Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Whatever your argument is, it fails when you equate abortion with natural biology.
When one out of five pregnancies end in miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, it is apparently natural biology to lose a fetus before 20 weeks of pregnancy. It typically happens during the first trimester, or first three months, of the pregnancy. Is it your business when this happens? If yes please tell me why.

When the fetus is discharged from the body by a spontaneous abortion or an elective abortion, what harm comes to society either way? The woman who elects to put an end to gestation does not attempt to end gestation in somebody else’s body.

lktr.23.07.17 #9,797
nf.23.07.17 #9,801
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When one out of five pregnancies end in miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, it is apparently natural biology to lose a fetus before 20 weeks of pregnancy. It typically happens during the first trimester, or first three months, of the pregnancy. Is it your business when this happens? If yes please tell me why.

When the fetus is discharged from the body by a spontaneous abortion or an elective abortion, what harm comes to society either way? The woman who elects to put an end to gestation does not attempt to end gestation in somebody else’s body.

lktr.23.07.17 #9,800
1 in 5, not even close to being true

Yes, it is my business. My tax dollars goes towards abortion. My congressman pass the laws and legislate abortion. The President rules and dictates and influences abortion. The supreme court rules on abortion.

Yes, politics has made it my business. Women seeking free abortions has made it my business.

The Democratic party has made it my business by going above and beyond the law with same day as birth abortion.

The Democratic party has made it my business because they use abortion as an issue to get votes, hence power. In doin so the democrat party chooses to allow the most horrific abortion procedures on a baby that is at nine months and ready to be born.

Abortion is so out of control babies have lived through abortion, to be adults

Abortion is so out of control babies aborted at 25 weeks, at a time where babies can survive, babies aborted at 25 weeks have lived, but have been killed outside of the womb.

All this is against what Roe vs Wade legalized.

It is a sick procedure, one that babies have survived, only to murdered outside of the womb, minutes later, a hour later, hours later.

And then there are the mothers that live to regret abortions, there are mothers who become sterile. There are mothers that commit suicide.

Which all creates a society that does not value human life, resulting in women leaving newborn children in dumpsters, thrown away in the garbage, or left on doorsteps

Yes, human suffering is my business

If abortion was ever a private matter, I would of never learned of these horrors.
1 in 5, not even close to being true
What do you believe to be true?

Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur very early in pregnancy — before you might even know about a pregnancy. Miscarriage - Symptoms and causes
lktr.23.07.17 #9,803
nf.23.07.17 #9,804
What do you believe to be true?

Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur very early in pregnancy — before you might even know about a pregnancy. Miscarriage - Symptoms and causes
lktr.23.07.17 #9,803
nf.23.07.17 #9,804
I quick google search will return 1 in 8.

My family may be different, out of three daughters, my mother was the only one who I know had a miscarriage, back in the 1960's. So given that I am on shaky ground by my own experience.

You could be right, I am not quick to use the first google answer I find.
The supreme court rules on abortion.
The Dobbs decision ruled that nothing in the Constitution prevents a woman from terminating her pregnancy by having a medical procedure performed by a doctor in private. Unless of course she lives in a state that passes laws to ban the procedure in the state. I understand you have made it your business to take a medical procedure away from women who do not agree with you when the sanctity of life begins. I just can’t imagine who you think you are.

lktr.23.07.17 #9,803
nf.23.07.17 #9,807
The Dobbs decision ruled that nothing in the Constitution prevents a woman from terminating her pregnancy by having a medical procedure performed by a doctor in private. Unless of course she lives in a state that passes laws to ban the procedure in the state. I understand you have made it your business to take a medical procedure away from women who do not agree with you when the sanctity of life begins. I just can’t imagine who you think you are.

lktr.23.07.17 #9,803
nf.23.07.17 #9,807
interrupting the natural healthy biology of a woman is not valid medical procedure.

