Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

When you purposely end a human life they call that murder.
Even if it only exist in the person's mind that committed the legal act, they ought to feel shame and pity.

Slowing down the destruction of pregnancies by acting as a civilized people with morals and compassion again, is to the left a bad thing. It's hard to figure out how the American left got so bad in it's thinking and actions.
nf.23.08.25 #233


disenfranchise: : to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity especially : to deprive of the right to vote

nf.23.08.21 #10,436


nf.23.08.21 #10,439

Can either of you two answer my question in post #10,439 from Monday?

Do you believe presidential elections and the motivations of citizen’s who vote which way or that, has anything to do with how RvW was overturned in the first place?

Did Trump beating Clinton in 2016 have anything to do with it?

Did Trump defeat Clinton with the voting block of white Evangelical Christian’s solidly behind him?

When Trump lost in 2023 and all fifty states had certified their slates of electors, Jenna Ellis, a white Evangelical Christian lawyer on the Trump campaign legal team, allegedly made false statements to overturn the 2020 election and solicited public officials including Shawn Still (see post 08.25 #233 ) to unlawfully appoint presidential electors. She, Trump and 17 others were charged last week in a sweeping racketeering indictment for alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia.

View attachment 819588

Trump, Ellis and Still are alleged to have conspired to disenfranchise the voters in Georgia by committing fraud and pressuring public officials to commit fraud for the purpose of keeping Trump in the Presidency for a second term.

All this is relevant to this thread because a Trump second term would give Trump more opportunity to continue packing the Supreme Court with justices dedicated to leaning in favor of Evangelical Christians who support Trump as if he were anointed by God.

I can’t force any MAGA to engage in a discussion where questions are a tool to get to the facts and the truth, but I can’t document every time I try at least.

nf.23.08.25 #10,537

Can either of you two answer my question in post #10,439 from Monday?

How was roe overturned? Scotus took up the case and voted to overturn it….

Do you believe presidential elections and the motivations of citizen’s who vote which way or that, has anything to do with how RvW was overturned in the first place?

Absolutely presidential elections can have an impact, in the form of appointing certain people to the Supreme Court.

Did Trump beating Clinton in 2016 have anything to do with it?

Did Trump defeat Clinton with the voting block of white Evangelical Christian’s solidly behind him?

First off, why do you have to inject race into this, as if color has anything to do with abortion.

As to the rest…probably, but the question is, did the evangelicals influence the scotus decisions? Did any of the justices voting against roe cite religion as one of the reasons for their decision? Or did they use the cotus and the interpretation of it?

I can’t force any MAGA to engage in a discussion where questions are a tool to get to the facts and the truth, but I can’t document every time I try at least.
People are answering your questions, you allreny don’t like the answers. Plus, you keep starting your posts talking about one thing, and then switching to another topic in the middle.

Let me ask you a question…why do you want to force your version of the cotus on others? I noticed you didn’t answer my earlier question if national reciprocity. If you think the government can force states to perform abortions, then do you also think the government can force states to recognize national reciprocity?
Fun Fact For Christian Gestation Enforcers: now there are 10 to 15 percent more pro-choice Americans than it was before Dobbs in state after state and national data



crlnnnrbr.23.07.25 #1

“my” country? Who it made “your” country ?

What if I do not want white your evangelical Christian transformation of our country into a cult of personality rule where everyone outside the cult is evil.

What if I want a black evangelical Christian transformation where minorities know more about the ideals and hope of our county after suffering the mist to attain progress.

Let’s never have a one term president again who tells his VP to ditch the fucking stupid Constitution and throw out seven states we couldn’t win to make us the winner.
If Black Biden voters (many of them churchgoing Christians) in big cities don’t like it Mike - fuck’em

Let’s never have State government forcing full term gestation on women if they say no,

nf.23.08.26 #10,538

What if I do not want white your evangelical Christian transformation of our country into a cult of personality rule where everyone outside the cult is evil.

What if people don’t want your version of things? That goes both ways.

Let’s never have State government forcing full term gestation on women if they say no,

And let’s never have a federal government that forces states into allowing abortion.

Please refer to what I actuslly wrote that I want a Christian transformation. So once again you are a liar.

Black Christians vote for Biden . I like the infrastructure transformation of America that even helps white Trump Christians like you.

Here’s what I wrote:

What if I do not want your white evangelical Christian transformation of our country into a cult of personality rule where everyone outside the cult is evil.

What if I want a black evangelical Christian transformation of our country where minorities know more about the ideals and hope of our country after suffering the most to attain all the progress that we have already made.


I’m curious as to why you favor one color of evangelical over another. What difference does that make?

cult of personality rule where everyone outside the cult is evil.

