Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “

April 21, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,382 bgl9} Yes, that Holy Bible that says God created human life at first breath.

Apr 21, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,386 {to: #8,383} LOL, you trying to attach Trump to the issue's, otherwise as if that gives you the upper moral hand in the matter, is flipping hilarious in every way imaginable. •••• What would you knucklehead's do without Trump to use in order to get all the depravity hoisted into the main stream or legalized no matter what flavor of depravity is found on the menu upon any given day ?

Apr 21, 2023 1337 NFBW {to: 08,386} The former, and disgraced three time loser President Trump inserted himself into the drive to overturn Roe v. Wade by appointing, three of the six conservative justices who removed protections of reproductive freedom that women have relied upon for the past half century. You can’t take him out of discussion just because you’re ashamed of him and the fact that you voted for him and still support him.

Nice try though team Trump/Jesus. As a spokesperson for TT/J , now can we discuss Genesis 2:7 copied above:
Duh, you think the process remained the same after the first man and later woman was created ??? Good grief, how about educating yourself further if lightening don't strike you first... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣
08390 Apr 22, 2023 ¥ Blstr ¥ #8,390 Many young women use abortion as a method of birth control.

Apr 23, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,390} When some women do that what harm comes to you when they are preventing harm to themselves. Why do you think you have standing to stop them?
NFBW ref 230422^a “In the Torah, three words are used to describe the soul as it vests itself in a body, Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshama (נפש רוח נשמה).[13] They are found in the following passages:​

The soul (life-nefesh) of the flesh is in the blood.” (כִּ֣י נֶ֣פֶשׁ הַבָּשָׂר֮ בַּדָּ֣ם הִוא֒) (Leviticus 17:11)​
The dust returns to the ground as it was, and the spirit (ruach) returns to God who gave it.”[14]
ְיָשֹׁ֧ב הֶעָפָ֛ר עַל־הָאָ֖רֶץ כְּשֶׁהָיָ֑ה וְהָר֣וּחַ תָּשׁ֔וּב אֶל־הָאֱלֹהִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר נְתָנָֽהּ)) (Ecclesiastes 12:7)​
God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils a soul (neshama) of life.”​
(וַיִּיצֶר֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהִ֜ים אֶת־הָֽאָדָ֗ם עָפָר֙ מִן־הָ֣אֲדָמָ֔ה וַיִּפַּ֥ח בְּאַפָּ֖יו נִשְׁמַ֣ת חַיִּ֑ים) (Genesis 2:7)​
These three parts of the soul are alluded to in King Solomon’s statement, (נֵ֣ר יְ֭הוָה נִשְׁמַ֣ת אָדָ֑ם) “the candle of God is the soul of man” (Proverbs 20:27).​
The two letters of the word candle (ner- נר) can be seen as an acronym for (נפש רוח) nefesh and ruach, and the word for neshama is found at the end of the verse in the word (נִשְׁמַ֣ת) neshmat.​
Neshama mean “breath,” and ruach means “wind.” The word nefesh, from “vayinafash,” means “to rest” as in the following verse:

For six days God made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He ceased from work and rested.”​
(כִּי־שֵׁ֣שֶׁת יָמִ֗ים עָשָׂ֤ה יְהוָה֙ אֶת־הַשָּׁמַ֣יִם וְאֶת־הָאָ֔רֶץ וּבַיּוֹם֙ הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י שָׁבַ֖ת וַיִּנָּפַֽשׁ) (Exodus 31:17)​
Rabbi Schneur Zalman explains that the Torah’s use of the wordbreathto describe the Neshama, to teach that it comes from the essence of God, and he refers to it as a “part of God.”[15]Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (1934-1983) provides additional insights into this metaphor: [16]

God's exhaling a soul can be compared to a glassblower forming a vessel. The breath (neshama) first leaves his lips, travels as a wind (ruach) and finally comes to rest (nefesh) in the vessel.​

Of these three levels of the soul, neshama is, therefore, the highest and closest to God, while nefesh is that aspect of the soul residing in the body. Ruach stands between the two, binding man to his spiritual Source. It is for this reason that Divine Inspiration is called Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew.​

The Torah is teaching us that the human soul came directly from God's innermost essence in the same way that a breath issues forth from a person's lungs and chest cavity. The rest of creation, on the other hand, was created with speech,[17] which is a lower level.”​
We see that the lofty soul’s descent into a physical body serves a purpose: the elevation of the soul and the revelation of God’s presence in the most concealed aspects of the physical existence.[

08401 Apr 21, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,401 “Duh, you think the process remained the same after the first man and later woman was created ???”

