Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Trump won’t bring down a nation, we are much stronger than that.

It does not exist with the FBI or DOJ.

It sure is. It is free speech and it is also the truth

Truth does not exist in MAGA

I have a very serious question for Earthperson Papageorgio with regard to what Saint Lastamender’s unhealthy, worldview of truth.

Do you believe a functional democracy must have at the top of it’s interactions among citizens a very healthy respect for facts based determination of what truth is?

Can we have a functional democratic process of self rule of the people, by the people, and for the people if half, the people, are persuaded by some cult leader, that the department of justice, and the FBI and our entire court system, based on grand juries finding probable cause that a person commits a crime, have no foundation in truth?

Truth is what the cult leader says it is and it is protected by the cult leaders right to free speech and it’s believed to be true by nearly half the voting aged and participating population. Does that worry you?

nf.23.09.11 #10,841


I have a very serious question for Earthperson Papageorgio with regard to what Saint Lastamender’s unhealthy, worldview of truth.

Do you believe a functional democracy must have at the top of it’s interactions among citizens a very healthy respect for facts based determination of what truth is?

Can we have a functional democratic process of self rule of the people, by the people, and for the people if half, the people, are persuaded by some cult leader, that the department of justice, and the FBI and our entire court system, based on grand juries finding probable cause that a person commits a crime, have no foundation in truth?

Truth is what the cult leader says it is and it is protected by the cult leaders right to free speech and it’s believed to be true by nearly half the voting aged and participating population. Does that worry you?

nf.23.09.11 #10,841
I don’t believe in shutting down free speech, that is worse than any other fear, real or imagined.
No. I’d only go there to thank them for exposing that they believe the most important document that needs to be adhered to is the Holy Bible over and above the United States Constitution. We didn’t know that about them before Dobbs. Yes the white Christian nationalists interpretation of your Holy Book and salutation to the Old South Confederate Constitution.

Did you figure out who Ruby Freeman is yet. If not see my post nf.23.09.10 #520
The constitution was created by a majority Christian nation at the time, and only up until the recent decades has the decline or fall been so evident, especially with demon's like you working so hard to finish this country off by perverting everything it ever believed in or created.
bvvgl.23.09.11 #10,843
The constitution was created by a majority Christian nation at the time,
The Constitution was created by earthpersons not saints. Most involved in its writing were rational theists.

The majority overwhelmingly elected a non-Bible believing earthperson named Jefferson to a second term. Christians were not happy because they knew that Jefferson was not one of them. See thvhk.23.07.#10,114 &
nf. #10,115 nf.23.09.11

Whether or not the majority in 1776 were saved by Christ, as you present yourself, is in dispute.

Studies (see nf.23.01.11 #6,686 )
place the number of Christians during the writing of the Constitution at 17% . And the landslide re-election of Jefferson confirms that the high end is in the realm of possibility that most people during the founding generation were not saints in a cult who believed that nonbelievers were going to end up in hell if they did not accept Christ ad their Lord and Savior.

nf.23.09.11 #10,846


I have a very serious question for Earthperson Papageorgio with regard to what Saint Lastamender’s unhealthy, worldview of truth.

Do you believe a functional democracy must have at the top of it’s interactions among citizens a very healthy respect for facts based determination of what truth is?

Can we have a functional democratic process of self rule of the people, by the people, and for the people if half, the people, are persuaded by some cult leader, that the department of justice, and the FBI and our entire court system, based on grand juries finding probable cause that a person commits a crime, have no foundation in truth?

Truth is what the cult leader says it is and it is protected by the cult leaders right to free speech and it’s believed to be true by nearly half the voting aged and participating population. Does that worry you?

nf.23.09.11 #10,841
We cannot have a functional democracy with a government weaponized against political opponents. It is what we have now and it is destroying the country.
We cannot have a functional democracy with a government weaponized against political opponents.
You are a testament to the reality that you believe your cult leader is above the law as a special unique politician whom cannot be prosecuted for any reason like any other if a grand jury is presented with evidence of crimes and a majority vote that they have seen probable cause that a crime was committed.

Unlike you the jurists are presented with facts about the actions of a target and instructed on the laws that apply and when the vote is that probable cause has been found your cult leader gets to defend himself in a court of law if indicted.

That is how it has worked since the founding. Trump can go fuck himself when he thinks leading a cult of fifty million zombies means he can do whatever he wants and never be accountable.
You are a testament to the reality that you believe your cult leader is above the law as a special unique politician whom cannot be prosecuted for any reason like any other if a grand jury is presented with evidence of crimes and a majority vote that they have seen probable cause that a crime was committed.

Unlike you the jurists are presented with facts about the actions of a target and instructed on the laws that apply and when the vote is that probable cause has been found your cult leader gets to defend himself in a court of law if indicted.

