Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

BackAgain220502-#288 ā€¢ BackAgain ā€¢ I am sorry to report that infanticide of the preborn will probably still be legal in many deep blue shithole states.

NFBW: There is no state where the crime of infanticide of the preborn is legal because it is not an infant before it is born. It is a fetus. Terminating the life of a fetus is called abortion. It is not infanticide.

Before birth, the offspring is called a fetus. The term infant is typically applied to very young children under one year of age; however, definitions may vary and may include children up to two years of age. When a human child learns to walk, they are called a toddler instead.​
Every womanā€™s ā€œfreedom of conscienceā€ private choice to abort her fetus is not a crime in any state . Red states are not prosecuting women for the crime of prebirth infanticide anywhere.

This means your statement ā€œthat infanticide of the preborn will probably still be legal in many deep blue . . . states.ā€ is stupid. wrong and a propaganda lie because there can be no infanticide or feticide as a crime when there is no person being killed by abortion.

In California infanticide became legal when Newsome signed AB 2223,legalizing the killing of BORN BABIES up to 28 days old.
08751 23MAY09 NFBW #8,761 {to: 08,756} ā€œIā€™m not on the side of the two religious extremists Ā„ @beagle9 and @hadit Ā„ who see themselves saving brainless human organisms while harming women who do have brains. It is sick extremism in America / the land of the free until your egg gets fertilized,ā€
That's all due to your lack of "understanding". the former cornerstone and hallmark of democrats...
23MAY13 NFBW: Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ says he votes Democrat, but he understand why MAGA white Christian Republicans extremists refer to him as a baby killer just for being a democrat . That is being irrational.
...So "understanding" is now irrational as well as fascist?
00018 18SEP06 Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ #18 women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine]

08736 23MAY08 NFBW #8,738 {to: 08,734} ā€œWhen you invade everybodyā€™s privacy in the name of Jesus you just donā€™t know where and when to stop Ā„bgl9Ā„ doā€œ

08740 23MAY08 Ā„bgl9Ā„ #8,740 {to: 08,736} When government tells you to put that damned seat belt on, you put it on don't you ?

23MAY13 NFBW {to: 08,740} When I drive a car most of the time it is on a public road. LAWS APPLY. When a woman has an egg fertilized it is private matter unless white MAGA Christians have majority rule and she lives in one of those tyranny if the majority states.
NFBW ref: 230513^a


California Not Poised to ā€˜Legalize Infanticideā€™​

By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on April 22, 2022

Quick Take
A California bill would do away with mandatory investigations of stillbirths. Opponents misleadingly claim it would ā€œlegalize infanticide.ā€ The bill would prevent prosecution in cases of ā€œperinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.ā€ But authorities would investigate if there were evidence of foul play leading to an infantā€™s death.

