Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

↑ Illiterate dumbass.
I do not insult you, Is that literate enough for you.

Many Jewish people believe that God enters the physical body during the moment they took their first breath. On that basis can you make a rational argument why society must force Catholic belief that “God creates a new human being at conception” on all of us who are not Catholics?
Redfish said: “so murder of an unconscious person is OK and should be legal?????????????? rvdfvsh.23.04.14 #8,298

NotfooledbyW said: “I have my conscience and common law {and} the Constitution of the United States in line with my argument.
nf.23.04.14 #8,299

Redfish said: “trying to get you to back up your claims with hard facts, you said abortion was supported by the founders------------how and when?” rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484

In response to POST rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484 I said abortion was accepted during the founding generation and it was.

Last April I alluded to Common Law in POST nf.23.04.14 #8,299 .

Common Law had no criminal penalties or states banning the way abortions were performed when the Constitution was written. That is one basis to understand that abortion was an acceptable way to end an unwanted pregnancy when America was born. There was no government intrusion into a pregnant woman’s privacy in the mid to end of the 18th Century.

nf.23.11.28 #11,962
to rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484
Illiterate dumbass.
NFBW Ref: 230425^a > The born alive rule was originally a principle at common law in England that was carried to the United States and other former colonies of the British Empire. First formulated by William Staunford, it was later set down by Edward Coke in his Institutes of the Laws of England. It follows the language used for cases of murder in English law, identifying three salient characteristics: a reasonable creature, in rerum natura (in natural being), and in the King's peace.[2] Coke says: "If a woman be quick with childe, and by a potion or otherwise killeth it in her wombe, or if a man beat her, whereby the child dyeth in her body, and she is delivered of a dead childe, this is great misprision, and no murder; but if he childe be born alive and dyeth of the potion, battery, or other cause, this is murder; for in law it is accounted a reasonable creature, in rerum natura, when it is born alive.[3][4]
MAGAdestroy of the Republican Party
Redfish said: “horseshit, your side is screaming for …. abortion on demand as birth control, …. rvdfvsh.23.04.04 #8,117

And 80% of American adults are fine with that as long as it occurs in the first trimester.

MarathonMike said: Nothing is dumber than voting for the Democrat Regime dedicated to destroying the country. mrthnmk.23.11.21 #7
I wonder if Saint Marathonmike comprehends what a trimester is.

nf.23.11.29 #11,964
to mrthnmk.23.11.21 #7
That is great news if true.
Redfish said: The founders did not think abortion was an acceptable medical practice. rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484

ScorpioRising007 said: The realistic thing is for society to accept abortion as acceptable, morally and lawfully. scrprsngnnn.23.11.29

In Dobbs v Jackson the state of Mississippi had three main arguments AB&C.

In {B} Mississippi argued that “liberty” as written in the Fourteenth Amendment only implicates fundamental rights that are “deeply rooted in U.S history and tradition.” see POST nf.23.11.27 #448

Saint Redfish in POST rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484 is completely out of truth as far as what was “deeply rooted in U.S. history and tradition during the founding generation and leading up to 1776. See POST nf.23.11.29 #489

In 1780 per When abortion wasn’t a legal issue — Harvard Gazette “ pregnancy, birthing, child care, early childhood, and infant care was a landscape of women, their neighbors, and their midwives” See Post nf.23.11.26 #401

Women handled everything including abortion assistance and men stayed out of it. That is what we need today. Get the sanctimonious white Christian nationalist lying white Republican males and their appointed Catholic judges out of it. Thats what they did in Ohio. And it’s what they need to do in Texas Florida Alabama because letting women handle it is fucking “deeply rooted in U.S history and tradition.”

So get fucking white males and female-phobic Catholics out of women’s deeply rooted reproductive business 100 percent!

nf.23.11.29 #492
to rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484
Redfish said: The founders did not think abortion was an acceptable medical practice. rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484

The Founders accepted terminated pregnancy at a minimum up to quickening. There was no such thing as an ‘unborn human being with a right to life back then.

Saint Redfish presents nothing to back POST rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484 up.

It is impossible to be true.

