Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW {ref: 230421^a JesusJudge

Trump-appointed judge facing more scrutiny as Christian radio interviews surface ,​

The far-right Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas who authored the opinion revoking the US Food and Drug Administration's approval of the abortion drug mifepristone failed to disclose interviews he gave on Christian talk radio when he was being confirmed by the Senate, reported CNN on Thursday.​
"In undisclosed radio interviews, Matthew Kacsmaryk referred to (culture war issues being the) latest in a change in sexual norms that began with 'no-fault divorce' and 'permissive policies on contraception,'"​
"Kacsmaryk ... made the unreported comments in two appearances in 2014 on Chosen Generation, a radio show that offers 'a biblical constitutional worldview.' At the time, Kacsmaryk was deputy general counsel at First Liberty Institute, a nonprofit religious liberty advocacy group known before 2016 as the Liberty Institute, and was brought on to the radio show to discuss 'the homosexual agenda' to silence churches and religious liberty, according to the show’s host."​
This comes after earlier reporting that Kacsmaryk also failed to disclose his involvement with an article submitted to a Texas law review, which said people ….. “cannot use their pens to prescribe or dispense abortifacient drugs designed to kill unborn children” — and that his name was actually removed from the paper right around when he was up for confirmation.​

Mar 03, 2023 ¥ BackAgain ¥ #8,062 {to: -1} “Still not about religion.”

Apr 21, 2023 NFBW {to; 8,062 ref: 230421^a} Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk - Taliban Filth Circuit lied about his association with white Christian nationalists because banning abortion is driven by extreme religionists in MAGA.
regarding your second paragraph. the time for that was before having unprotected sex, not after.
For some reason that notion just escapes their way of thinking, and it causes them to drag an entire section of civilized SOCIETY through the hot coals with them, otherwise that is what is always found in the aftermath.

An ounce of prevention goes a long long way, and it preserves the civilized SOCIETY, but in their world that makes no sense to them. GO FIGURE.
April 21, 2023 ¥beagle9¥ #8,382 {to: #8,374 rdfsh} “For some reason that notion just escapes their way of thinking, and it causes them to drag an entire section of civilized SOCIETY through the hot coals with them, otherwise that is what is always found in the aftermath.

April 21, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,382 bgl9} Some advice for Team TRUMP.NRA/Jesus membership beagle9 ding CarsomyrPlusSix Redfish et al } from a Latter Day Saint because devout Christians cannot convince GenXYZ & millennials that devout Christians have their heart soul and collective conscience into the betterment of civilized society by marching in lockstep under the Trump flag of Republicanism albeit presumed that DJT is a "vessel of god's will".

YOU need to forgive all those uncivilized women who spread their legs for men without using proper contraception as a WWJD sort of way. Note that using contraception is also a sin against God per the beliefs of the six Catholic judges who handed down Dobbs for the Confederate State re-uprising in America.

Apr 6, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #405 {to: #396} “Jesus Christ taught to love those who hate you. To love one another as He loves you. Vengeance is God's only. We are required to forgive all but God will forgive whom God wishes to forgive. If you knew the scriptures you would know this. But, you don't. There is much in the OT that is good to learn from. But, not separate from the teachings of Jesus Christ. • The followers of Jesus Christ were not called Christians in His day. They were called present day Saints. "Saints" has morphed into something it never was by the Catholic Church. We are "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Not perfect and not to be revered. We are simply baptized and conferred members of His Church (kingdom) on the earth. And, who are you to decide otherwise but a pompous vengeful person of little knowledge of Jesus Christ. •• Jesus Christ's mission was not singular. He came to receive his body as he was a spirit (Jehovah). He came to teach the new covenant to fulfill and replace the old covenant of an eye for an eye. He came to establish His and His Father's kingdom on the earth (The Church of Jesus Christ). He established this with Apostles and Prophets, teachers, missionaries... With his Atonement, he ended animal sacrifice. The Atonement gave all who would repent of their sins the right to return to His Father and Himself in Heaven as resurrected beings. "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body they shall rise." We shall all be judged with Jesus as our Mediator between our sins and our Father in Heaven. We shall then reside in one of the 3 mansions that has been prepared for us, Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial. One differs from the other in glory and purpose. ••• The law comes from our Father in Heaven. Jesus Christ is one in purpose and union with the Father. The Holy Ghost also is one in purpose and union with the Father and the Son. They do not have to be the same personage for the law to be perfect. That's philosophical garbage you have learned from one without the Spirit of God. On the road to Emmaus, this is proof. Luke 24:39, "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is myself: Handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bonds, as you see me have." He even proceeded to eat with them because like you, they did not believe even after seeing and handling Jesus after His resurrection. Do you not believe the Bible?​
Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “

April 21, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,382 bgl9} Yes, that Holy Bible that says God created human life at first breath.
Jan 18, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #1 “The pro-abortion and atheists would consider finding life on Mars something to protect but not a living person inside their mother's womb. Why would a bacteria be considered then life on Mars and a heart beat not be considered life on Earth?

