Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

23.06.25 I

2022 DOBBS exposed anti-feminism authoritarianism by white straight traditional Americans who are die-hard fanatics focused on the American white Jesus family originalism = white Christian nationalism

"grab 'em by the p*ssy," Schlafly|Vigano|Dobson|Chr*stians

Phyllis Schlafly (Crown Mother of the white Christian family nationalism movement) endorsed DJT in Iowa 2015 - there is rhe connection to the invention of “the pill” in the SIXTIES and the existential threat to our democratic republic that the millions who believe the second biggest American political lie ever told represent

We have a poster prime example of the aforementioned threat - Saint Actionjackson

COMMENTARY pblshd.23.06.06 AmandaMercotte​
Trump's dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip to openly hate women​
As Trump doubles down on "grab 'em by the p*ssy," the Christian right gets comfy admitting they love male dominance​

Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)​
During his CNN "town hall" last week, Donald Trump offered a lip service denial that he had sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll in the 90s when asked about the recent court verdict affirming he did it. He soon shifted, however, to the message he really wanted to send: A winking admission that he did it.​
"What kind of a woman meets somebody and brings them up and within minutes you're playing hanky panky in a dressing room?" he said, blaming Carroll for the assault as the audience laughed approvingly. He ranted about how she has a cat named "Vagina," implying that she's a slut who deserved to be raped.​

I'm opposed to murder in all of its forms.
cultural issues.
The Coming Home Network
Catholic Conversion Stories
I wonder if Saint Actionjackson was at least a teenager during the SIXTIES or if God was preparing to form him in the womb a decade or two later.

A good test is if Saint Action Jackson remembers where he was and what he was doing on the day that JFK (the first Catholic President) was assassinated.

The question is did Saint ActionJackson come of age in the SIXTIES and when answered an informed conversation may proceed. It’s an informal intellectual curiosity on my part at this time.

nf.23.10.22 #11,561
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23.06.25 I

2022 DOBBS exposed anti-feminism authoritarianism by white straight traditional Americans who are die-hard fanatics focused on the American white Jesus family originalism = white Christian nationalism

"grab 'em by the p*ssy," Schlafly|Vigano|Dobson|Chr*stians

Phyllis Schlafly (Crown Mother of the white Christian family nationalism movement) endorsed DJT in Iowa 2015 - there is rhe connection to the invention of “the pill” in the SIXTIES and the existential threat to our democratic republic that the millions who believe the second biggest American political lie ever told represent

We have a poster prime example of the aforementioned threat - Saint Actionjackson

COMMENTARY pblshd.23.06.06 AmandaMercotte​
Trump's dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip to openly hate women​
As Trump doubles down on "grab 'em by the p*ssy," the Christian right gets comfy admitting they love male dominance​
Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)​
During his CNN "town hall" last week, Donald Trump offered a lip service denial that he had sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll in the 90s when asked about the recent court verdict affirming he did it. He soon shifted, however, to the message he really wanted to send: A winking admission that he did it.​
"What kind of a woman meets somebody and brings them up and within minutes you're playing hanky panky in a dressing room?" he said, blaming Carroll for the assault as the audience laughed approvingly. He ranted about how she has a cat named "Vagina," implying that she's a slut who deserved to be raped.​

I wonder if Saint Actionjackson was at least a teenager during the SIXTIES or if God was preparing to form him in the womb a decade or two later.

A good test is if Saint Action Jackson remembers where he was and what he was doing on the day that JFK (the first Catholic President) was assassinated.

nf.23.10.22 #11,561
Are you attempting to make a point, or are you always this discombobulated?
Can you participate in a conversation without the boring exchange of personal attacks?

I am truly curious - do you remember where you were and what yiu were doing on the day that JFK (the first Catholic President) was assassinated?
There was no conversation. You simply responded to one of my posts with a barrage of incoherent gibberish. I can't respond to the rantings of a confused toddler. And, by the way, you were doing your share of “name calling.” Stop being a hypocrite.
There was no conversation.
I’m trying to find if you are interested in one?

See Post #11,309 Here is a point made there:

nf.23.10.08 #11,309 The white Christian Nationalists’ culture war is really about “the form of the family.” as social conservatives who in mindless lockstep lament the fact that the godly model of the traditional family that is based on heterosexual marriage is no longer a “general norm” . The culture war has been and is being fought over the continued advance of the sexual revolution of the Sixties which as a result of the opposition to the War in Vietnam, and the demand for minority civil rights, and “THE PILL” in the words of Yuval Levin the SIXTIES ;
surely the most culturally transformative of all the waves of change, liberation, and individualism that swept over American life in the postwar era.”​
The wrong side (White Christian Nationalism) was doing well until Dobbs.​
nf.23.10.22 #11,565
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I’m trying to find if you are interested in one?

