Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Apr 28, 2023 NFBW #8,556 ā€œWhy do you support the imposition of harm on American citizens when they get pregnant, or ā€

Apr 28, 2023 Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ #8,557 {to: 08,556} ā€œWas it something I said?ā€

Apr 28, 2023 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,558 {to: 08,556} ā€œcuz i'm pro-choiceā€

Apr 28, 2023 1154 NFBW: I see now from your post 08,558 thatā€™s your pro choice meaning is that you are for white Christians who have the tyranny of the majority in white dominated Christian states to have their governments harm pregnant women. Itā€™s quite simple now that ā€œpro choiceā€ to you means you are ā€œpro harmā€ according to what you have put in writing here. you are in favor of causing harm to pregnant women and potential death by having state governments force women into using their bodies for full-term pregnancy by eliminating womenā€™s right to choose their own health prerogatives.
Apr 28, 2023 1154 NFBW: I see now from your post 08,558 thatā€™s your pro choice meaning is that you are for white Christians who have the tyranny of the majority in white dominated Christian states to have their governments harm pregnant women. Itā€™s quite simple now that ā€œpro choiceā€ to you means you are ā€œpro harmā€ according to what you have put in writing here. you are in favor of causing harm to pregnant women and potential death by having state governments force women into using their bodies for full-term pregnancy by eliminating womenā€™s right to choose their own health prerogatives.

Thanks for letting me know. Yes we are on the same side.
Whereas and wherever, and when ever communists reign terror over one single Christian, I mean, is despicable, horrible, inexcusable, and if there is anything the United States and the other free religion respecting nations on earth can do to stop them I am all for it. That goes for any regime of any ideology such as the white orthodox Christianity of Russia terrorizing an entire nation of orthodox Christians with a Jewish president.

When any government uses the tyranny of a given majority as the states of Alabama, Texas, and North Dakota are doing to force pregnancy on women, that do not want to be pregnant, it is a reign of terror and immoral and unconstitutional for a government to be endorsed, even in the slightest way that causes harm to pregnant women. And it is my fucking business to try to do whatever I have to to put a stop to it. Did your pro choice head out of the sand please. Your obsession with communists is blinding your judgment. Get over it.

It is not my business or the governmentā€™s business or the churchā€™s business or Ā„ CarsomyrPlusSix ā€˜s Ā„ business to stick their nose into a womanā€™s uterus,

Trump is videoed hugging Jan 6 MAGA INSURRECTIONIST Micki Larson-Olson who physically attacked our democracy on Jan6 and is still calling for execution of the three representatives that I voted for, and sent to Congress. nine out of 10 voters of all black Americans vote the same as me.

Many of those black Americans are Christians. Do you support trumpā€™s reelection and use of the justice system under his rule to bring all members of Congress present on January 6 to trial for treason and then execute them?

Liz Cheney
is incensed after Donald Trump publicly hugged a Jan. 6 rioter in New Hampshire Thursday, and she warned the GOP that they are ā€œendorsing his conduct.ā€

In domestic Q Anon Jan6 and Trump-riot-love news.

Trump is seen on video embracing Q-Anon supporter Micki Larson-Olsonduring a campaign stop in Manchester, after being told she was a ā€œJan. 6-er.ā€ Trump waived Larson-Olson past security, signed her backpack, and called her ā€œterrific,ā€ adding, ā€œListen, you just hang in there.ā€

Needs more cowbell
come to find our we are not on the same side - great šŸ‘ con you had going on!
I'm also a democrat FBW!
but you couldnā€™t hide the fact that you are for state governmentā€™s harming pregnant women when they donā€™t want to be., Proud of endorsing harm to women are you?
I understand your frustration and the need to lash out willy nilly...but armed with only a social education your future is going to be full of misguided beliefs like the one you posted above [and just about everywhere else] leading to more disappointment for you...
...try to be more understanding when it comes to others who are different and have different I am sure you are smart enough to see, you can learn something from them.
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You are a liar. When a state like Florida
bans a womenā€™s access to a safe legal abortion by the doctor of her choice in a safe medical facility or blocks the ability to obtain safe pharmaceuticals that induce abortion in the first ten weeks at home where she lives she is being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to full term. And that causes harm or could be fatal. It is also government ā€œforceā€ to those who can afford it, to travel to another state, where a legal abortion can be safely obtained.
Nope, because she made the choice to be pregnant, and the state is just going to honor her choice.... It is not going to assist her in removing that healthy choice. That's the state's right or the government's right to not get involved in an individual's personal choice by providing services that assist said person in things that would and should be illegal under federal and state law...