Apr 22, 2023 NFBW {to: 08 401} YES! Actually I am neither Jewish or Christian. I am a rational theist who is educated sufficiently to know that Jewish people have contributed intellectually and honestly to civilization for thousands of years from which the story of Adam and Eve originated.

I read ref 230422^a above as an absolute refutation of your uneducated smart ass attempt of an assertion that “the breath {of GOD} (neshama) first leaves his lips, travels as a wind (ruach) and finally comes to rest (nefesh) in the vessel” ended with Adam,

There has been no harm or detrimental effect against the civilizing progress of all mankind since Adam and Eve became mortal humans and were exiled from the Garden of Eden because some of mankind believe God breathes a part of the essence of creation into our tiny lungs when we emerge into the world and take our first breath.

God is God duhhh and can give us our souls however the fuck he/she sees fit IMO.
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cheer and praise and pat the back of those involved in the destruction of human life before birth?
I don’t. cheer and praise and pat the back of those involved in abortion for birth contro.

I hold freedom of conscience as my most sacred right as an American. I hold your freedom of conscience to be as sacred as mine. If you are a woman having an unwanted pregnancy and choose to end it prior to viability; in itself, that is not a grounds for government coercion to stop you,, But I would never cheer or pat you on the back for getting into such a situation that comes with being human

AFTER that I can answer your endangered species analogy fairly soon .
Feb 19, 2023 ¥ lennypartiv ¥ #313 “We all saw the election being stolen on election night. Trump was winning when we went to bed. Then these votes for Biden mysteriously appeared after midnight.”

Feb 19, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #316 “and Trump's vote totals went down, HTF can that happen unless someone cheated?”

Apr 22, 2023 ¥rdfsh¥ #8,405 “there will never be agreement on this, so let’s vote and let the majority opinion prevail. Who objects?”

Apr 22, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,405} There will never be a majority opinion that abortion is the mother and her doctor and her accomplices wantonly and mercilessly are murdering an unborn person from the moment of conception through the moment of first breath.

Apr 22, 2023 NFBW {to: The majority of objectors to the above are

(1) Majority of Americans who vote and who do do not want politicians involved in private health decisions and politicians with their favored judges undoing science when it comes to pharmaceuticals

(2) Larger majority of the persons being directly harmed by a tyranny of a mostly white Christian state majority vote to deprive women of a fundamental right to bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom. White anti-abortion Christians cannot gather a national majority to win a vote against women’s rights.

(3) An even larger majority of voters under age fifty who instinctively reject all Republican culture war hate infested bullshit and AR15 gun worship lapel pins on GOP lawmakers while Children and grannies are being shot in schools and supermarkets just for being there.

(4) And even if your rights depriving national referendum came to be it would fail. Then comes the reality of posts 00,313 and 00,316 and so many like it from BIG LIE believers from which we can use deductive reasoning to conclude you ¥ Redfish ¥ would not accept the results of a vote anyway.

We need to settle this rationally and with respect for the freedom of conscience which makes being an American the greatest way to live as human beings in an imperfect world.

Your contributions on this thread are important and welcome as we sort through the facts and move forward together as Americans. Without CarsomyrPlusSix of course.
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Feb 19, 2023 ¥ lennypartiv ¥ #313 “We all saw the election being stolen on election night. Trump was winning when we went to bed. Then these votes for Biden mysteriously appeared after midnight.”

Feb 19, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #316 “and Trump's vote totals went down, HTF can that happen unless someone cheated?”

