Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Coprophiliac Turd Digglers Want To Interrogate Mind Crimes And Victimless Acts "

* Ass Holier Than Thou Saint Ding Strikes Again *

Despite what you believe about it, I believe abortion should only be a misdemeanor.
Yearn words resonate like a bunch of shit for brains lawyers who collaborate with police to drum up business by issuing frivolous speeding citations to harangue and harass the public .

Pounding yearn head on the ground in blind obedience and worship for the lofted anuses of those before you demonstrates behavior of a mindless drone rather than the virtue of independence as an autonomous individual .

Toro said: The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

OhPleaseJustQuit said: And you think HuffPo is journalism.

Resnic said: Hell I'll take a creationist over muslims or any of the anti American and hateful religions we keep allowing to grow in America slowly.

Resnic said: “She chose to have sex.”

Can you tell me Saint Ohpleasjustquit that you found false statements or misrepresentation of the new Speaker’s extremist white Christian nationalist views on creation in the HuffPost piece. And more importantly on the matter of secular laws regarding a woman’s right to access abortion in every state?

Can you tell me Saint Resnic if you hope the new Speaker’s extremist white Christian nationalist worldview will calm your phobias over dumb women and Muslim women or anybody who has inappropriate sex in America that is nit unsanctioned by white male extremist Christians who do it in a godly way?

Referencing POST tvrv.23.10.28 #1 and rvsnvc.23.10.28 #12 and rvsnvc.23.10.16 #19

nf.23.10.28 #11,682 to OPJQ.23.10.28 #2
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" Coprophiliac Turd Digglers Want To Interrogate Mind Crimes And Victimless Acts "

* Ass Holier Than Thou Saint Ding Strikes Again *

Yearn words resonate like a bunch of shit for brains lawyers who collaborate with police to drum up business by issuing frivolous speeding citations to harangue and harass the public .

Pounding yearn head on the ground in blind obedience and worship for the lofted anuses of those before you demonstrates behavior of a mindless drone rather than the virtue of independence as an autonomous individual .
That sounds exactly like you are for abortion being a misdemeanor. And since no one can ever figure out what you are trying to say, that will probably stick.
View attachment 849810

Toro said: The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

OhPleaseJustQuit said: And you think HuffPo is journalism.

Resnic said: Hell I'll take a creationist over muslims or any of the anti American and hateful religions we keep allowing to grow in America slowly.

Resnic said: “She chose to have sex.”

Can you tell me Saint Ohpleasjustquit that you found false statements or misrepresentation of the new Speaker’s extremist white Christian nationalist views on creation in the HuffPost piece. And more importantly on the matter of secular laws regarding a woman’s right to access abortion in every state?

Can you tell me Saint Resnic if you hope the new Speaker’s extremist white Christian nationalist worldview will calm your phobias over dumb women and Muslim women or anybody who has inappropriate sex in America that is nit unsanctioned by white male extremist Christians who do it in a godly way?

Referencing POST tvrv.23.10.28 #1 and rvsnvc.23.10.28 #12 and rvsnvc.23.10.16 #19

nf.23.10.28 #11,682 to OPJQ.23.10.28 #2
You know no one ever reads your posts, right?
You know no one ever reads your posts, right?
I will do a little research to find out if you have used that escape line before.

Most white Christian nationalist do not have any intellectual curiosity. You are kind of the exception to that rule Saint Ding, but when you get stuck, you’re not above beating cheeks and running away just like the rest of them.

Go fiddle with your metaphysical consciousness intellectual quackery, which I find most interesting from time to time.

You are like the guy who’s been struck with an arrow right through the shoulder just missing the heart who ponders from whence hath this arrow cometh, why does it exist, how does it fly, What is the universal meaning of “arrowness” before pulling it out and dressing the wound.

But we humans need our philosophers, which is fine, but don’t turn your philosophies into mind control through government and religion. That’s bad stuff.

White Christian nationalism is a real threat to American western liberal democracy and the entire is affected by it.

It has manifested itself in a major detrimental way by removing access to abortion procedures that women have a natural right to access to be as equal individuals as men to be in control of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. In accordance with the laws of Nature and of Natures God cited in the Declaration of Independence from authoritarian rule.
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I will do a little research to find out if you have used that escape line before.

Most white Christian nationalist do not have any intellectual curiosity. You are kind of the exception to that rule Saint Ding, but when you get stuck, you’re not above beating cheeks and running away just like the rest of them.

Go fiddle with your metaphysical consciousness intellectual quackery, which I find most interesting from time to time.

You are like the guy who’s been struck with an arrow right through the shoulder just missing the heart who ponders from whence hath this arrow cometh, why does it exist, how does it fly, What is the universal meaning of “arrowness” before pulling it out and dressing the wound.

But we humans need our philosophers, which is fine, but don’t turn your philosophies into mind control through government and religion. That’s bad stuff.

White Christian nationalism is a real threat to American western liberal democracy and the entire is affected by it.

