Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

failed to show anyone killing women,
That’s because the record shows I said that a national abortion ban will kill women, according to statistical probability on the maternal death rate, which is around 20 women, who die as a result of giving birth out of 100,000 births

That is a fact that you have not been able to respond to. You keep lying by saying that I said there is a national abortion ban that is killing women. I repeat what I said, was a national abortion ban is not in place but if it is it will kill women.

And when if a national ban ever became reality and it kills a woman who could not get an abortion in the eighth week of her pregnancy, because of a six week abortion ban, that death is on your political party. The pro-ban Party
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Huh? You are talking in circles the Constitution allows for the House to vote…
Not based on False Electors. And not based on all 50 states certifying their votes by mid December thus putting the entire election results into safe harbor.

States may appoint their electors on any basis they see fit and once the EC has voted and their votes accepted by congress there is no "undo" or "redo" button.
There is no “undo” after December 14 if a state certifies its results prior to that date. Jan6 Is an affirmation of that timely certification which is why Congress and Pence’s role are considered ceremonial when all states meet the Constitutional “safe harbor” deadline.

Since you know very well the “no undo” legality in our election system, setting up fake electors so he stops the peaceful and lawful transfer of power to Biden by intentionally and deliberately disenfranchising (which is a form of violence because it harms human beings)black/white coalition voters in a plot focused precisely on Jan6., you should quit denying that Trump from whenever his sinister re-election campaign prior to even losing, were plotting a coup “to be wild” and take place on January 6. It’s called a self coup in a democracy when the top state official denies the will of the people (in this case nine out of ten black Americans who voted to remove him) and unlawfully attempts to stay in power saying ‘fuck you and your fucking democracy’ as Putin said to the Russian people,
I guess you had a bad day on this thread

Let’s examine facts and the precise language that we use to address the serious conflict of rights between a ten week fetus and the woman who wants to interrupt its development in her body. What is right and whose rights are established in a moral human universe outside of any of the Great Religions deciding it because one has a political majority in a state.

You are correct to be for the woman and not the pre-viable baby fetus based on facts human reason, civil obligations of one human being to another and legal precedent. CarsomyrPlusSix is a whacko,
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Well, Abraham Lincoln could not run as a Republican today, because his opposition to slavery was based on his idealism that Black Lives Matter.
Thought he was dead.....just like your issues.................
An end to this perpetual argument would be a legal definition of when life starts.

So define when life begins and come to some compromise with the baby killers.

We humans have had a longstanding definition of when public sanctity of life begins. By sanctity of life I mean society’s duty outside of religion to provide equal protection under the law of right to life. It begins when live birth happens to a gestating fetus. One exception is duty to protect right to life of a gestating fetus from harm by unrelated individuals who harm the fetus while harming its mother.

Those who hold religious or personal moral belief that life begins at conception or during gestation are free to not interrupt the gestation of any fetus they produce.
I say again, someone murdering you does not harm me in any way

Yes it does harm you if the government does not as a minimum attempt to protect you from a culprit who is morally depraved sufficient to commit homicide of a human being who has met a live birth requirement with a right to life.

We as born humans are all indirectly protected by a wrongful death punishment as a matter of deterrence when the culprit is removed from society according to the law. That applies even when police kill a suspect who is a threat to society by resisting apprehension,

Police officers have given their lives to protect you and continue to do so indirectly from murderers of born human beings. You are an ingrate.
mvnkvyv.23.02.16 #7,317 “Prove where elective abortion is socially deleterious to an extent that it violates minimal standards of safety or security to the public at large .”​
A woman who kills a ten week aged fetus that is part of her neurological consciousness through elective abortion does not violate a minimal standard of safety or security to the public at large.
A dumbass vile human being such as you is not indirectly protected by removal from society of a female who In private with assistance by a doctor commits an elective abortion

myrpls.23.08.01 #10,050
nf.23.08.02 #10,068
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They are making the assumption that if they can kangaroo Trump into jail or least get him convicted on Trumped up charges, voters will see the light and not vote for Trump
The only fact is that Trump is still very much in the picture but you have a hard time accepting truth and facts.

Your fact that Trump is still very much in the picture because he has mass and growing appeal with politically independent Americans who no longer believe in democracy will not see the light of day in court as a defense.