See my POST #11,965 for my backup.
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" Objectivity Required "

* Providing Answers To Any Wanting To Know *

An intuition to acknowledge a response with other than grunting harrumph is followed by pretentious failures of proven incompetence and willful ignorance .

The bucket of myopic egoism for anthropocentric arrogance from pretentious dogma by sanctimonious sacrosancts is actually incapable of acknowledging the obvious counter argument against antifederalism hubris from statists pandering populism of democracy by collective majority against principles of individualism .

Many echos allude to liberal government and demanding limited governance over financial self determination of an individual , while demanding authoritarian government over self ownership of an individual ; hence , the liberal versus conservative paradigm is again proven to be non sense based on sexual disposition .

By a self determination element of individualism , violence against an individual occurs when illegitimate aggression deprives an individual of their private property , or deprives an individual of willful intents through social civil contracts , which are made valid through informed consent .

By a self ownership element of individualism , violence against an individual occurs when illegitimate aggression deprives an individual of free roam , free association , or progeny .

A banter for antifederatlism is being applied as an altruistic dictum of reason by traitors to omit principles of individualism set forth by credo in a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic .
Monk-aye just sharted all over the thread.
BackAgain said: I believe that Ohio is free to vote as they wish. Like Kansas is, etc. I believe that’s pretty much exactly what the SCOTUS said in Dobbs. bckvgn.23.08.10 #10,179

BackAgain said: It seems to me to be common sense that people ought to oppose “abortion on demand.” They ought to oppose the false claim that there is a “right” to an abortion EXCEPT in certain limited situations like a genuine risk to the life or health of the mother. bckvgn.23.09.25 #102

Why do women in Texas Alabama and Florida Saint Backagain not have the right to live in a state that does not force full term abortion on them when their pregnancy is unintended and unwanted?

Why should something that “seems” to
a white MAGA REPUBLICAN male
have an detrimental impact on what happens to a fertilized egg being attached to an Alabama resident’s ovary?

nf.23.11.29 #11,968
to bckvgn.24.08.10 #10,179
to bckvgn.23.09.25 #102
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Mikeoxenormous said: There is nothing in the Constitution that says women can murder their babies. mkxnrms.23.03.26 #7,948

When the Constitution was written the exit strategy of fetus killed one out of every twenty women. It’s no wonder the framers had zero incentive to guarantee the right to life to such a deadly unborn lot.

In response to POST rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484 I said abortion was accepted during the founding generation and it was.

Last April I alluded to Common Law in POST nf.23.04.14 #8,299 .

Common Law had no criminal penalties or states banning the way abortions were performed when the Constitution was written. That is one basis to understand that abortion was an acceptable way to end an unwanted pregnancy when America was born. There was no government intrusion into a pregnant woman’s privacy in the mid to end of the 18th Century.
nf.23.11.28 #11,962
to rvdfvsh.23.11.28 #484

to mkxnrms.23.03.26 #7,948
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BackAgain said: “If the being inside the woman was a mere part of her body, it would have the woman’s DNA. The zygote or fetus has its own unique DNA. bckvgn.21.12.09 #37

What if Virgin Mary had suffered a miscarriage when Jesus as the Son of God was immersing into Nature? How would we know if she did?

When Jesus immersed into Mary’s body did he become a part of her body like every other fertilized egg and the follow the laws of NATURE?

there4eyeM said: As mentioned before, one has to be asleep in order to be awakened. This does not apply to Jesus, who was one in the truth. The wake up call to the rest of us is his message, one of transcendence of the material and ephemeral that dominates and destroys humanity. Reducing his importance to a latter-day catch phrase is a grievous mistake. thrnvyvm.23.11.18 #226 “Liked” by dvng​

What’s interesting about POST thrnvyvm.23.11.18 #226 is that Saint Ding likes it.

nf.23.11.30 #11,970
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" Non Illicit Raving To Obvious Audience Scat Lover "

*Turd Burglar Entreated To A Toast Of Spew Delight *

Monk-aye just sharted all over the thread.
Be careful to avoid grandiose magnanimity when invoking an infinitive for " to submit " , as its goading for gullibility entreats abdication to authoritarianism and indoctrination into veneration for the plethora of ass holes lofted ahead .