See Post #11,309 Here is a point made there:

nf.23.10.08 #11,309 The white Christian Nationalists’ culture war is really about “the form of the family.” as social conservatives who in mindless lockstep lament the fact that the godly model of the traditional family that is based on heterosexual marriage is no longer a “general norm” . The culture war has been and is being fought over the continued advance of the sexual revolution of the Sixties which as a result of the opposition to the War in Vietnam, and the demand for minority civil rights, and “THE PILL” in the words of Yuval Levin the SIXTIES ;
surely the most culturally transformative of all the waves of change, liberation, and individualism that swept over American life in the postwar era.”​
The wrong side (White Christian Nationalism) was doing well until Dobbs.​
I don't categorize myself as a member of any particular club, ideology, group, or organization. Outside of the Democrat Party, most humans think for themselves as individuals.

I believe that the world would be a much safer and kinder place if everyone followed the basic tenets of the New Testament. Charity, love, peace, joy, brotherhood, etc. I believe in God and that He is the giver of life. Therefore, I believe life is sacred and should be cherished and protected.

From a sociopolitical standpoint, it's becoming apparent that multiculturalism isn't working out very well. Christianity doesn't play well with Islam. Islam doesn't play well with Judaism. Judaism doesn't play well with Christianity. African culture doesn't work well with Western culture. You get my point!

I believe in an individual's right to choose their own beliefs and to associate with whomever makes them the most comfortable. If blacks prefer to live around blacks or if Asians want to create a Chinatown, it's fine with me. The same freedom of choice should be afforded white folks.

As for infant murder (abortion), I find ripping helpless and innocent babies apart with forceps to be a cowardly and dastardly thing to do.
23.06.25 III
group, or organization
ctnjcksn.23.10.22 #11,566 “I don't categorize myself as a member of any particular club, ideology, group, or organization.

Thanks for your informative reply.

Are black American Christians in your individual belief system, considered to be free thinking individuals who are religiously tied together to worship God In a manner consistent with the New Testament values of charity, love, peace, joy, brotherhood. I see black Christians as having a genuine and beautiful belief in the very same Judeo/Christian God as the ultimate giver to their lives to be no different fundamentally from most Christians no matter the color of anyone’s skin?

nf.23.10.22 #11,567
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" Sophist Feeding Fish Stories From Memories "

* Sew Says Ewe Political Party Stakes Work Force Drop Outs *

Only an idiot would claim taxpayer funding of abortion is a “general welfare” issue.
Historically , approximately 75% of elective abortions have been optioned by individuals between 0% and 200% of the poverty line ; and , more than 50% of those optioning elective abortion already have at least one child .

Furthermore , we republicans of us republic sought Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act - Wikipedia , which no longer issued additional stipends for additional children of welfare recipients , so as to abend generational welfare ; currently , child tax credits may be included in annual budgets .

Are you aware of satire in " idiocracy " , in that the movie is not intended to be a road map ?

How does a " put a pea between your legs and do not let it drop " , from none chastening nuns , who do not own up to poverty when economic and environmental carrying capacity are exhausted , make any sense to the natural behavior of hue mammon apes ?

A democrat aligns with a political platform to leverage populism for democracy by collective majority , irrespective of whether those principles are violence against individuals within us republic .

The dumbfounded dobbs decision of sedition , against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , sided with democracy as tyranny by collective majority for violence against individuals within us republic .

* Independence As Individualism With Personal Volition Versus Authoritarians Feigning Antinomian Ethos *

Due yearn theories understand distinctions between " without cause " and " with cause " abortions ?

From principles of non violence , by definition , illegitimate aggression is violence , while self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

From principles of individualism , violence is an act that deprives an individual of self ownership or self determination .

An element of self ownership entitles an individual to free from , to free association and to progeny .

An element of self determination entitles an individual to autonomy over private property and willful intents by contract , where social civil agreements are made valid through informed consent .

* Iconic Associations Of Gawds In Metaphorical Naturalism *

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" Government Contracts At Contractor Wages Is Democrat Trickle Down Keynesian Economics Of Inflating Money Supply "

* No Contest About Rescinding Positive Liberties But Not Relenting Against Selective Endowment *

That has nothing to do with abortion
There is contention about positive liberties in politics , and wish wash attitudes of contention depending on the beneficiaries become republicans in name only .

By theory , a direct tax is to be apportioned directly as near as is possible for the benefit of the individual taxed , and the apportionment cannot be apportioned for the benefit of any individuals in particular , rather the apportionment is to be publicly available for the benefit of those collectively taxed .

By theory , an indirect tax is collected indirectly by government , through bureaucratic roles for commerce infrastructure , and indirect taxes can be apportioned for the indirect benefit of those taxed .

Negative liberties are protections , independence and individualism .

Positive liberties are endowments , dependence and collectivism .