However, if very special circumstances are involved like rape, incest or the mother's life is in extreme danger (very rare) or the baby is severely deformed so much so that it wouldn't be able to function/live, otherwise if were born in such a condition (rare condition) then medical facilities like hospital's or medical specialist that handle such things can make those determinations and rightfully so.

Abortion farms should be illegal.. Period.
23Feb09 Ā„ Tommy Tainant Ā„ #1 ā€œI actually hope that it does happen. Americans need a wake up call.L ife under the Taliban might kill conservatism in the longer term. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Nobody votes for their life to be worse.ā€

23Feb09 Ā„ brownson0831 Ā„ #2 ā€œLife under the Taliban? You mean like mandating the poisonous leftyvirus jab for all citizens? Like that Commie??ā€

23Feb09 Ā„tmmytnntĀ„ #3 ā€œLike denying healthcare to womenā€

23Feb09 Ā„brnsn0831Ā„ #4 ā€œYou mean a pill to kill babies don't you? Nobody is denying sane women healthcare.ā€

23Feb09 Ā„tmmytnntĀ„ #5 ā€œYou need to run on that platform you thick fucker.ā€

23Feb09 Ā„brnsn0831Ā„ #6 ā€œA platform that murder is against the law?ā€

23Feb09 Ā„ struth Ā„ #7 ā€œwhy do people post about stuff that "could" happen?ā€

23Feb09 Ā„ Independentthinker Ā„ #8 ā€œI fail to understand the idea that murdering a fetus is actually "healthcare".

23Feb09 Ā„ C_Clayton_Jones Ā„ #9
ā€œThe right's war on women continues.ā€

23Feb09 Ā„ whitehall Ā„ #11 ā€œIt's never a "Biden judge" but it's always a "Trump judge". More fear mongering disguised as "current events". It beats talking about real issues anyway.

23Feb09 Ā„ Jessica-stormlover Ā„ #12 ā€œThe American taliban literally wants to live in the 17th century and we better start fight back against it or life will be hell. We must fight for freedom.ā€

23Apr27 NFBW #8,510 may I refer to you {bgl9} Americans as anti-choice religious MAGA conservatives both Catholic and Protestant? ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ I have the impression that Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ is concerned that I do not refer properly and politely to all the predominantly white Americans who are working very hard to make sure the government will force giving birth on every pregnant woman henceforth until the Rapture.

23Apr27 Ā„ beagle9 Ā„ #8,527 {to: 08,510} ā€œNobody is forcing any woman to give birth...ā€

23Apr27 #8,530 {to: 08,527} ā€œYou {bgl9} are a liar. When a state like Florida
bans a womenā€™s access to a safe legal abortion by the doctor of her choice in a safe medical facility or blocks the ability to obtain safe pharmaceuticals that induce abortion in the first ten weeks at home where she lives she is being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to full term. And that causes harm or could be fatal. It is also government ā€œforceā€ to those who can afford it, to travel to another state, where a legal abortion can be safely obtained.ā€

23Apr29 Ā„ beagle9 Ā„ #8,566 {to: 08,530} ā€œNope, because she made the choice to be pregnant, and the state is ā€¦ā€¦. ā€œ

{para 08,566.a} Nope, because she made the choice to be pregnant, and the state is just going to honor her choice.... It is not going to assist her in removing that healthy choice.