But that’s what you are doing. Everyone outside your “cult” is evil according to you.
Your constant implication that a woman is in extreme danger after being impregnated

I state pure unadulterated truth that every woman faces a risk of death if she becomes pregnant. About 20 out of 100,000 births result in death to the mother .
I’m curious as to why you favor one color of evangelical over another. What difference does that make?
Black evangelicals do not petition the government to force gestation on women in the way that white evangelicals do. Black evangelicals do not spread the lie that the United States of America was founded as a Christian Nation in the way that black evangelicals do Because how could they? Black evangelicals would never vote for the orange antichrist who tried to steal the election from the nine out of 10 black Americans who voted for Biden. Specifically including the black voters in Fulton County, Georgia.

nf.23.08.26 #10,564

Black evangelicals do not petition the government to force gestation on women in the way that white evangelicals do. Black evangelicals do not spread the lie that the United States of America was founded as a Christian Nation in the way that black evangelicals do Because how could they? Black evangelicals would never vote for the orange antichrist who tried to steal the election from the nine out of 10 black Americans who voted for Biden. Specifically including the black voters in Fulton County, Georgia.

nf.23.08.26 #10,564

Black evangelicals do not petition the government to force gestation on women in the way that white evangelicals do.

Are you suggesting that no “black evangelicals” are pro life?

Black evangelicals do not spread the lie that the United States of America was founded as a Christian Nation in the way that black evangelicals do

I have no idea..I’ve never seen a statistic on this. Do you happen to have one that supports your argument?

Black evangelicals would never vote for the orange antichrist who tried to steal the election from the nine out of 10 black Americans who voted for Biden.

Again, are you suggesting no black evangelicals voted for trump? Again, I don’t have statistics for this. Perhaps you do?

Also, once again, you haven’t answered my question about national reciprocity. It appears that, in this discussion, you expect people to answer all of your questions, but you ignore the questions of others.
What if people don’t want your version of things? That goes both ways.

And let’s never have a federal government that forces states into allowing abortion.
Ahhhhhhh you are using simple logic on him, and that's like kryptonite to a overly bloated leftist worldly mindset, otherwise one that thinks they are full of wisdom beyond anyone's understanding. Kuddos to you, and God speed onto your mission.
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Black evangelicals do not petition the government to force gestation on women in the way that white evangelicals do. Black evangelicals do not spread the lie that the United States of America was founded as a Christian Nation in the way that black evangelicals do Because how could they? Black evangelicals would never vote for the orange antichrist who tried to steal the election from the nine out of 10 black Americans who voted for Biden. Specifically including the black voters in Fulton County, Georgia.

nf.23.08.26 #10,564
Black's don't take to kindly to your using them like you do, but ain't that a leftist tactic until they figure you out ? Then they realize what's up, but hopefully it's not too late for them.

Biden is trying his best to replace them with third world labor, along with replacing the lower laboring white's right there along with them. Biden wants a scenario where there is only the elite and the sheep, and he hopes that him and Baracks plan will eventually usher in the new normals.
you ignore the questions of others.
I do not ignore questions ever. If I miss one of yours that you really want answered remind me and I’ll get to it as fast as I can. Every whattsboutism is not a legitimate question because circumstances and scenarios may be similar but not to any point.

Biden and Pence having possession of classified materials is problematic but nothing like defying a subpoenas after a year of the DOJ trying very nicely to get them back in the way that Pence and Biden cooperated fully in a short period of time.

nf.23.08.26 #10,570
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I do not ignore questions ever. If I miss one of yours that you really want answered remind me and I’ll get to it as fast as I can. Every whattsboutism is not a legitimate question because circumstances and scenarios may be similar but not to any point.

Biden and Pence having possession of classified materials is problematic but nothing like defying a subpoenas after a year of the DOJ trying very nicely to get them back in the way that Pence and Biden cooperated fully in a short period of time.

Switching back to the documents case eh ? What happened ? Fanny ain't got no case does she ? I thought not.
Are you suggesting that no “black evangelicals” are pro life?
Point One of many: I am myself opposed to ending gestation once it gets started if and when I am involved in starting it.

After my second daughter was born, I got a vasectomy because I didn’t want to have any more kids because I wanted to give my two kids a better chance in life that I started out with.

Neither one of my beautiful daughters were planned. I was very young. But I also chose vasectomy after the second because I didn’t want to put a burden on my wife to be responsible for not getting pregnant. Men who do that are assholes in my opinion.

nf.23.08.26 #10,572
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Are you suggesting that no “black evangelicals” are pro life?

Point Two: See #10,572 for Point One: The record shows I general apply a “nine out of ten” reference to black voters being allied with my morals, politics and avoidance of voting for Republicans for any position of power in government.