I’m assuming 12 jurors deciding Trump’s career future believe in democracy. They will have respect for prosecution’s star witness to be telling the truth when he’s on the stand for the prosecution and hopefully being watched in TV millions more that ever watched a Super Bowl.
Former Vice President Mike Pence took direct aim at his onetime boss, former President Donald Trump, for actions Trump took to try to stay in office that led to the four-count federal indictment unveiled Tuesday.​

“Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States,” Pence said in a statement.​

“Our country is more important than one man,” the former vice president said. “Our constitution is more important than any one man’s career.”​

Unlike so many of the Nations of the world, the United States wasn’t built around an ethnicity, religion, or tribe — it was built around common ideals. The rule of law is central to those ideals. It is what limits the abuse of power in our Nation, whether by an individual or a mob. It reflects President John Adams’ desire to establish “a government of laws and not of men.” It is how Thomas Paine distinguished us from the rest of the world — declaring that, while in other Nations, the king is law, “in America, the law is king.”

Trump can’t win without evangelicals. They are his tribe. They are loyal because he has given them forced full term gestation on women in their states

Their loyalty can crack!

Pence is an evangelical who supports a national abirtio ban Trump doesn’t.


ndpndntthnkr.23.08.01 #5
ndpndntthnkr.23.06.26 #9,268
nf.23.08.02 #10,069
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It's just a desperate ploy to keep him from running and embarrassing your party of criminals yet again into having to stuff ballot boxes.

I see it as the greatest Dem get out vote motivator paid for by Republican stupid voters who send Trump money to fight his self-caused lost cause Court battles instead of fighting Democrat politicians. Free Political Ads and anti/Trump Documentary to help the Dem Party solidify all gains since Dobbs is a gift horse with solid gold grinning teeth.

We certainly will look this gift horse in the mouth and ride it all the way to Biden’s second seven million vote victory over criminal Trumpism.

The victims, as it were, are:​
The country, the electoral process of which Trump is alleged to conspire to overturn.​
Congress, which had its electoral vote counting ceremony interfered with.​
American voters, who were in danger of having their votes overruled.​

ddly.23.08.02 #6
nf.23.08.02 #10,070
I see it as the greatest Dem get out vote motivator paid for by Republican stupid voters who send Trump money to fight his self-caused lost cause Court battles instead of fighting Democrat politicians. Free Political Ads and anti/Trump Documentary to help the Dem Party solidify all gains since Dobbs is a gift horse with solid gold grinning teeth.

We certainly will look this gift horse in the mouth and ride it all the way to Biden’s second seven million vote victory over criminal Trumpism.

The victims, as it were, are:​
The country, the electoral process of which Trump is alleged to conspire to overturn.​
Congress, which had its electoral vote counting ceremony interfered with.​
American voters, who were in danger of having their votes overruled.​

ddly.23.08.02 #6
nf.23.08.02 #10,070

You're cracking up. TDS is destroying your mind.
Your fact that Trump is still very much in the picture because he has mass and growing appeal with politically independent Americans who no longer believe in democracy will not see the light of day in court as a defense.

I’m assuming 12 jurors deciding Trump’s career future believe in democracy. They will have respect for prosecution’s star witness to be telling the truth when he’s on the stand for the prosecution and hopefully being watched in TV millions more that ever watched a Super Bowl.
Former Vice President Mike Pence took direct aim at his onetime boss, former President Donald Trump, for actions Trump took to try to stay in office that led to the four-count federal indictment unveiled Tuesday.​

“Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States,” Pence said in a statement.​

“Our country is more important than one man,” the former vice president said. “Our constitution is more important than any one man’s career.”​

Unlike so many of the Nations of the world, the United States wasn’t built around an ethnicity, religion, or tribe — it was built around common ideals. The rule of law is central to those ideals. It is what limits the abuse of power in our Nation, whether by an individual or a mob. It reflects President John Adams’ desire to establish “a government of laws and not of men.” It is how Thomas Paine distinguished us from the rest of the world — declaring that, while in other Nations, the king is law, “in America, the law is king.”

Trump can’t win without evangelicals. They are his tribe. They are loyal because he has given them forced full term gestation on women in their states

Their loyalty can crack!