Full Story​

A California bill that would protect parents from investigation and prosecution if they lose or choose to end a pregnancy has been spun into a falsehood that the state is set to ā€œlegalize infanticide.ā€
The pastor of a southern California megachurch, for example, posted a messageon Facebook claiming that the bill ā€œwould legalize infanticide!ā€
Other opponents have been posting similar claims, including Jenna Ellis ā€” a member of former President Donald Trumpā€™s campaign legal team ā€” who wrote on Facebook, ā€œThis is INSANELY evil. California Democrats are trying to legalize killing children up to the age of 28 days.ā€
But there is no bill in the California state legislature that would make it legal to kill a person of any age. What these posts are referring to is Assembly Bill 2223, which is part of a slate of legislation supported by the Planned Parenthood Affiliates of Californiaand the California Future of Abortion Councilthat aim to strengthen protection of abortion rights in California as some other states have reduced access.
The bill states:
Assembly Bill 2223, as amended April 6: Pregnancies can end in a range of outcomes. Nationwide, as many as one in five known pregnancies end in miscarriage. In California, as many as 2,365 pregnancies per year end in stillbirth, meaning perinatal loss after 20 weeks gestation. Many pregnancy losses have no known explanation.
People also need to end pregnancies by abortion, including self-managed abortion, which means ending oneā€™s own pregnancy outside of the medical system.
Every Californian should have the right to feel secure that they can seek medical assistance during pregnancy without fear of civil or criminal liability.
The threat of criminal prosecution of pregnancy outcomes is partly traceable to out-of-date provisions that give coroners a duty to investigate certain abortions and pregnancy losses. Based on these provisions, health care providers and institutions report people to law enforcement for pregnancy losses, leading to harmful investigations and even unlawful prosecutions.
Civil and criminal penalties imposed on pregnant people is a critical issue for Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, who experience adverse pregnancy outcomes as a result of systemic racial inequities and are more likely to be under scrutiny of state systems like child welfare or immigration.
The threat of criminal prosecutions or civil penalties on pregnant people through child welfare, immigration, housing, or other legal systems has a harmful effect on individual and public health. When a person fears state action being taken against them related to their pregnancy, they are less likely to seek medical care when they need it. If they do seek care, punishing them for actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcomes interferes with professional care and endangers the relationship between providers and patients.
So, that describes the general intent of the bill. The confusion that it might somehow ā€œlegalize infanticideā€ appears to have come from an early version of the bill, which was introduced in February.
In that version, a portion of the bill said (emphasis ours), ā€œNotwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.ā€
The term ā€œperinatal deathā€ can include both fetal death and death that occurs within days or weeks of birth.
An analysis from the Assembly Judiciary Committee prepared for an April 5 hearing on the bill suggested clarifying that section since, the report said, that ā€œlanguage could lead to an unintended and undesirable conclusion.ā€
The report continued: ā€œAs currently in print, it may not be sufficiently clear that ā€˜perinatal deathā€™ is intended to be the consequence of a pregnancy complication. Thus, the bill could be interpreted to immunize a pregnant person from all criminal penalties for all pregnancy outcomes, including the death of a newborn for any reason during the ā€˜perinatalā€™ period after birth, including a cause of death which is not attributable to pregnancy complications, which clearly is not the authorā€™s intent.ā€
The billā€™s language was then amended to say, ā€œperinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.ā€ The billā€™s sponsor, Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks, took to Twitter the same day as the committee hearing to address the claims of legalized infanticide.
ā€œLet me be clear: #AB2223 doesnā€™t prevent the state from keeping children safe. This isnā€™t a bill about infanticide. This is about protecting Californians who suffer pregnancy loss from being unjustly investigated, prosecuted or incarcerated. Full stop,ā€ she wrote, before going on to highlight the change to the language.
Still, the claims have persisted, as shown by the examples above.
We asked Khiara Bridges, a professor at the University of California Berkeley School of Law, to explain whether or not there would be any risk that the law would allow for the killing of infants or children.
ā€œEven before adding that language ā€” itā€™s absurd to think it would legalize infanticide,ā€ Bridges said.
ā€œNo judge in the world would understand the killing of a baby thatā€™s born and outside of the uterus as a pregnancy outcome,ā€ which is what the bill is focused on ā€” making sure that parents arenā€™t criminalized for the outcome of a pregnancy.
If thereā€™s evidence of foul play leading to the death of an infant or child, authorities will investigate as usual, she said.
ā€œThis bill does not immunize that behavior at all. It will be investigated,ā€ Bridges said.
So, claims that California is poised to ā€œlegalize infanticideā€ or ā€œlegalize killing childrenā€ are false.
Editorā€™s note: is one of several organizations working with Facebook to debunk misinformation shared on social media. Our previous stories can be found here. Facebook has no control over our editorial content.


California State Assembly. ā€œAB-2223 An act to amend Section 27491 of the Government Code, and to amend Sections 103005, 123462, 123466, and 123468 of, to add Sections 123467 and 123469 to, and to repeal Section 103000 of, the Health and Safety Code, relating to reproductive health.ā€ As amended 6 Apr 2022.
Gonzalez, Oriana. ā€œRed states race to enact new abortion restrictions.ā€ Axios. 19 Apr 2022.
American Academy of Pediatrics. ā€œStandard Terminology for Fetal, Infant, and Perinatal Deaths.ā€ Accessed 22 Apr 2022.
Assembly Committee on Judiciary. AB 2223 (Wicks) ā€“ As Amended March 17, 2022. 3 Apr 2022.
Wicks, Buffy (@BuffyWicks). Thread. Twitter. 5 Apr 2022.
Bridges, Khiara. Professor, University of California Berkeley School of Law. Telephone interview with 21 Apr 2022.

08861 23MAY13 Ā„ protectionist Ā„ #8,861 In California infanticide became legal when Newsome signed AB 2223,legalizing the killing of BORN BABIES up to 28 days old.

23MAY13 NFBW {to: 08,861} Why are you spreading v such blatant white Christian MAGA disinformation. Your bullshit started by a goddamned lying preacher.

