Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Yawn. Such a bother when people don't march lock-step with you, isn't it? Why are you insisting everyone in America fall in line with you? The reality is that the citizens differ on this question.

That is why I maintain the position of removing the issue out of government entirely. Return it to the personal realm where it should have been all along. Government shouldn't have control over how people think; and for reasons already explained, should keep their stamp of approval to itself.
The same with celebrities sticking their dumb aced opinion's into politics, and virtually destroying their dumb ace career's in doing so. The matter is truly a civil matter to solve for a civilized SOCIETY or people, but we know why the left wants government involved. It's so obvious. It's the same reason it wants celebrities involved.
The same with celebrities sticking their dumb aced opinion's into politics, and virtually destroying their dumb ace career's in doing so. The matter is truly a civil matter to solve for a civilized SOCIETY or people, but we know why the left wants government involved. It's so obvious. It's the same reason it wants celebrities involved.
Salient points! Nicely stated.
MeriW221222-#6,472 I will vote for the life candidate because it is also my stance that Government should not be involved in ending innocent life.
NFBW221223-#6,477 However why must a pregnant woman who has no relationship to you Meriweather and who has no relationship to me, be subjected to our personal relationship priorities when the anti-abortion politicians that you say you vote for, make laws that removes access to private medical facilities that perform safe abortions for women who don’t have our priorities?
MeriW221223-#305 First, if one wants an abortion, she can find a place to have it done. No one can stop them. Period.

NFBW: You have established yourself to be in cahoots with authoritarian politicians who will ban abortion clinics nationwide if they can get the voters.

The fact that you vote for authoritarian candidates that want to oppress women in all fifty states makes you a pro- authoritarian voter seeking your personal relationship principles and priorities to be the same rules for. At least you could cease denying that you are an authoritarian for truth’s sake.

You have established yourself to be in cahoots with authoritarian politicians
If you had been paying attention, you would know the reverse is true. As it is readily apparent you are talking to an In-Your-Own-Head-Meriweather, I see no reason for the actual me to continue responding to you on this matter. Happy New Year.
If you had been paying attention, you would know the reverse is true. As it is readily apparent you are talking to an In-Your-Own-Head-Meriweather, I see no reason for the actual me to continue responding to you on this matter. Happy New Year.
NFBW: Actually no, I am talking to frequently irrational science teacher and CATHOLIC anti-abortion rights voter whose posts directly conflict and contradict each other which I am in the process of documenting. END2212241204
MeriW221222-#6,472 I will vote for the life candidate because it is also my stance that Government should not be involved in ending innocent life.

NFBW: The government is not involved in ending human life. Meriweather has provided no explanation for what she means by her absolutely absurd statement.

I argue in favor of a woman’s freedom to choose aborting the not viable living organism that is using her body brain and lungs in order to survive.

Meriweather is opposed to the freedom to choose. Rational human beings understand that when politicians hold power in Government they can eliminate a freedom of choice that causes zero harm to any other person when enough voters like Meriweather give them that mandate.

Eliminating a freedom that woman have had for fifty years because Meriweather wants the government to eliminate them is as authoritarian as it can get.

Being able to choose is freedom. Having no ability to choose is oppression by an authoritarian government that forces all women to carry every pregnancy to full term.

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Stann said: That's just complicated things, these ignorant laws only hurt us all.

MeriW221223-#6,484 Meriweather As I keep insisting, it is the government that is hurting us all.

NFBW: But you have advised nothing about the identification and nature of the harm.

MeriW221224-#6,481 Why are you insisting everyone in America fall in line with you?

NFBW: You ask me a question and then run away before I can reply.

I am not insisting that everyone in America fall in line with me. With you, I do not have to convince you of anything because you and I already agree that in our personal relationships involving pregnancy abortion is not an options.77

Are you going to run away right after dumping a lie like that on a message board? WE’ll see.

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MeriW201226-#77 Meriweather Neither President Trump nor his family are evil. Many Catholics know that President-Elect Biden long ago put aside the tenets of the Catholic faith for political reasons.

NFBW: Most, a majority of Catholics vote Democrat and for Biden and hopefully more so now that we know ten days after the above quote Trump had been plotting an insane plan to take the White House by losing the election but then organizing a violent mob to steal it from the actual winner along with other unconstitutional means on advice from a law professor named John Eastman.

Character matters and Meriweather ’s choice for Trump to this day nearly two
Years after the fake electors coup attempt exposes more than evidence that this won a favors religious authoritarianism to restrict access to abortion.
MeriW281223-#29 Early on my Catholic teachers pointed to how Christ taught. He avoided preaching to nations and governments; he wasn't political. My teachers pointed out that Christ taught individuals how faith/God can touch an individual life, not a nation's life, not the life of the world nor even the universe Hey Siri.