Tho sectarian supremacists apply insignia to stigmatize themselves as separate from others and to legitimize an expectation for a prejudicial bias against others who are not a member of common alliances .

Those seeking to challenge changes in destiny through modifications of fate are engaging in games of fatalism for destiny named " call it fate " ( caliphate ) .

* More Valid Alternative Perspective For Independence As Individualism *

Those seeking government by populism through democracy for tyranny by collective majority are demonstrating a rite of behavior which is contrary with normative principles for independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , as evidently set forth for us republic by its founders and trusts .

A credo from a motto of e pluribus unum expects independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , whether an individual be a greater individual as a collective : a federate , a state , a citizen , a non citizen individual , a citizen corporate , a non citizen corporate , .

The perspectives of subjective realism will know doubt while continuing to amend social norms and public policy about rites of behavior which are more virtuously established for principles of non violence and individualism , that precludes an equitable doctrine .
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" Non Illicit Raving To Obvious Audience Scat Lover "

*Turd Burglar Entreated To A Toast Of Spew Delight *

Be careful to avoid grandiose magnanimity when invoking an infinitive for " to submit " , as its goading for gullibility entreats abdication to authoritarianism and indoctrination into veneration for the plethora of ass holes lofted ahead .

Tho sectarian supremacists apply insignia to stigmatize themselves as separate from others and to legitimize an expectation for a prejudicial bias against others who are not a member of common alliances .

Those seeking to challenge changes in destiny through modifications of fate are engaging in games of fatalism for destiny named " call it fate " ( caliphate ) .

* More Valid Alternative Perspective For Independence As Individualism *

Those seeking government by populism through democracy for tyranny by collective majority are demonstrating a rite of behavior which is contrary with normative principles for independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , as evidently set forth for us republic by its founders and trusts .

A credo from a motto of e pluribus unum expects independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , whether an individual be a greater individual as a collective : a federate , a state , a citizen , a non citizen individual , a citizen corporate , a non citizen corporate , .

The perspectives of subjective realism will know doubt while continuing to amend social norms and public policy about rites of behavior which are more virtuously established for principles of non violence and individualism , that precludes an equitable doctrine .
Yeah. I didn’t bother to read the incomprehensible gibberish from this Monk-aye. Too verbose and too functionally illiterate.
ding said The establishment clause was written expressly to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half the state had at the time of ratification. All of which were based upon Christianity. The belief in multiculturalism at the time of founding is a pipe dream. dvng.20.02.16 #3

The problem white rightwing Catholic/Protestant Christian nationalists like you have is your insistence Saint Ding that today’s freely chosen and congenial Catholic/Protestant/Mormon Christianity is unambiguously somehow identical to the one dominant Protestant Christianity of 1776 British Colonial America.

Back then before religious liberty was enshrined in the Constitution there was no tolerance by Protestant Christians for Catholics and Jews and other religions from around the world.

What our liberal enlightened founding fathers saw was the necessity for the central government to not favor one Protestant sect over another Protestant Sect.

So the Federal Government forbade itself from endorsing Anglicans over Baptists, Luther over the Roman Pope, Quaker over Calvinism. or even Christianity over Judaism, and so on.

In that time the rational theist leaders and original thinkers of our great nation had seen no European system of religion when Christians were not killing and torturing other Christians and adherents to other religions.

However they saw Christianity as an atttibute for keeping at least within a sect some levels of security and prosperity under the respective Catholic or Protestant monarchies.

The dilemma was they had no way of knowing what the common uneducated mass of humanity would do in a free society liberated from authoritarian rulers aligned with God themselves.

There was no data on atheists running society because there was never that many around.

So when you tell us Saint Ding that the First Amendment keeps the Federal Government from interfering with state established religions, you are forgetting the most important part - the granting of every single citizen the right to believe in whatever religion they choose or no religion at all. And every single citizen falls under the protection of the Constitution as George Washington said it to a Hebrew congregation.