" Reviewing Opining Conjectures In Need Of Reconsideration "

* Murder Is Killing Without A License *

I'm opposed to murder in all of its forms.
A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort , or reprise , for violations of the legal pretexts .

Which law of nature dictates that killing is murder ?

* Reality Of Hue Mammon Nature *
I believe that the world would be a much safer and kinder place if everyone followed the basic tenets of the New Testament. Charity, love, peace, joy, brotherhood, etc. I believe in God and that He is the giver of life. Therefore, I believe life is sacred and should be cherished and protected.
As for infant murder (abortion), I find ripping helpless and innocent babies apart with forceps to be a cowardly and dastardly thing to do.
Nearly all " without cause " abortions occur within the first trimester , and are referred to as medical abortions , usually through issuance of mifepristone up to 10 weeks of pregnancy , assuming an availability of services .

The remaining " with cause " abortions are optioned due to developmental anomalies , that are most often diagnosed in the fetus , by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of pregnancy , that could involve dissection and curettage .

Those confronted by " with cause " abortion were wanting to deliver a healthy child , and claims that women are seeking " without cause " abortion , when they are in fact seeking " with cause " abortion , is one of the greatest examples of baring false witness against ones neighbor by abortion anti-choice zealots .

Is sentience required as a valid basis for empathy , by suffering ? .
Fetal awareness of noxious stimuli requires functional thalamocortical connections. Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks.

* Suffering Misgivings Of Others Against Oneself *

One may consider whether forgiveness is a more efficient method of forgetting , but the only loss requiring forgiveness or forgetting would be for that of the mother .

So how did charity , love , peace , joy , brotherhood become magnanimous hubris for heresy against antinomianism ?

What is your take on this group - Catholics for Choice - We lift up the voices of prochoice Catholics. ?

* Giver Of Sophisticated Physical States Success Criteria *

A subjective altruism of an individual is that its introspection should exist in perpetuity .

The nature of nature is that not every instance of introspection must exist in perpetuity to satisfy a subjective altruism .

A sophisticated physical state is required for sentience , sapience and introspection , while procreation is a means to perpetuate a sophisticated physical state by which to satisfy a subjective altruism , while procreation emulates a quality of infinitude as a state of being and becoming through some transition .
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23.06.25 I

2022 DOBBS exposed anti-feminism authoritarianism by white straight traditional Americans who are die-hard fanatics focused on the American white Jesus family originalism = white Christian nationalism

"grab 'em by the p*ssy," Schlafly|Vigano|Dobson|Chr*stians

Phyllis Schlafly (Crown Mother of the white Christian family nationalism movement) endorsed DJT in Iowa 2015 - there is rhe connection to the invention of “the pill” in the SIXTIES and the existential threat to our democratic republic that the millions who believe the second biggest American political lie ever told represent

We have a poster prime example of the aforementioned threat - Saint Actionjackson

COMMENTARY pblshd.23.06.06 AmandaMercotte​
Trump's dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip to openly hate women​
As Trump doubles down on "grab 'em by the p*ssy," the Christian right gets comfy admitting they love male dominance​
Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)​
During his CNN "town hall" last week, Donald Trump offered a lip service denial that he had sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll in the 90s when asked about the recent court verdict affirming he did it. He soon shifted, however, to the message he really wanted to send: A winking admission that he did it.​
"What kind of a woman meets somebody and brings them up and within minutes you're playing hanky panky in a dressing room?" he said, blaming Carroll for the assault as the audience laughed approvingly. He ranted about how she has a cat named "Vagina," implying that she's a slut who deserved to be raped.​

I wonder if Saint Actionjackson was at least a teenager during the SIXTIES or if God was preparing to form him in the womb a decade or two later.

A good test is if Saint Action Jackson remembers where he was and what he was doing on the day that JFK (the first Catholic President) was assassinated.

The question is did Saint ActionJackson come of age in the SIXTIES and when answered an informed conversation may proceed. It’s an informal intellectual curiosity on my part at this time.

nf.23.10.22 #11,561
Triggered so early on a Sunday.
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" Reviewing Opining Conjectures In Need Of Reconsideration "

* Murder Is Killing Without A License *

A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort , or reprise , for violations of the legal pretexts .

Which law of nature dictates that killing is murder ?

* Reality Of Hue Mammon Nature *

Nearly all " without cause " abortions occur within the first trimester , and are referred to as medical abortions , usually through issuance of mifepristone up to 10 weeks of pregnancy , assuming an availability of services .

The remaining " with cause " abortions are optioned due to developmental anomalies , that are most often diagnosed in the fetus , by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of pregnancy , that could involve dissection and curettage .

Those confronted by " with cause " abortion were wanting to deliver a healthy child , and claims that women are seeking " without cause " abortion , when they are in fact seeking " with cause " abortion , is one of the greatest examples of baring false witness against ones neighbor by abortion anti-choice zealots .

