb gun slut that he is takes the bait and self destructs his argument that woman have no right to reject the risk of pregnancy -
Again, you confirm that you have no respect for the Constitution or human rights, like the rotten authoritarian leftist filth you are

but three white racist hillbillies
Have nothing to do with your stupidity and failure on full display here.
I love it whenā€¦ an avowed atheist speaks with authority like a nun teaching her class at a Catholic high school
Gee, itā€™s almost like I am aware of causal reality and in dealing with a noxious, tiresome insane person like yourself who demonstrably has never lived in realityā€¦

ā€¦ I find myself explaining basic aspects of reality in a matter of fact and firm way to someone who doesnā€™t understand or pretends not to understand.

Like for example, when you hurt yourself, you canā€™t claim self-defense when you attack someone else. Your victim didnā€™t hurt you.

This shouldnā€™t need to be explained to any rational human with a working brainā€¦

ā€¦ which explains your need to hear this.
Cplus6221211-#6,330 ANY ā€œharmā€ of pregnancy, if there even is any, is caused entirely by the mother and the father.

NFBW: Experiencing pain is harm. Limitation of oneā€™s freedom of movement is harm. Causing one to vomit is harm. Causing economic hardship is harm. But because there are plenty a sufficient number of cases where pregnancy can cause death or other severe health problems no matter how infrequent to a woman during pregnancy; it means every woman must be permitted, it stands to reason, that every woman has a right to self protection just as all the extremist rightwing gun worshipping numbskulls in this country have a right to self protection against another person that appears to be intent on causing them harm.,

Beyond that reasoning, I and Roe v Wade Justices suffice it to say that viability is important in the self protection evaluation aspect for legal abortion because that ruling allows for self-protection by the use of lethal force for the would be mother from the harm of pregnancy when the ZEF is not capable of sustaining itā€™s own life using its own bodily organs and autonomy. A woman is not taking a viable life when she does so before viability when she chooses not to assume the risk of harm from pregnancy.

In the case discussed at length on this message board where Ahmad Arberryā€™s life was aborted and the killers all claimed self defense in that they were potentially about to be harmed by their victim for trying to protect ā€˜civilizationā€™ from harm. - but they were racists who almost got away with aborting a viable human life, but justice in this case prevailed thanks to the reality that progressives are steadily improving American society on all fronts including reproductive rights and human rights to life of viable black Americans on public streets.

I understand @beagle associates abortion rights with the evils of progressivism, but her conclusions on that run afoul of truth and objective reality.

beagle9221030-#8 @beagle9 Progressivism is the term most people associate with anti-Americanism these days, because it's a movement that wants to replace the old guard with their new form of Americanism, otherwise that will look nothing like America after all is said and done.​

If we take abortion to be justified on the basis of self-protection of the woman it is absurd of beagle9 to claim that most people associate abortion with anti-Americanism these days when looking at actual voters for irvagainst abortion rights because it just is not so.

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So CarsomyrPlusSix is once again a self revealed dumbfounded anti-progress profane mouthed anti-intellectual goober when his ignorance is placed on full display by doubting that pregnancy ever causes harm to a woman who gets pregnant.

And beagle9 is always right there going atta-boy while patting him gently upon his quite empty head.

Do you realize what kind of idiot you have made yourself out to be here ?? You attempt all sorts of comparison's in the most outlandish ways imaginable trying to win your points, but fail big time.

I just sit back in amazement reading your ridiculous bull crap spewed, but undoubtedly you are like a singer that thinks they have a vocal like a super star, but in reality you sound worse than Kermit the frog šŸø.... ROTFLMBO šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

That's what you need, a miss piggy to straighten your ignant ace out.

Try harder.
" Fresh Meet Grind Stone Scene "

* Harmonics Foar Foer Foir Four Foyr Resonance *

The power of ideas is exemplified by the work accomplished per unit time , where work is a force applied through a distance with a specific purpose .

The excitation of electrons in orbitals to cause emission occurs at frequencies specific to the identify of an elements .
Regardless it's the heart forming in which is creating a a human being at various stages, and to stop that process is a very cold hearted thing for a mother after knowing the process that is taking place in her body that is bringing forth a beautiful little miracle of a human life.
Cplus6221212-#6,334 And then, in the depths of your depravity, you call the kid - helpless and innocent, resting peacefully exactly where his parents put him - a villain on par with a violent attacker who must be put down with gunfire.

NFBW: CarsomyrPlusSix Being the dumb gun slut that he is takes the bait and self destructs his argument that woman have no right to reject the risk of pregnancy - but three white racist hillbillies dumber than a BABBITT had a right to gun down and murder a young unarmed black man who was jogging past their front yard in a public street. One thing we can count on is Cplus6 kicking his own ass during any debate here.

