Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

We no longer have the excuse of ignorantly thinking that life begins at quickening.
{ nfbw #9,141 to myrpls #68 } Quickening since Aristotle coined it has never been about the biological beginning of life and the science behind what happens at the moment of conception and at the beginning stages of a human life from that moment of conception through the stages of gestation.

Quickening reckons with the point of legal or moral significance that secular society has a moral obligation to defend the right to continue fetal development as a potential full human being.
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{ nfbw #9,141 to myrpls #68 } Quickening since Aristotle coined it has never been about the biological beginning of life and the science behind what happens at the moment of conception and at the beginning stages of a human life from that moment of conception through the stages of gestation.

Quickening reckons with the point of legal or moral significance that secular society has a moral obligation to defend the right to continue fetal development as a potential full human being.
You keep throwing all of this so called scientific bull crap into your post, otherwise in hopes to keep the muddy Waters stirred up, but what the bottom line is to it all really, is that we want to live in a civilized SOCIETY, and that means to restrict certain activities or to penalize certain activities in order to slow or stop them as best we can.

You have a problem with this because of more than just the abortion issue.
The lifespan of an individual organism of the species Homo sapiens - a human being - begins at fertilization.

Quickening is an archaic concept irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

I want all human beings to be legal persons. This asshole is a bigot who hates the unborn for arbitrary reasons and wants them killed and exploited.

That's it. Everything else this dishonest, deplorable piece of shit says is noise.
When a woman aborts her child prior to viability specifically it causes no harm to society and people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life in this case out of respect for a woman’s right to privacy and control of her own body
“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.
His {nfbw} own argument is that the young human inside one of his daughters can be snuffed out for no reason at all, and that society has zero say in the matter. {ckvgn 07604}

The law values a human life and prohibits your freedom of movement and freedom of action. If you object on the basis of restriction of liberty and freedom, the societal answer is t”ough fucking luck.” You remain prohibited from engaging in conduct that takes a human life. {ckvgn 07611}

the bottom line is to it all really, is that we want to live in a civilized SOCIETY

{ nfbw #9,144 to bgl9 #9,142 } I live in a perfectly advanced civilized society where each individual who abides by its laws and system of equal justice is at liberty to be king. That applies to pregnant woman as well including my daughter {see ckvgn #7,604 }

You beagle9 and BackAgain want to fuck up the liberty based civilization that we inherited at birth or naturalization. You both use an extremist religion biased politically fabricated ploy of “saving baby fetus” to impose your morality on society under the unconstitutional and uncivilized method called the tyranny of the majority. It’s the same treasonous Confederacy guise of states rights that protected the uncivilized commercial behavior called slavery.

BackAgain ’s argument { #7,611 see above}
is flawed and so it is with your sermons beagle9 because the relationship between my daughter and her very own baby fetus is private except to those like her dad whom she chooses to share. We are family.

I say at the top and stand by it:

“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.

At fifteen weeks in my daughter’s private pregnancy (she had no obligation to tell me ) had she decided to not continue at this time. No one except the father has a right to intervene because the life (at fifteen weeks) being ended has no separate conscious life of it’s own.

There is no harm to society if prenatal life is safely and legally terminated by itself. It’s one conscious self. It cannot be murder.

I am overcome with joy to be expecting my next granddaughter on the 4th of July when we celebrate the birth also of the greatest nation and civilization the planet earth has ever known. It’s also the date in history when two of the dozens of great rational theist minds of America’s founding passed on.

Is that English language enough to suit you Mr Independentthinker ?

On July 4, 1826, America celebrated 50 years of independence as, just a few hours apart, two of its Presidents took their final breaths. At the time of his death, Thomas Jefferson was 83, while John Adams had turned 90 the year before. Though both were unwell, their deaths came as a surprise to many—particularly as they coincided with one another on this very striking date.​
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“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.

{ nfbw #9,144 to bgl9 #9,142 } I live in a perfectly advanced civilized society where each individual who abides by its laws and system of equal justice is at liberty to be king. That applies to pregnant woman as well including my daughter see ckvgn #7,604 }

You beagle9 and BackAgain want to fuck up the liberty based civilization that we inherited at birth or naturalization. You both use an extremist religion biased politically fabricated ploy of “saving baby fetus” to impose your morality on society under the unconstitutional and uncivilized method called the tyranny of the majority.

BackAgain ’s argument { #7,611 see above}
is flawed and so it is with your sermon’s beagle9 because the relationship between my daughter and her very own baby fetus is private except to those like her dad whom she chooses to share. We are family.

I say at the too and stand by it:

“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.

At fifteen weeks in my daughter’s private pregnancy (she had no obligation to tell me ) had she decided to not continue at this time no one except the father has a right to intervene because the life (at fifteen weeks ) being ended has no separate conscious life of it’s own.

There is no harm to society if prenatal life is safely and legally terminated by itself. It’s one conscious self. It cannot be murder.

I am overcome with joy to be expecting my next granddaughter on the 4th of July when we celebrate the birth also of the greatest nation and civilization the planet earth has ever known. It’s also the date in history when two of the dozens of great rational theist minds of America’s founding passed on.