So I’m sure it does not matter whether privately black evangelicals are opposed or in favor of forced full term gestation by banning abortion in states where white evangelicals are in the majority even among all races put together.

Because “nine out of ten” black Americans vote Democrat it is no concern to me if they perfobdlky want state governments to force full term gestation on any woman because the vote for politicians who oppose its


Point One of many: I am myself opposed to ending gestation once it gets started if and when I am involved in starting it.

After my second daughter was born, I got a vasectomy because I didn’t want to have any more kids because I wanted to give my two kids a better chance in life that I started out with.

Neither one of my beautiful daughters were planned. I was very young. But I also chose vasectomy after the second because I didn’t want to put a burden on my wife to be responsible for not getting pregnant. Men who do that are assholes in my opinion.

nf.23.08.26 #10,572
So you have very little faith, and therefore you figure that you are in control instead of God ? But of course you do, because you are a leftist.
Are you suggesting that no “black evangelicals” are pro life?

#10,572 to #10,567
Point One of many: I am myself opposed to ending gestation once it gets started if and when I am involved in starting it.

you ignore the questions of others.

#10,574 to #10,572
So you have very little faith, and therefore you figure that you are in control instead of God ?
In response to #10,572 Saint Beagle asked if I am in control instead of God because I have very little faith. I must confess I do not know why I am being asked about my faith or lack thereof.

So my question and I think it’s fair
is to you, Saint Me is in reference to your post #10,570.accusing me if ignoring questions.

So am I to get bogged down answering Saint Beagle’s questions meant to shame others for not being as faithful to Jesus as he suggests he is?

Am I required to respond to Saint Beagle’s Bible Thumping because just to let you know Rational Theists like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God in some kind of supernatural Holy Trinity. I am with Presidents 2 and 3 on that.

nf.23,07,26 #10,575
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The only way we get the garbage out of the DOJ, the FBI, Homeland Security, and the IRS is by getting the Democrat Regime out of power.
You will never get the Democratic Party out of power if the opposition that you expect to do it maintains the policy that denies liberty to women by using Government to ban abortions to force full term gestation on women who do not give consent for their body to be used in that way.

when you say "gestation of the fetus" dont you mean life support from the childs mother???
Yes. Except I defer to the woman however to not refer to it your way because she knows her body is being used for life support for an underdeveloped fetus that does not have its own brain

It becomes indeed a disgusting practice to switch fetus in an Orwellian way to a child.

You got away with this for fifty years calling pro/choice BABY KILLERS and it worked.

Dobbs went down. It does not work anymore It is meaningless but tough to quit.

nf.23.07.27 #10,576
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You will never get the Democratic Party out of power if the opposition that you expect to do it maintains the policy that denies liberty to women by using Government to ban abortions to force full term gestation on women who do not give consent for their body to be used in that way.


Yes. I defer to the woman however to not refer to it your way because she knows her body is being used for life support for an underdeveloped fetus that does not have its own brain

It becomes indeed a disgusting practice to switch fetus in an Orwellian way to a child.

You got away with this for fifty years calling pro/choice BABY KILLERS and it worked.

Dobbs went down. It does not work anymore It is meaningless but tough to quit.

if they are pregnant they have already given permission for their bodies to be used,,

what they dont have permission to do is kill their child,,
if they are pregnant they have already given permission for their bodies to be used,,
Absolutely not. You are saying she has a contract with a brainless fetus to give life support with full term gestation until live birth.

How are you involved in securing that contract at the moment of conception,

If she has unprotected sex and gets pregnant the fetus is part of her body and as you say her body provides life support

She does not need a part of her body to grant permission to the conscious part of her being to cut ifc life support to the part. The new part is not a person. It is bodily autonomy.

prgrssvhntr .23.08.27
if they are pregnant they have already given permission for their bodies to be used,,
Absolutely not. You are saying she has a contract with a brainless fetus to give life support with full term gestation until live birth.

How are you involved in securing that contract at the moment of conception,

If she has unprotected sex and gets pregnant the fetus is part of her body and as you say her body provides life support

She does not need a part of her body to grant permission to the conscious part of her being to cut ifc life support to the part. The new part is not a person. It is bodily autonomy.


Absolutely not. You are saying she has a contract with a brainless fetus to give life support with full term gestation until live birth.

How are you involved in securing that contract at the moment of conception,

If she has unprotected sex and gets pregnant the fetus is part of her body and as you say her body provides life support

She does not need a part of her body to grant permission to the conscious part of her being to cut ifc life support to the part. The new part is not a person. It is bodily autonomy.

I said nothing about a contract,,

but she did give permission when she did the dirty dead that got her prego,,,

of course I would be OK with suicide as an abortion option,,

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