The pastor of a southern California megachurch, for example, posted a message on Facebook claiming that the bill ā€œwould legalize infanticide!ā€​

ā€œperinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.ā€ Can happen after a live birth. Nobody is killing an infant under this bill. AB2223 doesnā€™t prevent the state from keeping children safe. This isnā€™t a bill about infanticide. This is about protecting Californians who suffer pregnancy loss from being unjustly investigated, prosecuted or incarcerated. Full stop,ā€​
00026 22DEC20 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #26 ā€œWhite liberals sharing yet another atrocity of theirs with the rest of the country.ā€

00342 23APR14 Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ #342 ā€œIts been 50 years and the court that folks have been "thoroughly disgusted with" has been flipped.ā€

08761 23MAY09 NFBW #8,761 {to: 08,756} ā€œIā€™m not on the side of the two religious extremists Ā„ beagle9 and hadit Ā„ who see themselves saving brainless human organisms while harming women who do have brains. It is sick extremism in America / the land of the free until your egg gets fertilized,ā€

08862 23MAY13 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,862 {to: 08,751} That's all due to your lack of "understanding". the former cornerstone and hallmark of democrats...

23MAY14 NFBW {to: 00,026 00,342 00,862} What we have here is the failure of anti-progress Frank to honestly communicate/argue his real agenda against multicultural progress known as liberalism in America.

His post 00,342 gives it away.

Frank fashions himself as an old fashioned Dixie Democrat who is deeply and sympathetically aware of white Christian nationalists feelings. This Dixiecrat is tolerant and forgiving of the white Christian BIG LIE that America was founded by white Christian Protestants and is supposed to be in some kind of covenant with the Author of the Judeo Christian Holy Bible.

White Evangelical Protestant religious conservatives used to be pro-choice before Roe v Wade. Their politics was driven by pro-segregation until the Sixties.

When pro-segregation had an ax handle image, that taboo political energy had to be diverted to a new cause. White Protestants and white Catholics took to opposing abortion and forcing opposition to ā€˜choiceā€™ into the GOP platform when they converted Reagan.

The rest is history and white Christian nationalism has made a powerful show of force with MAGA under authoritarian Trump.

But they are no longer religious conservatives - they are political extremists run afoul of the Constitution and protecting individual liberty.

MAGA Frank has the concept of understanding ass-backward and heading nowhere.
00004 23MAY10 Ā„ g5000 Ā„ #1 ā€œAll signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.ā€

00004 23MAY10 Ā„ g5000 Ā„ #4 ā€œWe keep falling for the same tricks over and over and over, and never wake up. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ We swing from the neocon Bush to the ultra-liberal Obama to the who-knows-what-the-fuck-he-is Trump to the doddering liberal Biden. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ It must look very psychotic to our allies.ā€

00118 22DEC05 Ā„G5000 Ā„ #118 ā€œWhite Nationalists want a white nation, as the name implies. Whites only. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Christian Nationalists want a Christian nation. Christians only. Preferably white. A theocracy. Like Iran. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Christian Nationalists will have to repeal the First Amendment to achieve thisā€

23MAY15 NFBW {to: 00004} You were on the right track Ā„G000Ā„ if you seek to contribute to improving and protecting American democracy on constitutional grounds when you posted 00118 last December.

Wanting more tribal Americans such as yourself to vote in primaries will solve nothing on election days because tribalism is not based on rational thought and respect for facts and truth.

The day of reckoning in this country was January 6, 2021. White Christian Nationalists will never repeal the First Amendment to create the kind of nation they want. They only need to get a Republican Senate with a sixty seat majority and Republican in the White House. The white Christian nationalists thanks to Mitch McConnell and Trump and the structural funding power of the GOP billionaires and grassroots Christians have established six Catholics on the Supreme Court who are proving to be more pro-religion that pro-constitution with the big pro government being involved in religion decision on Dobbs.

Our problem is not having a choice between what you claim will be (R) ā€œa low-IQ thieving rapistā€ or (D) ā€œa soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.ā€ .

Our problem is that the (R) has the electoral power of a political partyā€™s base of voters who continue to support and put up a candidate who attempted to overturn the presidential election that he lost by unconstitutional means which included incitement to violence.

We have to sunset the (Rā€™s) as a Party by sidelining the predominantly white and Christian MAGA base that have no respect facts truth democracy and the Constitution.

We need a sixty seat majority for Democrats in the Senate and a Democrat in the White House to preserve our foundersā€™s intent that we be responsible for governing ourselves with respect for individual liberty.
08862 23MAY13 Ā„ @Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,862 {to: 08,751} That's all due to your lack of "understanding". the former cornerstone and hallmark of democrats...