Apr 22, 2023 ¥rdfsh¥ #8,405 “there will never be agreement on this, so let’s vote and let the majority opinion prevail. Who objects?”

Apr 22, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,405} There will never be a majority opinion that abortion is the mother and her doctor and her accomplices wantonly and mercilessly are murdering an unborn person from the moment of conception through the moment of first breath.

Apr 22, 2023 NFBW {to: The majority of objectors to the above are

(1) Majority of Americans who vote and who do do not want politicians involved in private health decisions and politicians with their favored judges undoing science when it comes to pharmaceuticals

(2) Larger majority of the persons being directly harmed by a tyranny of a mostly white Christian state majority vote to deprive women of a fundamental right to bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom. White anti-abortion Christians cannot gather a national majority to win a vote against women’s rights.

(3) An even larger majority of voters under age fifty who instinctively reject all Republican culture war hate infested bullshit and AR15 gun worship lapel pins on GOP lawmakers while Children and grannies are being shot in schools and supermarkets just for being there.

(4) And even if your rights depriving national referendum came to be it would fail. Then comes the reality of posts 00,313 and 00,316 and so many like it from BIG LIE believers from which we can use deductive reasoning to conclude you ¥ Redfish ¥ would not accept the results of a vote anyway.

We need to settle this rationally and with respect for the freedom of conscience which makes being an American the greatest way to live as human beings in an imperfect world.

Your contributions on this thread are important and welcome as we sort through the facts and move forward together as Americans. Without CarsomyrPlusSix of course.
Please stop triggering this long winded knucklehead... Thanks .. ROTFLMBO 🤣
" Slang Misuse Of The Term Right Causes Mental Retardation Of Political Science In Public At Large "

* Didactically Morose With Profane Obsession For Spirochetes *

The word is still “rights” not “wrights.”
Your ongoing ignorance is inexcusable since you have already been corrected.
The political science references to the term rights when describing writs of public policy , or articles of constitution , or politically correctness , are slang .

The term right is applied throughout education to describe a 90 degree angle , while a 90 degree angle is an extrapolation from a norm in mathematics , however a correlation between the term norm and right cannot be not mutually exclusive or synonymous , as a direction of -90 degrees and +90 degrees both being directions to the right is morose presumption of a half wit .

A reference to a 90 degree angle as being equivalent with the term right is a legacy of slang from antiquity , that remains indoctrinated though generations as dogma in education .

No amount of trifling for arrogance from logical fallacies of bandwagon hubris is going to change the technical crux of intended versus unintended consequences for unconsciously indoctrinating the fecund of contradiction brought on by a dumbfounded mistake of misapplied terminology .


* Solstices Salvation Eternal Darkness Versus Eternal Fire *

Legal norms are written by law craftsmen ( wrights slang ) and it is for those reasons the term wrights is more correct than the term right when describing public policy or constitutional articles , where norms would be more accurate and more correct than the term right when describing public policy or articles for constitution .

Attending to foolishness of efforts to form a congruence between the term right and valid and correct , or to constitutional rights ( sic ) , or constitutional norms , will be mentally translated and assumed to have originated through a general state of mental retardation maintained by the cowardice of neophytes .

* Perspectives Of Contention To Control Vernacular And Lexicon *

* Wrights Is Correct And Tactically Used While Ankle Yipping Is Mitigated *

Due ewe even understand the contention between perspectives of contemporary " natural ( sic ) law theorists " and perspectives from empiricism for legal positivism ?

The contemporary natural ( sic ) law theorist does not make allusions to nature as would naturalism theorist engaging in empiricism , rather contemporary natural ( sic ) law theorists invoke anthropocentric egoism and super naturalism to override empiricism and otherwise implement a deontology by dogma while rejecting consequentialism and perspectives garnered by empirical inferences from nature .
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Rabbi Schneur Zalman explains that the Torah’s use of the wordbreathto describe the Neshama, to teach that it comes from the essence of God, and he refers to it as a “part of God.”[15]Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (1934-1983) provides additional insights into this metaphor: [16]

God's exhaling a soul can be compared to a glassblower forming a vessel. The breath (neshama) first leaves his lips, travels as a wind (ruach) and finally comes to rest (nefesh) in the vessel.