Is that English language enough to suit you Mr Independentthinker ?
No, it's you sadly enough who understands what family means, yet you are being an advocate for what anti-family activities mean also. Water and poison don't run out of the same faucet, but here you are attempting to mix the two somehow, and worse bringing your family into it. I will say that it's very strange that you have such anti-family or anti-new parenting/mothering position's in life, but then flip and have pro-family after the fact only position's in life.

You say conservatives get out of a female's womb, but then you are inside her head and her womb advocating for destruction if she so chooses. Why not advocate as a pro-family, and a pro-help advocate, otherwise if she is in dire straights about her life and pregnancy ? Why not join the pro-lifers movement instead of the death of a potential human being movement ???
“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.

{ nfbw #9,144 to bgl9 #9,142 } ckvgn #7,604 }

You beagle9 and BackAgain want to fuck up the liberty based civilization that we inherited at birth or naturalization. You both use an extremist religion biased politically fabricated ploy of “saving baby fetus” to impose your morality on society under the unconstitutional and uncivilized method called the tyranny of the majority. It’s the same treasonous Confederacy guise of states rights that protected the uncivilized commercial behavior called slavery.

BackAgain ’s argument { #7,611 see above}
is flawed and so it is with your sermon’s beagle9 because the relationship between my daughter and her very own baby fetus is private except to those like her dad whom she chooses to share. We are family.

I say at the top and stand by it:

“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.

At fifteen weeks in my daughter’s private pregnancy (she had no obligation to tell me ) had she decided to not continue at this time no one except the father has a right to intervene because the life (at fifteen weeks ) being ended has no separate conscious life of it’s own.

There is no harm to society if prenatal life is safely and legally terminated by itself. It’s one conscious self. It cannot be murder.

I am overcome with joy to be expecting my next granddaughter on the 4th of July when we celebrate the birth also of the greatest nation and civilization the planet earth has ever known. It’s also the date in history when two of the dozens of great rational theist minds of America’s founding passed on.

Is that English language enough to suit you Mr Independentthinker ?

On July 4, 1826, America celebrated 50 years of independence as, just a few hours apart, two of its Presidents took their final breaths. At the time of his death, Thomas Jefferson was 83, while John Adams had turned 90 the year before. Though both were unwell, their deaths came as a surprise to many—particularly as they coincided with one another on this very striking date.​
No, you need to quit with the
”{#7,608 }​

{ nfbw #9,144 to bgl9 #9,142 } I live in a perfectly advanced civilized society where each individual who abides by its laws and system of equal justice is at liberty to be king. That applies to pregnant woman as well including my daughter {see ckvgn #7,604 }

You beagle9 and BackAgain want to fuck up the liberty based civilization that we inherited at birth or naturalization. You both use an extremist religion biased politically fabricated ploy of “saving baby fetus” to impose your morality on society under the unconstitutional and uncivilized method called the tyranny of the majority. It’s the same treasonous Confederacy guise of states rights that protected the uncivilized commercial behavior called slavery.

BackAgain ’s argument { #7,611 see above}
is flawed and so it is with your sermons beagle9 because the relationship between my daughter and her very own baby fetus is private except to those like her dad whom she chooses to share. We are family.

I say at the top and stand by it:

“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.

At fifteen weeks in my daughter’s private pregnancy (she had no obligation to tell me ) had she decided to not continue at this time. No one except the father has a right to intervene because the life (at fifteen weeks) being ended has no separate conscious life of it’s own.

There is no harm to society if prenatal life is safely and legally terminated by itself. It’s one conscious self. It cannot be murder.

I am overcome with joy to be expecting my next granddaughter on the 4th of July when we celebrate the birth also of the greatest nation and civilization the planet earth has ever known. It’s also the date in history when two of the dozens of great rational theist minds of America’s founding passed on.

Is that English language enough to suit you Mr Independentthinker ?

On July 4, 1826, America celebrated 50 years of independence as, just a few hours apart, two of its Presidents took their final breaths. At the time of his death, Thomas Jefferson was 83, while John Adams had turned 90 the year before. Though both were unwell, their deaths came as a surprise to many—particularly as they coincided with one another on this very striking date.​
No. You need to quit with the:

{#7,608 }

{ nfbw #9,144 to bgl9 #9,142 } ckvgn #7,604

{#7,608 }

It's nothing but gibberish. No one else does that. Maybe you've got an hour to make those posts but I don't have an hour to read through them and figure them out. You are the only one who does that.
It's nothing but gibberish.
It’s a format I use to find previous posts by posters to which I have engaged.

Read past references and challenge what is written in context if you disagree or think something I’ve written is not factually correct.

“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.

Do you agree or disagree agree with the above or need further clarification?
It’s a format I use to find previous posts by posters to which I have engaged.

Read past references and challenge what is written in context if you disagree or think something I’ve written is not factually correct.

“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.

