Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

00044 Nov 25, 2021 ¥ Red Storm Rising ¥ #44


Apr 28, 2023 NFBW: during the first 22 weeks there is only one brain supporting life, That means there is only one conscious person in the image.

So when does sanctity if life begin for a brainless “someone else’s body” if you have no religion that determines that for you Frankeneinstein

How about you CarsomyrPlusSix - you have no religion ? Can you answer that question without running your foul mouth?
On The “SANCTITY OF LIFE” the US Constitution is Jewish not Catholic.
That would mean we are a theocracy
It gives individuals who are born on US soil, or naturalized after meeting a live birth requirement on foreign soil, the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness at first breath.
which is what makes white liberals so dangerous, ^ that/your interpretation ^ gives no such right to life protection to anyone residing in the U.S. that does not meet those [interpretation] treats non citizens as disposable.
There is no constitutional protection such as a right to life that starts on the date of an individual’s moment of conception.
Under that premise/interpretation non citizens are not afforded it either.
The only constitutional right to life that a fertilized human egg, Zygote, Embryo or Fetus has cones through the actual live birth rights of it’s mother.
and non citizens aren't even afforded that protection under your interpretation.
Do you agree and acknowledge ¥ @Frankeneinstein ¥ that the US Constitution is silent on human life that begins at conception
in much the same way you would agree and acknowledge that it is silent on non citizens right to life that are living in the U.S.
but recognizes and extends rights to every conceived individual human being when they meet a live birth requirement by taking a first breath?
except non citizens where your interpretation is silent on it... I acknowledge that but cannot agree with you since it [interpretation] is silent on a non citizens right to life as well.
First breath establishes sanctity of life in Jewish doctrine.,
And I understand that in much the same way I understand the pro-life and your its just a matter of which religion you prefer and want governing us.

You keep trying to run the same semantic scam...but I'm game, go back to the chalk board and reword it and try again.
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" Consequences Of Challenging For Answers From A Deprogram Program "

* Proof By Nature Of Nature *

Cute, it's not about the sex they have imbecile, sex is awesome, it's about the lack of accountability when because of their lack of self control, a human is produced, then murdered.

Since 97% of all abortions are simply for convenience let's talk
A tautology relating that survival of introspection is an ultimate success criteria of nature , is that hue mammon kind exists because hue mammon kind exists as a sophisticated physical state , capable of sentience and sapience , by which introspection occurs .

An altruism of hue mammon is that its sophisticated physical state , capable of sentience and sapience , by which introspection occurs , should continue to exist through eternity .

By nature , satisfying a tautology that survival of introspection is an ultimate success criteria does not require that the introspection of every hue mammon instance exist through eternity .

Consequently , claims for a necessity to exact a safeguard of every instance of hue mammon kind seeks to uphold the altruism but fails to understand the very nature of nature , and many theists conjecture a creator separate from nature , separate from itself .

* Holistic Digression *

An infinite number includes a quality of infinitude which is a property of being becoming through some transition .

Theories form antiquity maintain a premise for a monad , an infinitesimal , an identity element , with a quality of infinitude , of which an identity set with infinite elements of which all of natural existence is comprised .

By induction , procreation is emulation of being and becoming through some transition .
Apr 28, 2023 ¥ Frankenstein ¥ #8,538 {to; 08,538 “Cute, it's not about the sex they have imbecile, sex is awesome, it's about the lack of accountability when because of their lack of self control, a human is produced, then murdered.”

When a human is produced and begins secular and in nature “individual human life” inside one of its two creator’s bodies such individual is not constitutionally protected from being killed by the person, of rational mind and consciousness, who by keeping the newly conceived living human organism alive, has sole autonomy over whether her body can be used as life support until potential independent live birth can be achieved with or without modern technological advancement in medical support .

There is no crime of murder in the situation described above.

IF anyone can refute that without calling me a commie imbecile baby killer please proceed intelligently and rationally with facts
No such right is in the constitution, and what you have said changes nothing about what i posted carry on!
" Identifying Clear Evidence Of Sanctimonious Ascetics Consumed With Authoritarian Style Self Validation "

* Calling Cards of Disingenuous Propaganda Goons *

The propaganda of abortion anti-choice images are disingenuous and always seek to convey unnatural tendencies of women to seek " without cause " abortion during a time of development when women do not seek " without cause " abortion , rather during those timelines women would be seeking " with cause " abortion based on developmental anomalies .

The abortion anti-choice , along with the conflicted politically correct secular humanism fee press , do not address " with cause " abortion , which the abortion anti-choice refers to as " abortion on demand " , all while ignoring that hue mammon females do not seek " without cause " abortion during those periods of development .

The abortion anti-choice trope insists that the state deprive individuals of self ownership in determining when and whether to pass on their genetic identity for a chance at a metaphorical after life , to include depriving individuals of an ability to determine quality of life and liberty in pursuit of happiness .
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Abortion bans have fallen short of passage in two heavily Republican states, signaling more political turmoil for the GOP as it seeks to enact restrictive policies.