APRIL 21 2023 1005 NFBW: A fetus at six weeks is life. A human life to be exact. According to Robert P George courtesy of ding a six week fetus is;
a complete and distinct human organism possessing all of the genetic material needed to inform and organize its growth, as well as an active disposition to develop itself using that information. The direction of its growth is not extrinsically determined, but is in accord with the genetic information within it. • The human embryo is not something different in kind from a human being, nor is it merely a "potential human being," whatever that might mean. Rather the human embryo is a human being in the embryonic stage. Robert P. George​
LIKEWISE A human FETYS is a human being in the FETAL stage. And at six weeks it does not have a heart or neurological development that can maintain a heartbeat according to real science. It has an electrical pulse in a vein where the heart will form later.

If the mother chooses to protect that heart beat sound the left protects that life. If the mother decides to not protect that life it is her choice.and none of our business if she ends it.

I believe the Holy Bible version of life’s beginning in individuals with souls to be at first breath:

Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

What about you Latter Day Trump
Jan 18, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #1 “The pro-abortion and atheists would consider finding life on Mars something to protect but not a living person inside their mother's womb. Why would a bacteria be considered then life on Mars and a heart beat not be considered life on Earth?

APRIL 21 2023 1005 NFBW: A fetus at six weeks is life. A human life to be exact. According to Robert P George courtesy of ding a six week fetus is;
a complete and distinct human organism possessing all of the genetic material needed to inform and organize its growth, as well as an active disposition to develop itself using that information. The direction of its growth is not extrinsically determined, but is in accord with the genetic information within it. • The human embryo is not something different in kind from a human being, nor is it merely a "potential human being," whatever that might mean. Rather the human embryo is a human being in the embryonic stage. Robert P. George​
LIKEWISE A human FETYS is a human being in the FETAL stage. And at six weeks it does not have a heart or neurological development that can maintain a heartbeat according to real science. It has an electrical pulse in a vein where the heart will form later.

If the mother chooses to protect that heart beat sound the left protects that life. If the mother decides to not protect that life it is her choice.and none of our business if she ends it.

I believe the Holy Bible version of life’s beginning in individuals with souls to be at first breath:

Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

What about you Latter Day Trump
rant away, no one is listening. your views are in the minority, deal with it.
April 21, 2023 ¥beagle9¥ #8,382 {to: #8,374 rdfsh} “For some reason that notion just escapes their way of thinking, and it causes them to drag an entire section of civilized SOCIETY through the hot coals with them, otherwise that is what is always found in the aftermath.

April 21, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,382 bgl9} Some advice for Team TRUMP.NRA/Jesus membership beagle9 ding CarsomyrPlusSix Redfish et al } from a Latter Day Saint because devout Christians cannot convince GenXYZ & millennials that devout Christians have their heart soul and collective conscience into the betterment of civilized society by marching in lockstep under the Trump flag of Republicanism albeit presumed that DJT is a "vessel of god's will".

YOU need to forgive all those uncivilized women who spread their legs for men without using proper contraception as a WWJD sort of way. Note that using contraception is also a sin against God per the beliefs of the six Catholic judges who handed down Dobbs for the Confederate State re-uprising in America.