Of these three levels of the soul, neshama is, therefore, the highest and closest to God, while nefesh is that aspect of the soul residing in the body. Ruach stands between the two, binding man to his spiritual Source. It is for this reason that Divine Inspiration is called Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew.

The Journey of the Soul â Its Mission and the Afterlife

The Torah is teaching us that the human soul came directly from God's innermost essence in the same way that a breath issues forth from a person's lungs and chest cavity. The rest of creation, on the other hand, was created with speech,[17] which is a lower level.”

Please stop triggering this long winded knucklehead.

NFBW: Yes, it is a fact that I was right about God’s revelation in Genesis that he breathes a soul into the nostrils as a newborn takes his or her first breath. It was not just a one time deal as beagle9 alluded to; it happens every time a new person is born, according to Jewish belief anyway.

And as you can see, whenever beagle9 is wrong, his energy becomes devoted to censoring me demanding others on TeamTRUMP/jesus not participate in the thread.
" Slang Misuse Of The Term Right Causes Mental Retardation Of Political Science In Public At Large "

* Didactically Morose With Profane Obsession For Spirochetes *

The political science references to the term rights when describing writs of public policy , or articles of constitution , or politically correctness , are slang .

The term right is applied throughout education to describe a 90 degree angle , while a 90 degree angle is an extrapolation from a norm in mathematics , however a correlation between the term norm and right cannot be not mutually exclusive or synonymous , as a direction of -90 degrees and +90 degrees both being directions to the right is morose presumption of a half wit .

A reference to a 90 degree angle as being equivalent with the term right is a legacy of slang from antiquity , that remains indoctrinated though generations as dogma in education .

No amount of trifling for arrogance from logical fallacies of bandwagon hubris is going to change the technical crux of intended versus unintended consequences for unconsciously indoctrinating the fecund of contradiction brought on by a dumbfounded mistake of misapplied terminology .


* Solstices Salvation Eternal Darkness Versus Eternal Fire *

Legal norms are written by law craftsmen ( wrights slang ) and it is for those reasons the term wrights is more correct than the term right when describing public policy or constitutional articles , where norms would be more accurate and more correct than the term right when describing public policy or articles for constitution .

Attending to foolishness of efforts to form a congruence between the term right and valid and correct , or to constitutional rights ( sic ) , or constitutional norms , will be mentally translated and assumed to have originated through a general state of mental retardation maintained by the cowardice of neophytes .

* Perspectives Of Contention To Control Vernacular And Lexicon *

* Wrights Is Correct And Tactically Used While Ankle Yipping Is Mitigated *

Due ewe even understand the contention between perspectives of contemporary " natural ( sic ) law theorists " and perspectives from empiricism for legal positivism ?

The contemporary natural ( sic ) law theorist does not make allusions to nature as would naturalism theorist engaging in empiricism , rather contemporary natural ( sic ) law theorists invoke anthropocentric egoism and super naturalism to override empiricism and otherwise implement a deontology by dogma while rejecting consequentialism and perspectives garnered by empirical inferences from nature .
Many words ^ used to try to explain your irrational insistence on being flatly wrong.

You have failed massively, of course, yet again.

The word is still “rights.”
" Slang Misuse Of The Term Right Causes Mental Retardation Of Political Science In Public At Large "

* Didactically Morose With Profane Obsession For Spirochetes *

The political science references to the term rights when describing writs of public policy , or articles of constitution , or politically correctness , are slang .

The term right is applied throughout education to describe a 90 degree angle , while a 90 degree angle is an extrapolation from a norm in mathematics , however a correlation between the term norm and right cannot be not mutually exclusive or synonymous , as a direction of -90 degrees and +90 degrees both being directions to the right is morose presumption of a half wit .

A reference to a 90 degree angle as being equivalent with the term right is a legacy of slang from antiquity , that remains indoctrinated though generations as dogma in education .