A handful of Republican state senators in both South Carolina and Nebraska defected from their party late Thursday to derail proposed near-total bans on abortion. In South Carolina, all five of the chamber’s female lawmakers, including three Republicans, united to lead a filibuster against the bill that would have banned abortion from conception.

Apr 28, 2023 NFBW: As an atheist ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ who wants liberal state governments to further the white Christian Crusade to torment to the point of death if necessary women involved with unintended pregnancy, must be dumbfounded as to why the founder is the Republican Party’s MAGA wing (Jesus) abandoned the Crusade in SC and Nebraska.
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The abortion anti-choice trope insists that the state deprive individuals of self ownership in determining when and whether to pass on their genetic identity for a chance at a metaphorical after life , to include depriving individuals of an ability to determine quality of life and liberty in pursuit of happiness .
Eternal life can’t be it for CarsomyrPlusSix who is an atheist . Any suggestions as to why an atheist would seek to deprive women inside, outside or indifferent to his protected minority status belief system, of an ability to determine quality of life and liberty in pursuit of happiness for themselves according to their own system of belief.
" Lacks Clear Understanding Of The Players "

* Sectarian Psychopathy *

Go sell the accolades for icon cultural heroes to those cast aside and ignored .

The excuse by the catholic church for poverty created from over population beyond economic and environmental carrying capacity , from its policy against birth control and its ascetic position of sex only for procreation , is that the foundation of its economic beliefs includes communism .

* Delusional Basis Of Reason *

I am a republican for a us republic with credo for e pluribus unum espousing independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by live birth to receive them .

The facts are that the principles of individuals do not support authoritarian dictators , whether the authoritarians are communists , socialists or sectarian theocrats .

* Religious Socialism *

And this is the problem with you on the left. It's your way or the highway. There is no conversation nor bringing together both sides in a common cause amongst bigots like yourself with immense hatred in your veins. By the way, poverty is not created by populations. Where do you get that idea from? Poverty in the U.S. is created by Democrats from the racism of decades gone by. Democrats have controlled the largest cities in the U.S. for decades. And now, in order to hold onto power, they have created a socialist system of poverty with free gifts of handouts in order to secure votes to keep their power. No only that, these same people for decades have destroyed the pillar of society, the Family, that has created crime, drugs, gangs and fatherless homes in your communities. So, you blame white people for that. No, look to yourselves and stop blaming others. Stop voting the same minded people into offices that come from the left who promote socialism and communism.
The loony right in this country won't be happy until we become more like Iran. Why do you hate democracy so much?
Abortion bans have fallen short of passage in two heavily Republican states, signaling more political turmoil for the GOP as it seeks to enact restrictive policies.

A handful of Republican state senators in both South Carolina and Nebraska defected from their party late Thursday to derail proposed near-total bans on abortion. In South Carolina, all five of the chamber’s female lawmakers, including three Republicans, united to lead a filibuster against the bill that would have banned abortion from conception.

Apr 28, 2023 NFBW: As an atheist ¥ @CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ who wants liberal state governments to further the white Christian Crusade to torment to the point of death if necessary women involved with unintended pregnancy, must be dumbfounded as to why the founder is the Republican Party’s MAGA wing (Jesus) abandoned the Crusade in SC and Nebraska.
Whatever the states do now is their business, that's the way it's suppose to work and what this SCOTUS gave us by fixing roe v wade...hopefully you see where the folly was in your argument now...
...So now that you are happy with the above outcome can you finally tell us how you feel about the treatment of communists by white Christians?
tell us how you feel about the treatment of communists by white Christians?
Whereas and wherever, and when ever communists reign terror over one single Christian, I mean, is despicable, horrible, inexcusable, and if there is anything the United States and the other free religion respecting nations on earth can do to stop them I am all for it. That goes for any regime of any ideology such as the white orthodox Christianity of Russia terrorizing an entire nation of orthodox Christians with a Jewish president.

When any government uses the tyranny of a given majority as the states of Alabama, Texas, and North Dakota are doing to force pregnancy on women, that do not want to be pregnant, it is a reign of terror and immoral and unconstitutional for a government to be endorsed, even in the slightest way that causes harm to pregnant women. And it is my fucking business to try to do whatever I have to to put a stop to it. Did your pro choice head out of the sand please. Your obsession with communists is blinding your judgment. Get over it.

It is not my business or the government’s business or the church’s business or ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ‘s ¥ business to stick their nose into a woman’s uterus,

Trump is videoed hugging Jan 6 MAGA INSURRECTIONIST Micki Larson-Olson who physically attacked our democracy on Jan6 and is still calling for execution of the three representatives that I voted for, and sent to Congress. nine out of 10 voters of all black Americans vote the same as me.

Many of those black Americans are Christians. Do you support trump’s reelection and use of the justice system under his rule to bring all members of Congress present on January 6 to trial for treason and then execute them?

Liz Cheney
is incensed after Donald Trump publicly hugged a Jan. 6 rioter in New Hampshire Thursday, and she warned the GOP that they are “endorsing his conduct.”