23Apr29 NFBW {to: 08,566.a} You are infested with logical fallacies bgl9 but this one is your icing on the cake. The state cannot adjudicate what took place in privacy between more than one person. Are you aware of natureā€™s drive to replenish the species is not always attached to be in aware and rational about consequences. Human error is tied to a condition known as sexual arousal. Perhaps white Christian males do not associate with females who are capable of being aroused before sexual intercourse. But that is not the case in general. You have decided that the state has a right to determine ā€œhealthy choiceā€ is the constant and determining factor in lieu of arousal, whenever a woman becomes pregnant. If a woman is in an abusive marriage situation, you are so kind and Christian to bless the state for condoning a husbandā€™s abuse. Pathetic Christian you are. I understand your goal is to have more people believe in Jesus, which supposedly helps them control their sexual desires. But Jesus Christ bgl9 this is America. The government cannot will not, and should not be involved in forcing any woman to come to Jesus under penalty of punishment of bodily harm and potential death if they get pregnant without the proper belief in Jesus in their lives.

YOU need to attract people to Jesus by your example. When you tie Jesus to the coercive laws of a state, it is the opposite of the kind of example you are supposed to be setting.
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" Misplaced Make Believe Scapegoat Caricatures "

* Authoritarian Traitors Self Ignorant Of What They Are Throwing All Bandwagon Cliches *

And this is the problem with you on the left. It's your way or the highway.
A basic understanding of political science may or may not be this way or the high way .

A collective state is comprised of citizens in whom a state interests lay , and a collective state does not exist without citizens , and the instantiation of a citizen and its constitutional protections occurs simultaneously .

By us 14th amendment , an individual citizen of the us is a citizen of the united states and is a citizen in one of its member states .

By us 14th amendment , live birth is required to become a citizen and , by logically , of course , deduction , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , that would have included a wright to life .

Consequently , the diminutive suggestion that whatever " the left " is supposed to imply about or to myself , the my way or the highway understanding from us 14th is that live birth is required for equal protection has / had long been a staple deduction of jurisprudence , that included a common understanding that a constitutional amendment would be required to include any not having completed a live birth .

As related in us 14th amendment , any person is entitled to equal protection of law , while roe v wade decision noted that person was not defined , and a movement to define a person to include the pre-born in us code began .

In 2002 , title 1 section 8 of us code codified a person as any having been born alive , which simply clarified and confirmed the basic understanding of equitable doctrine that live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen ,

Because live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it , and any us citizen has legal standing to prevail in an equal protection clause violation suit claiming that prohibition of abortion by states violates us constitution .

As a constitutional amendment was not forthcoming , and neither was a modification of the term person in title 1 section 8 of us code , and neither was a change in the etymology of a person , as in per for countable by census and as in son for male , the sanctimonious sacrosanct fanatics , fervent for their own fashion , disavowed long standing principles and us constitution and code and sought to prey on public ignorance with ambiguities about non enumerated constitutional entitlements .

As such the dobbs decision , directing that states may protect a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it - that includes a person , is SEDITION and any which supports the decision is a TRAITOR to us republic and its principles for INDIVIDUALISM !

* Populism Big Got Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *
There is no conversation nor bringing together both sides in a common cause amongst bigots like yourself with immense hatred in your veins.
The conversation is about " without cause " versus " with cause " abortions and the developmental timelines in which they occur .

The " with cause " abortions for developmental anomalies are often detected by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of development .

As " without cause " abortion are not sought during stages of fetal development when " with cause " abortion may be optioned , the characterization of " with cause " abortion as abortion on demand is ASININE .

* Separating One Issue From All Others *
By the way, poverty is not created by populations. Where do you get that idea from? Poverty in the U.S. is created by Democrats from the racism of decades gone by. Democrats have controlled the largest cities in the U.S. for decades. And now, in order to hold onto power, they have created a socialist system of poverty with free gifts of handouts in order to secure votes to keep their power. No only that, these same people for decades have destroyed the pillar of society, the Family, that has created crime, drugs, gangs and fatherless homes in your communities. So, you blame white people for that. No, look to yourselves and stop blaming others. Stop voting the same minded people into offices that come from the left who promote socialism and communism.
The blanket assertions to associate abortion choice and all illegitimate economic or social policies with a common mind is debase .

Both the left and right are promoting populism for democracy as tyranny by majority , while this moniker is promoting individualism and diminution of illegitimate dictates of either .

