Roger Stone Admits he has had contact with Russian Hacker today ( Trumps campaign Adviser )

Guccifer 2.0 is believed by the U.S. intelligence community to be a cover identity for Russian intelligence. The intelligence community concluded that Moscow sought to interfere in last year's election specifically to help Trump win.

Stone told the Times exchanged a handful of messages with Guccifer 2.0 in the weeks following a hack of the DNC, which was revealed in late July.

In one message from Aug. 14, Stone said he was "delighted" that Guccifer 2.0's Twitter account had been reinstated after being suspended.

Trump adviser admits to contact with DNC hacker

Two quotes from your link: My bold

"Guccifer 2.0 is believed by the U.S. intelligence community to be a cover identity for Russian intelligence."

"Reports from the intelligence community said Guccifer 2.0 was used to publicly release the data from hacks, but that the hacks themselves were conducted by Russia."

So which is it, is Guccifer 2.0 a tool, or is it Russian Intel?

I find it amazing that these fake news folks aren't even smart enough to realize they are putting conflicting information in the same article.
sure they are. post it.
Unlike Trump & Co. and his Russian buddies, I'm not a hacker. And of course, they didn't hack the RNC.

So the RNC had better internet security. Good for them. I am quite sure that hacks were attempted.
No, they weren't hacked. Russians, working with Trump's campaign, hacked the DNC. Why would they hack the RNC?

Considering that the Podesta Group was working for and being paid by the Russians to get the sanctions lifted, why would they hack the DNC?
Ask Trump, he was the one personally encouraging Russia to hack Hillary.

Another big fat lie.
Just a thought, call me a conspiracy theorist if you like. Are there hackers that are good enough to hack someone's emails and make it look like the Russians did it (But the Russians didn't do do)?
Could there be a hacker somewhere in the world laughing his head off because he has duped US intelligence into thinking the Russians did it?
Two quotes from your link: My bold

"Guccifer 2.0 is believed by the U.S. intelligence community to be a cover identity for Russian intelligence."

"Reports from the intelligence community said Guccifer 2.0 was used to publicly release the data from hacks, but that the hacks themselves were conducted by Russia."

So which is it, is Guccifer 2.0 a tool, or is it Russian Intel?

I find it amazing that these fake news folks aren't even smart enough to realize they are putting conflicting information in the same article.

Guccifer 2.0 is a nrussian cover, just like Jennings and Brewster was a CIA cover. And if Stone was talking to Guccifer, he was exchanging information with the russians.
Just a thought, call me a conspiracy theorist if you like. Are there hackers that are good enough to hack someone's emails and make it look like the Russians did it (But the Russians didn't do do)?
Could there be a hacker somewhere in the world laughing his head off because he has duped US intelligence into thinking the Russians did it?

It is possible, but that would be as hard as someone hacking into the pentagon or the cia, so their exploits would look like they came from the us government. But that assumes the NSA didn't do data packet matching to trace where Guccifer 2.0 originated.
No, they weren't hacked. Russians, working with Trump's campaign, hacked the DNC. Why would they hack the RNC?

Considering that the Podesta Group was working for and being paid by the Russians to get the sanctions lifted, why would they hack the DNC?
Ask Trump, he was the one personally encouraging Russia to hack Hillary.

OK. just for drill, lets say that the Russians hacked the DNC and turned the info over to wikileaks who put it on the internet for all to see. So, what did that reveal? 1. corruption within the DNC to skew the primaries for Hillary, 2. that the DNC lied to democrats, 3. that the superdelegates control the dem primary and the rest of the delegates don't mean shit, 4. that the media conspired with the Hillary campaign to cheat and give her interview and debate questions ahead of time.

So that hacking provided the American voters with the truth about Hillary, the DNC, and the media. What exactly do you find wrong with the voters knowing the truth?

Next, on the dem/media/lib claim that the Russians changed the outcome of our election. Prove it.
You're beyond retarded. First you say Americans voters were shown the truth about Hillary/DNC lies and corruption, but then idiotically pretend like that didn't sway the election.


of course the truth may have swayed the election. Would you think it better if the voters were kept in the dark?
You're too crazy. Earlier, you intimated the hacking did not have an impact on the election; now you admit it may have. Your mind is so confused, you can't decide.
Unlike Trump & Co. and his Russian buddies, I'm not a hacker. And of course, they didn't hack the RNC.

