Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

In practice, Americans have never agreed with the GOP on abortion.
ttps:// pblshd.23.08.28

Republican women have always had abortions. Republican politicians have funded abortions and some have even coerced and pressured their partners into ending pregnancies. Catholics are just as likely to have abortions as anyone else. Anti-abortion protesters, lobbyists and organizers have abortions, too. •¥¥¥ • pblshd.23.08.28
KELLYANNE CONWAY: “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order,” Ms. Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” pblshd.20.08.27 KConway
laferia52 said: the blm riots was about looters burning and destroying private property and attacking law enforcement officers. they created chaos and anarchy and they were not held accountable. they were not arrested and charged lfrnn.22.01.13 #784

NotfooledbyW said: BLM is not responsible for the Chavin riots: Criminal looter Englehart is not BLM. When you associate Englehart with BLM because he is black you are a racist. Englehart has been arrested and charged. Thousands of looters have been arrested in this country.

J6 minimizer @Correll’s LEFTY RIOTER & DJT campaign booster (per Kellyanne Conway) Mr. Englehart - looted during CHAUVIN protest May30 Charged with looting stores, taking part in beating


Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison, was charged July 16 with looting two shoe stores at East Towne Mall and taking part in beating a man who had tried to stop the looting of a State Street shop earlier the same night.
Keeping track: Over 50 people facing felony charges in vandalism, looting, violence during protests

A criminal complaint charges Engelhart with substantial battery as party to a crime, two counts of burglary as party to a crime and one count of attempted burglary as party to a crime, all felonies, for events he is accused of taking part in May 30, the first night of protests that began Downtown nf.22.01.23 #787

to lfrnn.22.01.13 #784

Kellyanne Conway is deeply invested in the Saving Baby Fetus Cult which establishes her self-anointed moral superiority over all those outside the white Christian nationalists Biblical Worldview crusade to force full term gestation on all women

The moral supremacy based upon her religious superstitions on abortion caused Kellyanne Conway to go public with the realization that “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for” Republican candidates to win elections so they can stay in power to force all women to submit their bodies to the religious right so states can force full term gestation on all women against their will.

Just an observation at this point

nf.23.12.09 12,023
LeroyDumonde said: “So Trump is not saying that Pence should throw out EC votes.” lrydmnd.23.12.10 #393

That is exactly what Pence was supposed to do. It is written for all to see.

struth in #325 said: “What was his plan? There is nothing anti-democratic about protesting, even an that you think was conducted unfairly. • ¥¥ • I get you don't like the topic, and that's fine....but rallies aren't illegal.” • ¥¥¥ • strvth.21.10.25

The Plan is The Eastman Memo. have you read it Saint Leroy Dumonde?

Have you read The Fake Electors Coup
Plan Saint Struth?

nf.23.12,11 #12,024
to lrydmnd.23.12.10 #393
to strvth.21.10.25 #305
LeroyDumonde said: “So Trump is not saying that Pence should throw out EC votes.” lrydmnd.23.12.10 #393

That is exactly what Pence was supposed to do. It is written for all to see.

struth in #325 said: “What was his plan? There is nothing anti-democratic about protesting, even an that you think was conducted unfairly. • ¥¥ • I get you don't like the topic, and that's fine....but rallies aren't illegal.” • ¥¥¥ • strvth.21.10.25

The Plan is The Eastman Memo. have you read it Saint Leroy Dumonde?

Have you read The Fake Electors Coup
Plan Saint Struth?

nf.23.12,11 #12,024
to lrydmnd.23.12.10 #393
to strvth.21.10.25 #305
In the laws for elections is a process to challenge electoral votes it is neither radical nor illegal.
RetiredGySgt in #12025 said: “In the laws for elections is a process to challenge electoral votes it is neither radical nor illegal“ rtrdgysgt.23.12.11 #12,025

Trump’s illegal action on January 6 and leading up to it with the organization of the fake electors has absolutely nothing to do with challenging the existence of fraudulent votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, and Georgia.