23MAY14 NFBW {to: 00,026 00,342 00,862} What we have here is the failure of anti-progress Frank to honestly communicate/argue his real agenda against multicultural progress known as liberalism in America.

His post 00,342 gives it away.

Frank fashions himself as an old fashioned Dixie Democrat who is deeply and sympathetically aware of white Christian nationalists feelings. This Dixiecrat is tolerant and forgiving of the white Christian BIG LIE that America was founded by white Christian Protestants and is supposed to be in some kind of covenant with the Author of the Judeo Christian Holy Bible.
As an atheist who espouses "understanding" I guess I needed to be outed like this...we all do :disbelief:
White Evangelical Protestant religious conservatives used to be pro-choice before Roe v Wade. Their politics was driven by pro-segregation until the Sixties.
white communists only dropped their opposition to lynching in the 50's due to a new medical procedure to replace it on the near political that was far more efficient.
When pro-segregation had an ax handle image, that taboo political energy had to be diverted to a new cause. White Protestants and white Catholics took to opposing abortion and forcing opposition to ā€˜choiceā€™ into the GOP platform when they converted Reagan.
TRANSLATION: "Until Reagan the old south was our responsibility"
The rest is history and white Christian nationalism has made a powerful show of force with MAGA under authoritarian Trump.
Has more to do with the rejection of white liberalism than anything else.
But they are no longer religious conservatives
Yet all you ever do is rant about how evil religious conservatives are.
- they are political extremists run afoul of the Constitution and protecting individual liberty.
and I understand that in much the same way I understand why they feel the same thing is true of you.
MAGA Frank has the concept of understanding ass-backward and heading nowhere.
That is certainly true of one of us. [two if ya count monk] :abgg2q.jpg:

Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians

" Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians " * Lying Under Cover Of Pretending To Liberate Through Domination * The right wing outlets must ttop referring to the left as liberals and call them either authoritarians , or conservatives . The term liberal is synonymous with...
Change "left wing are not liberals" to 'left wing liberals are not democrats' and you will have captured my take on this, the problem as I see it is that the party can only be fixed from the inside, to expect the right not to capitalize on our lack of house cleaning is to be naive, we need to fix this and that is why as a democrat I take the positions that I do...all in all I pretty much agree with the post/link otherwise.
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23MAY14 NFBW {to: 00,026 00,342 00,862} What we have here is the failure of anti-progress Frank to honestly communicate/argue his real agenda against multicultural progress known as liberalism in America.
And as yet another white liberal view point runs out of gas and is in obvious distress the "MAYDAY" signal of "racism/Xenophobia/misogyny" goes up.
My understanding of the abortion anti-choice position is that it is constitutionally and ethically debase .
No, that would be your lack of understanding...
To be clear , is it possible to provide an elaboration of the supposed position , as perhaps there is something else for me to consider ?
Yes, you need to clear the hurdle of "understanding" all falls into place after that.
23MAY14 NFBW {to: 00,026 00,342 00,862} What we have here is the failure of anti-progress Frank to honestly communicate/argue his real agenda against multicultural progress known as liberalism in America.

His post 00,342 gives it away.

Frank fashions himself as an old fashioned Dixie Democrat who is deeply and sympathetically aware of white Christian nationalists feelings. This Dixiecrat is tolerant and forgiving of the white Christian BIG LIE that America was founded by white Christian Protestants and is supposed to be in some kind of covenant with the Author of the Judeo Christian Holy Bible.

White Evangelical Protestant religious conservatives used to be pro-choice before Roe v Wade. Their politics was driven by pro-segregation until the Sixties.

When pro-segregation had an ax handle image, that taboo political energy had to be diverted to a new cause. White Protestants and white Catholics took to opposing abortion and forcing opposition to ā€˜choiceā€™ into the GOP platform when they converted Reagan.

The rest is history and white Christian nationalism has made a powerful show of force with MAGA under authoritarian Trump.

But they are no longer religious conservatives - they are political extremists run afoul of the Constitution and protecting individual liberty.

MAGA Frank has the concept of understanding ass-backward and heading nowhere.
lol...this [as well as being "irrational" and a "fascist"] is all due to my suggesting you show some understanding when it comes to views different than your own...You're not the first white liberal to go bonkers over that suggestion.
08761 23MAY08 NFBW #8,761 {to: 08,756} ā€œIā€™m not on the side of the two religious extremists Ā„ beagle9 and hadit Ā„ who see themselves saving brainless human organisms while harming women who do have brains. It is sick extremism in America

08862 23MAY13 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,862 {to: 08,751} That's all due to your lack of "understanding". the former cornerstone and hallmark of democrats...

