Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

What are you talking about ?
read it in context as the points I’ve made against Saint beagle9 who argues life is life with no distinctions between the stage of conception and the stage of first breath,

You search for snippets and complain you don’t understand.

Read St bvvgl and try to stand by his Jesus based view of society’s role in controlling outcomes of pregnancy in Biblical terms.
read it in context as the points I’ve made against Saint beagle9 who argues life is life with no distinctions between the stage of conception and the stage of first breath,

You search for snippets and complain you don’t understand.

Read St bvvgl and try to stand by his Jesus based view of society’s role in controlling outcomes of pregnancy in Biblical terms.

Maybe you should do the same.

I could care less about your technical approach to abortion.

This is in the Constitution section and your blatherings about "the government has no right...." don't hold water.

Abortion is now decided at the state level.
A pig flew past my bedroom maybe.
This is in the Constitution section and your blatherings about "the government has no right...." don't hold water.
I asked you to support your claim about women being forced to suffer.
I'd be as pissed at him as I get when I read Roe.
The SCOTUS rules on LAW. •••• What has been going on here is a moral discussion. •••• I don't want the SCOTUS ruling based on morals. That is not their job.
Don't think the SCOTUS really does much with common law.....not that I recall.
Legislators can pass laws for whatever reason they want as long as they don't violate anything
Legislatures pass laws. •••• That's what they do. •••• If there is something unconstutitonal about them (state or federal) the courts respond. •••• They respond based on legal reasoning. •••• Not moral reasoning.
1. There is no such right (to avoid physical harm).
3. This is about the 10th amendment and the lack of anything in the Constitution that connects the federal government to abortion. It was that way for almost 200 years. Dobbs put it back where it belonged.
ALL I have said is that this belongs to the states. I never have defended it.
Show where I said I was anit/pro abortion. •••• I said courts rule based on the law. •••• End of that discussion.
As you on the left like to say....."The courts don't agree". In this case they rarely don't agree as it looks like the states, for the most part, will keep it legal. •••• Paint it any color you like, states are exercising that right. •••• That you don't agree, makes it a fallacy. •••• No legal argument whatsoever.
What I said was based on the Constitution.

It is not a private right. It never was and the court set it straight.
Prior to Roe, all states had some form of abortion law. That is their perogative.
I never said I was pro/anti abortion. In other words, I've never commented on the morality of it.
I also have never said I wanted the states to be anti-abortion
If you can show me where the Constitution says they have that protection {right not to be harmed by a government} , I'll gladly change my mind (and you can spare me the "right to privacy"
It's not my argument.
The SC will rule that the federal government should not be involved. •••• States will then do the will of the people in the state and determine if they can have an abortion. ••••
From what I have read, more than 30 states will allow it with little or no restriction.

During Roe No states could harm women

In Dobbs, Catholics on the USSC made the immoral decision to allow states have a right to harm law abiding women by popular rule.

Under Dobbs Red States now once again can harm women. Blue states do not harm women

Before Roe Red States harmed women. Blue States did not harm women.

HikerGuy83 is on record leaning favorable to allowing Government to harm Women again but we have to guess where Mr HikerGuy stands on abortion.

hkrgy.22.05.22 #3,531
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hkrgy.22.01.10 #427
nf.23.06.20 #9,324
how'z about the one with the uterus gets to make that decision?
I think the general response (right or wrong) is that there is someone in that uterus who might have a vested interest in the decision....but who has no voice.

What is your response HikerGuy83 ? A 15 week “someone in a uterus ”has no brain or consciousness. How do you accept the moral conclusion that moral someones make by popular vote that a human being does not have to have a brain to be a person, individual or someone protected by the US Constitution and more important than the mother’s privacy of what goes on in her uterus.

Plytm 23.03.23 #11
hkrgy.23.06.15 #354
nf.23.06.20 #9,325
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Overturning Roe v. Wade would be such a significant decision because it would be the first time in the history of the Constitution that precedent would be overturned to limit civil rights, not expand them," according to Neama Rahmani, the president of West Coast Trial Lawyers and a former federal prosecutor.

It is certainly no discussion about the constitution.

Hereby seeking permission from Universal Chief Justice Hikerguy the matter of major precedent being overturned by six Catholics on the US Supreme Court. Half of which were appointed by Trump in one presidential term after much shenanigans going on in the United States Senate. Can we?

skvws.22.05.22 #1
hkrgy.23.06.18 #9,308
nf.23.06.20. #9,326
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During Roe No states could harm women

In Dobbs, Catholics on the USSC made the immoral decision to allow states have a right to harm law abiding women by popular rule.

Under Dobbs Red States now once again can harm women. Blue states do not harm women

Before Roe Red States harmed women. Blue States did not harm women.