Ahhhh there goes that liberal wielding, fast slinging race card being thrown AGAIN, otherwise when you start losing the battle you desperate knucklehead's cling to your kryptonite "THE RACE CARD". You leftist are eat up with it aren't you ?? Stay on topic boy. Race has nothing to do with abortion unless you want to discuss how many black babies have been aborted, otherwise that were targeted by Margaret Sanger.
Cplus6221211-#6,330 ANY ā€œharmā€ of pregnancy, if there even is any, is caused entirely by the mother and the father

NFBW: just to be clear, I am defining the harm of pregnancy as harm caused by the biological process of pregnancy, with the most severe harm, usually occurring during childbirth because of the way nature, evolution, or God, if that is your chosen belief designed it this way. The kid did not design it nor did the kid request to be created. And delivered to the world through such a violent means to a womanā€™s body. There is no responsibility to the kid of the kid or from the kid for the process of pregnancy and the way it works. The kid is not responsible for any harm to the woman or the father or society in anyway. Is that clear?

NFBW221212-#6,333 it stands to reason, that every woman has a right to self protection just as all the extremist rightwing gun worshipping numbskulls in this country have a right to self protection against another person that appears to be intent on causing them harm.,

NFBW: I will revise that to read ā€œevery woman has a right to self protection from the biological process of pregnancyā€ in order to make it clear to all the liars on this message board on the hillbilly front lines against abortion rights, so that a proper discussion based on facts and reality can be had..

NFBW221212-#6,333 If we take abortion to be justified on the basis of self-protection of the woman, it is absurd of beagle9 to claim that most people associate abortion with anti-Americanism these days when looking at actual voters for or against abortion rights because it just is not so.

Cplus6221212-#6,339 Oh look, this is you assigning the situation of abortion the same weight as a violent attacker warranting self-defense

NFBW: my argument, assigns the situation of abortion, the same weight to a victim, who does something in self preservation and prevention of harm to oneā€™s self abd oneā€˜s body.

I did not present an argument that the act of self-defense justifying abortion is the woman against another person who is attacking them, because this discussion is about pregnancy, and it is the process of pregnancy that causes the harm.

You need to go find yourself a new argument CarsomyrPlusSix because as it stands yours is based on a lie which makes your entire reason to be a lie and nothing but a lie.

Race has nothing to do with abortion

I am not saying race has anything to do with abortion being linked to a right of self protection - I brought up your sideā€™s hypocrisy of white people being for self protection against many times black or non-white persons who have been born but being opposed to a womanā€™s right to self protection against the biological process of pregnancy after your idiot hillbilly atheist buddy tried to tell me that pregnancy causes no harm to a pregnant woman.
Regardless it's the heart forming in which is creating a a human being at various stages
NFBW: If a heart forming is creating a human being it means the human being is not created in your words because the human being is not fully formed at that stage. So do you agree with #dings scientists who use language to describe ZEF as a developing human organism that cannot survive outside the womb..

We human beings have no obligation to human organisms that are using another human beingā€™s bodies to survive

The Catholic Church teaches that a human being is created at conception by God which is fine if you believe that. To satisfy your belief in God donā€™t get an abortion. Itā€™s easy - leave me out of your relationship with your God.

My conscience tells me exactly that. I donā€™t ever have to worry about getting some woman pregnant. But I cannot ever justify telling millions of women they cannot get an abortion when they do it for self protection.

Cplus6221212-#6,334 ^ Thatā€™s a lot of needless inane faggotry on your part, sir, when I can just direct you to read what you initially quotedā€¦ā€¦ because it contains the reply to your line of ā€œreasoning,ā€ aka insane bullshit retardation, in assigning responsibility for any potential harm of pregnancy to the kid.

NFBW: I have never assigned responsibility for any potential harm of pregnancy to the kid. Therefore your irrationality is based on a lie as most irrationalities are.

I cannot stop you from using your concoction of lies about my arguments because you can lie and run away like a #ding has done again and again.

I can only tell you and the readers that truthfully I do not assign responsibility to the unborn beings involved whether survived or aborted for any potential harm or death to the mother resulting from pregnancy. To do so would be absurd because it is the pregnancy that causes harm and potential death whether the kid is wanted by the parents or not.

Pregnancy harms all women To a degree and the moment of delivery is what causes most death due to pregnancy.

It is never the kid you BABBITT.

Itā€™s the medical condition and separation process when a fully viable baby reaches his/her stage on the lifetime continuum and is ready to be physically extracted fron the person they were a part of for usually the better part of nine months.

Itā€™s called giving birth that can kill a woman if she decides to take the risk for the reward of giving birth to a new child of the universe.