Apr 6, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #405 {to: #396} “Jesus Christ taught to love those who hate you. To love one another as He loves you. Vengeance is God's only. We are required to forgive all but God will forgive whom God wishes to forgive. If you knew the scriptures you would know this. But, you don't. There is much in the OT that is good to learn from. But, not separate from the teachings of Jesus Christ. • The followers of Jesus Christ were not called Christians in His day. They were called present day Saints. "Saints" has morphed into something it never was by the Catholic Church. We are "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Not perfect and not to be revered. We are simply baptized and conferred members of His Church (kingdom) on the earth. And, who are you to decide otherwise but a pompous vengeful person of little knowledge of Jesus Christ. •• Jesus Christ's mission was not singular. He came to receive his body as he was a spirit (Jehovah). He came to teach the new covenant to fulfill and replace the old covenant of an eye for an eye. He came to establish His and His Father's kingdom on the earth (The Church of Jesus Christ). He established this with Apostles and Prophets, teachers, missionaries... With his Atonement, he ended animal sacrifice. The Atonement gave all who would repent of their sins the right to return to His Father and Himself in Heaven as resurrected beings. "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body they shall rise." We shall all be judged with Jesus as our Mediator between our sins and our Father in Heaven. We shall then reside in one of the 3 mansions that has been prepared for us, Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial. One differs from the other in glory and purpose. ••• The law comes from our Father in Heaven. Jesus Christ is one in purpose and union with the Father. The Holy Ghost also is one in purpose and union with the Father and the Son. They do not have to be the same personage for the law to be perfect. That's philosophical garbage you have learned from one without the Spirit of God. On the road to Emmaus, this is proof. Luke 24:39, "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is myself: Handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bonds, as you see me have." He even proceeded to eat with them because like you, they did not believe even after seeing and handling Jesus after His resurrection. Do you not believe the Bible?​
Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “

April 21, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,382 bgl9} Yes, that Holy Bible that says God created human life at first breath.
LOL, you trying to attach Trump to the issue's, otherwise as if that gives you the upper moral hand in the matter, is flipping hilarious in everyway imaginable. What would you knucklehead's do without Trump to use in order to get all the depravity hoisted into the main stream or legalized no matter what flavor of depravity is found on the menu upon any given day ?
rant away, no one is listening. your views are in the minority, deal with it.
That's definitely proven by him and maybe one more attempting to push their narratives against multiple members that are opposed. Funny how they can't understand it.
Abortion is a losing issue for Republicans. There are too many selfish, self-centered women in society with no regard for human life.
Abortion is a losing issue for Republicans. There are too many selfish, self-centered women in society with no regard for human life.
You mean to many that may have been brainwashed ??... All the republican's can do is work to deprogram them in some way, but it has to be shown to them by example of that SOCIETY can be much better without the depravity and deplorable bull crap included in it all.
You mean to many that may have been brainwashed ??... All the republican's can do is work to deprogram them in some way, but it has to be shown to them by example of that SOCIETY can be much better without the depravity and deplorable bull crap included in it all.
Many young women use abortion as a method of birth control. There are increasing numbers of women having sex with multiple partners.
Many young women use abortion as a method of birth control. There are increasing numbers of women having sex with multiple partners.
Yep, many things are normalized when they aren't normal at all, and the consequences are devastating to say the least. Then comes the distorting of the facts in the aftermath. The evil one is behind it all.
Yep, many things are normalized when they aren't normal at all, and the consequences are devastating to say the least. Then comes the distorting of the facts in the aftermath. The evil one is behind it all.
Not just single women but many married women are having sex outside of marriage. They think nothing of aborting life in the womb.
Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “

April 21, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,382 bgl9} Yes, that Holy Bible that says God created human life at first breath.

Apr 21, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,386 {to: #8,383} LOL, you trying to attach Trump to the issue's, otherwise as if that gives you the upper moral hand in the matter, is flipping hilarious in every way imaginable. •••• What would you knucklehead's do without Trump to use in order to get all the depravity hoisted into the main stream or legalized no matter what flavor of depravity is found on the menu upon any given day ?

Apr 21, 2023 1337 NFBW {to: 08,386} The former, and disgraced three time loser President Trump inserted himself into the drive to overturn Roe v. Wade by appointing, three of the six conservative justices who removed protections of reproductive freedom that women have relied upon for the past half century. You can’t take him out of discussion just because you’re ashamed of him and the fact that you voted for him and still support him.

Nice try though team Trump/Jesus. As a spokesperson for TT/J , now can we discuss Genesis 2:7 copied above:
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Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “

APR 20, 2023 ¥ Hector12 ¥ #120 “Neither the Bible nor the Constitution mention abortion, so they do not prohibit it.”

APR 21, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,385 {to: 08,384 NFBW} “rant away, no one is listening. your views are in the minority, deal with it.”

APR 21, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,387 {to: 08,385 rdfsh } “That's definitely proven by him and maybe one more attempting to push their narratives against multiple members that are opposed.”

APR 21, 2023 ¥ Blaster ¥ #8,388 {to: 08,387 bgl9} Abortion is a losing issue for Republicans.