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" More Worthless Pathetic Pleadings From The Abortion Ant-Choice Trope "

* Absurdities Of Dogma *

Nope, because she made the choice to be pregnant, and the state is just going to honor her choice.... It is not going to assist her in removing that healthy choice. That's the state's right or the government's right to not get involved in an individual's personal choice by providing services that assist said person in things that would and should be illegal under federal and state law...
Abortion is 100% legal by us constitution and government not getting involved means allowing private individuals to choose from free market services , while by us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause , states may pass legislation to ensure that free market services comply with reasonable constraints for public safety and security .

* Does Not Affect Themselves Or A Legal Victim But See Fit To Sue In Civil Court For Damages *
However, if very special circumstances are involved like rape, incest or the mother's life is in extreme danger (very rare) or the baby is severely deformed so much so that it wouldn't be able to function/live, otherwise if were born in such a condition (rare condition) then medical facilities like hospital's or medical specialist that handle such things can make those determinations and rightfully so.
Abortion farms should be illegal.. Period.
And yet your position is despondent that 90% of down syndrome fetus are aborted and you want to dictate quality of life , liberty and pursuit of happiness just as every other authoritarian consumed with their own self validation .

The rape and incest are red herring to distract from addressing all " with cause " abortion that requires abortion to be legal in second and third trimesters , all while feigning that " without cause " abortions are occurring to justify an ulterior and disingenuous motive of referring to " with cause " abortion as " abortion on demand " .
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Apr 28, 2023 NFBW #8,556 ā€œWhy do you support the imposition of harm on American citizens when they get pregnant ā€

Apr 28, 2023 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,558 {to: 08,556} ā€œcuz i'm pro-choiceā€

Apr 29, 2023 Ā„ Monk-Eye Ā„ #8,569 ā€œAbortion is 100% legal by us constitution and government not getting involved means allowing private individuals to choose from free market servicesā€¦. ā€œ

Apr 29, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,558} Pre-1776 Monarchies could do harm to individuals subjected to their rule and unrestrained authority because no individuals were protected from those powerful empires of Western Civilizationā€™s Catholic or Protestant Church States.

The question right now, regarding survival of the 1776 US Republic as originally designed with zero Catholic input is ominous.

Can six SCOTUS Catholics having minds that were trained on Catholic dogma from childhood to adulthood, and given the secular education in the greatest nation on earth as a bastion of individual, freedom and liberty and justice for all, overcome the dogma and ā€œchooseā€ to go against going back to 1775 and allowing the government to ā€œchoose to do harmā€ to individuals once again? Who knows?

The Dobbs decision tells me they canā€™t but as of now, there are not enough, Frankeneinstein ā€™s to revert the nation back to limited protections from government harm for individuals of the gender that carry babies in the womb and deliver them to the world.

If women can be harmed for becoming pregnant, there is no way that pregnant women receive equal justice under the law to the man who got her pregnant.

That is why Catholic justice Sam Alito did sone basic jurisprudence bullshit when Dobbs was handed down:

Sam Alito slipped ā€œquick fetusā€ into the Dobbs Decision when he cited (albeit roguely edited ) Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text,

"If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

And then his guilty highly educated secular conscience wrote this:

ā€œFor our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,ā€ Sam Alito..
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Apr 28, 2023 NFBW #8,556 ā€œWhy do you support the imposition of harm on American citizens when they get pregnant ā€

Apr 28, 2023 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,558 {to: 08,556} ā€œcuz i'm pro-choiceā€

Apr 29, 2023 Ā„ Monk-Eye Ā„ #8,569 ā€œAbortion is 100% legal by us constitution and government not getting involved means allowing private individuals to choose from free market servicesā€¦. ā€œ

Apr 29, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,558} Pre-1776 Monarchies could do harm to individuals subjected to their rule and unrestrained authority because no individuals were protected from those powerful empires of Western Civilizationā€™s Catholic or Protestant Church States.

The question right now, regarding survival of the 1776 US Republic as originally designed with zero Catholic input is ominous.

