Roger Stone gets 40 month sentence.

I just heard Fat Donnie crying about how bad Stone was treated. I wonder who will be paying Roger's $20K fine? Poor guy is f'n broke and going to jail. TFB.
Excellent news, and he ain’t gonna get a new trial. Witnesses were all approved by him and his defense.

And if President Poopstain pardons the rat fucker who he committed criminal acts with, America will lash out in November.

Lock ‘em BOTH up!

You are joking because if you think anyone beside you cares about Pardons in this era of Politics, well you are as naive as Nancy Pelosi thinking she could get Trump with Impeachment!
Prosecutors following sentencing guidelines makes them haters? Get a grip.
Do you mean the guidelines this judge today called "over reaching"? You've never had a grip...not on reality.

The treatment of Stone, from the 6 AM home raid more appropriate for the arrest of El Chapo or Bin Laden than a non violent 67 year old political consultant, to this incredibly politicized trial (Tomeka Hart) which will go to retrial, to this repudiation of zealot prosecutors who wanted almost triple the jail time for Roger Stone this judge gave to him it's all been
about Trump hate and striking at Trump through Stone.

You are just a not that bright troll who is a hater yourself. I can see why you can't understand.
There is much you can't figure out.
Hmm. Lets try it and see.

Have you always been a fan of criminal sleazebags DOTaRd .. just so long as they do their criming & sleazing for your team?

Pretty sad man

"America will lash out" lol..and "the stock market is overvalued".

You’re still as worthless as ever - complete waste of humanity and bandwidth. See ya clown :)

Before you run about one more stock market prediction? Come on...just for grins.
i don't know crud about the stock market, other than guesses...from a complete layman... but I think I would be watching on how the Chinese Corona sp? virus is doing... how fast is it spreading, how many quarantined to their homes, how many die etc etc, mother nature may bite us in the butt... cause a huge slowdown, with simply a fear of the virus, let alone wiping out their already skilled manufacturing workforce via mandatory Quarantines....

I really don't know, but this could cause a world wide slowdown... if we lose a good percentage of production of products we buy in China due to the quarantines, then prices could sky rocket due to limited production... a greater demand than manufactured stock on hand... inflation, which could also contribute to a possible slow down...

then again, we could have developed a vaccine for it, in a month or two, then the economy keeps on booming???

HUGE concern for global markets & I’m watching it like a hawk.
Three years beats the seven to nine years the Trump hating DOJ lawyers wanted to give him.
That's a win. Seven to nine years is a farce!

It's still a farce until Comey and Brennan are in there for the same three years with him.
Berman Jackson is a total partisan hack.....he decision history might as well be the charter
form of the DNC.

Have you always been a fan of criminal sleazebags DOTaRd .. just so long as they do their criming & sleazing for your team?

Pretty sad man

"America will lash out" lol..and "the stock market is overvalued".

You’re still as worthless as ever - complete waste of humanity and bandwidth. See ya clown :)

Before you run about one more stock market prediction? Come on...just for grins.
i don't know crud about the stock market, other than guesses...from a complete layman... but I think I would be watching on how the Chinese Corona sp? virus is doing... how fast is it spreading, how many quarantined to their homes, how many die etc etc, mother nature may bite us in the butt... cause a huge slowdown, with simply a fear of the virus, let alone wiping out their already skilled manufacturing workforce via mandatory Quarantines....

I really don't know, but this could cause a world wide slowdown... if we lose a good percentage of production of products we buy in China due to the quarantines, then prices could sky rocket due to limited production... a greater demand than manufactured stock on hand... inflation, which could also contribute to a possible slow down...

then again, we could have developed a vaccine for it, in a month or two, then the economy keeps on booming???

HUGE concern for global markets & I’m watching it like a hawk.

Nothing can be done if China is refusing our help:

China Refuses US Aid in Fight against Coronavirus
If Dems nominate Bernie, you’ll prolly be correct.
Even a hater of our Constitutionally guaranteed orderly transfer of political power like yourself can read the writing on the wall.
And if the mentally impaired Joe Biden or ethically impaired Liz Warren gets the nomination...same result.
At least this time you can't claim you were surprised.

Dumpster Boy will win and we can kiss this country farewell.
Just like it's lost now? :113:
With all that economic prosperity, a country at peace and domestic tranquility...actually the left is responsible for
domestic terrorism. I'm disappointed Trump hasn't gone after Antifa. Maybe next term.