You have made it my business by demanding me to answer your questions, by informing of the practice, by having the politicians I pay for make it a law, by using my tax dollars to perform abortions.

You have also made it my business by allowing viable babies born alive, that can survive, to die a slow death after the abortion failed to kill them

You have also made it my business by allowing a mother to have an abortion at 9 months, when the baby could just about crawl out of the womb.

You have made it my business, by the botched abortions that have killed women or left them physically damaged.

You have made it my business by destroying the sanctify of life resulting in newborn babies abandoned in garbage dumpsters across the nation

You have brutalized the "medical" procedure to the point, it is now literally a fight against monsters that inflict horrible pain in the barbaric removal of a baby in the womb.

It is you, that have destroyed a woman's privacy right by popularizing the killing of babies in the womb with the most horrific procedures imagined instead of encouraging and valuing, life.
It is you, that have destroyed a woman's privacy right by popularizing the killing of babies in the womb with the most horrific procedures imagined instead of encouraging and valuing, life.
Ninety Eight percent of abortions occur before week twenty two. There are no babies being killed in the medical procedure that is ok with the six Catholics on the Supreme Court. You can’t shame anybody after Dobbs. Find a new way to make yourself a savior.
Ninety Eight percent of abortions occur before week twenty two. There are no babies being killed in the medical procedure that is ok with the six Catholics on the Supreme Court. You can’t shame anybody after Dobbs. Find a new way to make yourself a savior.
I gave you the truth, nothing less
Ninety Eight percent of abortions occur before week twenty two. There are no babies being killed in the medical procedure that is ok with the six Catholics on the Supreme Court. You can’t shame anybody after Dobbs. Find a new way to make yourself a savior.
abortions do not kill babies? hahahahahahahah

the fact that you say you can not be shamed by my simple facts, proves you are shamed, why state the opposite and show you are in denial
the fact that you say you can not be shamed by my simple facts, proves you are shamed
No it doesn’t. You do not have facts. You have a belief and no one stops you from acting on your beliefs - If you get pregnant do not abort. Jewish people have their belief - if they want an abortion it is none of your business.
interrupting the natural healthy biology of a woman is not valid medical procedure.
That is not truth.

a vague statement stereotyping jews
What did I write that stereotypes Jews?

Rabbi Schneur Zalman explains that the Torah’s use of the wordbreathto describe the Neshama, to teach that it comes from the essence of God, and he refers to it as a “part of God.”[15]Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (1934-1983) provides additional insights into this metaphor: [16]

God's exhaling a soul can be compared to a glassblower forming a vessel. The breath (neshama) first leaves his lips, travels as a wind (ruach) and finally comes to rest (nefesh) in the vessel.

Of these three levels of the soul, neshama is, therefore, the highest and closest to God, while nefesh is that aspect of the soul residing in the body. Ruach stands between the two, binding man to his spiritual Source. It is for this reason that Divine Inspiration is called Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew.

The Journey of the Soul â Its Mission and the Afterlife

The Torah is teaching us that the human soul came directly from God's innermost essence in the same way that a breath issues forth from a person's lungs and chest cavity. The rest of creation, on the other hand, was created with speech,[17] which is a lower level.”

Please stop triggering this long winded knucklehead.

NFBW: Yes, it is a fact that I was right about God’s revelation in Genesis that he breathes a soul into the nostrils as a newborn takes his or her first breath. It was not just a one time deal as beagle9 alluded to; it happens every time a new person is born, according to Jewish belief anyway.

And as you can see, whenever beagle9 is wrong, his energy becomes devoted to censoring me demanding others on TeamTRUMP/jesus not participate in the
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interrupting the natural healthy biology of a woman is not a valid medical procedure.
There is no problem believing the sanctity of life begins at first breath. For that reason many a Jewish person disagrees with your above declaration of fact.
Sorry so many Jews are retarded but what does that have to do with anything, retard?

Equal protection, equality under the law - Jewish murderers can get executed like anyone else.

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