Roger Stone gets 40 month sentence.

Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months by the unhinged Obama judge, however he will not start serving it until the ruling about a retrial occurs.

Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison as judge slams him for 'covering up for' Trump
Unhinged?! How do you figure? She ignored the initial 7-9 year recommendation and sentenced Stone exactly in line with how Barr recommended. That doesn’t sound unhinged to me.

She proclaimed Stone was “covering up” for President Trump. Covering up what? Stone receiving emails isn’t illegal, nor would President Trump’s knowledge of any emails.

She also allowed a batshit crazy anti-Trumper to be the jury foreman. Yea, I’m sure she went in with an opened mind. Not a very good judge of that one slipped through, or she was aware and let it happen knowing it would be a rigged result. Either way she’s a terrible judge.

When you have a shit judicial system, you have a shit judicial system. When the highest judges in the land are appointed based on their political affiliations, not their ability, what do you expect? USA the greatest country in the world? Laughable....
Yeah, trumpdog runs a crime family and the jerkwad trumpbots on these forums still haven't figured this out yet. Time to get some honesty in the white house again, so go bernie, go.
Perhaps you could name some of these crimes he has committed.
Trump's art of the deal ghostwriter already laid it all out.
Name one crime, asshole.
There are too many to name just one.
But on the top of the list:
18 U.S. Code § 872 extortion
2 U.S. Code § 192 Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers
18 U.S. Code § 610 Coercion of political activity
52 U.S. Code § 30121 Donations by foreign officials.
And yet, none of your fantasies were listed in the Articles of Impeachment.

Time for a pardon/commute, put an end to this charade.

I don't think that the forty month decision will hold after a new trial takes place and a pardon or commutation will not be necessary. I also believe that Flynn will also be exonerated and exonerated too.

There isn't going to be a new trial. The judge already denied it.
Yeah, trumpdog runs a crime family and the jerkwad trumpbots on these forums still haven't figured this out yet. Time to get some honesty in the white house again, so go bernie, go.
Perhaps you could name some of these crimes he has committed.
Trump's art of the deal ghostwriter already laid it all out.
Name one crime, asshole.
There are too many to name just one.
But on the top of the list:
18 U.S. Code § 872 extortion
2 U.S. Code § 192 Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers
18 U.S. Code § 610 Coercion of political activity
52 U.S. Code § 30121 Donations by foreign officials.
And yet, none of your fantasies were listed in the Articles of Impeachment.


yet the impeachment happened anyway -

give yourself a hummmmmmmmmmer.
Yeah, trumpdog runs a crime family and the jerkwad trumpbots on these forums still haven't figured this out yet. Time to get some honesty in the white house again, so go bernie, go.
Perhaps you could name some of these crimes he has committed.
Trump's art of the deal ghostwriter already laid it all out.
Name one crime, asshole.
There are too many to name just one.
But on the top of the list:
18 U.S. Code § 872 extortion
2 U.S. Code § 192 Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers
18 U.S. Code § 610 Coercion of political activity
52 U.S. Code § 30121 Donations by foreign officials.
Yeah, that’s why Mueller, the fbi, along with an entire Dem divy couldn’t prove any of them.
Yeah, trumpdog runs a crime family and the jerkwad trumpbots on these forums still haven't figured this out yet. Time to get some honesty in the white house again, so go bernie, go.
Perhaps you could name some of these crimes he has committed.
Trump's art of the deal ghostwriter already laid it all out.
Name one crime, asshole.
There are too many to name just one.
But on the top of the list:
18 U.S. Code § 872 extortion
2 U.S. Code § 192 Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers
18 U.S. Code § 610 Coercion of political activity
52 U.S. Code § 30121 Donations by foreign officials.
Yeah, that’s why Mueller, the fbi, along with an entire Dem divy couldn’t prove any of them.

proven in the house -

end of story
Yeah, trumpdog runs a crime family and the jerkwad trumpbots on these forums still haven't figured this out yet. Time to get some honesty in the white house again, so go bernie, go.
Perhaps you could name some of these crimes he has committed.
Trump's art of the deal ghostwriter already laid it all out.
Name one crime, asshole.
There are too many to name just one.
But on the top of the list:
18 U.S. Code § 872 extortion
2 U.S. Code § 192 Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers
18 U.S. Code § 610 Coercion of political activity
52 U.S. Code § 30121 Donations by foreign officials.
Yeah, that’s why Mueller, the fbi, along with an entire Dem divy couldn’t prove any of them.
All that stuff is post-Mueller.
Time for a pardon/commute, put an end to this charade.
there is a small little problem with that... President Trump is implicated in Roger's trial, so although he can pardon any and all criminals he wants, I do not believe he can pardon a criminal, in a crime that he was implicated, without great scrutiny for a possible abuse of power...

but I don't know for certain?