The Eastman memo makes it clear that the objective on January 6 was for Mike Pence to throw out those seven states so they would not be included during the counting of the votes in a Joint Session of Congress on January 6.

After not counting the votes, from those seven states, Pence was supposed to declare that he and Trump had won the election to cause chaos, and a constitutional crisis that might be settled by one vote majority in the House of Representatives for Republicans. Such a declaration, chaos, disenfranchisement of every American voter would’ve been based on fraud, and Pence would not do it.

Surely the top law enforcement officer in the land must be restrained from even the slightest attempt to overturn an election when they are a sitting president who loses.

The only deterrent in this case is forceful prosecution of Donald J Trump and his accomplices for the attempt.

nf.23.12.11 #12,026
to rtrdgysgt.23.12.11 #12,025
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Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!
RetirefGySgt in #12025 said: “In the laws for elections “In the laws for elections is a process to challenge electoral votes it is neither radical nor illegal“ rtrdgysgt.23.12.11 #12,025

Trump’s illegal action on January 6 and leading up to it with the organization of the fake electors has absolutely nothing to do with challenging the existence of fraudulent votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, and Georgia.

The Eastman memo makes it clear that the objective on January 6 was for Mike Pence to throw out those seven states so they would not be included during the counting of the votes in a Joint Session of Congress on January 6.

After not counting the votes, from those seven states, Pence was supposed to declare that he and Trump had won the election to cause chaos, and a constitutional crisis that might be settled by one vote majority in the House of Representatives for Republicans. Such a declaration, chaos, disenfranchisement of every American voter would’ve been based on fraud, and Pence would not do it.

Surely the top law enforcement officer in the land must be restrained from even the slightest attempt to overturn an election when they are a sitting president who loses.

The only deterrent in this case is forceful prosecution of Donald J Trump and his accomplices for the attempt.

to rtrdgysgt.23.12.11 #12,025
No such thing as fake electors the process allows for alternates to be chosen for a challenge.
LeroyDumonde in #15 said: “Republicans have really screwed themselves by pandering to Evangelicals on the abortion issue.” lrydmnd.23.07.03 #15

LeroyDumonde in #419 said: “Trump didn't commit a crime by suggesting that Pence should send EC votes back to the states to be recertified.” lrydmnd.23.12.11 #419

Pence is an Evangelical Christian Republican who wants to force full term gestation on all women. So Pence is no good for America but Trump picked him to lock up the white Christian nationalist vote that handed the two white male Christians a win in 2016.

Trump pressured Pence to commit fraud together on J6 by recognizing two sets of electors in seven states that Biden won during the counting of official certifications of electors from all fifty states.

Pence knew that the Republican slates from those seven states were improper and illegal which meant recognizing them as if they were real would be committing fraud and abuse of his authority on that date.

So he refused to do it.

Pence will be testifying under oath in Georgia against the indicted criminal who tried to get him to do wrong to the nation. That is not going to go well for the indicted former president who ran the criminal enterprise that had the purpose to stop the transfer of power to the duly elected incoming administration based on there being only one official state certification of electors from all fifty states.

nf.23.12.12 #12,028
to lrydmnd.23.12.11 #419
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MAGA Macho Man in #1 said: “Is this racist or what?” mmm!.22.12.09 #1

The following was excerpted by Saint Mashmont in response to a report provided by Saint Magamachoman in POST mmm!.22.12.09 #1 as follows:

“Black women are twice as likely to have a preterm birth than White women and experience the highest infant and maternal mortality rates because of wealth and income disparities.”​
San Francisco guaranteed income program for pregnant Black women to expand across California pblshd.22.12.09 by Fox Business writer L.Casiano posted on USMB by St. MAGA in POST mmm!.22.12.09 #1

Coming from St. Mash makes it completely from the racist Republican minority that exists within the American Catholic Church who vote Republican DJT in POST mshmnt.22.12.09 #4