You cannot argue rationally or honestly on your own behalfā€™s CarsomyrPlusSix snd beagle9 that an asshole like Cplus6 is humane and intelligent enough to tell millions of women that they must subject themselves to Cplus6ā€™s craven brute ignorance by assuming the risk of pregnancy because Cplus6 thinks a fertilized egg is a child and childbirth is a walk in a park where no danger or risk or threat can ever be found.

I got an Idea, how about people refrain from doing exactly what it takes to knowingly get pregnant if they don't want that ?? With all the birth control out there, it has to be that many of the so called accidental pregnancies possibly weren't accident's at all.

Let me explain:

So we ask ourselves what happens in these situations right ?

1. It could be that the woman thinks that she has found her knight in shining armor, but then she thinks that she may not have the personality that it takes to win him over, and to keep him, so she has the good's down below right, and then she thinks that if she can give that up, and entrap him with a pregnancy, then Viola she's hooked herself a knight in shining armor, and will begin her marriage and family with him soon.

But something happens, he tells her he doesn't want to get married, and he doesn't want a child, now what ? Should she get angry that her entrapment didn't work ? Most do if it was a failed attempt at trapping someone, and so she quickly scampers off to the abortion clinic to fix her dastardly deed, but at what stage has she allowed herself to be at ??? Otherwise what stage in her pregnancy was she at when she lowered the boom on her victim ?? No matter, because the cold hearted abortionist doctors are more than willing to accommodate her plot by fixing her problem like a fixer does.

2. The same happens with the guy going around silver tongue devilling his victim's, maybe even taking advantage of them if they aren't smart enough to resist his advances. He impregnates them one by one until he literally ruins his life because basically he's just a hit and run outlaw causing women great misery by what he does to them, and then leaves them.

Otherwise loving them and leaving them. So she goes in search of a clinic to abort her pregnancy because she found out that he was a sheep in wolf's clothing, and therefore she wants no part of anything he's done to her. Understandable, but take it out on the unborn ? It took two to agree to the act of unprotected sex, and both knows the results that may come from that when engaging in it, yet it's done in the moment of lust anyway.

Again the clinic is making it to easy for these scenario's to be fixed without educating the public against their wanting irresponsible culture of irresponsible acts, because the only way to change a culture like this, is to dismantle the very thing that enables the culture to keep carrying on in these ways to begin with.

If can't dismantle the (easy out that is being given), then restrict access enough that it only allows true medical issue's to be resolved in these places, and not instead them working as some sort of aid and abetting place in order to aid an uncivilized SOCIETY that is constantly doing uncivil things, and then it searching for such places for a quick fix afterwards.

Knowing the situations that are occuring in society, and then aiding and abetting them with a horrific way out, uhhh isn't teaching our SOCIETY anything but to instead do anything you want out there, and we'll fix it for you.

That's been the wrong message all along, and it needs to change. The system has to hold the high ground, and it should be a teacher and an influencing force to encourage people to practice what is right, and the message is that it will not participate in the things that are wrong, especially using abortion for birth control. It needs to stop, and the culture of lust and deception must change. The government must not participate in such a thing, as it should be the safe guard against creating or propping up bad cultural practices.

The SC was right to put this into the states hands, because our government should not be aiding and abetting such irresponsible activities in society, and it dam well shouldn't be making the citizen's accommodate it or worse pay for it.
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NFBW: If a heart forming is creating a human being it means the human being is not created in your words because the human being is not fully formed at that stage. So do you agree with #dings scientists who use language to describe ZEF as a developing human organism that cannot survive outside the womb..

We human beings have no obligation to human organisms that are using another human beingā€™s bodies to survive

The Catholic Church teaches that a human being is created at conception by God which is fine if you believe that. To satisfy your belief in God donā€™t get an abortion. Itā€™s easy - leave me out of your relationship with your God.

My conscience tells me exactly that. I donā€™t ever have to worry about getting some woman pregnant. But I cannot ever justify telling millions of women they cannot get an abortion when they do it for self protection.

The heart being developed is just a stage in development, it means none of the other stuff you tried to apply to it.
The lifespan of sexually reproducing species like Homo sapiens - human beings - begins at fertilization.

Itā€™s scientific fact whether it aligns with any particular faith or not, NotfooledbyW, you illiterate, ignorant monstrous pigfucker.

ā€œIf your god says rape is bad, just donā€™t rape anyone, donā€™t judge me or try to limit my freedom - who I rape is my businessā€ - the logic of said pigfucker
The lifespan of sexually reproducing species like Homo sapiens - human beings - begins at fertilization.

Itā€™s scientific fact whether it aligns with any particular faith or not, NotfooledbyW, you illiterate, ignorant monstrous pigfucker.