Q1 “For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support. ,” Q1 grgwshngtn multiculturalism​

In other words a citizen who behaved himself as good and supportive of civil doctrines cannot be coerced by the states to think or believe or support what the preference of the state they live in wants them to believe. That is multicultural diversity and tolerance for any law abiding belief. Such as belief that sanctity of life begins at first breath.

That’s true Freedom of Religion and Christian Catholic/Protestant Nationalists just can’t seem to recognize that freedom of religion or no religion is an inalienable right. Not to be messed with.

nf.23.11.30 #11,973
to: dvng.20.02.16 #3
Tom Paine 1949 said: “Trump is a cunning & talented p.r. conman. Because his ultra-divisive demagogy had so much appeal to usually quiescent and disgruntled non-voting whites, he beat the arrogant Hillary Clinton, likely surprising even himself.” tvmpvvnv.23.10.04 #19

Tom Paine 1949 said: “His “victory” in the Supreme Court was just The Federalist Society’s victory. “ tvmpvvnv.23.10.04 #19

The problem is not Trump, The problem is the Republican Party is backward sighted to the 1950s on three political fronts. Race the way we were. Sex the way we were. Religion In a national relationship with Jesus the way we were. No uppity negroes like Obama. No feminist females outside the kitchen and the bedroom winning the bread. No separation of white male dominated church and state.

Anyone who voted to go backwards instead of forward by voting for any candidate put up against Trump by the Democrats, has failed America in November 2015 for not seeing it coming.

A Party that had to flee the onslaught of their own Trump and Jesus flag flying lunatics inside the Capitol Building on January 6 and refuses to condemn and hold to account the ONE and ONLY culprit that caused it, has lost its right to exist.

Racial, sexual and religious minorities must not stand against the Republican go back regime alone. Support Democratic Party too to bottom in every state.

This will give rational and just conservatism the best chance for a comeback.
nf.23.12.01 #11,974
to tvmpvvnv.23.10.04 #19
I didn’t bother to read
It’s a serious MAGA problem you have Saint Backagain in the magnification of irrational belief in the value of superstitious thought within western liberal democracies.

Was Phyllis Schlafly a useful idiot to a geopolitical strain of Vigano Putin Collusion that produced the morally-unequipped leader of the US Religious Right and the Saving Baby Fetus Cult headed by the HRCC?




Respect for the Dead Schlafly who unseemingly endorsed him in 2015 and then died.

You’d have to read this Saint Backagain to know why I ask;


'Russia the Last Bastion of Civilization Against Barbarism' - Catholic Archbishop Vigano, Fierce Critic of Pope Francis.


Archbishop Vigano, once Papal Nuncio to the United States and Secretary General of the Vatican government, has written a letter of congratulations and friendship upon the establishment of the International Movement of Russophiles. His comments, at once factual and conciliatory, may surprise some who would expect no support or faith in the Russian cause from the West.

This is the same Archbishop Vigano who has made multiple revelations in recent years regarding cover-up and scandals involving high ranking pedophile clergy, including revelations about the treatment and disposal of defrocked Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, going so far as to accuse Pope Francis of rehabilitating and covering for McCarrick even after he was informed of his heinous crimes, stating in a July 2020 interview that Pope Francis follows the “homosexual agenda of the New World Order.”

He has also spoken out about the dangers of COVID vaccines and the brutal lock-downs that accompanied the pandemic, and often speaks disparagingly of instruments of world dictatorship such as the World Economic Forum and the people behind it, specifically attacking the Great Reset ideology and Agenda 2030.

Thus it is clear that Vigano has a good understanding about the world situation and is even quite aware of the rot that festers within his own church. Nonetheless, he always speaks his mind on the matter and does not seem to be liable to pressure to be silent or get in line. Thus, it comes as no surprise that he would also break ranks in order to openly support reconciliation and friendship with Russia.

In his letter, Vigano acknowledges the role of Moscow as the 3rd Rome, and states, “The present crisis shows us the collapse of a corrupt West, in which there is no Pope Leo the Great to save its fate, but which still has a destiny, if it can recover its providential mission and recognizes what unites it to the mission of Russia.”

