Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Me So Horny "

* Outside Of Male Control *

Women do not consent to remain pregnant , should that occur , whereas males do consent to the outcomes , no matter what .

Men do not consent to the woman remaining pregnant either. How the hell do you come up with men consenting to a woman remaining pregnant. What planet are you from. Men have no say whether a pregnancy continues or not.

Moron much?
" Me So Horny "

* Outside Of Male Control *

Women do not consent to remain pregnant , should that occur , whereas males do consent to the outcomes , no matter what .

So tell me just how men are allowed to consent to an abortion? How they consent to continuing pregnancy.
M14 Shooter said: Dobbs did not take away any right, it said the US constitution does not protect that right. mnnshtr.23.11.12 #11,904

BrokeLoser said: By moving control/power closer to The People? • • • That just doesn’t make any sense to a sane mind. brklsr.23.11.09 #48

Moving government control of every uterus in a state closer to irrational superstitious resentful white people was a horrible operational exertion of political power and influence by the Republican Party. The GOP s destroying itself in the Big Abortion Rift.

When women had RvW they were not as committed to voting against Republican Bible Thumping male moron politicians as they are now, When Dobbs took away privacy protections for pregnant women It pissed a lot of women off and they know which political party took them.

nf.23.11.12 #11,906
lennypartiv said: Trump is the man to do it. lnnyprtv.23.11.06 #1

Most American free and independent women are pissed and will never vote for Trvmp because he is still bragging that he overturned RvW.

On top of that white Christian nationalists are pissed because he said he will compromise with Democrats to allow women to kill 800,000 pre-born babies every year because total bans are a terrible idea.

nf.23.11.13 #11,907
" Logically Of Course "

* An Imminent Ability To Survive A Live Birth *

The dobbs ignored a requirement of live birth for equal protection with a citizen , ..
So did Roe.
So what?
The decision in roe applied a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen clause , and such is the basis of the " logically , of course " statement by blackmun .

In roe , at natural viability , an ability of a fetus to survive an imminent live birth was substituted in lieu of a live birth requirement , and the condition was referred to as " potential life " , and roe ruled that post natural viability a state interest could begin and proscribe abortion .

In dobbs , alito ignored the " logically , of course " obvious and blathered about it as would an imbecile .

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" Risks Of Accountability After Ignoring The Obvious "

* Constraints And Consequences Of Relinquishing Control *

So tell me just how men are allowed to consent to an abortion? How they consent to continuing pregnancy.
A man consents to pregnancy , if it occurs , by providing his private property semen .

A woman can either carry to term or have an abortion , without consent from a man .
" No Proof To The Contrary "

* Consternation For Obsessive Control Over Others *

Men do not consent to the woman remaining pregnant either.
How the hell do you come up with men consenting to a woman remaining pregnant.
Would a man happen to have a written contract for being able to direct outcomes of a pregnancy , that is both signed in agreement by the woman and notarized ?

Just because a man does not like the outcomes does not mean consent was not provided by participating in a rite of behavior that leads to pregnancy .

A woman has self autonomy over whether to remain pregnant , while a man does not possess self autonomy over the woman .

* Confusing Contradiction *
What planet are you from. Men have no say whether a pregnancy continues or not.
Moron much?
" Risks Of Accountability After Ignoring The Obvious "

* Constraints And Consequences Of Relinquishing Control *

A man consents to pregnancy , if it occurs , by providing his private property semen .

A woman can either carry to term or have an abortion , without consent from a man .

A man might also be consenting to a pregnancy the ends in an abortion, just like the woman.

And she now, is the only one of the two with the ability to decide to either take it full term or use a legal procedure to end it.
Monk-Eye said: A woman has self autonomy over whether to remain pregnant , while a man does not possess self autonomy over the woman. mvnkvyv.23.11.13 #11,910

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing
Issued on: April 1, 2020
THE PRESIDENT: It says 100- to 200,000. Anything — it’s a lot of people, right? It’s a lot of people.
Well, you didn’t ask the other question. What would have happened — because this is the question that I’ve been asking Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx for a long time, and they’ve been working on this for a long time.

The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life.

Now, I don’t think that would have been possible because you would have had people dying all over the place. This would not have been a normal life. How many people have even seen anybody die? You would have seen people dying on airplanes. You would have been seeing people dying in hotel lobbies. You would’ve seen death all over.

So I think, from a practical standpoint, that couldn’t have been carried out too far. But — but if you — if you did nothing, on the higher side, the number would be 2.2 and maybe even more, and on the lower side, 1.6 million people.

TheProgressivePatriot said: And an abortion before fetal viability is not taking a life but not getting vaxxed might well be.

CarsomyrPlusSix said: Beyond just objectively false… this lie is actually indicative of possible mental retardation on your part. myrpls.22.09.08 #864

Saint Cplus_six is wrong because not getting vaxxed would kill millions of viable lifes if you listened to Saint Trvmp.