HikerGuy83 is on record leaning favorable to allowing Government to harm Women again but we have to guess where Mr HikerGuy stands on abortion.

hkrgy.22.05.22 #3,531
hkrgy.23.06.19 #9,323
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hkrgy.23.06.15 #9,236
hkrgy.23.06.15 #9,237
hkrgy.22.01.10 #427
nf.23.06.20 #9,324
What the ?..... ROTFLMBO 😂
Hereby seeking permission from Universal Chief Justice Hikerguy the matter of major precedent being overturned by six Catholics on the US Supreme Court. Half of which were appointed by Trump in one presidential term after much shenanigans going on in the United States Senate. Can we?

skvws.22.05.22 #1
hkrgy.23.06.18 #9,308
nf.23.06.20. #9,326

Sure. Start a thread on it.

Who cares if they are catholics, jews, or athiests ?
Current legal personhood occurs at birth, but current legal personhood is discriminatory bullshit and we can change the fucking law.

Hereby seeking permission from Universal Chief Justice Hikerguy the matter of major precedent being overturned by six Catholics on the US Supreme Court.

Sure. Start a thread on it.

We have a thread on overturning precedence right here. Have you not seen the word “overturned” in this thread’s title?

So please Chief HIkerguy advise us if you agree with Brave Cplus6 that “current legal personhood occurs at birth” as stated in post date and number 22.09.22 #5,393 at the top.

If you do agree that a fetus is not a person then explain why a state has a right to invade a law abiding person’s privacy and restrict a person’s liberty by banning abortion? Forcing full term gestation on women subjects them to torture including possible death specifically during the final stages of gestating a fetus.

myrpls.22.09.22 #5,393
nf.23.06.20 #9,326
hkrgy.23.06.20 #9,329
nf.23.06.21 #9,330
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Who cares if they are catholics, jews, or athiests

Catholics who care about the reputation of the Church being soiled by its high profile adherents like Justice Alito.

In early July 2008, Samuel Alito stood on a riverbank in a remote corner of Alaska. The Supreme Court justice was on vacation at a luxury fishing lodge that charged more than $1,000 a day, and after catching a king salmon nearly the size of his leg, Alito posed for a picture. To his left, a man stood beaming: Paul Singer, a hedge fund billionaire who has repeatedly asked the Supreme Court to rule in his favor in high-stakes business disputes. •••• Singer was more than a fellow angler. He flew Alito to Alaska on a private jet. If the justice chartered the plane himself, the cost could have exceeded $100,000 one way. •••• In the years that followed, Singer’s hedge fund came before the court at least 10 times in cases where his role was often covered by the legal press and mainstream media. In 2014, the court agreed to resolve a key issue in a decade-long battle between Singer’s hedge fund and the nation of Argentina. Alito did not recuse himself from the case and voted with the 7-1 majority in Singer’s favor. The hedge fund was ultimately paid $2.4 billion. •••• Alito did not report the 2008 fishing trip on his annual financial disclosures. By failing to disclose the private jet flight Singer provided, Alito appears to have violated a federal law that requires justices to disclose most gifts, according to ethics law experts. •••• Experts said they could not identify an instance of a justice ruling on a case after receiving an expensive gift paid for by one of the parties. ••••​
“If you were good friends, what were you doing ruling on his case?” said Charles Geyh, an Indiana University law professor and leading expert on recusals. “And if you weren’t good friends, what were you doing accepting this?” referring to the flight on the private jet.​

hkrgy.23.06.20 #9,329
nf.23.06.22 #9,331
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Catholics who care about the reputation of the Church being soiled by its high profile adherents like Justice Alito.

In early July 2008, Samuel Alito stood on a riverbank in a remote corner of Alaska. The Supreme Court justice was on vacation at a luxury fishing lodge that charged more than $1,000 a day, and after catching a king salmon nearly the size of his leg, Alito posed for a picture. To his left, a man stood beaming: Paul Singer, a hedge fund billionaire who has repeatedly asked the Supreme Court to rule in his favor in high-stakes business disputes. •••• Singer was more than a fellow angler. He flew Alito to Alaska on a private jet. If the justice chartered the plane himself, the cost could have exceeded $100,000 one way. •••• In the years that followed, Singer’s hedge fund came before the court at least 10 times in cases where his role was often covered by the legal press and mainstream media. In 2014, the court agreed to resolve a key issue in a decade-long battle between Singer’s hedge fund and the nation of Argentina. Alito did not recuse himself from the case and voted with the 7-1 majority in Singer’s favor. The hedge fund was ultimately paid $2.4 billion. •••• Alito did not report the 2008 fishing trip on his annual financial disclosures. By failing to disclose the private jet flight Singer provided, Alito appears to have violated a federal law that requires justices to disclose most gifts, according to ethics law experts. •••• Experts said they could not identify an instance of a justice ruling on a case after receiving an expensive gift paid for by one of the parties. ••••​
“If you were good friends, what were you doing ruling on his case?” said Charles Geyh, an Indiana University law professor and leading expert on recusals. “And if you weren’t good friends, what were you doing accepting this?” referring to the flight on the private jet.​

hkrgy.23.06.20 #9,329
nf.23.06.22 #9,331

This is getting boring.