Pence is an evangelical who supports a national abirtio ban Trump doesn’t.


ndpndntthnkr.23.08.01 #5
ndpndntthnkr.23.06.26 #9,268
nf.23.08.02 #10,069
So, you don't think independents believe in democracy? They certainly see the Democrats massive abuse of democracy for political gain. By the way, Trump can still be president from jail so putting him there doesn't solve your problem.
Your fact that Trump is still very much in the picture because he has mass and growing appeal with politically independent Americans who no longer believe in democracy will not see the light of day in court as a defense.
So, you don't think independents believe in democracy?
No please read the full statement at the top.

I am saying only those who find Trump’s Jan6 anti-democratic actions and attempt to stay in power despite losing a certified election are Americans who have no interest in preserving our democracy and Thomas Paine’s revolutionary idea that “in America, the law is king.” Trump, no matter how much you adore the man and his antics, is not above the law.

nf.23.08.02 #10,069
ndpndntthnkr.23.08.01 #10,072
nf23.08.02 #10,073
No please read the full statement at the top.

I am saying only those who find Trump’s Jan6 anti-democratic actions and attempt to stay in power despite losing a certified election are Americans who have no interest in preserving our democracy and Thomas Paine’s revolutionary idea that “in America, the law is king.” Trump, no matter how much you adore the man and his antics, is not above the law.

nf.23.08.02 #10,069
ndpndntthnkr.23.08.01 #10,072
nf23.08.02 #10,073
So, you don't think independents believe in democracy?
So, you don't think independents believe in democracy?
No. as a rational theist I believe it is foolish to generalize a conclusion about any group.

I was specifically saying those who continue to embrace the Big Lie after Jan6 in defense of Trump’s actions and inactions on that day do not believe in democratic self rule, They want criminal strong man and his mob rule.

I cannot make you actually read what I have written so please get back to me after you do. I am quite certain that many
No. as a rational theist I believe it is foolish to generalize a conclusion about any group.

I was specifically saying those who continue to embrace the Big Lie after Jan6 in defense of Trump’s actions and inactions on that day do not believe in democratic self rule, They want criminal strong man and his mob rule.

I cannot make you actually read what I have written so please get back to me after you do. I am quite certain that many
They know that the Democrats have abused their power in numerous ways and taken democracy away. Right now we are no better than Putin and Russia, where they have democratic elections and your opponents are rounded up and arrested as enemies of the state.
Yes it does harm you if the government does not as a minimum attempt to protect you from a culprit who is morally depraved sufficient to commit homicide of a human being who has met a live birth requirement with a right to life.
But they didn’t kill a human being, they killed you.

You’re worthless filth. You don’t believe in inherent human worth, and you work hard to try to prove it by being the lowest of the low. Maybe they should get a prize for taking out the trash?

We as born humans are all indirectly protected by a wrongful death punishment as a matter of deterrence when the culprit is removed from society according to the law.
Yes, and the unborn deserve the same protection, over the objections of bigoted filth like you.

Police officers have given their lives to protect you and continue to do so indirectly from murderers of born human beings. You are an ingrate.
In a better world, a just civilization worth having, the murderers of the unborn can likewise get shot while resisting arrest and / or executed for their misdeeds, and we will be safer and better off for it.

A woman who kills a ten week aged fetus that is part of her neurological consciousness through elective abortion does not violate a minimal standard of safety or security to the public at large.​
Objectively false. She is a violent sociopathic monster with no respect for the rights of others, a rabid animal who should be put destroyed, or barring that, spewing her froth in a cage until dead.

PS Die in a fire already.
They know that the Democrats have abused their power in numerous ways and taken democracy away
Then prove that in court.

If you cherish democratic self rule you have to start with being neutral on a grand jury indictment of a former president’s
alleged actions to overturn the 2020 election that he lost as if he is absolutely no different from any other citizen who is suspected to violate any serious law.

We must assume he is innocent until proven guilty.

We cannot assume he is innocent because he has political enemies and therefore never to be put on trial.

His attempt to stay in power caused needless violence that day and there is ample evidence, fully Republican witnesses and things we saw unfold on Jan 6 to justify bring him to trial where he can prove he is innocent by convincing one juror out of twelve that he is.

Trump is not innocent by virtue of having fifty million voters who need him to be innocent to save their faces. Many for the sake of Jesus and the face of God as well. Since many believe he was anointed by God to be President to save Baby Fetus in the first place.

ndpndntthnkr.23.08.02 #10,077

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