Roger Stone’s growing Russia investigation problem — and what it means for Trump

Yup things are getting serious....liberals are vowing 'You just wait and see' more stringently when it is pointed out there is no evidence to back their accusations....
There was nothing illegal about the Trump campaign, moron. Those who insist there was have yet to produce any evidence of it.

Where's the evidence, dumbass?
In front of your willfully blind face. There are already guilty pleas and indictments.


There are no guilty pleas or indictements to collusion with the Russians, moron.
There are actual Russians under indictment, dumbass.
There was nothing illegal about the Trump campaign, moron. Those who insist there was have yet to produce any evidence of it.

Where's the evidence, dumbass?
In front of your willfully blind face. There are already guilty pleas and indictments.


There are no guilty pleas or indictements to collusion with the Russians, moron.
There are actual Russians under indictment, dumbass.
They have zero to do with Trump, dumbass. Indicting them was a joke. Herr Mewler would have better luck prosecuting the gnomes that live under the bridge.
And you have proof that Republican staffers are gay, I suppose?
That DC is a big gay city is a well known fact.

Mitchell Rivard, the LGBT Congressional Staff Association’s president, says LGBT staffers will need a voice with Donald Trump in the White House.

The association recently went to the Pentagon to tour with Army Secretary Eric Fanning, the first openly gay head of any of the military services, and held an event at the house of a gay former Republican member for 50 GOP staffers interested in joining the group.

A Voice for LGBT Staffers
And you have proof that Republican staffers are gay, I suppose?
That DC is a big gay city is a well known fact.

Mitchell Rivard, the LGBT Congressional Staff Association’s president, says LGBT staffers will need a voice with Donald Trump in the White House.

The association recently went to the Pentagon to tour with Army Secretary Eric Fanning, the first openly gay head of any of the military services, and held an event at the house of a gay former Republican member for 50 GOP staffers interested in joining the group.

A Voice for LGBT Staffers
Whenever someone says "it's a well known fact," that means it's not a fact.
Q. Ten years ago GLASS came into being. What was your role in its creation? Armstrong: I was one of the four founding members of the GLASS Caucus in 2004. At the time, I worked for a Republican senator who I had been out to since 1997. It was never an issue in my office, [in] which I was very fortunate. This was certainly not the case for many gay and lesbian staff who worked in Republican offices. It was also a misconception that just because a staffer worked in a Republican’s office, they were also a Republican. Many of us worked for states we were from and a member who did such great work for it. This is something that is still lost by some.

For Gay Staffers, a Changing Capitol Hill
And you have proof that Republican staffers are gay, I suppose?
That DC is a big gay city is a well known fact.

Mitchell Rivard, the LGBT Congressional Staff Association’s president, says LGBT staffers will need a voice with Donald Trump in the White House.

The association recently went to the Pentagon to tour with Army Secretary Eric Fanning, the first openly gay head of any of the military services, and held an event at the house of a gay former Republican member for 50 GOP staffers interested in joining the group.

A Voice for LGBT Staffers
Whenever someone says "it's a well known fact," that means it's not a fact.
No, it means you are ignorant.
Gee, a guy who is hiding out in the embassy of a country which murders journalists who oppose their marxist leader. A guy who has never once said or published anything critical of that marxist who has close ties to cuba. A guy who publishes secrets of Western nations which damages the reputation of those nations, but never exposes the evils of Russia and the KGB thug Putin.

Nah. He's not a marxist! He's a libertarian!

BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Oh my god, that's priceless.
They remind me of my dog who is contantly chasing his own tail.
Dude, I am the more intelligent CAT sitting atop the stone wall watching the snowflake stupid dogs running in a constant circle with their tongues hanging out, chasing their tails (the Witch Hunt), thinking to myself, 'You silly stupid f*ers...'

Ecuador pledges to reform repressive media law

Michelena acknowledged that the government of former President Rafael Correa had severely damaged press freedom in Ecuador, and that the 2013 Communications Law, commonly known as the 'ley mordaza' or gag law, had restricted the work of journalists. Moreno, who served as Correa's vice-president, made a dramatic shift, promising to uphold press freedom and engage in dialogue with the media.
Correa is the fucking commie Assange asked for protection. A guy who "severely damaged press freedom in Ecuador".
Time to wake up, bripat. We have traitors in our midst.
Assange is not about transparency. He is about the spread of marxism. He seeks and receives succor from the most oppressive commie fuckers on the planet, and sought to undermine our free electoral process.

And there are people in the Trump camp who worked with him. As I said almost a year ago, Roger Stone was at the top of my suspect list.
There was nothing illegal about the Trump campaign, moron. Those who insist there was have yet to produce any evidence of it.

Where's the evidence, dumbass?
In front of your willfully blind face. There are already guilty pleas and indictments.

The president has his own government news station, spilling only his propaganda....a dictator's dream.....

These right wingers do not even get the news anymore....I have been watching Fox for a few hours a day lately, to see what they are up to and I am amazed at the pure bullcrap they are passing on as news, while they do NOT REPORT on anything at all, in the Russia investigation and what is actually happening!!!

I have never ever seen anything like it! In all my years on this Earth! :eek:
So, someone who wasn't connected with Trump met Assanage right after Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails, therefore Trump conspired to collude to obstruct Hillary, er, or something

Got him this time! ®
I'm so relieved that the Special Counsel investigators are finally looking in to these very suspicious actions of Roger Stone...!

We need to find out what went on between the two.
I KNOW!!!!!!
Mueller is waiting until the last moment to even interview Stone!!!! Boy that Mueller sure is one sneaky SOB!!!!!
I bet Stone will NEVER be interviewed by Mueller.
WHY? B/C Stone has so much on Mueller et al he would blow the fucking lid off the corrupt DOJ/FBI
Why oh WHY hasn't Carter Page been charged with eating a bowl of beet soup yet!!!!!!!!!!
I KNOW!!! B/C Mueller is just waiting to charge him with picking his nose in public.
This is fast turning into the greatest American farce in US history.
And the fucking LIB MSM has brought this on themselves.
I think I'll start a petition to have President Trump be the President for life.

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