Pointing out the admixture of materialist atheism with liberalism that is the hallmark of the New World Order, Vigano praises President Putin for denouncing the NWO as,

An infernal which hatred for Christian civilization wants to create a society of slaves subservient to the Davos elite...We cannot be surprised that, after de-Christianizing the Western world, this elite considers Russia an enemy to be overthrown. The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism, and gathers around it all those nations that do not intend to submit to the colonization of NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that heap of foundations that have as their purpose the indoctrination of the masses, the manipulation of information, the creation of “colored springs” to destabilize governments legitimately elected and sow chaos, wars and misery as instrumentum regni.

He does not hesitate to name names and point the finger at those responsible for this crime against humanity as well, but acknowledges the stamina and resistance of Russia to their nefarious plans, stating,

The theorists of this coup have names and faces, starting with George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates. Those who today declare that Russia is an enemy consider Europeans, Americans, Australians and Canadians as enemies and treat them as such, persecuting and impoverishing them. But while World Economic Forum emissaries in Western governments can legislate against the good of their own citizens and hold world leaders in the palm of their hands, regime change that has been successful in other nations has stopped at Russia’s borders.

With great boldness, he also discusses shortcomings and collusion in his own confession, claiming the “deep state and the deep church managed to get Pope Benedict XVI to resign and to elect a person pleasing to the New World Order, the Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio.”

Praising the championing by Russia of the multi-polar world, he goes on to insist that Russia must reject things such as Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset, and lead the world in an “Anti-Globalist Alliance” against “the kingdom of the Antichrist,” stating,

“The Russian Federation will play a decisive role in this effort, as will the message that the International Movement of Russophiles will bring to the peoples of the West, which needs to return to being proud of its Faith and proud of the civilization to which Saints Cyril and Methodius also contributed.

Concluding with the observation that Russia, and all who side with her are “fighting an epochal battle,” he closes with faith in the eventual victory of the forces of the Cross.

It is a positive thing to see that, even as degraded and corrupted the culture of the West has become, there are still Christian men, and in the case of Russia, entire nations, who are not afraid to speak their minds on important matters and to take a stand for that which is right.

Melania Trump is the first Catholic to live in the White House since John F. Kennedy and his wife Jackie moved out.

nf.23.12.01 #11,975
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" On Feedback By Coprophilia Scat Lovers "

* On Experts From The House Of Rocks For Brains *

Yeah. I didn’t bother to read the incomprehensible gibberish from this Monk-aye. Too verbose and too functionally illiterate.
Apparently , whatever ass holier than thou with shit for brains ideologues states must be true !

Go ahead and submit yourself to burying your head and blindly beating it to the ground , while lofting your anus to the sky for a prostate massages , in veneration for and abdication to the assholes lofted in front of you !

The dobbs decision is dumbfounded and sedition , while the only thing the fee press and the deceitful dullard traitorous drones promoting its idiotic 10th amendment excuses can do is ignore its stupidity and hope it holds .
" On Feedback By Coprophilia Scat Lovers "

* On Experts From The House Of Rocks For Brains *

Apparently , whatever ass holier than thou with shit for brains ideologues states must be true !

Go ahead and submit yourself to burying your head and blindly beating it to the ground , while lofting your anus to the sky for a prostate massages , in veneration for and abdication to the assholes lofted in front of you !

The dobbs decision is dumbfounded and sedition , while the only thing the fee press and the deceitful dullard traitorous drones promoting its idiotic 10th amendment excuses can do is ignore its stupidity and hope it holds .
If you bothered to post coherently, we might read your crap.
" On Feedback By Coprophilia Scat Lovers "

* On Experts From The House Of Rocks For Brains *

Apparently , whatever ass holier than thou with shit for brains ideologues states must be true !

Go ahead and submit yourself to burying your head and blindly beating it to the ground , while lofting your anus to the sky for a prostate massages , in veneration for and abdication to the assholes lofted in front of you !

The dobbs decision is dumbfounded and sedition , while the only thing the fee press and the deceitful dullard traitorous drones promoting its idiotic 10th amendment excuses can do is ignore its stupidity and hope it holds .
More shit from Junk-eye I didn’t bother to read.

The poor little twat. He stands there and whines and begs for attention. But why? He can’t compose anything intelligible anyway.

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