APR 21, 2023 1541 NFBW {to: 08,388 Blstr} It need not be if sincere Christians who want to be Republicans for reasons other than denying reproduction rights to women read the Holy Book you believe in. Genesis 2:7 makes it clear if you believe Jesus is the Son of God incarnate; GOD HAVING BREATHED LIFE INTO THE NOSTRILS OF THE BODY THAT JESUS USED means sacred life does begin at conception. The sanctity of life begins at birth; at first breath.

Can you tell me why Genesis 2:7 is taboo chapter and verse when a rational theist such as myself cites it in defense of reproductive rights and freedom for women having an unwanted pregnancy. Why do white conservative Christian ignore the Word of God on abortion.
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Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “

APR 20, 2023 ¥ Hector12 ¥ #120 “Neither the Bible nor the Constitution mention abortion, so they do not prohibit it.”

APR 21, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,385 {to: 08,384 NFBW} “rant away, no one is listening. your views are in the minority, deal with it.”

APR 21, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,387 {to: 08,385 rdfsh } “That's definitely proven by him and maybe one more attempting to push their narratives against multiple members that are opposed.”

APR 21, 2023 ¥ Blaster ¥ #8,388 {to: 08,387 bgl9} Abortion is a losing issue for Republicans.

APR 21, 2023 1541 NFBW {to: 08,388 Blstr} It need not be if sincere Christians who want to be Republicans for reasons other than denying reproduction rights to women read the Holy Book you believe in. Genesis 2:7 makes it clear if you believe Jesus is the Son of God incarnate; GOD HAVING BREATHED LIFE INTO THE NOSTRILS OF THE BODY THAT JESUS USED means sacred life does begin at conception. The sanctity of life begins at birth; at first breath.

Why do white conservative Christian ignore the Word of God on abortion.
^^^ TROLL ^^^
^^^ TROLL ^^
APR 21, 2023 ¥ Blaster ¥ #8,388 {to: 08,387 bgl9} Abortion is a losing issue for Republicans.

APR 21, 2023 2614 NFBW {to: 08,395 blstr} On the contrary, you are a rare Christian here who recognizes that abortion is a losing issue for Republicans and I agree with you in that regard. Why can’t we have a civilized discussion regarding Genesis 2:7 which is easily interpreted as suggesting that thus sayeth the Lord , the sanctity of lIfe begins at first breath.

Is my interpretation of Genesis 2:7 incorrect?
Jan 18, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #1 “The pro-abortion and atheists would consider finding life on Mars something to protect but not a living person inside their mother's womb. Why would a bacteria be considered then life on Mars and a heart beat not be considered life on Earth?

APRIL 21 2023 1005 NFBW: A fetus at six weeks is life. A human life to be exact. According to Robert P George courtesy of ding a six week fetus is;
a complete and distinct human organism possessing all of the genetic material needed to inform and organize its growth, as well as an active disposition to develop itself using that information. The direction of its growth is not extrinsically determined, but is in accord with the genetic information within it. • The human embryo is not something different in kind from a human being, nor is it merely a "potential human being," whatever that might mean. Rather the human embryo is a human being in the embryonic stage. Robert P. George​
LIKEWISE A human FETYS is a human being in the FETAL stage. And at six weeks it does not have a heart or neurological development that can maintain a heartbeat according to real science. It has an electrical pulse in a vein where the heart will form later.

If the mother chooses to protect that heart beat sound the left protects that life. If the mother decides to not protect that life it is her choice.and none of our business if she ends it.

I believe the Holy Bible version of life’s beginning in individuals with souls to be at first breath:

Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

What about you Latter Day Trump
I believe I've proved this point that at the beginning of the brain and heart working, the Lord knows you as he did with Jeremiah. Sad how you feel about the unborn human being allowing the death of it but sactimoniously protect eagle eggs and other unborn wildlife with fines and imprisonment. How do you rationalize that?
Earth is not Eden, or rather, Eden sounds like, in video game terms, a developer‘s room players don’t get access to.

Human embryology does not involve divine magic turning clay figures into living things. Even if Adam had life breathed into him, then it extends to his progeny through sexual reproduction, not through magical god breath.

This mysticism and stupidity isn’t just bad scientifically, it’s bad religiously.

The claim that life begins at birth is just utterly refuted by reality and known scientific fact. It would involve spontaneous abiogenesis for every living thing on earth every time.
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Jan 18, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #1 “The pro-abortion and atheists would consider finding life on Mars something to protect but not a living person inside their mother's womb.