I think it would cause less uproar if he just commutes his sentence, where he serves no jail?

BUT THAT MEANS Pres.Trump will likely pardon him.... Trump loves to see us fighting each other, and the mayhem and chaos! :lol:

The President is not implicated in anything Stone did. It was proven there was no collusion in Mueller’s investigation, total exoneration. All Stone did was get wind of WikiLeaks releases. Is it illegal for a citizen to know about WikiLeaks? No...
So what is President Trump supposedly tied to?
working to advance a foreign enemy's goal.... and lying about it.
This should make Dimwinger heads explode.


Perhaps you could name some of these crimes he has committed.
Trump's art of the deal ghostwriter already laid it all out.
Name one crime, asshole.
There are too many to name just one.
But on the top of the list:
18 U.S. Code § 872 extortion
2 U.S. Code § 192 Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers
18 U.S. Code § 610 Coercion of political activity
52 U.S. Code § 30121 Donations by foreign officials.
Yeah, that’s why Mueller, the fbi, along with an entire Dem divy couldn’t prove any of them.
All that stuff is post-Mueller.
You can’t be serious. Lol. Though, keep thinking it, you’ll pay for it in the end. Fine with me.
Yeah, trumpdog runs a crime family and the jerkwad trumpbots on these forums still haven't figured this out yet. Time to get some honesty in the white house again, so go bernie, go.
Perhaps you could name some of these crimes he has committed.
Trump's art of the deal ghostwriter already laid it all out.
Name one crime, asshole.
There are too many to name just one.
But on the top of the list:
18 U.S. Code § 872 extortion
2 U.S. Code § 192 Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers
18 U.S. Code § 610 Coercion of political activity
52 U.S. Code § 30121 Donations by foreign officials.
And yet, none of your fantasies were listed in the Articles of Impeachment.

because they were not prosecuting a crime in a criminal court.... no need for a criminal statute broken... they are not charged with having a criminal prosecution where the defendant can be sent to jail if guilty....

Why do you even think a criminal statute crime would need to be listed, since this is not a criminal trial, it's an impeachment trial.... simply a trial on whether to fire the president or whomever, or not.
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Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months by the unhinged Obama judge, however he will not start serving it until the ruling about a retrial occurs.

Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison as judge slams him for 'covering up for' Trump
Unhinged?! How do you figure? She ignored the initial 7-9 year recommendation and sentenced Stone exactly in line with how Barr recommended. That doesn’t sound unhinged to me.

She proclaimed Stone was “covering up” for President Trump. Covering up what? Stone receiving emails isn’t illegal, nor would President Trump’s knowledge of any emails.

She also allowed a batshit crazy anti-Trumper to be the jury foreman. Yea, I’m sure she went in with an opened mind. Not a very good judge of that one slipped through, or she was aware and let it happen knowing it would be a rigged result. Either way she’s a terrible judge.
Stone covering for Trump is an obvious statement... he was found guilty of lying and tampering with another wittiness. That is covering up the truth. I do t see how you can dispute that.

She didn’t allow the juror... Stones lawyers allowed the juror to serve. He political affiliations were well known, she was questioned and she was accepted by both legal teams.

You sound desperate to place blame on this judge but I’m not seeing a reasonable argument to back up your accusations.
Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months by the unhinged Obama judge, however he will not start serving it until the ruling about a retrial occurs.

Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison as judge slams him for 'covering up for' Trump
Unhinged?! How do you figure? She ignored the initial 7-9 year recommendation and sentenced Stone exactly in line with how Barr recommended. That doesn’t sound unhinged to me.

She proclaimed Stone was “covering up” for President Trump. Covering up what? Stone receiving emails isn’t illegal, nor would President Trump’s knowledge of any emails.

She also allowed a batshit crazy anti-Trumper to be the jury foreman. Yea, I’m sure she went in with an opened mind. Not a very good judge of that one slipped through, or she was aware and let it happen knowing it would be a rigged result. Either way she’s a terrible judge.

When you have a shit judicial system, you have a shit judicial system. When the highest judges in the land are appointed based on their political affiliations, not their ability, what do you expect? USA the greatest country in the world? Laughable....
You just wrote a lot of words that say absolutely nothing about this situation... waste of space. Want to try again?

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