ā€œIf your god says rape is bad, just donā€™t rape anyone, donā€™t judge me or try to limit my freedom - who I rape is my businessā€ - the logic of said pigfucker
Yep it is scientific fact.
Cplus6221212-#6,343 Like for example, when you hurt yourself, you canā€™t claim self-defense when you attack someone else. Your victim didnā€™t hurt you.

NFBW: Your argument needs to withstand all tests. Yours does not withstand the test of a rape or incest victim unless you claim a rape and incest victim is always asking for it thereby inflicting harm on themselves.

So when you say you support abortion for rape and incest because they are victims who did not inflict harm on themselves it is ok to kill a ZEF in self defense although little ZEF who, as you say, acquired the same right to life at conception as every born human being and is the cause of none of this.

Assuming the right to kill ZEF in exceptional cases you actually give up your entire argument that ZEF has the same right to life as every human who survives birth.

You have to go for forced pregnancy by the government on even that eleven year old rape victim knowing that childbirth can cause severe damage to such a young childā€™s body.

That is you CarsomyrPlusSix .

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The heart being developed is just a stage in development, it means none of the other stuff you tried to apply to it.
NFBW: Use proper language then and admit that you are speaking religiously and not scientifically about what you think an organism that is being developed in the womb is.

Your argument needs to withstand all tests. Yours does not withstand the test of a rape or incest victim unless you claim a rape and incest victim is always asking for it thereby inflicting harm on themselves.
Youā€™re not arguing for a ā€œrape exception,ā€ intellectually dishonestā€¦ wait, no, just generally filthy lying trash with zero integrity, zero honor, zero intelligence, zero merit.

If you agree that we should ban the other 99.9x% of abortions, then we can argue ā€œrape exceptions.ā€ Until then, go fuck yourself. You donā€™t give two shits about rape, you sick bastard.

Fuck you. Eat a bullet.

forced pregnancy by the government
Non sequitur. ā€œThe governmentā€ does not go around inseminating ladies at gunpoint, you nutjob.
Cplus6221212-#6,343 Like for example, when you hurt yourself, you canā€™t claim self-defense when you attack someone else. Your victim didnā€™t hurt you.

NFBW: Your argument needs to withstand all tests. Yours does not withstand the test of a rape or incest victim unless you claim a rape and incest victim is always asking for it thereby inflicting harm on themselves.
So when you say you support abortion for rape and incest because they are victims who did not inflict harm on themselves it is ok to kill a ZEF in self defense although little ZEF who, as you say, squired the same right to life at conception as every born human being and is the cause of none of this.

Assuming the right to kill ZEF in exceptional cases you actually give up your entire argument that ZEF had the same right to life as every human who survives birth.

You have to go for forced pregnancy by the government on even that eleven year old rape victim knowing that childbirth can cause severe damage to such a young childā€™s body.

That is you CarsomyrPlusSix .

Rape or incest victims should have a strict time limit placed upon them in order to get the situation straightened out. Like immediately upon the report of it happening. Any victim that would allow a pregnancy to begin developing within them after such an horrendous act was committed against them, and does so by their own free will, shouldn't be accommodated to end that pregnancy at whatever stage the person decides to do so. If the pregnancy begins developing past a certain point, then it's time to switch into support of the mother with child mode, not into we are going to add to your trauma by helping you to kill this pregnancy on top of what you have been through already mode. So if the victim doesn't abort the pregnancy in it's reporting of the rape immediately, then I ask WHY ? There's no excuse in not immediately taking care of the situation after a rape or incest occurs.

Now in the case of a "fear of reporting", and a baby begins development in the body, then a support team should surround that mother, and encourage her that they will be with her every step of the way, and after birth, then the child can be put up for adoption or if she (the mother), chooses the child who is her's regardless of the circumstances, then that will be great also. Nothing but blessings to come.

Who is to say that the child wouldn't take after the mother in attributes, appearance, and everything else, and not take after it's rapist father ? The Lord works in mysterious ways, so we know not what exist in power's beyond our naked eye. At some point faith becomes a huge part of our decision making in life. Let us try to make the right ones Amen.
NFBW: Use proper language then and admit that you are speaking religiously and not scientifically about what you think an organism that is being developed in the womb is.

It's both religious and scientific... Duh.
Cplus6221212-#6,357 If you agree that we should ban the other 99.9x% of abortions, then we can argue ā€œrape exceptions.ā€

NFBW: What is there to argue about ā€œrape exceptionsā€ if your absolute argument is ZEF has full and equal right to life as every born human being which is not a civil or scientific argument. Rather it is a Catholic Church organizational argument that #ding claims humanized western man thereby making v western civilization as great at it is.

I have no reason to agree with an avowed atheistā€™s conscience who has adopted the Catholic Churchā€™s spiritual laws that a human being is formed at conception, because this atheist cannot defend the absurdity of his conscience unless I accept his absurdity in advance.


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