That is how it has worked since the founding. Trump can go fuck himself when he thinks leading a cult of fifty million zombies means he can do whatever he wants and never be accountable.
You are an idiot who watched Obama and Clinton the FBI and the CIA spy on Trump and sabotage his administration. Not one person has been held accountable. You have no right to even speak on the law. GFY traitor.
You are an idiot who watched Obama and Clinton the FBI and the CIA spy on Trump and sabotage his administration
No evidence that a crime was committed negates probable cause.

We have Trump saying outright that he was committing a crime on January 6, 2021.

Ii’s a crime to “win” an election when you know that you have lost.

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] •>•• looked at Mike Pence, ••>•• Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN

It is not a crime to say lies like that but it is a crime to engage in a criminal enterprise that actually attempts to “win” an election by fraud.
No evidence that a crime was committed negates probable cause.

We have Trump saying outright that he was committing a crime on January 6, 2021.

Ii’s a crime to “win” an election when you know that you have lost.

It is not a crime to say lies like that but it is a crime to engage in a criminal enterprise that actually attempts to “win” an election by fraud.

Trump is not lying and lying is not a crime unless you are under oath. You have no idea what law is. You are a baby fascist. Now go suck on your binky.
bvvgl.23.09.11 #10,843

The Constitution was created by earthpersons not saints. Most involved in its writing were rational theists.

The majority overwhelmingly elected a non-Bible believing earthperson named Jefferson to a second term. Christians were not happy because they knew that Jefferson was not one of them. See thvhk.23.07.#10,114 &
nf. #10,115 nf.23.09.11

Whether or not the majority in 1776 were saved by Christ, as you present yourself, is in dispute.

Studies (see nf.23.01.11 #6,686 )
place the number of Christians during the writing of the Constitution at 17% . And the landslide re-election of Jefferson confirms that the high end is in the realm of possibility that most people during the founding generation were not saints in a cult who believed that nonbelievers were going to end up in hell if they did not accept Christ ad their Lord and Savior.

nf.23.09.11 #10,846

Got to 3:32:46 on the bar, and hear it and be ashamed boy. You anti-American's are purely bull shite artist.
Oh you mean like Biden allegedly did ?
What fraud?

Trump admitted he was attempting to stop Biden’s inauguration and have Pence declare on Jan6 Trump the winner. He plotted with others to send fake electors to Pence and the fake electors were to be cause to announce the Trump win.

NotfooledbyW said:
Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] •>•• looked at Mike Pence, ••>•• Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN
What fraud?

Trump admitted he was attempting to stop Biden’s inauguration and have Pence declare on Jan6 Trump the winner. He plotted with others to send fake electors to Pence and the fake electors were to be cause to announce the Trump win.

NotfooledbyW said:
Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] •>•• looked at Mike Pence, ••>•• Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN
You calling them fake doesn't mean that they were fake, otherwise if they were born out of a correction that needed to take place in order to correct the possible tainted or rigged election.
What fraud?

Trump admitted he was attempting to stop Biden’s inauguration and have Pence declare on Jan6 Trump the winner. He plotted with others to send fake electors to Pence and the fake electors were to be cause to announce the Trump win.

NotfooledbyW said:
Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] •>•• looked at Mike Pence, ••>•• Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN
Recertify doesn't mean that the states would recertify without review, but only that if any corrections or votes were to be discovered, then of course they would be considered in the new recertification process correct ?
You calling them fake doesn't mean that they were fake, otherwise if they were born out of a correction that needed to take place in order to correct the possible tainted or rigged election.
Recertify doesn't mean that the states would recertify without review, but only that if any corrections or votes were to be discovered, then of course they would be considered in the new recertification process correct ?

No. They all lied and signed their names to a document attesting to the lie that they were the duly appointed electors in the state because the secretary of state announced Trump as the winner. That’s what they said when the truth is the secretaries of state announced that the true winner was Joe Biden, so that is a lie.

And then they were supposed to send this document to Mike Pence so he was going to rule that since the states with two slates of electors it means the election in those states is not settled and therefore we would not count those states and guess what without those states Trump is the winner. They were throwing out all the votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Just throwing the votes out , after the secretaries of state certified the actual winner of those elections.

Stating that you were the duly appointed elector when your candidate officially lost the state is fraud.

They said nothing on these fake certificates that Trump lost but they were doing this only in case the election gets overturn somehow.
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No. They all lied and signed their names to a document attesting to the lie that they were the duly appointed electors in the state because the secretary of state announced Trump as the winner. That’s what they said when the truth is the secretaries of state announced that the true winner was Joe Biden, so that is a lie.

And then they were supposed to send this document to Mike Pence so he was going to rule that since the states with two slates of electors it means the election in those states is not settled and therefore we would not count those states and guess what without those states Trump is the winner. They were throwing out all the votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Just throwing the votes out , after the secretaries of state certified the actual winner of those elections.

Stating that you were the duly appointed elector when your candidate officially lost the state is fraud.

They said nothing on these fake certificates that Trump lost but they were doing this only in case the election gets overturn somehow.
Pence did the only thing he could and that was to certify the election, he carries no weight in the process.

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