Roger Stone’s growing Russia investigation problem — and what it means for Trump

There was nothing illegal about the Trump campaign, moron. Those who insist there was have yet to produce any evidence of it.

Where's the evidence, dumbass?
In front of your willfully blind face. There are already guilty pleas and indictments.

The president has his own government news station, spilling only his propaganda....a dictator's dream.....

These right wingers do not even get the news anymore....I have been watching Fox for a few hours a day lately, to see what they are up to and I am amazed at the pure bullcrap they are passing on as news, while they do NOT REPORT on anything at all, in the Russia investigation and what is actually happening!!!

I have never ever seen anything like it! In all my years on this Earth! :eek:
So do tell us 'deplorables' where you get your 'news' from.
Just as soon as Mueller recommends charges of 'collusion' please let us know. BTY while you are at it please cite the criminal code to backup the collusion charge.
Roger Stone’s growing Russia investigation problem — and what it means for Trump

Another one drowning:

"We now have at least two concrete examples, though, of Stone saying he had been in contact with Assange — both around the same time, and both shortly before the seemingly prescient Podesta tweet. For someone who says he did not meet with Assange, Stone sure spent a conspicuous amount of time saying he had met with Assange."
Assange isn't Russian, you fucking dumbass.

Meeting with him isn't a crime of any sort.

That depends entirely on what was discussed. If you don't find it stunning that Stone predicted the exact timing of email leaks and Al Franken's demise, then you aren't paying a bit of attention.
What would the crime be, dumbass?

Conspiring with a hostile foreign nation to influence a US election -- Dumbass
There was nothing illegal about the Trump campaign, moron. Those who insist there was have yet to produce any evidence of it.

Where's the evidence, dumbass?
In front of your willfully blind face. There are already guilty pleas and indictments.

The president has his own government news station, spilling only his propaganda....a dictator's dream.....

These right wingers do not even get the news anymore....I have been watching Fox for a few hours a day lately, to see what they are up to and I am amazed at the pure bullcrap they are passing on as news, while they do NOT REPORT on anything at all, in the Russia investigation and what is actually happening!!!

I have never ever seen anything like it! In all my years on this Earth! :eek:

CNN Exposed: Producer Admits The Russia Narrative Is ‘Mostly Bullsh*t’

Project Veritas has done it again. In the latest undercover footage, CNN producer John Bonifield actually admits that the Russia narrative is “mostly bullsh*t.” As in, there’s nothing to it. CNN only continues to push the narrative for ratings. Again, Bonifield ACTUALLY SAID that. He even admitted that President Trump is right when he accuses the network of “witch hunting.”

“And so I think the president is probably right to say, like, look. You are witch hunting me. Like, you have no smoking gun, you have no real proof,” he said.
I'm so relieved that the Special Counsel investigators are finally looking in to these very suspicious actions of Roger Stone...!

We need to find out what went on between the two.
I KNOW!!!!!!
Mueller is waiting until the last moment to even interview Stone!!!! Boy that Mueller sure is one sneaky SOB!!!!!
I bet Stone will NEVER be interviewed by Mueller.
WHY? B/C Stone has so much on Mueller et al he would blow the fucking lid off the corrupt DOJ/FBI
Why oh WHY hasn't Carter Page been charged with eating a bowl of beet soup yet!!!!!!!!!!
I KNOW!!! B/C Mueller is just waiting to charge him with picking his nose in public.
This is fast turning into the greatest American farce in US history.
And the fucking LIB MSM has brought this on themselves.
I think I'll start a petition to have President Trump be the President for life.

Notice they dropped talking about Manafort? That's because Manafort started to answer every collusion question with, "well, the Podesta Brothers and I..."
Roger Stone’s growing Russia investigation problem — and what it means for Trump

Another one drowning:

"We now have at least two concrete examples, though, of Stone saying he had been in contact with Assange — both around the same time, and both shortly before the seemingly prescient Podesta tweet. For someone who says he did not meet with Assange, Stone sure spent a conspicuous amount of time saying he had met with Assange."
Assange isn't Russian, you fucking dumbass.

Meeting with him isn't a crime of any sort.

That depends entirely on what was discussed. If you don't find it stunning that Stone predicted the exact timing of email leaks and Al Franken's demise, then you aren't paying a bit of attention.
What would the crime be, dumbass?

Conspiring with a hostile foreign nation to influence a US election -- Dumbass

Assange isn't a hostile foreign nation, dumbass. It's also not against the law to "conspire" with foriegners to influence U.S. elections.
Roger Stone’s growing Russia investigation problem — and what it means for Trump

Another one drowning:

"We now have at least two concrete examples, though, of Stone saying he had been in contact with Assange — both around the same time, and both shortly before the seemingly prescient Podesta tweet. For someone who says he did not meet with Assange, Stone sure spent a conspicuous amount of time saying he had met with Assange."
Assange isn't Russian, you fucking dumbass.

Meeting with him isn't a crime of any sort.

That depends entirely on what was discussed. If you don't find it stunning that Stone predicted the exact timing of email leaks and Al Franken's demise, then you aren't paying a bit of attention.
What would the crime be, dumbass?