08865 23MAY14 NFBW {to: 00,026 00,342 00,862} #8,865 What we have here is the failure of anti-progress Frank to honestly believe communicate/argue his real agenda against multicultural progress known as liberalism in America.

08865 23MAY14 NFBW {to: 00,026 00,342 00,862} #8,865 ā€œFrank fashions himself as an old fashioned Dixie Democrat who is deeply and sympathetically aware of white Christian nationalists feelings. This Dixiecrat is tolerant and forgiving of the white Christian BIG LIE that America was founded by white Christian Protestants and is supposed to be in some kind of covenant with the Author of the Judeo Christian Holy Bibleā€

08867 23MAY15 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„
#8,867 {to: 08,665} As an atheist who espouses "understanding" I guess I needed to be outed like this...we all do

08869 23MAY15 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,869 ā€œAnd as yet another white liberal view point runs out of gas and is in obvious distress the "MAYDAY" signal of "racism/Xenophobia/misogyny" goes up.ā€

08871 23MAY15 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,871 lol...this [as well as being "irrational" and a "fascist"] is all due to my suggesting you show some understanding when it comes to views different than your own...You're not the first white liberal to go bonkers over that suggestion.

23MAY15 NFBW {to: 08,667 08,669 08,871} I am not a white liberal - I am a multicultural liberal who happens to be male and white who believes all law/abiding women and persons of every sex or sexusl identity and color must NEVER be harmed by the government or be subjected to laws that violate freedom of conscience such as freedom from religion.

Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ demands that I - show some understanding when it comes to views different than {my} own when my view is to oppose religious extremists Ā„ beagle9 and hadit Ā„ who want state governments to harm women who become pregnant and do not want to remain pregnant after 20 weeks.

I shall never understand or condone American white Christian nationalists who cause harm to women by banning abortion in states where they can amass a majority.
08867 23MAY15 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„
#8,867 {to: 08,665} As an atheist who espouses "understanding"

23MAY15 NFBW: You Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ are espousing understanding of a viewpoint by predominantly white Christians who demand history be revised to posthumously convert our rational theist founding fathers into sin and salvation Christianity so that now government power should be used to harm women if their conscience on abortion does not comply with a Jesus believerā€™s moral standards.

You therefore espouse doing harm to women already suffering an unwanted pregnancy. You are a cruel human being.
08867 23MAY15 Ā„ @Frankeneinstein Ā„
#8,867 {to: 08,665} As an atheist who espouses "understanding"

23MAY15 NFBW: You Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ are espousing understanding of a viewpoint by predominantly white Christians who demand history be revised to posthumously convert our rational theist founding fathers into sin and salvation Christianity so that now government power should be used to harm women if their conscience on abortion does not comply with a Jesus believerā€™s moral standards.
Jeez, it's no wonder atheists are treated with such contempt.
You therefore espouse doing harm to women already suffering an unwanted pregnancy.
I understand that in much the same way I understand pro-life viewing you as committing infanticide.
You are a cruel human being.
cuz I am pro-choice?

NFBW ref 230515^a​

Archbishop Cordileone Calls Abortion Bill ā€˜Child Sacrifice,ā€™ Urges Prayer and Fasting​

Archbishop Cordileone on Tuesday said that the Womenā€™s Health Protection Act ā€œis surely the type of legislation one would expect from a devout Satanist, not a devout Catholic.ā€
Archbishop Cordileone performs an exorcism at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, Calif.
Archbishop Cordileone performs an exorcism at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, Calif. (photo: Dennis Callahan / Archdiocese of San Francisco)
Joe Bukuras/CNANationSeptember 22, 2021
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. ā€” The Archbishop of San Francisco warned that an abortion bill to be voted on in Congress this week amounts to ā€œchild sacrifice.ā€ He called on Catholics to pray and fast for the defeat of the bill.

ā€œThis proposed legislation is nothing short of child sacrifice,ā€ Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said in a Tuesday statement regarding the Womenā€™s Health Protection Act (H.R. 3755).

The bill, introduced by Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., recognizes the ā€œstatutory rightā€ of women to have abortions. It also states the ā€œrightā€ of doctors, certified nurse-midwives, nurse practitioners and doctorā€™s assistants to perform abortions. It prohibits many limitations on abortion, such as state pro-life laws requiring ultrasounds or waiting periods before abortions.