Is sentience required as a valid basis for empathy , by suffering ? .
Fetal awareness of noxious stimuli requires functional thalamocortical connections. Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks.

* Suffering Misgivings Of Others Against Oneself *

One may consider whether forgiveness is a more efficient method of forgetting , but the only loss requiring forgiveness or forgetting would be for that of the mother .

So how did charity , love , peace , joy , brotherhood become magnanimous hubris for heresy against antinomianism ?

What is your take on this group - Catholics for Choice - We lift up the voices of prochoice Catholics. ?

* Giver Of Sophisticated Physical States Success Criteria *

A subjective altruism of an individual is that its introspection should exist in perpetuity .

The nature of nature is that not every instance of introspection must exist in perpetuity to satisfy a subjective altruism .

A sophisticated physical state is required for sentience , sapience and introspection , while procreation is a means to perpetuate a sophisticated physical state by which to satisfy a subjective altruism , while procreation emulates a quality of infinitude as a state of being and becoming through some transition .
And after wasting all of that time ^^^

Ending an innocent life is still murder. No amount of medical or legal jargon will alter that fact.

There was a time when it was “lawful” to sacrifice babies to pagan gods. Just because the “lawgivers” of the time said it was find and dandy didn't make it so.
11573 ctnjckn.23.10.22 #11,573 “Ending an innocent life is still murder. No amount of medical or legal jargon will alter that fact.”

In the first 20 weeks when the early gestating life is not a separate “individual”being and has not yet developed its own independent consciousness - it is not a baby and it cannot be ‘murdered’ by the individual who has a right to give it a birth date. The birthday makes it a baby.

If you want to believe conception is a baby - go for it. Don’t knock up a woman unless you both want to start a Dobson or Vigano family.

It’s never gonna be murder in Kansas and Ohio and all the blue states because pregnancy privacy is a right.

So when you say abortion is murder it’s your personal belief and nothing more.

The South is never going to rise again - I don’t hate to tell you.

The last line was for Saint Delldude . . . Secular America has the 4th Amendment trumping the 10th.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.​

Are we gonna investigate AND prosecute murder every time a Macho Sperm penetrates an egg and the DNA does not live past twenty weeks?

nf.23.10.22 #11,575
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" Watching Closely To Avoid Being Churned Into Mulch "

* Long Term Lessons About Easily Understood Coaxing *

And after wasting all of that time ^^^
Well , most eventually figure out that further engagement provides opportunity to induce thoughts with purposeful objectives .

* Goad Ding Where All Rites Are Alienable *
Ending an innocent life is still murder.
No amount of medical or legal jargon will alter that fact
Which are legal caveats to killing an innocent life not included as murder ?

A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort , or reprise , for violations of its legal pretexts , of which a greater individual , as a public state of collective individuals , would qualify .

A legal state issues retorts for violations against writs for rites of behavior , whether by individuals or by governments , which necessarily includes an ability to enforce its legal pretexts .

Which law of nature is being cited to justify when killing is murder ?

* Lack Of Empathy More Greatly Deserving Of Self Destruction Than Beneficence *
There was a time when it was “lawful” to sacrifice babies to pagan gods.
The roe v wade decision ruled that states could proscribe abortion in third trimester , which would keep degenerates from performing a rite of behavior to sacrifice an otherwise healthy fetus , that includes a malicious purpose of inflicting suffering on a likeness of themselves , for which they expect to receive an advantage of destiny by the drastic change in fates .

* Perspectives Are Subjective And Are Therefore Missing Universalism *
Just because the “lawgivers” of the time said it was find and dandy didn't make it so.
Any perspective of normative rites for behavior within a collective includes some degree of validity based on consensus within a collective .

Alternatively , if having committed a murder , the perpetrator died immediately , one could conjecture that a law of nature exists whereby a murder had occurred .

* A Clause From Santa About Corruption *

An after life , a chance for eternal life , the life to come , the transmutation of soles , reincarnation , being born again , are all metaphors for passing on ones genetic identity , on haploid at a time , through a sophisticated state , so that another , both figuratively and literally as themselves , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection understood as life , where failure to do in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement and eternal damnation .

Sum are seeming confuse a meaning for an after life and the means by which to improve ones opportunity for survival and quality of life .

The traitorous republicans need to understand a difference between " without cause " and " with cause " abortion , so us citizens can can move forward to resolve immigration issues amidst ever grown global populations , including economic and environmental carrying capacity .
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The SCOTUS decision was based upon the federal government dictating and creating law.
No, Dobbs was a decision that women are not protected from state religious tyranny of the majority to control what happens in their bodies.

Six Catholics did what they were groomed or were committed to do for the billionaires when they got their Catholic super majority with three Trump appointments.

nf.23.10.22 #11,578

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