NFBW: It is interesting to note that Meriweather went from recognizing Jesus as a great humanistic teacher for individual human beings to Jesus being an anti-abortion white Christian nationalist authority focused entirely on ways the nation of America must be saved from the evils of the Democratic Party. The way to nation salvation is votes for anti-abortion Republican politicians no matter the outcome where Republicans seek to inflict upon the individual.

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Misso221223-#6,490 Missourian “Every time I see this thread title it makes me smile.”

NFBW: Perhaps you should think more and giggle less because the Trump
enhanced Catholics on SCOTUS when deciding Dobbs, matches the dying GOP up to the asteroid that smashed into the earth and drove the dinosaurs into extinction. Dobbs is driving Republicanism into extinction.

Dobbs shocked the pro-freedom of choice side to wake up to the fact that the main reason the Republican Party has any clout or potency at all is due to the solidarity among mostly white anti-Roe Christians who have been working fanatically on banning abortion for fifty years and vote Republican to get that ban accomplished in a Christian Nation.

So why does Leo123 argue that Republicans are not the political party determined to ban all abortions everywhere?

CCJones221024-#282 C_Clayton_Jones “‘Banning’ abortion is lawless government excess and overreach and should be aggressively opposed regardless one’s position on abortion”
LEO123221024-#286 Leo123Nobody is banning abortion, feckless.”

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MeriW221222-#6,472 I will vote for the life candidate because it is also my stance that Government should not be involved in ending innocent life.
NFBW: Meriweather above contradicts herself in the same sentence because voting for the Republican so called “life candidate” is active support for government intrusion into private non-harmful family planning decisions that have nothing to do with governing and law and order in a civil society such as ours where church and state are to be kept separate to the benefit of all.

NFBW: Meriweather above contradicts herself in the same sentence because voting for the Republican so called “life candidate” is active support for government intrusion into private non-harmful family planning decisions that have nothing to do with governing and law and order in a civil society such as ours where church and state are to be kept separate to the benefit of all.

They say that a person who talks to himself is crazy right ??
Why does rightwing white Christian oppression of women make you happy?
I joined this forum August 30, 2008.

Posted this September 6th...

Been a long fight to overturn Roe... now those of us who fought the fight get to enjoy a victory that may save millions of young lives.

And there is now no chance the weasels in DC will force abortion on demand on the Several States.

It's a joyous occasion, the first Christmas post Roe... and I'm going to enjoy every second of it.
I agree with all the cons here. We need to do everything in our power to be more like Russia, Iran and Afghanistan. Womenh have too rights. A great deal of republican women also agree.
What is your native tongue? Babble?
NFBW221223-#6,491 Why does rightwing white Christian oppression of women make you happy?

Misso080906-#1 Missourian “Would you prefered to have been aborted?”

NFBW: It was none of my business what my mom did when I was not a viable person. It was exactly the same in 2008 when you asked that stupid question and it is still none of your business what every woman does that you did not impregnate during all the years since.

I’m taking notice that you posted that on a “religion and ethics” forum where it belongs. It is noteworthy because the anti-abortion Republicans keep telling me nowadays that it has nothing to do with religion or ethics or as matter of individual conscience.

ding221121-#5,715 ding “Abortion is a human rights issue. Not a religious issue.”

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FFI220724-#9 Trump was the keynote speaker. . . . Should we also poll people at church and ask them if they believe in Jesus?
Misso220724-#15 The Democrats have failed to destroy President Trump using every resource at their disposal

NFBW: That was JULY. The Hillbilly white Christians were celebrating Dobbs and they were fervently banning medical procedures where Hillbilly white Christians controlled the states. Hillbilly white Christian’s had the midterms to look forward to where Trumpism was expected to reign supreme once again.

Sam Alito is an intellectual Catholic and not in any way a hillbilly which is why he uttered these words on Dobbs;

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..​
Trump’s anti-abortion hillbillies will never get the significance of what Alito is saying right there . . . .

Trump did not appear to be destroyed Missourian last July but half a year later , the twice impeached loser is a farce and a sick pathetic joke ad he loses points of relevance every single day and as 2023 appears to be the year that both Trump and Putin go down into the pits of rotten human being hell.

The Dobbs decision will be seen as Trump’s beginning of the end because he put three Catholics on the Supreme Court to keep his white hillbilly Bible base loyal. A huge mistake that was because the white hillbilly based is not big enough to hold back the multicultural politics forces that in reality are what makes America great in the first place.

We can thank Kansas and Michigan and Meriweather ’s California for proving that.

END221224-1858 Merry Christmas.

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