ā€œAny reasonable person with a basic sense of morality and inkling of decency cannot but shudder in horror at such a heinous evil being codified in law,ā€ Archbishop Cordileone said.

The bill overrides prohibitions on ā€œpre-viabilityā€ abortions, and would also allow for late-term abortions without ā€œmeaningfulā€ limits, the U.S. bishopsā€™ conference has warned, calling it ā€œthe most radical abortion bill of all time.ā€ The bill is scheduled to be considered by the House this week.

ā€œThis deceptively-named, extreme bill would impose abortion on demand nationwide at any stage of pregnancy through federal statute,ā€ wrote Archbishop Joseph Naumann, chair of the U.S. bishopsā€™ pro-life committee, in a Sept. 15 letter to members of Congress.

ā€œIt would force all Americans to support abortions here and abroad with their tax dollars,ā€ he added, and ā€œwould also likely force health care providers and professionals to perform, assist in, and/or refer for abortion against their deeply-held beliefs, as well as force employers and insurers to cover or pay for abortion.ā€

Archbishop Cordileone on Tuesday said the bill ā€œshows to what radical extremes the supposedly ā€˜Pro-Choiceā€™ advocates in our country will go to protect what they hold most sacred: the right to kill innocent human beings in the womb.ā€

He expressed support for Archbishop Naumannā€™s warning about the bill, and advocated for members of Congress to instead pass legislation supporting both mothers and children.

Archbishop Cordileone called it ā€œespecially shameful that any self-professed Catholic would be implicated in such an evil, let alone advocate for it.ā€

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a Catholic who resides in the San Francisco archdiocese, announced the House vote on the bill earlier this month after a Texas pro-life law went into effect restricting most abortions after detection of a fetal heartbeat. She vowed to ā€œenshrine into law reproductive health care for all women across America.ā€

Archbishop Cordileone pointed to Pope Francisā€™s recent statements calling abortion ā€œmurder,ā€ during a press conference on a papal flight.

ā€œThis principle is so clear, and to those who cannot understand, I would ask two questions: is it right to kill a human life to solve a problem? Scientifically, it is a human life. The second question: is it right to hire a hitman to solve a problem?ā€™ā€ Pope Francis said.

Archbishop Cordileone on Tuesday said that the Womenā€™s Health Protection Act ā€œis surely the type of legislation one would expect from a devout Satanist, not a devout Catholic.ā€

He concluded with a call for ā€œall Catholics in our country immediately to pray and fast for members of Congress to do the right thing and keep this atrocity from being enacted in the law.ā€

ā€œA child is not an object to be thrown away, and neither is a motherā€™s heart,ā€ he said.

ā€œIā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again: the answer to a woman in a crisis pregnancy is not violence but love. This is America. We can do better.ā€

14JUN21 eagle1462010 #31 ā€œI believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of the Heaven and the Earth.ā€ I believe Jesus Christ died for our sins and is the son of God. Anyone that doesn't believe that may quite frankly Go to Hell.

00106 22JUL08 Ā„ eagle1462010 Ā„ #106 We have a right as a society to protect life. That question is when life begins. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Most people in this country would be ok with around 15 weeks and then NO.

08867 23MAY15 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„
#8,867 {to: 08,665} white communists only dropped their opposition to lynching in the 50's due to a new medical procedure to replace it on the near political that was far more efficient.

23MAY15 NFBW: Why does Archbishop Cordileone Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ have a right to call Americans like Ā„Eagle14Ā„ who is a professed Christian a ā€œchild sacrificerā€ ā€œheinous evilā€ ā€œdevout Satanistā€ ā€œkiller of innocent human beings in the womb.ā€ ā€œIn favor of atrocityā€ ?
08874 23MAY15 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,874 {to: 08,873} Jeez, it's no wonder atheists are treated with such contempt.

23MAY15 NFBW: No atheists are being harmed by government intruding on and banning medical procedures that an atheist is deciding to have. Unless an atheist is also a pregnant woman.
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23MAY15 NFBW: Why does Archbishop Cordileone Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ have a right to call Americans like Ā„Eagle14Ā„ who is a professed Christian a ā€œchild sacrificerā€ ā€œheinous evilā€ ā€œdevout Satanistā€ ā€œkiller of innocent human beings in the womb.ā€ ā€œIn favor of atrocityā€ ?
did he really do that? I had no idea they even knew each other.

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