Perhaps the RNC heard of new fangled things like Sonic Wall?
The better question is... why would Trump encourage Russia to hack his campaign?

better question: why would Russia prefer Trump when Hillary gave them half of our uranium reserves?
Because Russia is not as dumb as you to fall for that bullshit. No, Hillary did not give Russia half of our Uranium, ya lyin' conservative. You just can't stop lying, can you? No wonder you like Trump.

my error, it was only 20%.

That's progress, I suppose. Now show where she gave it away, other than being one of nine federal agencies to sign off on allowing a foreign corporation to provide Russia with that uranium.
Considering that the Podesta Group was working for and being paid by the Russians to get the sanctions lifted, why would they hack the DNC?
Ask Trump, he was the one personally encouraging Russia to hack Hillary.

OK. just for drill, lets say that the Russians hacked the DNC and turned the info over to wikileaks who put it on the internet for all to see. So, what did that reveal? 1. corruption within the DNC to skew the primaries for Hillary, 2. that the DNC lied to democrats, 3. that the superdelegates control the dem primary and the rest of the delegates don't mean shit, 4. that the media conspired with the Hillary campaign to cheat and give her interview and debate questions ahead of time.

So that hacking provided the American voters with the truth about Hillary, the DNC, and the media. What exactly do you find wrong with the voters knowing the truth?

Next, on the dem/media/lib claim that the Russians changed the outcome of our election. Prove it.
You're beyond retarded. First you say Americans voters were shown the truth about Hillary/DNC lies and corruption, but then idiotically pretend like that didn't sway the election.

Too funny! :clap2:
Yes, the American people deserve to see the truth of the Dem corruption but it no way changed the mind of voters.

Truly CONvoluted thinking.

so lets see if I get what you are saying. You think it would be better if the voters did not know the truth about presidential candidates and corruption within the parties and the media? Is that it?
Sounds like you're in favor of one side hacking the other side as long as what they reveal is what you consider to be the truth.
So the RNC had better internet security. Good for them. I am quite sure that hacks were attempted.
No, they weren't hacked. Russians, working with Trump's campaign, hacked the DNC. Why would they hack the RNC?
That's a serious accusation. Have you got any proof?

No? . . . . . . . I didn't think so.
You must be the last idiot on Earth to not see Roger Stone's confession.

You mean the confession where he had contact with Guccifer 2.0, after hacked DNC info was already released?
Podesta's emails were released after Stone's conversation with Guccifer 2.0. And it was Stone who brought up Podesta's name, not Guccifer 2.0

And the hack occurred before the conversation.
So the RNC had better internet security. Good for them. I am quite sure that hacks were attempted.
No, they weren't hacked. Russians, working with Trump's campaign, hacked the DNC. Why would they hack the RNC?

Considering that the Podesta Group was working for and being paid by the Russians to get the sanctions lifted, why would they hack the DNC?
Ask Trump, he was the one personally encouraging Russia to hack Hillary.

He wanted them to hack the emails she deleted, from the already disassembled server? DERP!
Thanks for confirming he encouraged them to hack Hillary, just as I said.

Yes, he encouraged them to hack Hillary's disassembled server for emails she deleted. DERP!
Try to find a Russian connection to Trump = quizzillions being spent

Tell the Democrats the Podestas are being paid by the Kremlins bank to lift sanctions=not a penny.
So the RNC had better internet security. Good for them. I am quite sure that hacks were attempted.
No, they weren't hacked. Russians, working with Trump's campaign, hacked the DNC. Why would they hack the RNC?
That's a serious accusation. Have you got any proof?

No? . . . . . . . I didn't think so.
You must be the last idiot on Earth to not see Roger Stone's confession.

You mean the confession where he had contact with Guccifer 2.0, after hacked DNC info was already released?

Then went on to "predict" that Podesta was next.

So what?
How nuts is this? The Podesta group is being paid by the Kremlin bank aka the Russian government to lift sanctions and we are still dancing aroud Democrats exposing Jared Kushner's FREAKING MOTHERS bank account.

Are you kidding me?
So the RNC had better internet security. Good for them. I am quite sure that hacks were attempted.
No, they weren't hacked. Russians, working with Trump's campaign, hacked the DNC. Why would they hack the RNC?