APRIL 21 2023 NFBW #8,384 {to: 00,001} A fetus at six weeks is life. A human life to be exact. According to Robert P George courtesy of ding a six week fetus is; a complete and distinct human organism possessing all of the genetic material needed to inform and organize its growth, as well as an active disposition to develop itself using that information.
If the mother chooses to protect that heart beat sound the left protects that life. If the mother decides to not protect that life it is her choice.and none of our business if she ends it. •••• I believe the Holy Bible version of life’s beginning in individuals with souls to be at first breath.

Apr 20, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,397 {to: 08,384} I believe I've proved this point that at the beginning of the brain and heart working, the Lord knows you as he did with Jeremiah.

Apr 20, 2023 ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #8,398 {to ref: Genesis 2:7 } Earth is not Eden. Human embryology does not involve divine magic turning clay figures into living things. Even if Adam had life breathed into him, then it extends to his progeny through sexual reproduction, not through magical god breath. •••• This mysticism and stupidity isn’t just bad scientifically, it’s bad religiously.

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,397} And what is the proof that the Lord knew me at the beginning when my brain and heart started working independently of my mother’s brain and heart and every other part of her that I depended upon.

If that was what you meant of course. I am listening, and I do not want to misinterpret, what you were trying to teach me about your religious beliefs.

Post 08,398 is from an atheist who opposes reproductive freedom for women based on his perspective and observation of the natural world. I have a similar viewpoint, however I am not hostile to revealed religion in the way C+6 comes across. That is because I understand the humanity of it all that there are limits to human knowledge; and the exact moment that the sanctity of life begins in civilized human society, is not settled by scientific observation and calculated from within the human mind.

I respect all religions, and in the multicultural society in which we live, I expect persons of all religions to respect the freedom of conscience that the founding fathers of his great nation provided for us. Abortion rights is a test for all of us to respect each other.
Jan 18, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #1 “The pro-abortion and atheists would consider finding life on Mars something to protect but not a living person inside their mother's womb.

APRIL 21 2023 NFBW #8,384 {to: 00,001} A fetus at six weeks is life. A human life to be exact. According to Robert P George courtesy of ding a six week fetus is; a complete and distinct human organism possessing all of the genetic material needed to inform and organize its growth, as well as an active disposition to develop itself using that information.
If the mother chooses to protect that heart beat sound the left protects that life. If the mother decides to not protect that life it is her choice.and none of our business if she ends it. •••• I believe the Holy Bible version of life’s beginning in individuals with souls to be at first breath.

Apr 20, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,397 {to: 08,384} I believe I've proved this point that at the beginning of the brain and heart working, the Lord knows you as he did with Jeremiah.

Apr 20, 2023 ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #8,398 {to ref: Genesis 2:7 } Earth is not Eden. Human embryology does not involve divine magic turning clay figures into living things. Even if Adam had life breathed into him, then it extends to his progeny through sexual reproduction, not through magical god breath. •••• This mysticism and stupidity isn’t just bad scientifically, it’s bad religiously.

Apr 20, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,397} And what is the proof that the Lord knew me at the beginning when my brain and heart started working independently of my mother’s brain and heart and every other part of her that I depended upon.

If that was what you meant of course. I am listening, and I do not want to misinterpret, what you were trying to teach me about your religious beliefs.

Post 08,398 is from an atheist who opposes reproductive freedom for women based on his perspective and observation of the natural world. I have a similar viewpoint, however I am not hostile to revealed religion in the way C+6 comes across. That is because I understand the humanity of it all that there are limits to human knowledge; and the exact moment that the sanctity of life begins in civilized human society, is not settled by scientific observation and calculated from within the human mind.

I respect all religions, and in the multicultural society in which we live, I expect persons of all religions to respect the freedom of conscience that the founding fathers of his great nation provided for us. Abortion rights is a test for all of us to respect each other.
Actually, I believe that Adam and Eve also had belly buttons. The breath of life is the child spirit of Heavenly Father of his. We are all his spirit children. Were Adam and Eve brought here or did their parents come here and deliver here. I think the latter and that he breathed or placed our spirits in our bodies sometime between conception and birth. And at that point we became a living soul. We are alive prior to birth and before taking our first intake of air.

Now, I’ll say them again, why protect the sanctity of animals before birth and life on Mars and not the continuation of our human race? I mean, slap a $5000 fine and a year in jail for destroying an eagle egg but cheer and praise and pat the back of those involved in the destruction of human life before birth? It’s as illogical as praising a man defeating a woman in an athletic event.

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