Otherwise, the NY AG will be waiting on 1-20-21 with a pair of tiny handcuffs.
Dream big, if you're going to dream
your handcuff dream.
It's still a farce until Comey and Brennan are in there for the same three years with him.
Berman Jackson is a total partisan hack.....he decision history might as well be the charter
form of the DNC.

At a minimum just Comey and Brennan. And for much longer than a mere three years.
Time for a pardon/commute, put an end to this charade.
there is a small little problem with that... President Trump is implicated in Roger's trial, so although he can pardon any and all criminals he wants, I do not believe he can pardon a criminal, in a crime that he was implicated, without great scrutiny for a possible abuse of power...

but I don't know for certain?

I think it would cause less uproar if he just commutes his sentence, where he serves no jail?

BUT THAT MEANS Pres.Trump will likely pardon him.... Trump loves to see us fighting each other, and the mayhem and chaos! :lol:

The President is not implicated in anything Stone did. It was proven there was no collusion in Mueller’s investigation, total exoneration. All Stone did was get wind of WikiLeaks releases. Is it illegal for a citizen to know about WikiLeaks? No...
So what is President Trump supposedly tied to?
No- that is not all of what Stone did.

He went to trial in November and was convicted on on seven counts -- telling Congress five lies, obstructing lawmakers from reviewing documents and threatening Credico to pressure him to lie to Congress so as not to expose Stone.

Telling Congress supposed “lies”. Did Dr. Ford go to jail for lying to Congress about Kavanaugh? Did Anita Hill go to jail for lying about Thomas? Clapper and Comey both lied under oath, not even charged with anything.

I think Stone acted stupidly in threatening that guy’s dog over the phone, but that is hardly something to send someone to prison for.

Of course you don't think anything done by your Dear Leader's buddies is a crime.

Of course you don't.

Lying to congress is pretty stupid.....
Don't know what possessed him but he definitely should have known better.
Maybe he saw Comey and Brennan lying their asses off and getting away with it.

Prosecutors following sentencing guidelines makes them haters? Get a grip.
Do you mean the guidelines this judge today called "over reaching"? You've never had a grip...not on reality.

The treatment of Stone, from the 6 AM home raid more appropriate for the arrest of El Chapo or Bin Laden than a non violent 67 year old political consultant, to this incredibly politicized trial (Tomeka Hart) which will go to retrial, to this repudiation of zealot prosecutors who wanted almost triple the jail time for Roger Stone this judge gave to him it's all been
about Trump hate and striking at Trump through Stone.

You are just a not that bright troll who is a hater yourself. I can see why you can't understand.
There is much you can't figure out.

You are on the losing side of understanding Federal guidelines.

How serious were the charges brought against Roger Stone? I understand they carried a maximum prison term of 50 years.

For a public corruption and dishonesty case, pretty serious. Most obviously he tampered with witnesses, obstructed a congressional investigation, and lied to government agents. Yes, if all the authorized potential sentences were imposed for all Stone’s counts of conviction and were served consecutively, 50 years was theoretically possible. But while the federal sentencing laws are notoriously harsh and there has long been a perception that the federal sentencing guidelines are very rigid and formulaic, they always allowed for some flexibility (now even more under Supreme Court rulings). Especially important are the “grouping” rules, by which when there are overlapping counts for related conduct, the ultimate sentence is usually far lower than any theoretical maximum.

Was the recommendation by prosecutors reasonable? I think they suggested 7-9 years.

Yes. True, he had no criminal record so he gets the lowest possible score for “criminal history.” But the guidelines calculation involved certain so-called “enhancements” because of the particularly egregious way he committed his crimes, including threats of harm to a witness and repeated disobedience of judicial orders.

Stanford Law’s Robert Weisberg on Roger Stone Sentencing and Independence of the DOJ | Stanford Law School
Nobody's gotten away with it. How many of his henchmen are in prison now? Hard to keep track.
Surely the number pales when compared to the embedded Obama holdovers who were behind the attempted coup of Trump for the Russian collusion deception. And the Ukraine fiasco also.
You are on the losing side of understanding Federal guidelines.

How serious were the charges brought against Roger Stone? I understand they carried a maximum prison term of 50 years.