Considering that the Podesta Group was working for and being paid by the Russians to get the sanctions lifted, why would they hack the DNC?
Ask Trump, he was the one personally encouraging Russia to hack Hillary.

He wanted them to hack the emails she deleted, from the already disassembled server? DERP!
Yes, he encouraged them to further hack Clinton. That's the point, fool.

How do you hack equipment that's off-line, in custody of the US authorities?
Unlike Trump & Co. and his Russian buddies, I'm not a hacker. And of course, they didn't hack the RNC.

So the RNC had better internet security. Good for them. I am quite sure that hacks were attempted.
No, they weren't hacked. Russians, working with Trump's campaign, hacked the DNC. Why would they hack the RNC?
That's a serious accusation. Have you got any proof?

No? . . . . . . . I didn't think so.
You must be the last idiot on Earth to not see Roger Stone's confession.
He didn't "confess" to anything that matters.

Sure. Having direct conversations with the hacker about Podesta a week before his emails were splashed across the Internet is "nothing that matters. :lol:
No, they weren't hacked. Russians, working with Trump's campaign, hacked the DNC. Why would they hack the RNC?

Considering that the Podesta Group was working for and being paid by the Russians to get the sanctions lifted, why would they hack the DNC?
Ask Trump, he was the one personally encouraging Russia to hack Hillary.

OK. just for drill, lets say that the Russians hacked the DNC and turned the info over to wikileaks who put it on the internet for all to see. So, what did that reveal? 1. corruption within the DNC to skew the primaries for Hillary, 2. that the DNC lied to democrats, 3. that the superdelegates control the dem primary and the rest of the delegates don't mean shit, 4. that the media conspired with the Hillary campaign to cheat and give her interview and debate questions ahead of time.

So that hacking provided the American voters with the truth about Hillary, the DNC, and the media. What exactly do you find wrong with the voters knowing the truth?

Next, on the dem/media/lib claim that the Russians changed the outcome of our election. Prove it.
You're beyond retarded. First you say Americans voters were shown the truth about Hillary/DNC lies and corruption, but then idiotically pretend like that didn't sway the election.

Too funny! :clap2:
Yes, the American people deserve to see the truth of the Dem corruption but it no way changed the mind of voters.

Truly CONvoluted thinking.

The truth hurt Hillary?
What's the problem then?
Two quotes from your link: My bold

"Guccifer 2.0 is believed by the U.S. intelligence community to be a cover identity for Russian intelligence."

"Reports from the intelligence community said Guccifer 2.0 was used to publicly release the data from hacks, but that the hacks themselves were conducted by Russia."

So which is it, is Guccifer 2.0 a tool, or is it Russian Intel?

I find it amazing that these fake news folks aren't even smart enough to realize they are putting conflicting information in the same article.

Guccifer 2.0 is a nrussian cover, just like Jennings and Brewster was a CIA cover. And if Stone was talking to Guccifer, he was exchanging information with the russians.

Once again, how can Russian Intel "use" Guccifer to release information if Guccifer is Russian Intel? Why didn't the reporter say, The Russians released the information under the name of Guccifer 2.0? Also if Stone wanted to collude with the Russians, do you seriously think he would do it on a public forum like Twitter?
So the RNC had better internet security. Good for them. I am quite sure that hacks were attempted.
No, they weren't hacked. Russians, working with Trump's campaign, hacked the DNC. Why would they hack the RNC?
That's a serious accusation. Have you got any proof?

No? . . . . . . . I didn't think so.
You must be the last idiot on Earth to not see Roger Stone's confession.
He didn't "confess" to anything that matters.

Sure. Having direct conversations with the hacker about Podesta a week before his emails were splashed across the Internet is "nothing that matters. :lol:

It's even matters less when you know Podesta fell for a phishing scam and wasn't hacked. No need to let facts cloud good commiecrat propaganda.
How nuts is this? The Podesta group is being paid by the Kremlin bank aka the Russian government to lift sanctions and we are still dancing aroud Democrats exposing Jared Kushner's FREAKING MOTHERS bank account.

Are you kidding me?

The podesta group does't have any ties to the government. They're registered foreign lobbyists with the DOJ, and are operating fully within the law. The Trump associates are denying they're foreign connections, even lying about them We don't have to fear the foreign agents we know are foreign agents. It's the one's who pretend to be loyal americans infiltrating the US government comrade.

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