In domestic Q Anon Jan6 and Trump-riot-love news.

Trump is seen on video embracing Q-Anon supporter Micki Larson-Olsonduring a campaign stop in Manchester, after being told she was a “Jan. 6-er.” Trump waived Larson-Olson past security, signed her backpack, and called her “terrific,” adding, “Listen, you just hang in there.”

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Whereas and wherever, and when ever communists reign terror over one single Christian, I mean, is despicable, horrible, inexcusable, and if there is anything the United States and the other free religion respecting nations on earth can do to stop them I am all for it. That goes for any regime of any ideology such as the white orthodox Christianity of Russia terrorizing an entire nation of orthodox Christians with a Jewish president.

When any government uses the tyranny of a given majority as the states of Alabama, Texas, and North Dakota are doing to force pregnancy on women, that do not want to be pregnant, it is a reign of terror and immoral and unconstitutional for a government to be endorsed, even in the slightest way that causes harm to pregnant women. And it is my fucking business to try to do whatever I have to to put a stop to it. Did your pro choice head out of the sand please. Your obsession with communists is blinding your judgment. Get over it.

It is not my business or the government’s business or the church’s business or ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ‘s ¥ business to stick their nose into a woman’s uterus,

Trump is videoed hugging Jan 6 MAGA INSURRECTIONIST Micki Larson-Olson who physically attacked our democracy on Jan6 and is still calling for execution of the three representatives that I voted for, and sent to Congress. nine out of 10 voters of all black Americans vote the same as me.

Many of those black Americans are Christians. Do you support trump’s reelection and use of the justice system under his rule to bring all members of Congress present on January 6 to trial for treason and then execute them?

Liz Cheney
is incensed after Donald Trump publicly hugged a Jan. 6 rioter in New Hampshire Thursday, and she warned the GOP that they are “endorsing his conduct.”

In domestic Q Anon Jan6 and Trump-riot-love news.

Trump is seen on video embracing Q-Anon supporter Micki Larson-Olsonduring a campaign stop in Manchester, after being told she was a “Jan. 6-er.” Trump waived Larson-Olson past security, signed her backpack, and called her “terrific,” adding, “Listen, you just hang in there.”

look, if ya don't wanna answer it just say so
any/all communists...[white western] Christians tend to view communists the way you view babies in the sub-human
I could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to be. Free speech is a first amendment right.. This is a constitutional thread. Why do you ask? What matters to me as the subject of this thread, would be if white Christians were harming communists in any way, or violating their civil rights. Are you some kind of snowflake communist or something? Do you know of a case where communists are having their human and civil rights violated by Christians. I haven’t heard of such a thing, but please educate me on it if it exists. I just don’t get what you’re driving at.

No, can we get back to your “head in the sand” acceptance of the government doing harm to pregnant women who do not wish to be?

Why do you support the imposition of harm on American citizens when they get pregnant, at the behest of the white MAGA Christian population in this country?
I could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to be. Free speech is a first amendment right.. This is a constitutional thread. Why do you ask? What matters to me as the subject of this thread, would be if white Christians were harming communists in any way, or violating their civil rights. Are you some kind of snowflake communist or something? Do you know of a case where communists are having their human and civil rights violated by Christians. I haven’t heard of such a thing, but please educate me on it if it exists. I just don’t get what you’re driving at.

No, can we get back to your “head in the sand” acceptance of the government doing harm to pregnant women who do not wish to be?

Why do you support the imposition of harm on American citizens when they get pregnant, at the behest of the white MAGA Christian population in this country?
Was it something I said? :abgg2q.jpg:
I could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to be.
"I do not think that means what you think it means"
Free speech is a first amendment right..
showing off that social education
This is a constitutional thread. Why do you ask?
I just wanna make sure you treat all your sub-humans equally
What matters to me as the subject of this thread, would be if white Christians were harming communists in any way, or violating their civil rights.
they cannot harm them or violate their rights if they believe they are sub-human
Are you some kind of snowflake communist or something?
no I'm human
Do you know of a case where communists are having their human and civil rights violated by Christians.
Can't happen
I haven’t heard of such a thing, but please educate me on it if it exists.
if you believe they are sub-human then there could never be any such thing as violating their human rights
I just don’t get what you’re driving at.
yes you do, playing dumb is all you have left
No, can we get back to your “head in the sand” acceptance of the government doing harm to pregnant women who do not wish to be?
Like roe v wade that's settled now
Why do you support the imposition of harm on American citizens when they get pregnant, at the behest of the white MAGA Christian population in this country?
cuz i'm pro-choice
Apr 28, 2023 NFBW #8,556 “I could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to be.

Apr 28, 2023 ¥frnknvstn #8,558 "I do not think that means what you think it means

Apr 28, 2023 NFBW: It means exactly what “I could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to be” in English means. What else could it mean?
It means exactly what “I could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to be” in English means. What else could it mean?
OK means you care! some level...
...about what/how Christians and anyone else does to/views that what you were trying to say? if so I already knew that and it is why I asked the question.
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