No viable life has autonomy over other viable life to recklessly kill then over libertarian bullshit.

nf.23.11.13 #11,912

Go Browns!
NotfooledbyW said: What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if gestation is aborted? nf.23.09.27 #1

Bob Blaylock said: To the degree that the savage and murderous practice of abortion is allowed to take place in this country is a severe degree of malfeasance on the part of our government—not only a willful failure to fulfill its duty to protect the innocent, but a willful repudiation and violation of that duty. bbblylck.23.11.13 #61.III​
Why on earth would the private practice of abortion not be allowed to take place in a non-Catholic society with non-Catholic elected governmening bodies?

nf.23.11.13 #11,913
" Other Wise May As Well Howl To A Wind "

* Valid Civil Contract Required *

A man might also be consenting to a pregnancy the ends in an abortion, just like the woman.
And she now, is the only one of the two with the ability to decide to either take it full term or use a legal procedure to end it.
By principles of non violence , the definition of violence is illegitimate aggression , where self defense against violence is legitimate aggression ; so , clearly , a definition for illegitimate aggression needs to be provided .

By principles of individualism , violence against an individual is illegitimate aggression that deprives and individual of self ownership , or self determination , where self ownership includes free roam , free association and progeny , and where self determination includes property ownership and willful intents through social civil contract - made valid through informed consent .

So apply self determination through willful intents by contract and draft an agreement whereby , if impregnation occurs , then the female agrees to assume any and all financial responsibility for rearing the child , that could also remove paternal visitation and custody .
" Other Wise May As Well Howl To A Wind "

* Valid Civil Contract Required *

By principles of non violence , the definition of violence is illegitimate aggression , where self defense against violence is legitimate aggression ; so , clearly , a definition for illegitimate aggression needs to be provided .

By principles of individualism , violence against an individual is illegitimate aggression that deprives and individual of self ownership , or self determination , where self ownership includes free roam , free association and progeny , and where self determination includes property ownership and willful intents through social civil contract - made valid through informed consent .

So apply self determination through willful intents by contract and draft an agreement whereby , if impregnation occurs , then the female agrees to assume any and all financial responsibility for rearing the child , that could also remove paternal visitation or custody .

Far easier than that. Get with the times dude. In prior times, when women had no control of the process, child support made sense. Today the woman controls every aspect of child birth, from before insemination to just prior to birth. It is her, and only her that makes each and every decision along the way.

Given the realities of this brave new world, give women want they have yearned for, reproductive freedom, free of male involvement.

Voluntary child support gives them just that!

" Keep Wishful Thinking Knee Grow "

* Penalties Commensurate With Indemnity *

Voluntary child support gives them just that!
Involuntary child support was implemented by the collective of society , because voluntary child support was fostering generational welfare and incurring financial indemnities for taxpayers .

So child support is not about the liberation of woman , rather it is about other individuals pawing off onto society , a responsibility for their own after life .
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“is nothing more than the consequence of Article 19 of the constitution of the republic, which guarantees the right to life for all persons and that the law shall protect the life of the unborn.” Day of the Unborn Child Passed by Chile's Lawmakers pblshd.13.05.02
The law points to other countries that also remember the unborn on March 25 in order to highlight the value of life, to condemn attacks against defenseless human beings and to promote the reversal of laws that enshrine abortion.

The law states, “To protect the life of the unborn is to recognize the right to life of every human being, even against the will of their own progenitors. In this way, no one can dispose of the life of another.”

NotfooledbyW said: What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if gestation is aborted? nf.23.09.27 #1

Bob Blaylock said: One of the most basic and essential duties of government is to protect the innocent from those who would murder them. bbblylck.23.11.13 #61.II

Unfortunately, for you Saint Bobblaylock one of the essential duties of government is to protect the birth certificated innocent from those who would murder them.

Perhaps you should emigrate to a Catholic country where they don’t have the beloved freedom of conscience that we have here,

Chile is nice. They have a Constitution that reads as follows:

The law states, “To protect the life of the unborn is to recognize the right to life of every human being, even against the will of their own progenitors. In this way, no one can dispose of the life of another.”

If you stay - quit bitching about it.

nf.23.11.13 #11,917
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NotfooledbyW said: Unfortunately, for you Saint Bobblaylock one of the essential duties of government is to protect the birth certificated innocent from those who would murder them. nf.23.11.13 #11,917 .I

M14 Shooter said: “Roe v Wade says otherwise.” mnnshtr.23.11.13 #11,918 to nf.23.11.13 #11,917.I

Monk-Eye said: Birth is required for citizenship and therefore birth is required for equal protection and any citizen has legal standing for an equal protection violation civil wrights suit to send the idiotic dobbs decision straight back to scotus. • • • Roe V Wade substituted post natural viability ( estimated at approximately 24 - 28 weeks ) in lieu of a live birth requirement and ruled that states could proscribe abortion in 3rd trimester , but that was not good enough for the ant-choice uniform fetish psychopaths , who now support sedition by scotus against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments by its dobbs decision and scotus should be charged. mvnkvyv.22.08.31 #4,962

Why does Saint M14shooter post statements that cannot possibly be true?

Roe v Wade does not say “one of the essential duties of government is not to protect the birth certificated innocent from those who would murder them.”

After Roe I am certain that one of the essential duties of government is to protect the birth certificated innocent from those who would murder them.“

nf.23 11.13 #11,919
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" Keep Wishful Thinking Knee Grow "

* Penalties Commensurate With Indemnity *

Involuntary child support was implemented by the collective of society , because voluntary child support was fostering generational welfare and incurring financial indemnities for taxpayers .

So child support is not about the liberation of woman , rather it is about other individuals pawing off onto society , a responsibility for their own after life .

And abortion on demand was implemented by the collective of society.

Oh, so the women fostering generational welfare is reason enough to create a new class of subjugation of humans by this unilateral agreement?

This should be good.

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