Mashmont in #4 said: I didn't see the marriage requirement for these pregnant black women to receive these funds. • ¥ • So let's look at the behvior being rewarded: single black women getting pregnant. Can anybody possibly see good consequences in this? • ¥¥ • And this, of course, is the intention of the Marxist left: to further degrade colored families, and enrage whites who have to pay for this scam. It's all about division and degradation of society. The people who approved this bill cannot have the best interests for blacks in mind. Or for society. • ¥¥¥ • mshmnt.22.12.09 #4

surada in #1207 said: “Don't you admire Donald Trump?” svrvdv.23.12.12 #1,207 to mshmnt.22.02.18 #1

Saint Mashmont opposes state financial assistance to black women who are twice as likely to have a preterm birth than White women and experience the highest infant and maternal mortality rates because of wealth and income disparities.

Saint Mashmont is an enraged white Catholic male racist Trump enabler who says in POST mshmnt.22.12.09 #4 that state funding for reducing infant and maternal mortality rates in poverty level black families degrades colored families and enraged superior whites who have to pay for what he calls a scam.

Saint Mashmont’s Jackboot Vigano minority associated with the Catholic Church has spent billions on political propaganda for fifty years and funding for politicians who vow to force full term gestation on all American women who get pregnant.

But heaven forbid the Vatican would spend that money, alleviating the suffering of being poverty stricken by any woman in America, and their babies lacking in proper nutrition and resources to grow up and compete with the so-called superior white Catholics like Saint Mashmont on a level playing field.

nf.23.12.12 #12,029
to mshmnt.22.12.09 #4
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evil white men who want to force women to become breeders.

Why does anyone want the government to force women to endure full term gestation when they become pregnant?

Lord Long Rod in #1 said: MSN “So this white chick, who is already a mother, gets knocked up“ • ¥ • llr!.23.12.11 #1

Why did you open that thread Saint Lordlongrid? Kate Cox put Baby Fetus Cox to death. Are you suffering any loss of your liberty, rights or harm because of it?

nf.23.12.13 #12,030
to llr!.23.12.11 #1
LeroyDumonde in #15 said: “Republicans have really screwed themselves by pandering to Evangelicals on the abortion issue.” lrydmnd.23.07.03 #15

martybegan in #97 said: “No harm comes to
anyone who wants an abortion who lives in a State that protects abortion rights in general, is that correct dipshit?” • ¥ • mrtybgn.23.12.13 #97

Republican women who live in a state that tramples abortion rights are harmed the same as Democrat women are harmed when their bodies become under state mandatory supervision from the moment they become pregnant.

Why do you Saint Martybegan support what
LeroyDumonde in #15 advises: is Republican Party politicians pandering to white Christian Evangelicals on the abortion issue?

nf.23.12.13 #12,031
to mrtybgn.23.12.13 #97
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the creator is a supernatural being.

ding in #71 said: We don't see anyone doing "evil" for the sake of "evil." Even Satan. Satan does "evil" for his own good. • ¥ • A more accurate way of looking at "evil" is that "evil" is the absence of good. It's helpful to remember, that the creator is infinite goodness and everything he created is good. •¥¥ • It's also helpful to remember that from our perspective the creator is a supernatural being • ¥¥¥ • dvng.23.12.13 #71

Following Saint Ding’s supernatural reasoning it must be that Kate Cox is evil for intentionally killing the Biblical Creator’s fetus with it’s unique dna because this fetus interfered with Kate Cox’s natural rights enshrined in the Declaration of Independence: life liberty and pursuit of happiness.

It is the need to eradicate “evil” in others that drives Saint Ding to support what
LeroyDumonde in #15 advises: is Republican Party politicians pandering to white Christian Evangelicals on the abortion issue?

nf.23.12.14 #12,032
to dvng.23.12.13 #71
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Libby von H in #499 quotes: In his Farewell Address of September 1796, Washington called religion, as the source of morality, "a necessary spring of popular government," lbbyvnh.23.12.14 #499

George Washington also said any religion will do if it produces law abiding productive citizens,

Believing Jesus Christ being the Son of God, born of Virgin Mary, crucified dead and buried, risen from the dead and ascended into heaven is what provides a believer with eternal salvation in a blessed relationship with the Almighty God was not a requirement for being religious. Judaism, Hinduism and Mohammedanism were considered to be “religion” to General Washington.