Can six SCOTUS Catholics having minds that were trained on Catholic dogma from childhood to adulthood, and given the secular education in the greatest nation on earth as a bastion of individual, freedom and liberty and justice for all, overcome the dogma and ā€œchooseā€ to go against going back to 1775 and allowing the government to ā€œchoose to do harmā€ to individuals once again? Who knows?

The Dobbs decision tells me they canā€™t but as of now, there are not enough, Frankeneinstein ā€™s to revert the nation back to limited protections from government harm for individuals of the gender that carry babies in the womb and deliver them to the world.

If women can be harmed for becoming pregnant, there is no way that pregnant women receive equal justice under the law to the man who got her pregnant.

That is why Catholic justice Sam Alito did sone basic jurisprudence bullshit when Dobbs was handed down:

Sam Alito slipped ā€œquick fetusā€ into the Dobbs Decision when he cited (albeit roguely edited ) Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text,

"If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

And then his guilty highly educated secular conscience wrote this:

ā€œFor our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,ā€ Sam Alito..
You two fellas are totally wrong in your twisted interpretations of everything you try to write on the subject. Your biggest failure's is over complicating the issue in order to make it into something you hope that the average Joe will just give up and let you knucklehead's have your way on, but as you can see that truly their are more against you than their are for you.
Apr 28, 2023 NFBW #8,556 ā€œWhy do you support the imposition of harm on American citizens when they get pregnant ā€

Apr 28, 2023 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,558 {to: 08,556} ā€œcuz i'm pro-choiceā€

Apr 29, 2023 Ā„ Monk-Eye Ā„ #8,569 ā€œAbortion is 100% legal by us constitution and government not getting involved means allowing private individuals to choose from free market servicesā€¦. ā€œ

Apr 29, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,558} Pre-1776 Monarchies could do harm to individuals subjected to their rule and unrestrained authority because no individuals were protected from those powerful empires of Western Civilizationā€™s Catholic or Protestant Church States.

The question right now, regarding survival of the 1776 US Republic as originally designed with zero Catholic input is ominous.

Can six SCOTUS Catholics having minds that were trained on Catholic dogma from childhood to adulthood, and given the secular education in the greatest nation on earth as a bastion of individual, freedom and liberty and justice for all, overcome the dogma and ā€œchooseā€ to go against going back to 1775 and allowing the government to ā€œchoose to do harmā€ to individuals once again? Who knows?

The Dobbs decision tells me they canā€™t but as of now, there are not enough, Frankeneinstein ā€™s to revert the nation back to limited protections from government harm for individuals of the gender that carry babies in the womb and deliver them to the world.

If women can be harmed for becoming pregnant, there is no way that pregnant women receive equal justice under the law to the man who got her pregnant.

That is why Catholic justice Sam Alito did sone basic jurisprudence bullshit when Dobbs was handed down:

Sam Alito slipped ā€œquick fetusā€ into the Dobbs Decision when he cited (albeit roguely edited ) Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text,

"If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

And then his guilty highly educated secular conscience wrote this:

ā€œFor our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,ā€ Sam Alito..
I understand much the same way I understand the pro-life argument.
" Conscripting Ritual Sacrifice Throughout History Versus Actual Occurrences As Individual Volition "

* Institutional Silence Stealth Orders *

Apr 29, 2023 Ā„ Monk-Eye Ā„ #8,569 ā€œAbortion is 100% legal by us constitution and government not getting involved means allowing private individuals to choose from free market servicesā€¦. ā€œ

Apr 29, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,558} Pre-1776 Monarchies could do harm to individuals subjected to their rule, and authority because they were not protected from these Catholic/protestant church states. The question right now, regarding survival of the 1776 US Republic as originally designed with zero Catholic input is ominous.

Can six SCOTUS Catholics having minds that were trained on Catholic dogma from childhood to adulthood, and given the secular education in the greatest nation on earth as a bastion of individual, freedom and liberty and justice for all, over, come the dogma and vote against going back to 1775 and allowing the government to ā€œchoose to do harmā€ to individuals once again.