No amount of trifling for arrogance from logical fallacies of bandwagon hubris is going to change the technical crux of intended versus unintended consequences for unconsciously indoctrinating the fecund of contradiction brought on by a dumbfounded mistake of misapplied terminology .


* Solstices Salvation Eternal Darkness Versus Eternal Fire *

Legal norms are written by law craftsmen ( wrights slang ) and it is for those reasons the term wrights is more correct than the term right when describing public policy or constitutional articles , where norms would be more accurate and more correct than the term right when describing public policy or articles for constitution .

Attending to foolishness of efforts to form a congruence between the term right and valid and correct , or to constitutional rights ( sic ) , or constitutional norms , will be mentally translated and assumed to have originated through a general state of mental retardation maintained by the cowardice of neophytes .

* Perspectives Of Contention To Control Vernacular And Lexicon *

* Wrights Is Correct And Tactically Used While Ankle Yipping Is Mitigated *

Due ewe even understand the contention between perspectives of contemporary " natural ( sic ) law theorists " and perspectives from empiricism for legal positivism ?

The contemporary natural ( sic ) law theorist does not make allusions to nature as would naturalism theorist engaging in empiricism , rather contemporary natural ( sic ) law theorists invoke anthropocentric egoism and super naturalism to override empiricism and otherwise implement a deontology by dogma while rejecting consequentialism and perspectives garnered by empirical inferences from nature .
That must have been concocted for aliens on Mars, because it sure doesn't apply in the earthly world in which all humans live. Uh unless we're talking earth alien's, then you might have an audience.
Rabbi Schneur Zalman explains that the Torah’s use of the wordbreathto describe the Neshama, to teach that it comes from the essence of God, and he refers to it as a “part of God.”[15]Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (1934-1983) provides additional insights into this metaphor: [16]

God's exhaling a soul can be compared to a glassblower forming a vessel. The breath (neshama) first leaves his lips, travels as a wind (ruach) and finally comes to rest (nefesh) in the vessel.

Of these three levels of the soul, neshama is, therefore, the highest and closest to God, while nefesh is that aspect of the soul residing in the body. Ruach stands between the two, binding man to his spiritual Source. It is for this reason that Divine Inspiration is called Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew.

The Journey of the Soul â Its Mission and the Afterlife

The Torah is teaching us that the human soul came directly from God's innermost essence in the same way that a breath issues forth from a person's lungs and chest cavity. The rest of creation, on the other hand, was created with speech,[17] which is a lower level.”

NFBW: Yes, it is a fact that I was right about God’s revelation in Genesis that he breathes a soul into the nostrils as a newborn takes his or her first breath. It was not just a one time deal as beagle9 alluded to; it happens every time a new person is born, according to Jewish belief anyway.

And as you can see, whenever beagle9 is wrong, his energy becomes devoted to censoring me demanding others on TeamTRUMP/jesus not participate in the thread.
Jesus soul was placed into the womb of Mary. Why ? Because woman was already created at this point, otherwise the vehicle that carries the new life within her womb (in which of course God created in the beginning when there were no other's), he now uses a different method of soul induction of course at this point. Duh !!!

John baptized by water, but Jesus baptized with the Holy spirit. Different method.

Truly, are you this much of an educated knucklehead without having guidance in spiritual thing's all because of ?
" Bleating Populism While Cowering To Suppress It "

* When Laud Actions Are Quiescent Words *

Many words ^ used to try to explain your irrational insistence on being flatly wrong.
You have failed massively, of course, yet again.
The word is still “rights.”
A morpheme is the smallest inflection of sound with which meaning is associated and with which symbols or letters are known to be ascribed , and combinations of morphemes make eponyms to represents an etymology of diction and vernacular of language through which lexicons and euphemisms are deduced by exegesis and by eisegesis .

The term right applied as a replacement for the term norm is as equally a demonstration of dumbfounded conclusions as the majority opinion by all eat toe scotus in the dobbs decision of sedition against us republic and against its citizens and against its constitution .