It has manifested itself in a major detrimental way by removing access to abortion procedures that women have a natural right to access to be as equal individuals as men to be in control of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. In accordance with the laws of Nature and of Natures God cited in the Declaration of Independence from authoritarian rule.
That's a pretty long post. I'm glad you agree with me.
Too much for our own good. We're supposed to be a Republic. For good reason I might add.
A Republic based on democratic principles, is what I thought. Theory is one thing, reality is very much different. We have no Republic based upon democratic principles. We have a fascist oligarchy. That might be redundant language.
A Republic based on democratic principles, is what I thought. Theory is one thing, reality is very much different. We have no Republic based upon democratic principles.
Yes. That is correct. But the more the Republic behaves like a Democracy - which is just a polite way of saying mob rule - the greater the risk to freedom and liberty.
Yes. That is correct. But the more the Republic behaves like a Democracy - which is just a polite way of saying mob rule - the greater the risk to freedom and liberty.
The damage has been done, and the cynical view is that it cannot be undone.
We have a fascist oligarchy. That might be redundant language.
I don't think it is redundant as they are two different things. A republic exists to protect the minority from the mob. A Democracy exists to give the mob what they want until they consolidate their power at which time fascism, socialism and communism come into play. But by then it's really just about power and control so you can call it whatever you want.
The damage has been done, and the cynical view is that it cannot be undone.
Nothing like a good old fashioned fight for existence world war to reset attitudes. But yes, I'm afraid we are going to have to crash and burn, hit rock bottom, suffer a great deal, etc. before it gets better.
HeyNorm said: + #1,016 “So you advocate killing the poor?”

Please clarify whether you are referring to post-viable poor or pre-viable poor.

And in which cases who are you accusing of actually doing the killing?

nf.23.10.28 #11,685 to hynrm.23.10.28 #1,016
No one reads them because of your bat shit crazy format and they are way too long. Monk Eye's posts make more sense than yours. And his make no sense at all.
" A Legitimate State Interest Begins And Remains With The Citizens Of Which A State Is Comprised "

* Farcical Hands Of Gawd Wanton For Claiming Its Own Acts Are A Reprise Of Nature *

That sounds exactly like you are for abortion being a misdemeanor. And since no one can ever figure out what you are trying to say, that will probably stick.
In deed , because retorts have been forfeit , or relinquished , against an opposing supposition that is insurmountable , an only thing remaining for a poorly articulate retort is to opine for absurdities through populism from among a myriad of lofted ass clowns .

* Which Is Knot Phased Buy It *
Your gibberish remains inarticulate, incoherent and mindless drivel.

Carry on, ape boi. 👍

I've been considering putting him on iggy. His posts are nonsensical. I didn't think anyone could be less capable of making a point than Biden, Kameltoe, Fetterman or Piglosi, but he has made me reconsider.
A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort for violations of some legal pretexts .

Where is it stipulated in nature that killing is against a law ?

Through written legalese , a collective of individuals is capable of establishing a rite of behavior to invoke an entity capable of issuing a retort for violations of established writs stipulating rites of behavior , whether a greater individual is as a state , or as a federate , or as a corporate , or as an individual .

A legitimate state interest begins and remains with the citizens of which a state is comprised ; a legitimate state interest does not include a sanctimonious premise that individuals outside of its jurisdiction be included ; likewise , a legitimate state interest does not include a sacrosanct premise that non individuals be included within its jurisdiction .

A sojourner without a legal visa remains within the legal jurisdiction of their nation of origin , as a subject by title , and their children born abroad are to receive jus sanguinis citizenship from the maternal country of origin , that takes diplomacy as individuals without citizenship is deleterious .
" A Legitimate State Interest Begins And Remains With The Citizens Of Which A State Is Comprised "

* Farcical Hands Of Gawd Wanton For Claiming Its Own Acts Are A Reprise Of Nature *

In deed , because retorts have been forfeit , or relinquished , against an opposing supposition that is insurmountable , an only thing remaining for a poorly articulate retort is to opine for absurdities through populism from among a myriad of lofted ass clowns .

* Which Is Knot Phased Buy It *

A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort for violations of some legal pretexts .

Where is it stipulated in nature that killing is against a law ?

Through written legalese , a collective of individuals is capable of establishing a rite of behavior to invoke an entity capable of issuing a retort for violations of established writs stipulating rites of behavior , whether a greater individual is as a state , or as a federate , or as a corporate , or as an individual .

A legitimate state interest begins and remains with the citizens of which a state is comprised ; a legitimate state interest does not include a sanctimonious premise that individuals outside of its jurisdiction be included ; likewise , a legitimate state interest does not include a sacrosanct premise that non individuals be included within its jurisdiction .

A sojourner without a legal visa remains within the legal jurisdiction of their nation of origin , as a subject by title , and their children born abroad are to receive jus sanguinis citizenship from the maternal country of origin , that takes diplomacy as individuals without citizenship is deleterious .
So you are saying abortion should be a misdemeanor. Good.
" Now Eye Yam Real It Tea Ore Well Confused"

* Us Republic Governance Founded On Individualism Seeming To Be Absent A Meaning For Liberty And Freedom *

Yes. That is correct. But the more the Republic behaves like a Democracy - which is just a polite way of saying mob rule - the greater the risk to freedom and liberty.
Yearn presumption for us republic appears to be missing a credo in a motto of e pluribus unum , that expects independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

Negative liberties represent protections , independence and individualism .

Positive liberties represent endowments , dependence and collectivism .

* Technocracy Anecdote About Fools *

It has been proposed that a median intelligence quotient of a general population must be at least 90 in an order so as to maintain stable government of a liberal democracy .

An intelligent quotient of an individual changes over a lifetime .

By applying general principles to complete complex tasks , efficiency can be increased .

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