The Dobbs decision tells me they canā€™t but as of now, there are not enough, Frankeneinstein ā€™ to revert the nation back to limited protections from government harm for individuals of the gender is home carry babies in the womb.
During the Cold War, the order had a history of waging anti-socialist, anti-communist and anti-anarchist crusades.[145] They lobbied for the addition of the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, as a religious response to Soviet atheism.[146][147] The Knights have actively opposed the legalization of same-sex marriage and in terms of funding, they have also been a key contributor to local measures against same-sex marriage.[10] The Knights have donated over US$1 million to the Susan B. Anthony Foundation and other anti-abortion and anti-contraception organizations.[9][148]

" Hollow Deity Macabre Fatalism Imaginative Morose Contriving "
If women can be harmed by becoming pregnant, there is no way that pregnant women receive equal justice under the law.
That is why Catholic justice Sam Alito dus sone basic jurisprudence bullshit when Dobbs was handed down:
Sam Alito slipped ā€œquick fetusā€ into the Dobbs Decision when he cited (albeit roguely edited ) Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text,
"If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

And then his guilty highly educated secular conscience wrote this:
ā€œFor our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,ā€ Sam Alito..
A would be mother intentionally seeking a " without cause " abortion during periods of development when " with cause " abortion are valid , and doing so with a specific intent of ritual sacrifice , or with a specific intent of inflicting suffering , may qualify as a murderess .

Child sacrifice is thought to be an extreme extension of the idea that the more important the object of sacrifice, the more devout the person rendering it.[1]

* Individual Liberty For Quality Of Life Being Sought To Be Deprived *

A reference to a " quickening " continues to insufficiently account for capacity of contemporary science to detect , to anticipate and to mitigate developmental anomalies of a fetus or of a mother that may include an option for abortion .
" Traitors To Citizens Of A Us Republic For Principles Of Individualism "

* Conniving Cowards Contriving Censorship For Populism Of Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *

You two fellas are totally wrong in your twisted interpretations of everything you try to write on the subject. Your biggest failure's is over complicating the issue in order to make it into something you hope that the average Joe will just give up and let you knucklehead's have your way on, but as you can see that truly their are more against you than their are for you.
The abortion anti-choice trope on the right has practiced deceit for many years by dismissing more valid and compelling arguments by pleading for their own arrogance while dismissing all else with ignorance as ignorance ; while those for abortion choice on the left promoted a wright to privacy as the basis for abortion and dismissed with arrogance , complacency and ignorance , any premise not consistent with it being the principle justification .

In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "appeal to the people")[1] is a fallacious argument which is based on claiming a truth or affirming something is good because the majority thinks so.[2]
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You two fellas are totally wrong in your twisted interpretations of everything you try to write on the subject. Your biggest failure's is over complicating the issue in order to make it into something you hope that the average Joe will just give up and let you knucklehead's have your way on, but as you can see that truly their are more against you than their are for you. ya think monk-eye is a bot?
" Anthropocentric Egoism Of Punk Bitch Arguments From Wanna Be Goons "

* Damned Dirty Ape Grunts * ya think monk-eye is a bot?
Yeah, and programmed by an ignorant human being... ROTFLMBO šŸ¤£
Let the academic community know when the ilk of you two ewes is ready to stop queering off on each other and are ready to nut up .

Neither of you two ewes is capable of justifying absolution for implementing asceticism of the sacrosanct , that is based in arrogant dogmatic conjectures of a gawd separate of nature - literally separate from itself , from whence the literal meaning of an afterlife , as perpetuity of introspection , clearly proven from obvious evidence as the nature of nature , is ignored for hyperbole of a superlative metaphor for transmutation of soles .

As long as the abortion anti-choice trope continues not to practice its antinomian creed , its auspices will be confronted with the unadulterated version for the meaning of an afterlife .

* Unable To Challenge And Sew Is Ignored As Illusion *
" Consequences Of Challenging For Answers From A Deprogram Program "

* Proof By Nature Of Nature *

A tautology , relating that survival of introspection is an ultimate success criteria of nature , is that hue mammon kind exists because hue mammon kind exists as a sophisticated physical state , capable of sentience and sapience , by which introspection occurs .