* Idiom Of Idiocy Espoused By Idiot Savants For Traitorous Support Of Sedition *

To state that another is an idiot for failing to understand the idiom of a language , through which a discussion is occurring , is different than understanding the idiom and mocking its vernacular as idiotic and a demonstration of its lexicon as idiocy .

Any individual of us republic has legal standing for a claim that equal protection with a citizen requires birth and that , by us 14th amendment and equitable doctrine , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , hence states are prohibited from outlawing abortion .

The us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause follows , whereby equal protection of negative liberties limits government interests to safety and security , among those individuals entitled by live birth to receive them , whereby states can set public policy to make abortion procedures safe and personal information secure .

* Whimpering Pussies Coward Punk Bitches Due Knot Dare *

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" Deduction Is Not Unique To Aliens "

* Keel It Sample Stoop Id *

That must have been concocted for aliens on Mars, because it sure doesn't apply in the earthly world in which all humans live. Uh unless we're talking earth alien's, then you might have an audience.
A mathematical norm has a relationship to a 90 degree angle , as a perpendicular and as an expected value .

Use of the term right to denote a 90 degree angle , or to denote a norm , or to denote an expected value , is nonsense and slang .

Yet , at some point in history the term right came to be used rather than the term norm , such that laws came to be referred to as rights rather than norms , and that leads to logical contradictions and pervasive public stupidity .

Is the inclusion of trash in language supposed to be impossible , or improbably , or does it not apply only to yearn own language ?
Apr 20, 2023 ¥bgl9¥ #8,401 “Duh, you think the process remained the same after the first man and later woman was created ???”

Apr 22, 2023 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,412 {to: 08,408} “Jesus soul was placed into the womb of Mary. Why ? Because woman was already created at this point, otherwise the vehicle that carries the new life within her womb (in which of course God created in the beginning when there were no other's), he now uses a different method of soul induction of course at this point. Duh !!!

Apr 22, 2023 NFBW {to: 08412 bgl9} This branch of multiple discussions emanates from your post 08,401. We are focused on Jewish belief not the supernatural original sin Christian hocus pocus business plan hijack of ensoulment from Judaism to save Catholic souls based on a ten percent tithe tax on income.

The supernaturalism of Christianity does not change the supernaturalism of Jewish belief that the sanctity of life begins when God the glass blower breathes his essence into each newborn at first breath.
" Bleating Populism While Cowering To Suppress It "

* When Laud Actions Are Quiescent Words *

A morpheme is the smallest inflection of sound with which meaning is associated and with which symbols or letters are known to be ascribed , and combinations of morphemes make eponyms to represents an etymology of diction and vernacular of language through which lexicons and euphemisms are deduced by exegesis and by eisegesis .

The term right applied as a replacement for the term norm is as equally a demonstration of dumbfounded conclusions as the majority opinion by all eat toe scotus in the dobbs decision of sedition against us republic and against its citizens and against its constitution .

* Idiom Of Idiocy Espoused By Idiot Savants For Traitorous Support Of Sedition *

To state that another is an idiot for failing to understand the idiom of a language , through which a discussion is occurring , is different than understanding the idiom and mocking its vernacular as idiotic and a demonstration of its lexicon as idiocy .

Any individual of us republic has legal standing for a claim that equal protection with a citizen requires birth and that , by us 14th amendment and equitable doctrine , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , hence states are prohibited from outlawing abortion .

The us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause follows , whereby equal protection of negative liberties limits government interests to safety and security , among those individuals entitled by live birth to receive them , whereby states can set public policy to make abortion procedures safe and personal information secure .

* Whimpering Pussies Coward Punk Bitches Due Knot Dare *

You are still using many words to say nothing of any rationality.
I don’t. cheer and praise and pat the back of those involved in abortion for birth contro.