Conspiring with a hostile foreign nation to influence a US election -- Dumbass

Saudi Arabia and Qatar gave Hillary tens of millions
Assange isn't a hostile foreign nation, dumbass. It's also not against the law to "conspire" with foriegners to influence U.S. elections.

Assange the Swedish Rapist is a confirmed Russian stooge dumbass. As for the second part of your screed --- Yes, it is
Assange isn't a hostile foreign nation, dumbass. It's also not against the law to "conspire" with foriegners to influence U.S. elections.

Assange the Swedish Rapist is a confirmed Russian stooge dumbass. As for the second part of your screed --- Yes, it is

The term "Russian stooge" has meaning only to dumbass snowflakes. He's not a rapist. And no, it's not against the law to "conspire" with foriegners to influence U.S. elections. It's only against the law for candidate campaigns to accept something of value from foriegners.

The bottom line is that you're a gullible dumbass who swallows anything the deep state propaganda organs dispense.
he IS A TOOL of the Russian government....period.

Utter stupidity. You Stalinists have gotten to the point that any enemy of the party "iz bee wurkon foh duh Ruskies."

he leaks absolutely NOTHING on the Russian government, ever! EVEN when it is handed to him....

Open societies are much easier to expose dirt on by the merit that it is a free society.

Putin is a KGB thug, he murders his enemies, which no doubt gives Asange pause, (I mean Hillary does too, but the Arkansas cocaine cartel doesn't have the reach of the FSB)

but he is quicker than lightening, leaking files on our CIA and intelligence agencies that Russians hacked and stole.

For years the Republicans hated Wikileaks because they were exposed. Now you Stalinists hate WikiLeaks. Both the Bush neocons and you Marxists simply hate being exposed for the criminal scum that you are.

EVEN, Trump's appointed intelligence heads have come out and announced Assange is a Russian puppet....

LET ME REPEAT. President Trump's men.....not Obama's, not the ''deep state'', but president trump's agency heads state that Assange is an operative for the Russians.


and it is clear as day, that he is an operative for the Russians

boy oh boy, we've come a long long long way from this declaration of Trump's....

"Russia is a ruse. I have nothing to do with Russia. Haven't made a phone call to Russia in years. Don't speak to people from Russia.''

''I have nothing to do with Russia. To the best of my knowledge no person that I deal with does.''

In what way, Comrade?


you can't 'teach' a blind person to see.:rolleyes:

IOW, you have no idea, it was just a hating point from the Soros sites, you can't be expected to know what the fuck you're posting..
Agree on the troll part - I shouldn't feed that one. Unsure as to documentary evidence.

Only Mueller knows and my bet is that Roger is about to be called in.

Anything Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has has already been leaked.

Any bit of rumor, innuendo, or slander the crooked fuck of a witch hunter gets goes straight to the Amazon Washington Post to try and steer the narrative.
Roger Stone was booted from the Dole campaign when it turned out he was bringing other men home to have sex with his wife. Stone's appearances in gay pride parades goes a long way toward explanation.

Since he's gay, that makes him a pedophile according to the pseudocons.



He doesn't look gay to me.Even if he is gay, what does that have to do with this issue?
"He doesn't look gay to me." :71:
Yeah, I noticed that, too. :lol:

Oh look, Guno came to shit on the thread in hopes of derailing it.

That means the Stalinists have lost, and they know it.
Just lock him up

Don't you want to put him in the rack first, perhaps the iron maiden? The Inquisition needs him to perjure himself if you ever have hopes of "GETTING TRUMP!:

Does Pol Pot know you posted that?

This is about Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada.

Try a different distraction, shitflinger.
Pol Pot appreciates your support

It's good you appreciate me, shitfliger.
Anything Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has has already been leaked.

Any bit of rumor, innuendo, or slander the crooked fuck of a witch hunter gets goes straight to the Amazon Washington Post to try and steer the narrative.

Sorry, but the Mueller investigation has been tight as a drum. Your "leaks" come about when a subpoena is issued and other matters of public record good reporters find a way to dig up.
Anything Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has has already been leaked.

Any bit of rumor, innuendo, or slander the crooked fuck of a witch hunter gets goes straight to the Amazon Washington Post to try and steer the narrative.

Sorry, but the Mueller investigation has been tight as a drum. Your "leaks" come about when a subpoena is issued and other matters of public record good reporters find a way to dig up.

There are no leaks because there's nothing to leak, dumbass.
The term "Russian stooge" has meaning only to dumbass snowflakes. He's not a rapist. And no, it's not against the law to "conspire" with foriegners to influence U.S. elections. It's only against the law for candidate campaigns to accept something of value from foriegners.

The bottom line is that you're a gullible dumbass who swallows anything the deep state propaganda organs dispense.

I see - So leaked, perfectly timed emails from the DNC and Podesta weren't of value to Trump?


The term "Russian stooge" has meaning only to dumbass snowflakes. He's not a rapist. And no, it's not against the law to "conspire" with foriegners to influence U.S. elections. It's only against the law for candidate campaigns to accept something of value from foriegners.

The bottom line is that you're a gullible dumbass who swallows anything the deep state propaganda organs dispense.

I see - So leaked, perfectly timed emails from the DNC and Podesta weren't of value to Trump?


How many times does this have to be explained to you morons? "Of value" means of tangible value. It means something that can be bought and sold.

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