An altruism of hue mammon is that its sophisticated physical state , capable of sentience and sapience , by which introspection occurs , should continue to exist through eternity .

By nature , satisfying a tautology that survival of introspection is an ultimate success criteria does not require that the introspection of every hue mammon instance exist through eternity .

Consequently , claims for a necessity to exact a safeguard of every instance of hue mammon kind seeks to uphold the altruism but fails to understand the very nature of nature , and many theists conjecture a creator separate from nature , separate from itself .

* Holistic Digression *

An infinite number includes a quality of infinitude which is a property of being becoming through some transition .

Theories form antiquity maintain a premise for a monad , an infinitesimal , an identity element , with a quality of infinitude , of which an identity set with infinite elements of which all of natural existence is comprised .

By induction , procreation is emulation of being and becoming through some transition .
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" Misplaced Make Believe Scapegoat Caricatures "

* Authoritarian Traitors Self Ignorant Of What They Are Throwing All Bandwagon Cliches *

A basic understanding of political science may or may not be this way or the high way .

A collective state is comprised of citizens in whom a state interests lay , and a collective state does not exist without citizens , and the instantiation of a citizen and its constitutional protections occurs simultaneously .

By us 14th amendment , an individual citizen of the us is a citizen of the united states and is a citizen in one of its member states .

By us 14th amendment , live birth is required to become a citizen and , by logically , of course , deduction , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , that would have included a wright to life .

Consequently , the diminutive suggestion that whatever " the left " is supposed to imply about or to myself , the my way or the highway understanding from us 14th is that live birth is required for equal protection has / had long been a staple deduction of jurisprudence , that included a common understanding that a constitutional amendment would be required to include any not having completed a live birth .

As related in us 14th amendment , any person is entitled to equal protection of law , while roe v wade decision noted that person was not defined , and a movement to define a person to include the pre-born in us code began .

In 2002 , title 1 section 8 of us code codified a person as any having been born alive , which simply clarified and confirmed the basic understanding of equitable doctrine that live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen ,

Because live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it , and any us citizen has legal standing to prevail in an equal protection clause violation suit claiming that prohibition of abortion by states violates us constitution .

As a constitutional amendment was not forthcoming , and neither was a modification of the term person in title 1 section 8 of us code , and neither was a change in the etymology of a person , as in per for countable by census and as in son for male , the sanctimonious sacrosanct fanatics , fervent for their own fashion , disavowed long standing principles and us constitution and code and sought to prey on public ignorance with ambiguities about non enumerated constitutional entitlements .

As such the dobbs decision , directing that states may protect a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it - that includes a person , is SEDITION and any which supports the decision is a TRAITOR to us republic and its principles for INDIVIDUALISM !

* Populism Big Got Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *

The conversation is about " without cause " versus " with cause " abortions and the developmental timelines in which they occur .

The " with cause " abortions for developmental anomalies are often detected by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of development .

As " without cause " abortion are not sought during stages of fetal development when " with cause " abortion may be optioned , the characterization of " with cause " abortion as abortion on demand is ASININE .

* Separating One Issue From All Others *

The blanket assertions to associate abortion choice and all illegitimate economic or social policies with a common mind is debase .

Both the left and right are promoting populism for democracy as tyranny by majority , while this moniker is promoting individualism and diminution of illegitimate dictates of either .

The new Supreme Court Justice and the other liberal Justices are unable to define what a woman is, let alone what "person" means. The codes are not part of the Constitution but liberal interpretations of words used in the Constitution. Thus, the meaning of what a person is can be debated and changed from time to time. Originally, an unborn baby is human and a person. Thus, the term "unborn" baby or person. And, therefore protected by the Constitution with rights. Nowhere in the constitution does it say "Live" person. It says "individual" or "person." To the sane and loving person, that includes the unborn person or individual.
It's ironic also that you post references suggesting that if the unborn has anomalies that the "Mother" can choose to end or kill her baby. That she has the right over the baby. Yet today, the States are denying parental rights to decide for a child whether or not to hack off protruding parts of their body in the name of gender affirming care or transgender crapola. So, what do you believe in? Mother's rights or not?

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