How is this related to your statement about six catholics overturning Roe.

I know lots of non-catholics who totally agree with the decision.
if you agree with Brave Cplus6 that “current legal personhood occurs at birth”
You didn’t just miss the point of that quote, you literally quoted the relevant part and maliciously ignored it.

I’ve run out of ways to tell you to go fuck yourself, to kill yourself, and preferably do them at the same time.

The abortion debate is a personhood debate, you vindictively ignorant shitcunt.
Viability is again completely irrelevant. •••• Your current ability to breathe doesn’t make you alive, it doesn’t make you a human being, and it doesn’t make you a person, either.

Current legal personhood occurs at birth, •••• but current legal personhood is discriminatory bullshit and we can change the fucking law. This stark raving fucktard is basically arguing that the law is correct because it is the law, which doesn’t remotely account for the times and locations where many born humans weren’t given legal personhood.

Moreover, anyone who reads back through the history of this thread - and I would pity any such suffering soul having to read his drivel - can easily notice that this fucktard only started blathering about “viability” once he was backed into a corner over his stupid fucktard lies.

Is it still true that “Current legal personhood occurs at birth” ?

myrpls.22.09.25 #5,393
nf.23.06.21 #9,334
’ve run out of ways to tell you to go fuck yourself, to kill yourself, and preferably do them at the same time. •••• The abortion debate is a personhood debate, you vindictively ignorant shitcunt.

If the abortion debate is a personhood debate then there is no constitutional or lawful justification for a state to ban the abortion medical procedure when the only recognized human being who is qualified to be a person is involved under the law. The abortion procedure involves only one person whether it’s performed in New York or Alabama.

myrpls.23.06.21 #9,333
nf.23.06.22 #9,336
Current legal personhood occurs at birth,

All abortions involve the health of a mother, as it's her body being assaulted.

A human being who has done no wrong and harmed no one is innocent. You cannot justify violence against an innocent and helpless human being.

Getting an "abortion" is the assault.

I've Stated my position on it. Actually with Roe gone the chance of fetal personhood (complete personhood) laws passing is LESS because now States can legislate abortion restrictions as they see fit.

approximately 98.7% of abortions occur in the first trimester (first 20 weeks) of pregnancy. ref^23.06.16

The abortion debate is a personhood debate

Reading from the top down, we see that C+six is on record, for one’s actually stating a fact. “personhood begins at live birth”

In the second post, Dante states a fact that it is the woman’s body during pregnancy that is being harmed. 17 out of 100,000 women die as a result of being pregnant in the United States. Something is assaulting them, but it is not a person according to C+six.

In the third post, C+six presents a logical fallacy for all pregnancies prior to the 21st week. We can be informed based on reality if we’d like to be that 98.7 of all abortions occur in the first trimester. Given that no “person” has ever been born alive prior to the 21st week, combined with C+six’s argument that personhood does not happen until live birth there can be “innocent person” being aborted prior to 21 weeks of pregnancy. At 20 weeks the fetus is not a person. The reason a fetus cannot survive delivery prior to 21 weeks is because they are still very much a part of their mothers neurological system. Essentially there is only one person with consciousness involved when a woman is pregnant through 20 weeks. That cannot be disputed.

And in the fourth post Saint CarlinAnnArbor declares that when a woman gets an abortion she is committing assault. Sticking to the data that 98% of all abortions occur in the first trimester when we know for a fact that there are no “fetus persons” in existence capable of being assaulted; so my question for Saint Carlin of Ann Arbor is how can she accuse a woman of committing an assault against a person if no other person exists inside her own body.?

In the fifth post Saint Marty confirms what Brave Atheist C+six Claims at the top by adding the political reality that personhood for living human organisms in the womb is not going to happen thankfully due to Dobbs.

myrpls.22.09.26 #5,393
dvnte.23.04.05 #9
myrpls.23.04.05 #12
crlnaa.23.04.06 #123
mrtybgn.23.05.26 #399
nf.23.06.16 9,252
myrpls.23.06.21 #9,333
nf.23.06.22 #9,337
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its on you to say what they are guilty of that they need to be killed??

When you use the term “they” are you speaking of persons, who have met a live birth requirement, which entitles them and all of us to a right to life, and protection under the laws of our government.

Or are you talking about “fetuses who are not “persons”?

prgrssvhntr.23.04.05 #25
nf.23.05.22 #9,338
If the abortion debate is a personhood debate then there is no constitutional or lawful justification for a state to ban the abortion medical procedure when the only recognized human being who is qualified to be a person is involved under the law.
You dishonest piece of shit.

When debating what personhood law SHOULD BE, asserting what it CURRENTLY IS is both unnecessary, as all sides know what it is, and useless, as the debate is specifically about the prospect of CHANGING IT.

Fuck off. Die.

Inhuman garbage.

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