For a public corruption and dishonesty case, pretty serious. Most obviously he tampered with witnesses, obstructed a congressional investigation, and lied to government agents. Yes, if all the authorized potential sentences were imposed for all Stone’s counts of conviction and were served consecutively, 50 years was theoretically possible. But while the federal sentencing laws are notoriously harsh and there has long been a perception that the federal sentencing guidelines are very rigid and formulaic, they always allowed for some flexibility (now even more under Supreme Court rulings). Especially important are the “grouping” rules, by which when there are overlapping counts for related conduct, the ultimate sentence is usually far lower than any theoretical maximum.

Was the recommendation by prosecutors reasonable? I think they suggested 7-9 years.

Yes. True, he had no criminal record so he gets the lowest possible score for “criminal history.” But the guidelines calculation involved certain so-called “enhancements” because of the particularly egregious way he committed his crimes, including threats of harm to a witness and repeated disobedience of judicial orders.
Okay. Thanks much, Poindexter. Hard to see how the sentencing judge missed all that. :113:
You are on the losing side of understanding Federal guidelines.

How serious were the charges brought against Roger Stone? I understand they carried a maximum prison term of 50 years.

For a public corruption and dishonesty case, pretty serious. Most obviously he tampered with witnesses, obstructed a congressional investigation, and lied to government agents. Yes, if all the authorized potential sentences were imposed for all Stone’s counts of conviction and were served consecutively, 50 years was theoretically possible. But while the federal sentencing laws are notoriously harsh and there has long been a perception that the federal sentencing guidelines are very rigid and formulaic, they always allowed for some flexibility (now even more under Supreme Court rulings). Especially important are the “grouping” rules, by which when there are overlapping counts for related conduct, the ultimate sentence is usually far lower than any theoretical maximum.

Was the recommendation by prosecutors reasonable? I think they suggested 7-9 years.

Yes. True, he had no criminal record so he gets the lowest possible score for “criminal history.” But the guidelines calculation involved certain so-called “enhancements” because of the particularly egregious way he committed his crimes, including threats of harm to a witness and repeated disobedience of judicial orders.
Okay. Thanks much, Poindexter. Hard to see how the sentencing judge missed all that. :113:
So you agree he got off pretty easy for committing egregious crimes.
Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months by the unhinged Obama judge, however he will not start serving it until the ruling about a retrial occurs.

Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison as judge slams him for 'covering up for' Trump
Unhinged?! How do you figure? She ignored the initial 7-9 year recommendation and sentenced Stone exactly in line with how Barr recommended. That doesn’t sound unhinged to me.

She proclaimed Stone was “covering up” for President Trump. Covering up what? Stone receiving emails isn’t illegal, nor would President Trump’s knowledge of any emails.

She also allowed a batshit crazy anti-Trumper to be the jury foreman. Yea, I’m sure she went in with an opened mind. Not a very good judge of that one slipped through, or she was aware and let it happen knowing it would be a rigged result. Either way she’s a terrible judge.
Yeah, trumpdog runs a crime family and the jerkwad trumpbots on these forums still haven't figured this out yet. Time to get some honesty in the white house again, so go bernie, go.
Perhaps you could name some of these crimes he has committed.
Trump's art of the deal ghostwriter already laid it all out.
Name one crime, asshole.
There are too many to name just one.
But on the top of the list:
18 U.S. Code § 872 extortion
2 U.S. Code § 192 Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers
18 U.S. Code § 610 Coercion of political activity
52 U.S. Code § 30121 Donations by foreign officials.
If Dems nominate Bernie, you’ll prolly be correct.
Even a hater of our Constitutionally guaranteed orderly transfer of political power like yourself can read the writing on the wall.
And if the mentally impaired Joe Biden or ethically impaired Liz Warren gets the nomination...same result.
At least this time you can't claim you were surprised.

Dumpster Boy will win and we can kiss this country farewell.
Just like it's lost now? :113:
With all that economic prosperity, a country at peace and domestic tranquility...actually the left is responsible for
domestic terrorism. I'm disappointed Trump hasn't gone after Antifa. Maybe next term.

Otherwise, the NY AG will be waiting on 1-20-21 with a pair of tiny handcuffs.
Dream big, if you're going to dream
your handcuff dream.

Where do you people come up with this shit? Yes, there will be a grand reckoning for President Mushroom Dick & his sycophantic cult members. You’d best buckle the fuck up!

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