Do you agree or disagree agree with the above or need further clarification?
Change your format. I'm not the only one who can't stand the way you post. If you want to have serious debate then don't start out with gibberish. And, you don't need to write a book every time you post. People like you think the more you post the more you have proved your point but most people get tired of your crap halfway through. Maybe not even half way through. I got my point across to you using four lines and zero notations.
It’s a format I use to find previous posts by posters to which I have engaged.

Read past references and challenge what is written in context if you disagree or think something I’ve written is not factually correct.

“people in society have zero duty to intervene in the taking of prenatal life ”{#7,608 } by it’s own life.

Do you agree or disagree agree with the above or need further clarification?
Going on with your position on the taking of a life, and this regardless of by whom or the stage that the life cycle is in, just digs you deeper and deeper into the hell that you undoubtedly wish for.

Why not an advocate for life, otherwise exhaust your strengths on saving lives first and foremost, instead of just trying to advocate for the easy way out ? You and Trudeau would make for some great company with his assisted suicide TV ads campaign in order to cull the heard.
People like you think the more you post the more you have proved your point
{ nfbw #9,150 to thnkr #9,148 } I do not think that. The only thing that proves my points, and makes my arguments are hard objective facts being applied to common, sense logic, and reason backed with examples from science history and theology relevant to the subject being discussed.
Going on with your position on the taking of a life, and this regardless of by whom or the stage that the life cycle is in, just digs you deeper and deeper into the hell that you undoubtedly wish for.
{ nfbw to #9,156 bgl9 #9,149 } My position is on the taking of a fifteen week fetus’s life by itself. When that happens it has no effect on me, you or civilization. There is no hell that I could possibly wish for.
These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve.
{nfbw to thnkr #9,157 #1 } I wonder what constitutionally authorized justice department Saint IndyThinker will put in charge of his own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats to give them the Justice they deserve because Trump stole classified documents and refused to comply with a subpoena to give them back.

Let’s go back beagle9 to November 2020 when Biden beat Trump and became president elect:

If the investigation into voter fraud from the federal level gains traction, then the certification is null and void. It will rise to the supreme court, and then it might end up going to the legislator's.

The SCOTUS must have a case to rule on...if Trump’s suits keep getting tossed because they are false on the face....SCOTUS will never see them. Nor do they want to get involved in this shitshow.

Whatever dude--there has to BE a case first..for it to advance.

How blacks and latino's etc, are falling for this corrupt individual, just shows how non-confident they are in themselves, otherwise that they need a race hustler to lift their boats not because he gives a crap about them, but because he thinks it's securing his power to rule over them and others by way of them without any resistance.

Otherwise they've bitten the apple, because they are desperate to take that route instead of knowing that they could have done it just as good if not better than anyone else without Biden holding their hand.

Peaceful civil war is the waging of non-violent war between the culture's and/or tribe's if you will. May the best culture with the greatest value's, standard's and ideas win. It's a war because the differences in opinion's are so strong that it separates the people into division's or group's, and no we the American patriot's didn't start the war, but we sure know how to counter it.

{ nfbw #9,157 to bgl9 #74 } You are “saints” for being on the “Saving Baby Fetus” team

It must be that Patriot/ Saint Beagle and Patriot/Saint IndyThinker belong to the same mostly white culture with the greatest values, standard's and ideas. Sort of like being in the same tribe.

When you say “we the American patriots” Saint Beagle do you agree with Saint IndyThinker when he wrote the following:

We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve.
Will it be the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers and Bundy Ranch cowboys and Kyke Rittenhouse beating down doors to arrest millions of Democrats to be put on trial in front of Nuremberg judges?

You work so hard Patriot/Saint Beagle saving unborn kids, but what about the kids of all those Democrats being locked up or hung for being mean to DJT after 2016 and then stealing the election in 2020 and then indicting Orange Jesus in 2023?

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I never liked Trump. Didn't vote for him in 2016 (didn't vote for Hillary either). Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism

Let’s follow you logic and/or apparent priority one irrational fear in a rational way.

If you never liked Trump and didn’t vote for him in 2016 but mostly your fear of socialism made you vote for him in 2020, didn’t you have any fear of socialism in 2016? What changed?

I have observed that it was mostly MAGA fear that Black Lives might Matter too much that drove Trump’s ten million more votes the second time when he ran against sleepy Joe.

For you it was not a priority that Trump’s three Catholic USSC picks was a huge step toward denying reproductive freedom to women.

btw my number seventh grandkid just came to spend time with us on planet esrth in the greatest nation devised by humankind by meeting a live birth requirement (thanks for that phrase Monk-Eye ) about an hour ago. All is well - a few weeks early she is hungry - It’s a GIRL 5.6lb, 17.5” memorable post { ref nf.23.06.12 to thnkr.23.06.10 #1 }
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{ nfbw to #9,156 bgl9 #9,149 } My position is on the taking of a fifteen week fetus’s life by itself. When that happens it has no effect on me, you or civilization. There is no hell that I could possibly wish for.
Your position is systemic, barbaric inhumanity, making the world hell.

You being killed would have a positive effect on me, you, and civilization.

It is much, much worse when an innocent human being - who isn't a piece of shit like you, who isn't absolute filth like you, a net negative for the species - is killed.

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