I hold freedom of conscience as my most sacred right as an American. I hold your freedom of conscience to be as sacred as mine. If you are a woman having an unwanted pregnancy and choose to end it prior to viability; in itself, that is not a grounds for government coercion to stop you,, But I would never cheer or pat you on the back for getting into such a situation that comes with being human

AFTER that I can answer your endangered species analogy fairly soon .
That's fine. Freedom of conscience is what we all have. However, if one is free of conscience to steal from another, then that requires justice. Mercy cannot rob justice. In the case of abortion, the mother and doctor are robbing the unborn from his/her freedom of conscience. The question is when one has freedom of conscience. A new born doesn't. a 5 year old doesn't. Heck most teenagers don't. :popcorn: Neither does an embryo or zygote or at the stage of viability which changes all the time. No, we simply don't know when the spirit goes into the body prior to birth. So, to guess or pawn the choice off to viability is just another way to justify robbing the baby of its freedom of conscience.
Apr 22, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,417 {to: 08,404} “if one is free of conscience to steal from another, then that requires justice. Mercy cannot rob justice. In the case of abortion, the mother and doctor are robbing the unborn from his/her freedom of conscience.

NFBW: When abortion as a choice is undertaken prior to 24 weeks the fetus cannot be in possession of consciousness and therefore cannot be in possession of a conscience. So the mother of the aborted baby is not robbing anything from anyone. The mother has a right (religion aside) to stop the progress of development towards fetal consciousness because she has sole authority to decide to assume the risk of giving birth or to refuse to accept the risk. No other person can ethically make that choice. it is uo to her and her conscience.

I cannot accept Government coercion that makes the decision to take the risk of giving birth by a mostly religious group think just because they have political clout in some states. It shatters my conscience when I see government forcing religiosity majority rule on an individual woman if in the worst case she made a mistake.
" Deduction Is Not Unique To Aliens "

* Keel It Sample Stoop Id *

A mathematical norm has a relationship to a 90 degree angle , as a perpendicular and as an expected value .

Use of the term right to denote a 90 degree angle , or to denote a norm , or to denote an expected value , is nonsense and slang .

Yet , at some point in history the term right came to be used rather than the term norm , such that laws came to be referred to as rights rather than norms , and that leads to logical contradictions and pervasive public stupidity .

Is the inclusion of trash in language supposed to be impossible , or improbably , or does it not apply only to yearn own language ?
Run your mouth all you want Lefty, but you know what ? You can't even fight a common sense simple knowledgeable thing with your hyped up edumacation... You see, we have common sense that has been given to us by the creator in spirit of, and was given us in the natural order of things..

He has given us the discerning gift or deductive values in order for us to use wisely, otherwise these are things that we were born with because of him. We have the gift of discernment in order to battle against your type of worldly idiocy, otherwise in which was taught to you in a safe space bubble by those who want to be your god's..

And undoubtedly it was taught to you by those whom wish they were a god to you, and so they figured -oh well- they could be a god to someone as gullible as you are.... lol

Well I'll be darned, they were successful too, because you serve your master's well... ROTFLMBO 🤣
04678 Aug 12, 2022 NFBW #4,655 Based on that scientific, spiritual and easily recognized and observable fact by cognizant human beings, the death or end of the non-viable human formation of cells prior to viability is not subject to the same legal and/ or moral penalty as the death after viability if terminated by another including the mother.

04678 Aug 12, 2022 NFBW #4,679 • Scientifically speaking The one-celled organism that forms as part of a woman’s body immediately after fertilization is alive and if the mother terminates it prior to viability it dies, it is dead, kaput, over, life ended, finished - that human DNA will never exist in the universe again.

Nov 28, 2022 ¥ BackAgain ¥ #5,932 “Leftards deny that it is akin to murder by denying that it is a unique human life.”

April 23, 2023 NFBW (to: 05,932} Why would it be murder if a woman decides to not allow the continuation of development of the unique human life that was not intentionally begun inside her body when the unique human life has never experienced consciousness or taken that first breath of life?

A murder victim cannot be a unique human biological organism in early stages of development inside its mother’s body unless the person committing homicide of a fetus is not the one sustaining it’s development. In that case it is an elective abortion to terminate a pregnancy,

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