Washington’s “religion” was not what we get pushed on us by white Christian nationalists since the 1950’s and the sexual revolution of the Sixties.

nf.23.12.24 #12,033
to lbbyvnh.23.12.14 #499
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evil doers

lennypartiv in #1 raisin d’etre of Trump Cult: “They understand what our Founding Fathers wanted America to be” • ¥ • lnnyprtv.23.12.12 #1

lennypartiv in #1 said: “Because so many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evil doers” • ¥¥ • lnnyprtv.23.12.12 #1

Saint Lennypartiv in POST lnnyprtv.23.12.12 #1 provides the ultimate purpose and irrational reason for the existence of the Trump White Christian Nationalists Cult.

Non-belief that Saint Lennypartiv’s LordnSavior Jesus Christ founded the United States of America renders all to “evil doers” hellbent upon destroying America behind Satan in some supernatural spiritual warfare being fought between A Desert God snd a fallen Angel.

nf.23.12.15 #12,035
to lnnyprtv.23.12.12 #1
Jim H - VA USA cites DJT’s words: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" January 6, 2021 jvmhvvvsv.23.12.15 #311

Jim H - VA USA in #311 said: Fraud is intentional deception. Conversely, it is clear that Trump believed the election was stolen for the reasons mentioned and sought what he believed to be legal means to appropriately challenge the results. jvmhvvvsv.23.12.15 #311

There was no challenge opportunity after all the states certified their results by December 12 2020 and official slates of electors were sent to the Senate to be read on January 6 2021.

Jim H - VA USA in #311 said Historically, countless similar challenges have been made, and it's apparently a feature of a functioning democracy. jvmhvvvsv.23.12.15 #311

No. Democracy could not function if the loser could stop the transfer of power to the winner simply by believing the winner didn’t really win. DJT was the first one term President to attempt to reject the certified results of seven states that he lost. By Jan6 Trump was not challenging v the results in any state. He was manipulating the role that Mike Pence played in counting the electors. He wanted Pence to create chaos by declaring Trump/Pence the winner. Chaos caused by fraud was the only path to win so Trump hath thought.

nf.23.12.15 #12,036
to jvmhvvvsv.23.12.15 #311
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Kellyanne Conway is deeply invested in the Saving Baby Fetus Cult which establishes her self-anointed moral superiority over all those outside the white Christian nationalists Biblical Worldview crusade to force full term gestation on all women
How do you feel about the way Christians have treated communists?

“To rescue democracy, America must reject the bizarre Supreme Court-created doctrine of "corporate personhood."

How the Supreme Court brought America to the brink of dictatorship pblshd.23.12.07 Thom Hartmann

lennypartiv in #1 raisin d’etre of Trump Cult: They understand what our Founding Fathers wanted America to be. • ¥ • lnnyprtv.23.12.12 #1

Our founding fathers did not intend for fetuses and super corporations to be persons.

Saint Lennypartiv is a traitor to the founders of America because of his devotion to the cult of white Christian Nationalism that controls the Republican Party and the unelectected Supreme Court.

nf.23.12.17 #12,039
to lnnyprtv.23.12.12 #1
new, living, genetically distinct human being

ding in #4615 said: The existence of a new, living, genetically distinct human being isn't arbitrary. It's literally the point in time when it became alive and human. dvng.23.10.10 #4,615

Flash in #23 said: Libtards hate . . . freedom of religion • ¥ • flvsh.23.10.02 #23

See POST nf.23.10.12 #11,375 regarding white Biblical Catholic and Protestant fetal stage personhood.

Acknowledging personhood prior to birth is a matter of private personal religious belief or a matter of conscience for every individual.

Saint Flash is wrong to attack the left over religious freedom.

It is rightwingers Saint Ding and Saint Flash who deny religious freedom or freedom of conscience to women when they are pregnant,

nf.23.12.18 #12,040
to flvsh.23.10.02 #23

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